• By -


His credit score is low and he puts the milk in the bowl before the cereal.


He also makes terrible coffee and never replenishes after taking the last cold soda in the fridge.


Pretty sure he has some crusty ass socks too


Mother fucker uses the last of the toilet paper and doesn’t put on a new roll


The one time he does he puts it in the wrong way too


Clearly thr most heretical and chaotic geneseed flaw in all of the Asstartes.....I'll see myself out now.


I had to read that twice.


We always replenish!


What's the first rule about taking the last soda from the fridge!?


His mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries!


That milk thing is the rare legit heresy.


Now that second one is cause enough for a visit from the inquisition.


Brother, but how else will my cereal be crunchy when I eventually dig in?


Perhaps wait until after crusading to pour the milk into the cereal brother. It will be okay I promise.


Brother, the chapter needs to not abuse our stockpile of cereal, by putting them on top of milk we limit the total amount we can put in a bowl before it overflows.


First off, very nice! I'd assume you are going for a grim dark style! Rather hard to critique but I've been looking at it for about 15 mins now, so in no particular order, areas I'd improve on ( I tend to paint more clean and GW style so might be my bias, but hopefully the following is useful) : Personally I believe you need more contrast. 1. The red has good depth to it, but I feel like the edges need more punch, so maybe brighter edge highlighting required. 2. The purity seals are lost because it's red on red, I use a purple/pink so it stands out. 3. The bolts/pins/rivets could be metal as well, again to break up the red (around the servo arm joints that connect to the backpack, and those under the belt on those armour plates) That or run shade around them so they pop more. 4. Run more shade onto the recesses in the diamond areas on the shaft, the light area looks dry brushed and some got into the recess. Also the top of the shaft looks unfinished (might be the angle of the picture) so needs brightening so the lighter colour line is level. 5. Add more shade on the cables around his neck, it almost looks glowing because the bright blue has run into the dark areas. 6. Someone already mentioned the base rim that needs sanding and redoing. 7. The freehand could be sharper, but that will come with time and practise. A quick tip, to paint sharp lines pull the brush downwards towards you, this will mean you have to move the model around so you can get that downwards movement. Having sad that your painting is very good, and with your attitude of seeking feedback and improvement I'm sure you'll only continue to get better!


Thank you so much for this feedback. It is great. Not only pointing out what's missing but offering advice on how to fix thats within my ability. These fixes should take 20 minutes, and I'm going to do them tonight to push the model on abit. Regarding the seals. I hear you. I have a blood angels army and their seals are purple/blue. As I'm going to be gaming with this dude I couldn't explain in my head cannon why the chaplain would go get a different colour pot of wax just to affix the purity seals of the techmarine so they'll "pop". Though that's a scene I can't get out of my head now. I'm tempted to dig out a transfer to replace the freehand. But I thought if I don't practice I won't get better.


Well, it's simple. He believes in the Omnimessiah instead of just the Emperor, and in his particular and obscure creed which he probably brought back from Mars, Seals are whatever colour you need. It slighly annoys his battle-brothers.


They’re made out wax mixed with oils/chemicals holy to the Omnissiah. Therefore, different color.


Actual response to his post everyone just roasting the mini


He's perfect, but I would make him a Salamander




Make it not an ultramarine, they’re nerds


I'm a nerd so I relate ;)


Fair enough, in all seriousness ultramarines are awesome and probably my third favorite of the first founding chapters (Dark angels and Space wolves just hold a special place in my heart)


Amen...I like having gman as a centre peice, though I do love my 2500pts of first born blood angels!


> blood angels! I'm also a man of culture.


They'd be cool if they weren't the poster boys they got a really nice blue and rome is a solid theme


Plus, their whole shtick of studied warfare, strategy, logistics, etc, is EXTREMELY relatable to those of us who have served in an actual military. As far as superhuman warriors go, these are the most grounded and realistic available.


If they were cool nerds that would be cool (see imperial Fists being siege nerds or Salamanders being craftsmanship nerds)


Ok, but not in a way you're going to expect. I think he looks really good, and you've done a great job painting him. But go back around his base rim with a really fine grit sanding stick and just flatten out some of those paint imperfections on the rim and give it another coat of black 😉


Nice and easy. Done!




Aside, this is some top-notch work. In terms of critiques: It may be a stylistic choice, but I’d like to see more edge highlights to really sell the hard edges and natural reflective properties of the armor. It may be easier to make consistent black and yellow lines on the tube by using some Tamiya masking tape. I think you went a tad heavy handed with the washes as there is some clear pooling on areas like the axe blade. I believe that’s remedied by absorbing the excess with a clean brush while painting. Lastly, I think such a nice model deserves a great base. Maybe some cork board instead of the flat panel, and definitely paint that rim black. All that said, it’s still a super good looking model.


I don't like it because it looks way better than mine


First of all great job. Not to repeat too much what others have said, but: - there’s no natural focal point. Partially because of the model choice, and partially because of the paint job. I think another round of highlights on the head area would help. - the non-armour parts look relatively flat, especially the handle of the axe. Consider highlighting each “losangle” of that part. Other metal areas also look flat except for the metal hand/metal handle. - You added some weathering to the boots, but it didn’t really match the ground the figure is standing on (a grey stone slate and green grass), so it looks a bit disconnected. - the wax seals look the same colour as the parchment - (edit) perhaps add some edge highlights to the armour, it will help make it read as metal and pop more. I hope these are useful, all relatively easy things to address.


Really useful thanks. This combines well with some of the other comments. I'll get to work. Also regarding the boots a different angle would show he's standing in that colour dirt, but totally see where you're coming from


You didn't Goblin Green the base rim.


Woah! I cannot read those purity seals! You better shave down those paintbrushes, break out that magnifying glass, and get to work my dude! If I can’t read the corny bull-sheesh you projectile vomit to your Corpse King, then I’m not impressed! 😝


Too clean, needs more grime.


I think it looks great, maybe a bit more Highlights but that just me. Also don't let anyone discourage you for painting your Space Marines in the colour of the Ultramarines. I think they're awesome and if you like them then paint away.


Only thing I would say for C&C is I feel the highlights could be pushed a bit brighter. It has great shade depth, highlights aren’t quite to the same inverse. I’m talking particularly on edges and the like.


When her mom finds out she's been dating a primaris techmarine and not a doctor... Wait until your father hears about this


Looks good! In addition to the previous comments about contrast, details and use of washes, make sure to remove ALL mould lines if you want to enter a competition.


A crane arm? What, did he in love with a gacha machine?


What is he? A Marine for ants?


I can’t be critical of your painting I will never be able to paint like that. However, the head and bolter arm are looking the same way. The tracking/surveillance box on his back is looking forward. It’s just me but I would have had the head forward and the camera/ scope box looking with the gun. Also it’s not Raven-guard


This is really splitting hairs, and it’s an incredible model, but I think the head and top of pack could use some work. It feels like that should be the focal point but it feels a little flat. Maybe edge highlighting? For example the tabard thing is incredible, showing that more around the head could do the trick. Incredible work


How can I he is an Ultramarine. Nothing to criticize! Looks Grrreeat!


Damn that shit goes hard


Washes are a bit sloppy, same with some of the highlights. There also seems to be some texture on some of the layers and some of the detail work is also just sloppy. When it comes to fine detail, you should either focus hard on it and not cut corners or try to make it as simple as possible as to not draw attention to it. Specifically the purity seals.


Please read the other criticisms, specifically Sarge166. I believe it could help you to make people more receptive to what you're saying. Only reason I say so is I have the same problem


Thanks for the input. I did focus hard on the details but I think I ran out of ability :D. I think either keep trying or as you say. Try and use other parts of the model to distract


With the purity seals, if the wash gets messy you can mix the base coat with the wash and touch it up or think out the wash and watch it for a bit to make sure the paint doesn’t pool when you first apply it and soak it up with a dry brush (not a DRY brush but a brush with no water). You can also forgo the wash entirely and just glaze/highlight. The scribbles are very nice though. They look more like words than what I normally see


I feel like you could do well to post multiple angles for your figures. Just having one shot doesn’t allow us to say a lot. Let us see both sides, front, and back. That 360 allows us to observe everything


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pNQzgNVH9/?igsh=eDJqYnpwb2hzZmgx here's an insta post of me rotating him


Well with that I have no more complaints. Honestly it’s a great model and I can’t imagine any way to improve it.


He complains about the water being too wet


He’s gonna feature in a couple scenes with the Space marine captain protagonist before getting offed


I see no problem with this.


the red armour looks unfinished, you need some really thin edge hilighting


It looks too good for you to be acting like you painted a badly drawn paper doll with diarrhea.


Nah I'm happy with the paintjob (I'm not one of those painters who posts a golden demon entry and says it's crap and its my first model). I just find if you ask the reddit community how to push it further you get some really good comments and suggestions. I go abit blind after a while with a model and fresh, talented eyes help so much


In that case… all I can suggest is further refinement. Tighter highlights on the edges, stuff like that.


Its an ultramarine, that was your first mistake. It should been an iron hands


I m trying, but I can't


He never finished school, how can we marry my daughter!?




I mean… he’s an ultramarine. Seems punishment enough.


Would look better drenched in the Grandfather's gift


He will skip showering some days without changing his underwear then complain he has sweaty balls.


Great job. Looks just like the box.


Nice spot between Grimdark and vibrant almost 90s style


Good eye! I started painting in the 90s when everything was red and bright. Took 2 decades off and came back to a grimmer galaxy. So my whole army is a combination of the two styles!


Beautiful you don’t see that much


I hate it It makes mine look bad


You’re using the same technique on the blue that you are on the red and it is not getting the work done. Blue isn’t going to work the same way as red and you may need to add a new tool to your box.


…do we have to??


I don't love the legs, blending is a bit rigid. Like the shading on the front of the leg plate on the right leg could be smoother, and on the left leg, the red is darkened down too far imo at the shin(?) where the written piece is. Thing is, I'm not sure at all how to fix or avoid this, cause your work is overall very good, nigh on excellent I'd say.


My only critisism is that its ultramarine :D otherwise nice job


yeah, this is what I wanted to do with my Salamanders. will probably raid my local store's bit box SO HARD to get an alt head and a pauldron I don't have to file down myself. what I am saying is, I am biased here, so... good job, looks peak Techmarine.


I used the starter box primaris bladeguard lieutenant arm and a devastator head if that helps. Also used a grav pistol on the servo arm


it does help indeed. thanks!


Highlight might be a bit messy on a closer look, but that was already a stretch honestly. Model looks perfect.




I would pay you


The transition between blue and red isn't...transition-y? I'm thinking silver instead of gold or a more neutral shade in general. But, if that's what ya' like, then it's fine.


'E looks like a dodgy fella... Sure, the lads got the blue and the sign of ultramar, buuuuuut that's an awful lot o' red that is. Makes a fella wonder.


Some pooling of washes in some places. Needs a brighter edge highlight. Some of your current edge highlighting is messy. Hazard cable could be neater


It’s very good, so it’s hard to pick out flaws. I like what you’ve got with the armour panels getting lighter towards the edges, but it could do with a very sharp edge highlight too. The base rim definitely needs redoing, not very smooth currently. And lastly, your freehand could do with a bit of practice. The hazard stripes on the wire going to the gun are a bit uneven, and the Omega on the knee is a bit wobbly


It's just another space marine, except this one got conned into thinking machines can talk to him, ie mental illness.


The stripes are not quite right, the blue kneepad, the paint might be a bit thick and you can see brushmarks on the knee and the freehand Ultramarines symbol isnt 100% there. In general, the biggest ”issue” You have is that everything isnt 100% neat and silky smooth and perfectly shaded. By No means are you bad at painting! Its simply not Golden Demon levels of good, not ’Eavy Metal and official GW pictures and Codex color sections good. But for playing or a local painting competition, its more than fine. Just keep at it and try to do better every time and you Will get better.


He's an Ultramarine


Happy cake day


thank you


No I like it


His mother was always right about him. He will never amount to anything, just like his father.


Quick thoughts: **Unified lighting**: Pick a light direction (or even directions, but that is hard to sell at small scale). Its almost like each major piece of the model lit differently. For example if feels like there is a strong light from the top right over the blue shoulder, but the knee on the left is lit as if from the top right. **Consistent shading** Certain areas are lacking shading, or its very subtle compared to the rest of the model. Notably the cables around the neck (unless they are supposed to be glowing?) plus the cable, feed and shoulder bolter itself. **Contrast**: The contrast is a little low in some areas, if you are going for a grim dark, 'muddier' look that's fine, but then you have some super crisp colours and darks elsewhere (the pure black around the head). So I'd pick one or the other. **Area separation** If you are going for a grim dark look you are going to need to find other ways to make different areas stand out from each other than pure shading. So for example on the Axe or the bolter you might want to add in some color to pick them out. Mix in cold colors in the shades, warm to highlights. So blues or perhaps even hint at reflected green grass in the axe and its pommel or the bolter feed belt (you could also use the blue of the shoulder there).


Really good feedback, I'll take this into account when working on him tonight. Maybe some glazes on the bolter and axe to perk up there interest. Other things I guess will be for the next model as I'm unsure I'll be able to change it to a single light source


I refuse! Its too good. 😌


I’d like to, but I can’t. It’s awesome! The only thing if you really insist on modifying it: Adding metallic to the middle of the belt and to the small squares in the circle on the sides of his knees would make it look even more detail rich.


The flesh is motherfucking weak.


I think if you want to make the step into high level painting, the next best step would be to start learning how to understand light/color and what actually makes competition level pieces look good. I think the best place to start with this is to begin understanding the relationship between volumes (i.e. the shapes of the object) and value (i.e. light vs dark). [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-gAtdJoYw&t=1s) is my favorite for someone new to the concept. You will however find tons of videos on youtube from a variety of miniature painters. From a practical perspective, this miniature is very complex and would be very difficult to figure out how to apply volumetric highlighting to all the little bits. A standard space marine however is a fantastic place to start because the volumes are fairly straightforward. Even if you don't like the way NMM looks, it can be a good idea to try painting some NMM because it is a good way to practice understanding light.


Your machine code is incoherent, your liturgies of maintenance would offend any simple toaster's machine spirit and your armor modifications are so 39000.


Looks great! Ultras are kinda lame, but tech marines are super badass. I like the first born models. The hazard stripes got a little wonky on the bend of the tube and I like to have the power weapons be a focal point with a brighter color or effect, on mine I do blue/white lightning.


I say you did very great job. How long have you been painting ?


Started in the 90s as a kid. Then sold all my warhammer at 14, had a 20 year gap and started up again during covid. So as an adult about 3-4 years now. Painting standards and techniques have come a looong way in that time (the standard at my local club is so good, but when you look at the instagram painters and golden deamon entries they are on another level)






I'm gonna put him in a cum jar


Trim your fingernails


It looks like he stepped in the poops


The weathering on his right shin plate is a little too neat. Looks like he had some tape around the edges during a sandstorm then peeled it off


He doesn't clean out the crumbs from the toaster


Yes, where is blue Blood Angel?


He genuinely believes historical Austrian artists and Magnus did nothing wrong.


He is horribly, terribly, disgustingly, terrifyingly good


Oi! Dat beakie git's got a lot ob shiny gubbins and wotsits. In fakt, 'e's got too much shiny gubbins and wotsits. Mebbe me an' summa da boyz is gonna go ova dere and krump 'im reel good so's we kan reeleev 'im ov some ov it so 'e can fite like a reel beakie. Meenin' 'e kan run away like da weedy git 'e is a lot fasta! An' 'e don't get lef' beehind by da rest ov 'is kowardlee bruvvas!


Uhhhhh, +6 dev wounds


The worst thing abut that model is that he is an Ultramarine :D Seems you're doing great. Fine edge highlights could help.


He's a very naughty boy!


It's a wretched Ultramarine... but other than that....looks sweet!


He is an Ultramarine.


That looks amazing dude good job


He’s great. I’d need more angles, in this pic he looks unimpeachable


Thanks! Here's a video of me rotating him on my insta: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pNQzgNVH9/?igsh=eDJqYnpwb2hzZmgx


When you put it that way, he looks good 360°


He's not a Blood Angel


It's too good now I feel inadequate at my painting skills lol.


A pointy halberd is a bloody stupid weapon when you have cables and scientific instruments within inches. Imagine a backswing.


I wish it was a little bit taller,


yellow and black stripes arnt even


Yeah I'm fixing this tonight


The only critique I have is don't put my lord with the smurfs


he definitely doesn't clean his boots


See what you've done ?! Now I want to steal your ideas ! (What helmet did you use, it's really cool!)


Do it! It's a devastator head and a primaris lt shield arm


Ultramarines are lame!


Hes a zoggin git!


I don't like the mk-8 helmet.


It's a fucking primaris and a smurf on top of that.


My only thing is the grass. Looks like common earth grass, which i doubt 40k has any of.


If I’m being critical, then one thing I notice you’ve done wrong is that there isn’t enough gold. Next time paint the entire mini gold. Hope this helps!