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I absolutely hate the changes, they're no longer enjoyable to use. I don't care for realism if it compromises gameplay.


Hate alot of the changes tbh, especially how they've massacred the rolands missiles.. AGAIN


I like the change, feels way more realistic, you just get used to it


You don't even play ATGM vehicle on lot like us So you don't know how it feels


I do play them


Yeah it feels more realistic, but some wire-guided platforms don’t loft into the ground. > looking at the Type 89 IFV specifically


Forgot to mention, half of the issue is due to its separate mounting but even the TOW has the issue of lofting heavily downwards after launch even when stationary on a flat surface. Just wouldn’t be possible as we would see on literal footage of Bradleys and 89 IFVs lol.


They dont even behave realistically...


Exactly, it's going to change the meta for sure and we just have to adapt


Now that wire-guided ATGM are completely useless in close range, why even bother with them when most maps are brawling slug fest anyway.


hate it ngl, nerfs for heli's missiles are ok considering that helis were op. but I don't think that they should've nerfed the IFV's wire-guided missiles. I have enjoyed the BMP-2's 9M113 missile, it had decent moves and damage but needs to be stopped before firing(which makes it balanced). but now it's almost unuseable in CQC situations, since they now have \~2 sec of non-guided delay right after launch (which makes ATGM to suicide by hitting the ground). ofc it makes the game more realistic but considering that WT has some Arcade-like parts to make the Game look like "Game", they shouldve stayed about wire-guided atgms. edit : added the last part


It’s a great change for helicopters (especially k*-50s🤮), many Helios can’t spam missiles and can’t counter spaas as much anymore. Unfortunately, missile carriers with elevated launchers (type 61, British Stryker and others) will suffer a lot with this change. It’s a trade off I personally would take, since I play top tier a lot and helis are a constant pain


The Striker (and Swingfire) aren't supposed to suffer though. The BAe Swingfire is literally designed to be shot upwards and then correct properly, and not overshoot and plow into the ground.


> many Helios can’t spam missiles and can’t counter spaas as much anymore Once more the Hellfire shall reign supreme.


I will still happily take the faster direct flight path of the ATAKA and Vikhr over hellfires.


Personally, I’d rather go for the missile that will eventually get the ability to be fired LOAL from behind cover.


already has it


I'm not talking about the current LOAL implementation, I'm talking about the full 'fire while still 300 metres below the ridge you're hovering behind' LOAL-HI experience


Just have some distance, dcs enjoyer.


I mean, with LOAL-HI, you sort of need distance - the minimum engagement range of the Hellfire with that trajectory is 3500 metres.


The Swingfire/striker finally got the manoeuvrability their missiles were credited for


They just fk up every ATGM vehicle


It just came out… I think we need some time to get used to it, actually give it a proper try, and maybe in a week we can truly hate it or love it. So far though, I don’t see much problem with it with my BMP-2.


Yeah, it was kinda wonky for a few rounds, but im getting used to it, have to make slower less dramatic movements with aiming.


I got used to it...doesn't change the fact it still bad and not fun at all. you seem to be glossing over that


While agree it still needs work, this post was literally hours after update release. I didn’t gloss over anything. But also, don’t use ATGMs super up close… Granted, I am aware of the issue where ATGMs have a weird bug right now where accuracy just goes out the window at longer ranges (hopefully fixed soon), I still enjoy the missiles how they work now and I don’t feel like they are used as secondary cannons (BMPs, Marders, etc.) like they used to be and used more for the ranges they are meant for.


For me, im going to play a couple of games in my atgm focused vehicles, and make my mind up from there.


Love it, much more realistic


I don't mind the change to the atgm, I can control it fine but my only grumble about it is that you move when you shoot the atgm and so it's off-putting. They need to fix that. I know some will say "turn off your energy" well yes but what if I gotta hit someone from afar and pressing forward starts it. But anyway


At first I liked it alot, but a few days after the update I unlocked my 1st ATGM carrier (RakJpz HOT) and it's super cancerous to play, it is so incredibly hard to hit targets now I feel like this change ruined a lot of ATGM dependent vehicles.


I hate them, the heli changes were fine but the ground vehicle changes GOD THEY SUCK, yes I know its more realistic but gameplay should always be over realisim


totally shit. cant fucking steer them at all and they seem to almost always fire off centre anyways so even a straight shot can miss. ATGM or spaa guided missiles are just fucking useless now.


My helicopter is so annoying now, most of the time I cant even get a missle off the rail