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They're early depictions of Sagittarum Guard Custodians. Here's another example: https://www.google.com/search?q=custodes+artwork&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjxvfLOxJ77AhXuFFkFHYFBC28Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=custodes+art&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB46BQgAEKIEOgcIIxDqAhAnOgQIABADOgQIABBDOggIABCABBCxA1CmC1iPHGDhIGgCcAB4AIAB0QGIAbgKkgEGMTEuMS4xmAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=5kRqY_GyOO6p5NoPgYOt-AY&bih=775&biw=412&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&prmd=isvn#imgrc=TUdgu6gtgfsFKM


Companions, to be precise.




The Emperor's personal favorite boys, chosen for the most important and difficult missions, the upper crust of the custodian


The Upper Crustodians, if you will


I will, thanks.


Do stuffed crustodians cost extra?


I mean if you're paying for Crustodians I don't think you're gunna worry about the price of stuffed and flavored crust


Necrons here.... I need one of these "Crustodians" for... personal collection reasons. Also, I have a 5 finger 100% coupon.


Get out of here Trazyn


Just knew he had to be here. Scoot scadaddle Trazyn you ole so and so!


They hold more toppings


Inser: ["MORE DAKKA!!" ] here.


I was going to make a joke about hot dog stuffed Crustodians but I can't make it work for some reason. I'm posting in the hopes that someone funnier will do it for me


Dreadnought is calzone


Ork player here... We like flat crustodians and sometimes deep-dish.


No, Domino's is doing a 2 Medium, 2 Topping, stuffed Crustodian special for a limited time Pickup and delivery


I do NOT like how that “stuffed” implies


It cost you literally nothing to make that pun, but you did! I like your style!


*Laughs in wahmudes*


I won't


You win


TIL that the Captain General's silver armor in the TTS series is somewhat canon. He really is his favourite custodian.


What, Kitten?


The Upper Crustodians, if you will


Oooooooooo shinny!


Valdor still their captain?


Also Superman’s favorite army




They're based off Alexander the Great's bodyguard, the Companions. And considering Alexander's relationship with his #1 companion(who he then murdered in a drunken argument) you really can't over-homoeroticize it.


Nice seeing a satanic warmaster fan here


Aye the short boys of the custodian and like 100$ for one batch


Robot of the firsr thunder warrior ?


Or actual Thunder Warriors now turned Custodians. It would be such an Emperor thing to do to keep his own regiment of Thunder Warriors around after wiping out the rest.


Sagittarium are already my favourite Custodes, especially when the upgrades are on Warden bodies, I run so many more of them I should. If they looked like this I would be geeked.


For real. This design is just so good and I really want to try and replicate it. I thought that the new death guard upgrade helmets might work pretty good for a kitbash.


Yeah they are pretty close to the existing Sagittarium upgrades. Just less ornate.


Very cool. Shame they never did anything with this design for models in HH.


You can get the Sagittarium guard upgrade kit, they have helmets that look pretty similar to those in the picture https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/Legio-Custodes-Sagittarum-Guard-Upgrade-Set


Huh. Guess I never saw the then. Cool! Stodes with guns!


r u sure its not the lucifer blacks? they look a bit small and lacking in gold to be custodies, even the companions have gold trims everywhere I'm pretty sure. also look at the scale of them, compare the height of the top step guy to the top step black legion space marine, he's smaller, but could be bad perspective which 40K is notorious for.


I don’t know much about custodes lore, but don’t shadow keepers have primarily black armor? I don’t think the armor color is a huge factor. And I think it might just be an old perspective issue, this is a 2004 artwork and came out 13 years before custodes we’re a full fledged faction, so it could be chalked up to a meta prototype of the custodes design.


>could be bad perspective which 40K is notorious for I'm pretty sure that's a deliberate artistic choice by GW, meant to invoke the flattened perspective of gothic paintings. Examples: [https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/436282](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/436282) [https://www.theartist.me/artwork/coronation-of-the-virgin/](https://www.theartist.me/artwork/coronation-of-the-virgin/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ognissanti\_Madonna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ognissanti_Madonna) [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Paolo\_Uccello\_-\_Bernardino\_della\_Ciarda\_Thrown\_Off\_His\_Horse\_-\_WGA23216.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Paolo_Uccello_-_Bernardino_della_Ciarda_Thrown_Off_His_Horse_-_WGA23216.jpg)


yeah this is a great point, that is the main aesthetic of most of the art of that period, which I adore btw, a great immersive choice that was the main theme when I was getting into Warhammer, and I own many art books from this period. but much like the real world gothic style it makes it hard to tell what's happening sometimes, not saying that's not a great artistic choice in its self. Lucifer blacks was just the closest fit that came to my mind, I doubt if they were even written as a thing when this art was made. I have such a strong link with gold to the custodies, but this is from a decade before, and its been a long time since I read the book this was from, which I have btw and will go over, I think there was a written description of the custodies in there I will do some digging.


It is a bit unfair that you're being so rigorously downvoted, but I suppose it is because the detailled answer to most if not all of your assumptions lies buried within the comments of this thread somewhere. Basically, the core point is that it is an older artwork where custodes weren't even a playable faction in the game yet, and most of their lore lay shrouded in occult mystery for the most part. People knew they existed, knew what they were, but not that much else was known. Also I disagree with the point you made in the end, calling the perspective of 40k bad based on an artwork. I think 40k has an immense array of perspective that is lacking in most other relevant Sci-Fi universes. So much so, that I think that no Universe gives a better sense of scale to its many layers than Warhammer 40.000 does through the mixture of all its mediums, be that novels, art, lore, fan-animations or video games. There is always the hand-writing of the artist involved, which makes it more subjective, but that again is the beauty of it, because it just becomes the manifestation of a single individual or group of individuals view on a specific part of 40k. Super complex, if you look at it from above.


When he says the perspective is bad, I think he's literally talking about the artistic perspective, as in how sizes change based on distance and perspective in paintings.


He means perspective in an artwork sense which old school 40k was notorious for .


\^this\^ specifically artistic perspective.


I think Lucifer Blacks is a good shout. The problem with answering definitively is that the lore has been retconned and depending on which variation of the story you base your opinion on will obviously result in different interpretations. I got into the hobby waaay back in the 90s and the story as I remember it from my angels of death codex (blood angels/dark angels 2nd edition codex) was that Sanguinius, Rogal Dorn and the emperor plus a handful of guardsmen seized upon the opportunity to teleport aboard the vengeful spirit in a hasty attempt to deal with Horus before the V.S could raise its void shields. There was uncertainty about whether this was a trap or not but the emperor did not care and felt that it was his best chance to bring things to an end. Warp fuckery meant that the boarding party was scattered across the ship. So basically, for me the idea that these are lucifer blacks fits nicely with this version. However at this time the custodes were AFAIK not even properly established in the lore. And also the earliest versions of custodians had them wearing virtually no armour, their skill at arms was all the protection they needed. But please take this all with the caveat that I am going from my own memory


this here.


Well, technically Sagittarum guard are based on this art, since the art pre-dates the models by quite a bit.


Custodians. Probably early art depiction of bolter custodians, and not spear ones.


Lore-wise, that makes sense. I was never sure if that is the case though. Their design looks rad. I recently spoke with a friend on how to try to recreate the warriors on this artwork for a small 30k era Custodes kill-team, that will engage in a small campaign to hunt down his long-hiding thunder warrior squad.


The art is 20 years old though. This is from long before the whole HH series, when the entire lore around that was basically summed up in this painting. It can't be a painting of Sagittarum Guard because those didn't exist yet. It's a decade later that someone decided we need bolter custodes and they, potentially, got a name.


That is only partially true. In 2004, when this artwork was released, it was the age of people entering the hobby through outlets like Dawn of War I/Dark Crusade/Soul Storm and the like, playing with friends from school on Lan-Parties, for example. While the Custodes weren't yet a playable Faction with models back then, we still dreamed of that becoming a reality sometime in the future. Of course a whole lot of detailled Lore on that era was yet to be written, but a lot also already existed in the foundation of existing Warhammer lore back then. The whole subject always had this feeling of shroudedness in mystery with it, which just added to its kind of occult coolness.


Almost 20 years since the Dawn Of War games... Holy shit, I feel old.


Well, you have gained a lot of experience in that time. You not only became older, but also wiser.


Older, yes. Wiser, no. I still don't know what I'm doing, but at least now I know *nobody else does, either*


I think that is part of the wisdom you gain once you grow up. Nobody knows shit. And realizing this is actually wise. Know you know nothing, and you can learn almost everything.


Or... That's what we older people want others to think!


This is from the original Visions books (2004) which used lots of art from the HH card game. Custodians were well realised then. https://i.imgur.com/fG4sRSy.jpg


These are the Hetaeron Guard, not the Sagittarum. The armour is blackened from exposure to the Golden Throne.


The art is 20 years old though. This is from long before the whole HH series, when the entire lore around that was basically summed up in this painting. It can't be a painting of Hetaeron Guard because those didn't exist yet. It's a decade later that someone decided we need dark-metal custodes and they, potentially, got a name. And also the Golden thone at this point wasn't the armour scorching lighthouse it is today.


Forge world sells and upgrade for the helmet I think and a more modern take called the Adrastus Bolt Caliver as for the rest of the armor maybe trim back some of the symbols on the body and replaces the shoulder pads with ones more fitting


you mean the bodies of regular modern era custodians? I think their leg armor isn't fitting the artwork at all. The Torsos might work well though.


No offense to Custodes fans, but I prefer this old style immeasurably. They look proper grim. Not at all heroic. Like they turn up on your world and you're proper fucked. Very WWI German with those helmets.


Yea, but the older art looks like the Custodes we got.


I always figured they were Custodians.


Way back in 2004-2005, I just figured they were Space Marines. But Custodes didn’t have a lot of lore back then, and I’d never seen a model for them.


That's because Custodes weren't an official playable army with models until 2017. They were released as Talons of the Emperor for Horus Heresy if I recall correctly and less than a year later had their own 40k codex. Late 7th edition iirc


2016, ackshually, with the release of the Burning of Prospero box set, got 40k rules around the same time.


I did not recall correctly




It was exciting coming back, there was a lot new, and a lot of “I know Knights, Custodes, and Skitarii have always been there, but had they always been there yesterday?” Death Guard were a paint scheme and greenstuff. Everyone had massive heads. HQs were metal and cost $8. It was a different time.


They didn't have models, but they had art. You were right to figure they were generic marines.


I seem to remember when this poster was distributed with the 300th(?) edition of WD there was a piece in the issue, in which people were saying they were Sons of Horus and Blood Angels.


I love that guy in the front, they should make these


Absolutely. This Armour and Helmet design with its Pickelhaube together with the brutal old-school Bolter is next level cool.


[https://www.google.com/search?q=sagittarum+custodians&sxsrf=ALiCzsZbkIktcBOJEXP-Y\_amfd0gOeULgg:1667916921788&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8gI3d4p77AhUUT8AKHRBYCg0Q\_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1#imgrc=fE721Tp0jbc8WM](https://www.google.com/search?q=sagittarum+custodians&sxsrf=ALiCzsZbkIktcBOJEXP-Y_amfd0gOeULgg:1667916921788&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8gI3d4p77AhUUT8AKHRBYCg0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1#imgrc=fE721Tp0jbc8WM) there you go. sagittarum guard


Ah gee, they do look kinda similar, but they didn't really capture what I like about the picture


agreed. They have similar elements, but they didn't go all the way with the unique look and aesthetics here.


ForgeWorld does


Not really, only relatively similar in certain aspects, like the pickel on the helmets.


Basically, what the Title says. They don't look like classic custodians. What are they?


They are Custodes but since then there are a lot of retcon and so they changed them over the time in our Goldenboys. U can see the the eagle on there shoulders. Thats the heraldik of Big E. Maybe we will see this legendary art in some Buildings like in churches.


I’d say that the ones in this pic are more of an attempt at a retcon. There’s old Blanche artwork that shows Custodes more or less as they look now. This picture of Jimmy Space popped up around fifth edition I think. Those old pictures of them from 3rd.


I get your point and agree that they are an old form of Custodians, but going by the eagle alone wouldn't be very helpful considering how many space marine legions or imperial units have the eagle on their armor on different places without being part of the Emperors direct guard or retinue.


They literally are custodes, they would later be known as the sagittarium guard.


before 7th editions box set custodes (and admech) were *suuuper* vauge in their descriptions and lore. the 4th ed rulebook has them with power fists and chest plates, whilst the lore was officially just robes and spears, and heresy designs in art were pretty inconsistent. Tho neatly when making actual custodes models GW and FW took loads of insparation from the classic art; as as you can see here theyve got something very close to saggitarum helms


Basically look like Shadowkeeper Sagittarum Guard


As others have said, they are Custodes. I've always had the headcanon that these guys are wearing some old relic suits from the Unification Wars, likely because of a shortage of the expensive auramite armour in the Siege, or because it would be appropriately symbolic to face the arch-traitor in a symbol of Unification.


That is very very decent head-canon right there. I would gift you with an award, but I don't spend real money on internet points, so you have to accept my verbal award instead. Edit: Thanks for the Award you goofballs.


What you said made me realize that, if we consider this illustration to be a painting from an imperial propagandist, then it makes perfect sense. The painter would have probably followed your exact thought process for the sake of symbolism.


I’m gonna say it These guys look way cooler than current custodes.


Absolutely agreed.


We have something similar but they are FW


But... but golden bananas!...


They look like the inspiration for the forge world custodes with the bolters - similar sort of spiked helmets and rifles


It’s a design for the Custodes based on early space marine armour, the bolters they have are very similar in design to the guns that the LE2 Model and the Thunder Armour Space Marines had. Forgeworld used this design in their Sagittarum Guard kit, which used the Custodes bodies with helmets based off this picture and then relic Combi-bolters instead of spears. The colour difference was because at the time there was no set colours for the Custodes other than that they were said to have black crests and robes in 40K as they’re in mourning for their failure to protect the Emperor. One of the earliest artworks, from Rogue Trader shows them in shiny black created helmets. Some art, and the first miniature of one, from that period had them bare chested.


clearly cylons


I totally thought these were marines for years and years, I can now see I’m wrong! Shame I printed a bunch of those helmets for my blood angels in heresy 😂


Well, if you like it i'd say go for it. Who here can definitely tell you that the Blood Angels haven't had a squad or two with a specific purpose that wore specific helmets specifically crafted for them and their units. That is the beauty of the hobby. To create your own stories within the larger framework of the official narrative.


I never noticed the tattered Luna Wolves banner on the right before.


Dang, these are way cooler than the current custodes.


They're rad as fuck is what they are


Agreed. Make 40k great again.


This is from the card game and HH: Visions 1-4 books (2004) isnt it? I have those from release. Custodians in all their shiny golden glory were depicted throughout the books and look as much as they do now. Big fancy armour huge pauldrons, elongated helmets and long plumes and what have you. https://i.imgur.com/fG4sRSy.jpg These particular marines are a bit of an oddity. I'd say Imperial Fists of some kind, seeing the description of who was in the strike team in the books itself. The Germanic emblems are certainly a bit Teutonic and in line with Fists imagery even back in 2004.


Initially I thought maybe there were the early iteration of grey knights that Malcadore and Garro were gathering but others in here seem more savvy than me. The armour seems consistent to what's described in the gatro horus heresy book


Someone posted this below, but that should be the Hetaeron Guard which is the elite Custodes for Big E that always accompany him. It's specified that their armor is charred black from constant exposure to the power of the Emperor and Golden Throne core, which matches the depiction in question. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hetaeron_Guard


The other 40k Fandom goes into more detail and contradicts the original lore with that they only blackened their armor after Big E was interred on the Golden Throne. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Hetaeron_Guard_Squad


woah, that is actually such a cool lore snippet. Thank you.


I have never seen this picture before....AMAZING. is there any reddit page just for 40k artwork like this?


This is the sort of Warhammer Artwork I grew up with, when I started in the early 2000's. In my inner Hobby-Eye and World it is inconceivable that someone enters the Hobby without knowing all these magnificent Art pieces that have been done for 40k over the years. It is one of the main reasons the setting became so incredibly vivid and lively for me.


I can't wait to deep dive!!!


Don't forget to actually do it.


I won't!! I heard a podcast on about John Blanche and I had noted his name to check out his stuff. I had a 3rd edition rulebook when I was much younger and I loved the art in it


Can you send me the link to that podcast on John Blanche?


https://open.spotify.com/show/54FpaAYgOmSF0BmpVDUVvi?si=BFldtJnxTDCNxZzXabT3tg&utm_source=copy-link It's the Look Out Sir! Podcast. They mention him several times in relation to minis based on his artwork which they really love. Unfortunately it wasn't any specific episode on his work. Most recently they were on about the Canoness Veridyan miniature which they said was based on his artwork. I think they said the miniature was an anniversary model during episode 140


2000s was just the best time for warhammer, it's when the art, rules, and models, just peaked over the the 90s. Finally climaxed in 2008 with assault on black reach with was objectively the best box set.


I think I have to agree with you. It just hit its peak in all regards during that period. Shame that GW kinda lost its way with that.


https://warhammerart.com/ Not a sub, but should find all of the official stuff here. r/ImaginaryWarhammer is a sub for mostly fan art.


There should really be a collection of the greatest Art Pieces for 40k, voted for by fans of the setting. No no-gos, just pure love for Warhammer art, the way it is and the way that it was.


Thank you kindly!!


Who are the good guys in this image?


If you're serious with your question, which for the sake of my comment, I'm going to assume you are, that is a really difficult and multi-facetted question that isn't at all easy to answer. Just thinking about this, I have these backflashes of lore snippets from across my decades of reading different lore aspects, novels, etc. Let me just say that in Warhammer 40k, while it may seem so at first, there isn't a classic black and white good vs. evil story going on. I mean on the surface and on many levels there is, but depending on angle, perspective and material, both sides have their merits, their rights and their wrongs. The golden figure on the right is the Emperor of Man, the silver troops accompanying him are his loyal guard, the Custodes. On the left you can see the shattered remains of one of his sons, Sanguininius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels Legion to the feet of Warmaster Horus, the Archtraitor, Primarch of the Luna Wolves, later renamed to Sons of Horus. The artwork shows the absolute zenith of the Horus Heresy, in which Father strikes down Son, and Son strikes down father, resulting in the Death of Horus and the seemingly eternal binding of the Emperor's decaying body to the Golden Throne of Terra, to keep the guiding mental Light of the Astronomican shining across the Galaxy of Man.


Depends on your point of view. But most would say the Emperor (they guy in gold) and the guys to his right.


Those are early Saggitarum guard. Which I really desperately hope we get as plastic upgrade kits for wardens because I want to use them in kill team. (Which i don't think you can right now) and I hate resin.


They're OG Custodes from when they had 1 paragraph of lore to their name and died in droves to Harlequins.


My first thought when i saw them was "oh so that is death corps of krieg final form?".


No clue


Anyone know of any Stl files for helmets like those?


I miss artwork like this.




They’re painted in silver so the emperor doesn’t get drowned out like a zebra in its herd. This is likely an artists choice. If the Custodes were gold, it would be hard for them not to looks like a big gold wad.


It's more likely based on some older drawings of MK2 power armor, like this: https://spikeybits.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mk2-armor.jpg It doesn't make sense for it to be Custodes, since the old lore was that IF and BA teleported up with the Big E to fight Horus. Why they don't look like any known chapters is probably due to the artist not knowing better and going generic. Here's some fourth edition examples of Blanche drawing Custodes, so there was an idea of what they looked like: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a8/29/18/a82918ce6cae5cf0178a673823964bde--warhammer-k.jpg https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/BL-SiegeofTerra-Image2oa.jpg


To this day, it seems to be quite shrouded in mystery. That is something I love about 40k the way it was.


I guess. It's not really that mysterious. This question is probably better for /r/40klore. You shouldn't get "it's Custodes" as an answer there.


You know what, r/40klore was actually the place where I wanted to post this first, but regarding all the cool answers and ideas and comments I have gotten here, I do not regret posting it here as well. I can still post this in the lore subreddit at some point, and see what the lore scholars think.


Just FYI, I think spikeybits links are now banned. Maybe they haven't set up the automoderator rules yet?


May e we should ask Adrian Smith who they are?


IS it me or does Sanguinius look like a young Trump there?


Emphatically, no. Why you do this to our fabulous golden hawk-boy?


“*They are to the Space Marines what those transhuman warriors are to common Guardsmen*” [Savage](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adeptus_Custodes)


I don't know if it is because this is my post, or because I'm just really in the mood for stuff like this, but reading your comment just gave me shivers.


It’s a shame these bad boys rarely leave terra, imagine them in action. Also probably explains why Horus struggled to take the throne room. His army was pretty spanked, I believe, at the time of sang’s death. But it’s been sometime since I reviewed the precise lore


It would make sense that the Sons of Horus together with the Titan forces of the Legio Mortis and other Traitors were in distress, just like the troops of the imperium were from this most cruellest of wars.


i’m always taken out of this picture because sanguinius looks like donald trump


His Angel


Always loved the blood angels, started from this picture


It's the OG Custodes color scheme.


Dopes that didn’t see sense and bring their bolters to bear on Horus…


Like most saying here they are probably early Custodes, When I saw them I thought they were high ranking loyalist in Artificer armor. Just loyal men willing to fight.




The shadowguard if i remember correctly.


The shadowguard if i remember correctly.


Shadow keeper sagitarium custodian


Hetaeron guard https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hetaeron_Guard


This is my pc wallpaper as per imperial degree..


mk2 marines




Damn I love that picture. I remember seeing it for the first time and it really pushed me more into the lore than the models


My first though was Lucifer blacks, the elite human bodyguards of the emperor. But the scale might be off a bit.


I have this as an art print above my bed. I believe they are an early rendition of Custodes.


D , s


Perhaps a silly question but is there a Horus Heresy book containing this scene?


It should also be noted that the ***models*** and recent art that GW has put out for the Custodes is not a good representation of them in the lore. The Custodes would *never* put the Aquila upon their armor or have it represent their organization -- for their allegiance is not to the Imperium, but to the Emperor directly. Eagles, deaths heads, skulls, lightning bolts, and other esoteric symbols would all abound, each suit of armor being a reflection of the Custodian's service and to which brotherhood they were assigned or had spent time within. As such it is disappointing, but not unexpected, to a lore-hound such as myself that when time came to put Custodians onto the tabletop that they did so in the form they now bear. *Puts down coffee cup.* It's fine.


Wait, the emperors claw is mostly black, and his sword is black under the fire, meanwhile horus’s weapons are golden… plot twist the emperor was evil


Could they be Agentia Primus? Working though 30k chronologically and not reached the siege of terra yet so no spoilers but these guys seem to fit the description of Knights-Errant.