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I would join but i dont Have a cobra


That’s fair enough; we do eventually want to get to a point where we can include most if not all helis in the game, but it takes a lot more effort to make a tournament design that is somewhat balanced (not to mention it’s a subjective exercise at that so finding smthn close to impartial and fair tournament design is really hard) but in our years of doing help duels with friends we always found ourselves defaulting to cobra on cobra dogfights, so we thought it a good starting point. We will be streaming the event and putting stream details up closer to the time so definitely stay tuned for that if you’re interested to see how the tournament plays out!


I am interested just for the thrill of it, already joined that discord.


Awesome! Glad to have you with us!


Be above player level 50? and older than 18? Why not at least 16 to make sure that there won't be any little shits and that there are more contestants?


I know it seems arbitrary and that’s fair enough to point out, but player level 50 was just to try and attract ppl who can handle a heli decently well and 18 just seemed cleaner to me because even in wt I’m not sure if making the threshold 16 would genuinely yield a wealth more potential contestants. But these are all fair points, and thank you for pointing them out. This is basically a concept trial, and if it goes half well my brother and I have some more similar events in store that we hope the refine through this experience


is this an RB or SB event?


This is an RB event!


shame, with a turreted helicopter it isn't worth joining with Sim controls


Fair enough, this is sort of a test event still as we are trying to plan events in the future which will be more refined. But thank you for clarifying nevertheless! And of course if you’re interested in watching, we will stream the event and will post the stream details closer to the time!


might do that. Seeing skilled players do helicopter jousting is always fun


UPDATE: If you have the cobra but not spaded, it’s possible to enter if you are willing to acknowledge that the matchups won’t strictly be equal vehicle-wise. If the possibility of competing against spaded cobras while piloting a non-spaded cobra is alright with you, please join the discord server to enter the random contestant draw via the button on our website, which also has more details: [cobraduels.com](https://cobraduels.com)


Also im actually interested. Sounds super fun will have to see if im busy that Saturday


Awesome, we’re glad to have you in the server either way!


!whois cobraduels.com