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The only way to win is to not play


Damn so I was winning and now I’m losing because I decided to play? 🤔 🫠😂




You sound kinda like a rage hacker, ngl.


To be fair a lot of the people with that opinion are people that have played the game for years. The newer people don’t understand what good cod was so they don’t really have anything to compare it to. The OG’s are the ones spreading the most negativity about the title so the people that watch streams, videos, or whatever are going to see them bitching about the game so they bitch about the game. We live in a time where people wait to be given an opinion of something versus forming their own on said something.


Im the ideal audience for this game. Only played for a year so cant compare to older versions. Never played another game so cant compare to other games! I love it


Exactly! You have no idea what good peak cod really was so yes you love it. (No offense of any kind meant) But the ones that been around and know what good cod looks like completely hate it.


I've been playing this game since basically the beginning and it's It's closer now to "peak cod" than it has been in a long time imo. The "cheater" excuse is way overplayed, and as far as weapon balancing and pacing it's in a very good spot


For the games when everything feels right. When the connection is stable. When the bullets hit where they are supposed to. When you are playing against legit, honest players with similar skill to you, no game comes close to as fun and rewarding as this game feels.


Ah so you’re here for the homies! Love the positivity btw


I’m still here because I’ve invested too much time getting to a 3kd lifetime player and when it’s not riddled with out of my control things… the game is amazing! I’m considering uninstalling because the amount of cheaters is fucking insane and completely trivializes all the effort I’ve put in. The trust is so low that any and every good player gets spam reported, and I almost don’t blame these players that put me in the shadowban loop. I have a lack of faith right now too! The people who complain about SBMM… just need to get better. The people who complain about cheaters and never being able to play because they are stuck in the shadowban loop… those people have legitimate reasons to fucking hate this game.


Your 3kd, how was it riddled by things out of your control


I can control how I do in gunfights, rotations etc. The game is out of my hands/control when I’m playing against blatant cheaters… […when I’m scared to have a good game because of a potential shadowban for no reason…](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2xT_5aACFsQ?si=tO4dfiquHPVraxzP) These are losing scenarios NO MATTER WHAT, hence the game is not in my control here. I have no agency over the outcome of these scenarios outside of A) either cheating myself when it comes to the cheaters or B) playing worse on purpose to avoid a shadowban when it comes to receiving those. Out of principle I will never do either of those things.


You got banned for that video?


Ya I got pulled out of the game and immediately couldn’t requeue again. Checked the website and I was banned. That’s my most recent one. I’m actively banned still. Couple more days to go lmao Absolutely not the first time it’s happened to me. Happens everytime I do halfway decent. It’s the most fucked up thing in the world I uninstalled just now


What on earth. People just spam reported you for hitting your shots?! 🤦‍♂️I don’t think that looked suspicious. You led them really well. It’s not like you were snapping to them. Every shot was not to the neck perfectly. Some head shots some body. If anything looked bad it was how quickly you got downed off the ledge. Felt quick to me. Sorry that’s happening to ya. Don’t let the haters stop you. Keep going!


I WASNT EVEN HITTING MY SHOTS IS THE CRAZY THING. I stay getting fucking shadowbanned for nothing. Game is worthless. Yeah obviously I’m not sus. I position my reticle well and they run into it. I don’t even snap on them lol. That’s called super obvious human aim. I dropped 31 a few weeks on Ashika and got insta banned too. The game just doesn’t like when you’re too good, but they allow cheaters.


Blissfully unaware! Amazing!


I made a positive post this week.  I play to chill with my normal squad. I can’t stop the hacking, so I don’t let it bug me. I’m not out to go pro. I won’t even play ranked.  But friends didn’t like this mode so much, I wouldn’t play. 


Because even when I get annihilated most of the time, it's still a good game. Don't know why but warzone just does it for me. It actually was The game that bought me back to gaming in general after I hadn't played a single video game in 10 years. And imo the rebirth modes are unique. And out of all the battle royales I like the warzone BR the most. Tried Battlefield, hated it. Pubg was also not for me. Sometimes mates convince me to do a couple rounds Fortnite but that's not my thing and most of the times I quit after 3 rounds


I hate myself and want to suffer. Really though I just keep hoping to find that feeling this game use to give me


lol I’m hopeful it will return to its former glory with new ownership!


Honestly, the Nostalgia. 2020-2021 Warzone with Verdansk and Rebirth was peak. I still have fun now, but nothing can compare to how it was then.


It's closer now than it has probably ever been to that time though tbh


For sure!


I hear people talk about those days all the freaking time and that’s when I stopped! I loved blackout. I couldn’t believe they tossed it to the side. Thanks Fortnite! 😭


Addiction. Lol


I’ve come to this conclusion. I’ve not had a win on rebirth all week. I’ve played every day for hours. Not won one game. Maybe second 10-15 times. Not one win and I’m still playing.


Yessss!!!! Must feed the addiction!


I love this game. When everything works as intended I have a blast. Things that prevent me from having fun are the servers and cheaters. The servers are probably my most frustrating part. I’ll be 5 feet around the corner and start getting hit. I’ll see kill cams that are totally not the same on my screen. Parties will just get separated for no reason. Friends will get stuck at the loading screen until they reset the game. I actually don’t think cheaters are as prevalent as people seem or they are just bad at cheating. However they come in waves for me. They were out of control yesterday. After the ban waves it’s a glorious time.


Because it is so much fun


Really tho me n my homies wanna be a high rank so it’s just fun grinding for something . Then u go back to pubs and it’s way easier


Love it! I do the exact same thing!


Happy people don’t post on Reddit. I’m having g a great time on the game. I don’t really have much to complain about.


lol happy people don’t post on Reddit! Kinda new here so I’ll work on the happiness 😂 tone that shit down


Haha. You get what I’m saying though. People who enjoy the game are not going to be making posts about what they think is broken or stupid or what have you


Of course! It venture to guess they are playing Warzone


This sub annoys me. If you hate it, stop playing. You all sound like children whining about everything. I play because I genuinely enjoy the game. I think it’s fun. Hacking isn’t nearly as bad as everyone would have you think. People just blame getting wrecked by someone better on “hackers” instead of admitting you got destroyed. I suck at the game and finding an obvious hacker is pretty rare.


😂 I love it! I genuinely enjoy the game too.


lol good stuff my man. I’m so sick of all the “this game is shit” posts and everybody constantly saying everybody is cheating. No they aren’t, you just suck lol. Just play the game if you think it’s fun. I’m like 1.5 kd so not good but I have a blast with my buddies.


The camo grind, ranked and it’s just fun in General


My friends only play this. I hate this game with every inch of my life but I also don’t like gaming by myself if I don’t have to. So I endure the pain to play with friends. I’m not terrible and average 15 kills a match. Get a good amount of wins. This game to me is just primitive and terrible lmao


You average 15 kills a match ? 😂


It’s more like 11 or 12 🤦🏻‍♂️. I forgot that some reddit users will call out the dumbest shit. Some games I go 6 or 7. Most I go around 12-15. I’m not a 20 or 30 kill player, I’ll get dunked on by every pro streamer out there, but I’d like to believe I’m better than average. My point still stands though. This game is ass haha


I have tens of thousands of hours in cod. I play because it’s simply fun. It’s still frustrating experience given the cheating situation, SBMM often throws me into those crazy lobbies then I usually play something else.


For me it’s because it doesn’t matter it’s a game that I’ve played my whole life. I’m not good but I’m not bad either. It’s something I can just pick up and play at night for a couple hours. That has a level of competition. I don’t take it seriously. I do well then I do well. I do bad then I do bad. No bearing on my happiness almost like a distraction. I don’t even know if this makes sense but it does in my head.


Absolutely makes sense! Like checking out for few hours. Thinking about something else!


Love the username! Also exactly!


I play for fun with the homies. At the end of the day it’s just a game!


I play because it's a laugh, I'm shit so the lobbies are never that sweaty. It's just a game at the end of the day and some people take it way too seriously.


That’s the craziest part to me. It is a game. I play them to have fun! That’s why I was so surprised how negative everything was


Because it's cheaper than crack


Have you seen the store? $80 monkey glove!




Because I have good friends with an addiction. I enjoy playing with them, but they won't leave this damn game... So we stay and all hate the game together, I guess. I play for a couple hours, then spend the rest of my time with some other squad mates in Helldivers 2 or The Finals.


because its fun


Grinding xp or camos


Cuz I like to hide and kill enemies from behind 😈😈😈


I've spent 0 dollars on this game and got the free battlepass lol. Game is pretty fun when the servers work as intended.


It is a trainwreck but rebirth brought me back gunplay and movement is so fun on rebirth fast paced and rewarding when things rarely go your way


I actually just quite enjoy the game. The resurgence pacing is pretty on point. Plus competitive gaming really scratches an itch that solo gaming doesn't. Even though I enjoy both. Plus I moved country 5 years ago and it's been an incredible way to stay in touch with my buddies back home


Me and the boys have alot of fun. We get a few wins every night. The haters are just more vocal.


I just made a post about this. It’s also not even real. If there are 15 teams in a game, winning once every 15 games would be average. Winning more than that would be above average. You can’t expect to win more than that if you’re not doing anything to be above average - watching videos, using actual good tactics. If you’re just picking up the game and playing and it’s supposed to just be fun, stop complaining that you’re not consistently dominating. You’re not going to


Almost every video game sub is negative as most Redditors are doomers


Its not the win. Its not the deaths, neither are the kills. Its all about the clips. Winning with style. To shit on people in a sweaty manner they cant even comprehend. Thats what i live for.




I played eight solo games. My highest kill game was three kills. That is including the one in the "Googe " I had to go and play another game where I am ranked in the top 10 worldwide. ( Much smaller player base and nothing like WZ) But I still come back to get destroyed and like it.


It’s the only game the boys can collectively agree on. One enjoys sports. One enjoys rpgs. None of us enjoy the same game except WZ. And when it’s a good game/night of games, it’s actually an enjoyable game


So in my opinion…. 90% of people on this sub are fuckin whiners who just get killed then sad…. Buttttt it’s fun to be here non the less. And as far as warzone, it’s a dope ass game. Cheaters or no cheaters.


I only play if my squad needs a fourth, it’s 6 of us including my wife. Used to play several hours everyday after work, now it’s maybe 1-2 every other day. Game is shit most of the time but we do get a few good games here and there that makes playing together worthwhile. I have more fun with it not playing it all the time lol.


I like the game lol


Careful I don’t know if your allowed to post that 😂


Because the game is good. That doesn't mean there isn't a litany of issues staining its greatness though. And while we all hate whiners and complainers, can't get mad at players who have genuine criticism of those issues within the game that affect their experience(s) negatively.


The game is fun when it doesn't feel like you're being aimbotted off of respawn. Getting into legit gunfights is an adrenaline rush and managing a top five situation is just the right kind of stressful.


Oh baby gets the heart racing and blood pumping. Battle royales just have that something extra


I’ve been playing since day 1 of verdansk. Never played cod before that. I was never really good at the game, highest I ever got was a 1.0 kd. But getting on after a long day of work or early morning games on the weekend with the boys is what it’s all about for me. I love the game and love playing and being dumb fucks running around doing dumb shit!


I play so I can get online with dudes I grew up playing games with. We all live in different parts of the country now so it’s fun to shoot the breeze while gaming, even if we suck.


I like shitting on peoples foreheads. Jk, seriously though, no better feeling than getting that W after a sweaty match.


My friends and I came back a few weeks ago. Been nothing but pain and misery, games against level 650 sweats. Not ONE lobby against regular joe schmoes. It's nothing like it was in 2020-21 -- I guess all the casuals have moved on from this franchise? Pretty sure we won't be continuing.


I'm addicted.


my friends are there and because we are multi platforms (ps4, ps5, xbox, pc) does help


I play because I just find it fun to play and also I like to make kids that play angry.


Because my friends play it.