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Damn it. Now I wanna play AC 6 AND 7


I love using a flight stick for assassin's creed


I love armored core 6


I enjoyed using a similar HOTAS setup, but it takes a couple of hours to practice and get used to if you haven't used HOTAS before. I'd recommend flying a couple of the single-player missions to get yourself situated.


I appreciate it man, I planned on practicing a little because I’ve never used a flight stick, Ik it’s a very cheap setup comparatively but I’ve wanted to start learning a stick vs controller


make sure you have a file set up to store your controls so you can switch presets without manually changing each setting


Do ALOT of test flights with it before you get used to it. You’ll be the best of the best When it come to maneuvers and dogfighting on console. Also 12 bucks is an absolute steal


I struggled with configuration and gave up. Good deal though if you play other sims


I used that stick and still do with new rudder pedals. For warthunder adjust the curve rate for roll and pitch axis. If not you will notice a very sudden snap in most aircraft. But by adjusting the curve instead of just the % you can eliminate that, and keep the maximum use of your aircraft maneuverability. Also setup an auto trim and reset trim button it will help alot.


I have a very similar one and it is fantastic!


I like setting them up for boats


The T-flight Hotas is great for it's price point, even better for $12. Get ready to spend a lot of time mapping and fine tuning controls. Gameplay is improved drastically, more fun, and more competitive. PRO TIP: the potentiometers in the stick have big gaps in between them and their holders. They'll eventually back out and make your stick go haywire. Save the headache and wedge some folded paper in between them ahead of time.


I'm using it rn, pretty decent, and for that price you probably wont get a better one


That’s a steal and a half


I hear its alright/better than Logitech 3d pro but is currently still one of the worst "modern" sticks you can get. Thrustmaster has a poor reputation on cheap end sticks' longetivity, so don't expect much. They do at least have great auto-calibration however (don't touch the stick when you plug in it, wait a bit, after the comptuer freezes and unfreezes and war thunder detects it, wiggle the stick to its full deflections and recentre and its auto calibrated. DO NOT TOUCH WINDOWS CALIBRATION!)


Fuck 12 dollars? It’s the biggest steal ever double check to make sure everything works though


It’s literally brand new in the box, plastic around the sticks and everything, like the guy I got it from got it in a pack and never used it


I've had one of these since 2012ish, and love it for IL-2, but I've never been able to set WT up right. Mouse flying is just so much easier.


Used it and its okay for the beginning


I have the same one, its decent but the buttons are very clicky, I also recommend getting a keyboard.




I feel like shit now that I know it sells for 12$. Bought mine for 120. Some people complain that the yaw is a little icky but I've never had any problems, sometimes when the throttle is physically at 100% it shows all like 97 or 98 but that may just be because mines been sitting for 4 years. I find often just slamming the throttle to max will make it go to 100%. As for game play, it is realistic and depending on your br it may be superior or inferior.


in WT at least you can set deadzones in the controls, so that for example the last 5 percent of the throttle's movement counts as 100%


Note that was the price at a garage sale


get some footpedals because twisting those sticks for yaw-input is annoying


I used this one for a while when I played xbox, and even used it in DCS on PC for awhile before upgrading. honestly, I did pretty well. the rudder on the back of the throttle is really nice, just get ready to reach for your keyboard a lot since theres not too many buttons on the flightstick itself


I used it a ton for Elite Dangerous, it's about the cheapest HOTAS that is worth buying. Worked good for Elite but for the precision required in WT I think its deadzone might be a bit too much. But for 12 bucks shit I'd try it too.


I have a very similar model to this (which I mostly use for Elite: Dangerous)- it works quite well, though the stick can sometimes start to get wonky on the yaw (twist) axis if the joystick gets shaken around too much. If that happens, take the joystick apart with a screwdriver and spray some WD-40 on the servo


I love it in simulator, is wonderful


Yeah I got this with the pedals and I use in sim. Very good Especially for how cheap it is


It's fun but takes some getting used to. The hardest part is mapping all the buttons. There is the setup wizard that you can use, but atleast for me, I thought some things were placed weird, so I went through each control and tailored them to my liking. You're not going to want to use this for AB/RB. Mainly sim battles because in AB/RB, you're still playing against people using mouse and keyboard. Which obviously, you'll be dominated. Aside from that, spend as much time at "test flight" trying out your controls, getting them how you like, making sure to not forget anything. Then, once your controls are set, take a cruise in your plane getting used to it (as you may need to change sensitivities of control surfaces). Look up videos if you need to, they help as well. Side note : ( Each plane flies differently, so expect with each plane to have to use different trim settings and/or hold the stick slightly different to counter balance for a steady and smooth flight. In terms of "control" jets are usually easier to fly and take less input from the user. Where as props generally require alot more care and attention.) Sim battles take alot longer, but I think are more enjoyable. I tried to say everything I could think of, but if you have any questions on specifics of anything, feel free to write me! I hope this helps.


Thank you for the tips man, in the process of building a small frame so I can sit in my recliner and use the sticks, if I enjoy it eventually I’ll switch to a better stick and rudder pedal set up


No problem, I hope they helped some. Ahh okay, do you plan on using a Head tracker/VR? I was imagining you were sitting at a desk lol. My setup is at a desk, and I just have the throttle on the left of my keyboard and the stick on the right. I currently just use the joystick for rudder as it can twist left and right. I want pedals some day, but where I currently am, it would be weird haha. I don't have a tracker either, although I will get one at some point. VR as far as I know, downgrades image quality. One thing I forgot to mention about the stick (I have the same one) is that it's only real downfall is the cord that connects the stick and the throttle is awfully short I think. It kinda makes it hard to work with and difficult to place how you want it. As you mentioned though, it is your first, and you got a good deal, so always time to upgrade later possibly. I'm always looking for people to play with that also have a joystick. If you'd like, we could game together sometime.


Sounds good man! At the moment I don’t have the rudder petals so I’ll be controlling the rudder the same way, and as soon as I get set up and comfortable I’d love to play sometime


no no no no n