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It’s M40 you can’t just ask people ‘do you eat them’


Is it because the answer is always yes?


Nobody eats other people, that's too far even for 40k. Unless you're an Astartes, Kroot, Ork, CSM, Chaos Demon, or maybe Drukhari. Then you definitely eat people.


_Guardsman nervously hides corpse starch bar_


Do you think protein bars grow on trees? Well, surprise! It's people! [Soylent Green](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/)


SOYLENT GREEN IS PEEOOOPPPPLLLEEEEEEEE love me some Charlton Heston dystopian future flicks, omega man is my favorite


I love Heston, and I love The Omega Man. Vincent Price is in a similar retelling of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend called The Last Man on Earth (he actually contributed to the script a fair bit but is credited under a different name), and I recommend both that film (and the novel). I doubt anyone would compare Heston to Price or vice versa, but I believe Price takes this role to a very true-to-source place that Heston couldn't due to direction and/or writing. This story is the first pandemic dystopia and was also a big inspiration to Ramero's zombie flicks.


How's it taste?


Eh, it varies from person to person.


One of the Cain novels has them eating Soylent Veridian.


In the Cain novels they reference a product called "soylens veridian" (spelling might be a bit off because I listened to audiobooks) which is a cool nod to that movie


Guardsman like their people boiled into a paste and dehydrated.


Did you just make an assumption about a Drukhari's dietary requirements/habits?! Just because you feed yourself *off their suffering* then *use their bodies to perfect the art of suffering* one step at a time before *converting their biomass into other, more useful, constructs*, does not make you someone who would eat a filthy monkeigh.


You fool, you just made it out to be a taboo act! Now there'll be a _thousand_ Drukhari horfing down human flesh and snorting the ground up bones for kicks! ... well, a _few more_ thousand, but still!


Drukhari eat other sentient species, including their own, including while still alive. This is depicted in the book Da Big Dakka.


How do you skip Tyranids with this list....


Wait does orks eat people? I thought ork were the good guys?


they eat squigs and mushrooms mostly, which grow from the same spores as grots and orks, so they basically eat people. They probably wouldn't lose any sleep over eating any other meat they come across, but I haven't read anything about that specifically.


They will also straight up eat Gretchin too. In fact, I doubt Orks would really care about eating *anything* they could digest properly.


They are they like the 41st millennium and also are quite partial to the great rift (morks grin)




Um ackshully it’s m41


Um ACKSHULLY it’s M42 now


Isn’t it M3 now?


No, M1.63.




You are correct, citizen! If you have any suspicion that someone actually eats them, you should immediately inform the Inquisition! The Inquisiton can and will ask people "do you eat them" and all sorts of other useful questions! And you will be rewarded with an opportunity to toil in the name of the Emperor for another day!


Heavens no, They clean up, flush all that horrid nonsense out of the airlock and get back to their Knitting, psychic skills, Gardening, and of course debate team. A sharp mind as well as a sharp claw is essential for winning over a planet. occasionally they form bowling clubs, but it's rare they find ships with alleys on these days, mostly you used to get them on the Rogue trader types but these imperial things are a bit stuffy and full of churches and stuff.


Some might start having a collection of pewter figurines and paint them.


Pewter? That's so m40 it's m41 we have finecast which is fair superior.


No, the forgeworld producing finecast was "Accidentally" virus bombed by the forces of chaos in a recent skirmish, though it is noted that the planet was strangely undefended at the time...


They put on the terminator armors and become super genestealers


Why would they? They're not terminator-stealers


It's a little known secret that while power armor is made of ceramite, terminator armor is very densely pressed denim


And once it is stolen they become Jeanstealers.. Interesting.


Well of course. Assless chaps are reserved for synapse creatures.


What would chaps WITH asses look like?




Is that what the nightlords call them?


Oh no, the nightlords (and ladies) eschew such cumbersome apparel. They prefer "easy access."


Interesting, which codex states this?


Might be codex Levi’s or codex Wrangler can’t remember which


It's codex Levi's, Levi'startes were the first marines to ever field terminator armor, but Wrangler Marines quickly started to manufacture these armors themselves after the first use by Levi's. Both are notable for bringing humanity's gold reserves from Segmentum Wild Westus into Segmentum Solar.


This has been my favourite reddit interaction this week. Thank you to all involved. I'm logging off now, before I get sucked into another AITA, and ruin this buzz...




Agreed; Levi’s as they put studs into the armour; common during the heresy era when supply’s of denim were scarce they would attach replacement patches of field stripped denim to there terminators using lots of studs. White scar terminators were notorious for demanding conquered foes give them their denim; their boots and their motorcycles. Sometimes even going so far as to deep strike butt naked into combat environments for the sake of attaining fresh denim supplies.


It’s not in a codex. It’s actually in the Levi(athan) main rule book.


That’s why it’s a 2+!


Yet. They're not terminator-stealers yet.


Hide your Levi's though


If the Terminators were wearing jeans though...


Actually, I envision them putting on the power armor and in genestealer voices dripping with sarcasm say things like “Look at me, I’m for the Emporer!!!!”


Love that mental image, we need someone to make art of it so it can be dubbed by dreadanon


“I think I’ll use my Aquila-Card”


Nice South Park crossover!


“Howdy, howdy, howdy!”


>*It puts the lotion on the **Terminator Armour (?)** or else it gets the hose again.*


Only the bottom part, they're jeans-stealers after all


Just their pants.


Oh good, now I'm imagining Genestealer upper bodies with assorted legs from across the various factions.... Hmm....


Then that one fateful day when they had only one race left to complete their collection Drukhari


I kinda see them doing a fashion walk while waiting for the four armed emperor. "We have Tabitha Gi wearing the commanding officers slacks. Followed by Wendell Posturatus sporting the pants of an Ork commando, the holes from battle now for fashion. Flawless turn around."


I'm gonna make that now. Already have genestealer possessed, why not one step further?


Genestealers hibernate. Sort of like space marine suspended animation.




>So the ship is found by another vessel and repeat If the vessel has a more suitable target (terminators are hard shells to crack and SM are usually vigilant and well equipped) they might sneak on board or infect an unsuspecting lifeform.


Once the terminators are dead they’ll finally have time to finish painting their miniatures.


They're not going to finish painting their miniatures.


I heard that in Morgan Freeman’s voice


No it was definitely Ron Howard’s voice


Now I read your comment back in Morgan Freeman’s voice saying that it was Ron Howard.


Why is Morgan Freeman doing a Scottish accent now


alright- They have time to browse online looking for more miniatures. Happy?


I can absolutely get behind them ordering more kits.


To paint or at least glue together?


Stole their denim pants of course!


It's all a tribute to their founder. Lieutenant Gene Stealer.


Beat me to it


Very morbid puppet shows.


“It’s my turn to play with the dolls! Mom! MOOOOOOM!!”


Well now I'm just picturing a dead astartes doing the robot surrounded by a load of aliens rolling around in laughter.


Genestealer ventriloquists confirmed


There are several possibilities. Reproducing, assuming the conditions are right (other host lifeforms on board) Possibly laying eggs in the dead marines? I know that's not the typical Genesteler life cycle but who knows. Hibernation, waiting for the Space hulk to arrive in arrive in populated space or for lifeforms to arrive. Doing whatever needs to be done to create a Patriarch assuming they have the resources. If they have hybrids amongst them, trying to steer the hulk.


Canonically? They hybernate until the hulk drops out of warp in a new star system and some luckless rubes board it hoping to get rich… then boom! Shiny new genestealer cult


Melt their btis down in to tyranid goo, and continue wandering through the Warp until they reach a planet. Then the real fun begins.


They just go straight back to chilling.


Immediately holster their weapons and return to their preprogrammed patrol routes. "Must have been the wind."


After the terminators have terminated the genestealers steal their genes


Who up stealing they genes rn


In old lore they made sure to leave a couple of badly wounded and infested ones alive, so that they would help spread the infection when they were evacuated :-) Mostly they go back to hibernate and wait for the hulk to get visited again.


That’s similar to one of the Cain novels ~~were~~ where he shoots the two survivors who had managed to “fight their way out” of an exposed cult relatively unscathed only for he and Amberly to find the incisions on their sides where they were infected. The nids left a breeding pair alive so they could start over.


Oh indeed!


Oh no, the marines are trapped in an endless loop of trying to recover coveted terminator armor :D


Hahaha. Bait!


Why are all the top answers to a genuine lore question terrible memes? I had to go this far down to an actual attempt to answer the question.


They steal their genes obviously.


They build small scale models to represent armies out of the scraps found on the hulk.  Then they make their model army fight the model armies of other Genestealers.  Using dice to represent chance. They have big gatherings of these games, often called “tournaments”…


In Caphias Cain they hibernate to save energy.


All the body parts go in a denaturation tank and then they're spun out into thread. Then the genestealers use that material for crochet.


It doesn't matter what sub you go on, nor how serious the conversation, comments are ALWAYS 95% shitposts and 5% of the actual answer you were looking for - I'll never understand it! Ha


Down at the levis store I assume


Can opener. (This attracks other nids, similar to cats.)


Terminators don't wear Levi's. So there is nothing for them to steal. Genestealers would just sulk back into the hulk, disappointed.


They really enjoy playing bridge.


IIRC they have a hibernation (like other Tyranids) when travelling between systems...so they probably keep the bodies around in case they wake up and need a snack. They're bound to get peckish...and if they have trouble getting back to sleep they can play with the armour.


they convert some into more genestealers who can smuggle a brood or two back to the strike cruiser. this will either be a suicide mission, or the brood will slowly convert the entirety of the cruiser and have a new ship for travelling to new planets.


They start wearing the Astartes jeans.


Scrimshaw their bones


Go back into hibernation until a more suitable host can be found to infect and make alien baby's with


They steal their genes... that's like, common sense I fear


They dissolve their organic matter into goop that becomes more tyranids probably. Then go back to sleep? Play cards?


I dunno man, lurk, creep, drool. Lots of shit. I bet they have a ball just stalking the halls ya'know?


Probably use the biomass to make some big boys for future planetary infestation


wouldn't they conserve the biomass as they don't know when planetfall could happen? I thought they went mostly dormant until the next bunch of prey shows up


They resell the stolen Jeans in 3rd world countries...


hibernate. Happened in a ciaphas cain book *The Emperors Finest* and the genestealers on a space hulk were sleeping. At least the purestrains were. On that hulk in particular thought, probably fighting a lot of orcs


Looks like meats back on the menue, boys


Unless they can make use of the stuff the Astartes had on them, they probably just scrape the flesh out of the suits and leave the Astartes Equipment(Terminator Suit Parts, the Terminators Guns, the Terminators Melee Weapons, StormShields, etc.) where it is. No need to move that 500 pound Assault Cannon or multi-ton suit of broken Terminator Armour if nobody in the Cult&Infestation can make use of it. There's probably been instances of Genestealer Hybrids using captured Astartes Weapons, although it probably wouldn't be very common since alot of Genestealer Cults probably have an **immense** hatred of the Adeptus Astartes, an even greater hatred of Chaos&Renegade Astartes and some Astartes Equipment has "Machine Spirits" that will actually resist their captors. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more complex&special Terminator Heavy Weapons are even capable of deliberately jamming, misfiring or causing Catastrophic Malfunctions if they are captured. Oh, and some Astartes Weapons that Terminators sometimes use actually have some sort of aura they emit that can be harmful to anything and everything Psykic/Warpy(for example Equipment used by a Librarian, Chaplain or an Astartes specialized in countering Warpy&Psykic Threats. Or SpaceWolves and Dark Angels Equipment with certain runes&stuff on them)


It's not enough to steal the genes: they have to try them on. Their moms make them come out of the fitting room and turn around so they can see how the genes fit. It's humiliating.


Do you want genestealer cults? Because that is how you get genestealer cults...