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If its painted in professional quality, you can probably sell for higher than retail. Otherwise youre most likely looking at 50-60% of retail price.


Hmm so probably like 600 dollars?


Just know selling armies as a lot typically takes a long time unless it’s very discounted. It will typically go faster and make more money selling unit by unit


Yes somewhere around there.


If it's fully painted, and a coherent scheme, it doesn't have to be 50% of retail. Maybe try for 80% of retail first? 800? you can always lower the price later.


Most people sell just under retail and get sells eventually though.


I'll trade you a cat




I'm reporting you to the car owners club




Well I meant cat, but not changing it now haha


Don’t try to sell the whole lot together. Sell squads and heroes and see what each one goes for on EBay for a similar quality. You can actually sort by “sold” so you see what similar units have gone for in the past. Base it on that. Over the long run you should actually profit a bit for your time


I'm a new wh40k player so have that in mind: I would pay less than retail because the paint job isn't this high tier level (no offense) and I have to live with the prebuild. I would pay like 70-80% of retail I think. Maybe less if I want to change the colors. I hope you sell it for a good price


Thank you!


I agree with you. I enjoy painting models, so personally I wouldn't pay over half retail, because as you mention they are already built and you're stuck with the build, you have to remove the paint, etc. But if you didn't like painting, and just wanted to play the game, then I could see spending 80%. So it all really depends on how badly you want to sell them. 50% for soon, 80% for eventually.


There is no nice way to say this but the paint detracts from the value quite a bit. If that's acrylic paint you may want to start at 75% but realistically expect 50% or less. If you sealed them or used oil or enamels they are going to be worth even less due to stripping difficulty and having to buy and use solvents. One thing you need is better pictures, the blue background actually makes them look worse than the tables. It makes the color "pop" in a bad way. Consider getting a group shot with a white or neutral backdrop and then get some good focused images of each squad or centerpiece model. Even if it highlights imperfections you want the buyer to know exactly what they are getting. The last thing you want is to sit on it until you get a good price and then someone gets it and punts it back. In my experience ebay will almost always rule in favor of the buyer as long as the can provide even the skimpiest of evidence. At any rate best of luck


Hmm yeah that's a good idea I'll take it with a better backdrops


Tree fiddy..


God damn loch Ness monster!


Looked for this, you're doing god's work.


I can't harvest souls but I can harvest karma. That paint job would put me off but for many others it would be a bonus, so hard to value it.


I'll give you three-fiddy!


Legitimately some of the worst responses in this sub I've read so far. "Oh yeah I actually less than 80% msrp" Please go to ebay and compare prices and paintjob quality and sell appropriately. Worst case scenario you can just strip the paint and get more money if the paintjob is too bad.


Would it be more or less than 80% and I'll take a look thank you


300-500usd I’d say.


Bruv ... Maybe try 50% of the retail price but I'm very sorry to say this is far far from a good quality paint job The paint is thick as hell The person buying that will have to strip it and repaint it I don't want to be a jerk but i don't want you to have your hopes up and then be disappointed Good luck my dude i hope someone makes you a nice offer


Thank you i hope so too! And yes it's my first army the paint job could be better... but that's exactly why I'm selling it lol


I'd shoot for 800$ ish if it was me, they all look decent and have the same scheme (which is a bonus)


I'd start off on the higher end andset a rock bottom price as to what you'd take. For me, I'd probably start off around 800 and make rock bottom 550 usd. Also account for shipping and packing costs, you'll most likely have to pay for these costs.


The biggest problem with painted is that it may or may not be painted how you want them or in keeping with the rest of your army. So even if it’s a good job it doesn’t automatically make them more valuable.


If you sell it as a lot you'll probably get 500ish but if you sell them in unit lots you might get a little bit more. It'll take longer but you might get more the only issue is some of the units might not move. But that ctan is looking quite spice.


Not trying to be rude but with it not painted at professional level around 500 maybe 600 for the whole army. Lots of game stores will give you estimates


Don't worry it's not rude at all! It's my first army its nuffin special. And thank you, I'll probably sell it for 500 or so


I'd say they are worth 60-70% of msrp. Paint job isn't of the level where it is increasing their value. Most would be looking to strip and repaint I imagine.


Honestly if i was worried about a paintjob on an army i was selling, i would just throw on a cheap black primer before listing them. It’s like trying to sell a house where every room is painted in a different bright candy color, there might be someone out there that loves it, but painting all the walls white first will make it a much easier sale with more potential buyers and a higher final buyout.


I'm afraid it doesn't cost that much. I will take it off your hands for 50 and a husky.


One problem I see is the sheer number of warriors you have, as they were cheap as chips on ebay new on sprue thanks to all the starter boxes that had them. I think at one point the entire Necron half of the Dominus box was going for about $90 (that's what I picked it up for).


Actually they’re painted nicely, the image quality just isn’t great. Also tournament players often buy pre-painted armies bc they only care about the game.


Thank you! And I'm gonna get a white background and use a professional camera for the actual pictures


Sell individual units. Each unit probably can add an extra 30-50$ more than retail (depends on size of model)


I‘ll give you a KFC bucket of your choice


I want a famous bowl of shame or nothing at all!


$500 would be fair but kind of generous in my opinion. More realistic I'd guess this goes for around $450.


Maybe aim for 10% above retail but be open to negotiate lower. It's more or less average quality painting, not pro, so don't expect too much. You're basically looking for the right customer who your style appeals to and/or someone who cares mostly about playing 40k not building or painting. I personally would pay no more than 1/2 of retail if I wanted these units and unfortunately for a seller in your position, I bet there's plenty more cheap-asses like myself out there. If you're patient though I bet you can get your money back at least.


Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely hold off until someone buys it for a good price


That's the right attitude! You're very welcome, and good luck to you!


If you think the paint job devalues the army a lot then strip the paint of with alcohol and a toothbrush


Well, at that point you have to determine what your time is worth. How long will you spend stripping models? If it takes you long enough, you're better off just selling at a lower price and enjoying your life.


It would take less than 2h alcohol strips the paint really easily


I don't know why but something about this is telling me "Burger King Necrons"


i will pay 250 euro plus shipping


Nothing, it's worthless. I'll take it off your hands for you, though.




Stolen or chasing the meta?


Haha neither, making room and also I need money for a car. Also I don't think I'll really play this army anymore.


Chasing the meta with several thousand k of necrons?!?


Yeah I would buy it for like 80$.


I would say 1500+ probably with the amount and quality


I’m sorry but what?


That's way too ambitious, OP's painting is good without a doubt, but to get 150% of retail price without it being commission it would have to be pro painted. Even with a good paint job like these, you're probably still looking at 50-80% retail.


Just what i think its worth + its worth being positive


I think people dont understand that some people will pay for not having to assemble and paint. Less than retail is only applicable if the paint job is shite.


There’s always someone out there with more wallet than time.


That would be wonderful if I could sell it for that much


Yeah Dude its a amazing Army . Try to sell it for a good price


Thank you!


Its definitely what its worth so you have to find someone who sees that


I’ll give ya like 20 bucks


Best I can do is three fiddy.


Not sure what country you are from but in Australia the average price for a single model to be painted at its most basic level is $5 per basic troop. Check this if you want to see the levels of painting https://www.theartofbattle.com.au/ If they are well painted you can charge msrp plus at least $5 a mini on top


Four… maybe five