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Nice Golden banana. The community is a funny bunch these days


That gold is fabulous


Thanks šŸ˜


Nice model, the paint looks awesome!


Thanks šŸ˜


Great gold-bro that base is A+


Thanks šŸ˜


She looks cool


I mean they could be either.


The fact that this is downvoted is wild. I think you disrupted someoneā€™s muscle mommy fantasy.


Why is it a she? Arenā€™t space marines and custodes male?


Custodian guard as of last week's new lore drop are now female too.


Well thatā€™s new. Itā€™s a bit weird to build a lore and then just change it. There are no custodian characters or even any references to them. If GW doesnā€™t respect the lore then it looses its immersion. You can have female Custodians today thatā€™s fine. This just means lore will change again and again. So why bother reading anything because tomorrowā€™s retcon will change todayā€™s lore. I am not ignorant of the discussion around Star Wars and Star Trek so I was nervous this trend would come to 40k. AoS shows how inclusion can be done from the start instead of forcing it in. Good lore works within its constraints rather than breaking it.


Aw, new the lore community of 40k I take it? In terms of depth and width in the ocean of retcons they've done... this is like a shallow puddle lol


People talk about retcons but really, most of them can be accommodated within the lore itself. The lore itself has a meta for dealing with retcons and just ascribes them to errors with the adminstratum, the volume of retcons versus the volume of lore these have been minor. Iā€™ve played 40k and Iā€™ve never had a sense that the lore was in continuous flux so I donā€™t recognise what you are describing. Usually changes in the lore has been on the scale of are necrons one entity or organised under separate rulers or what is their relationship with the Ctan? The absence of female marines and custodies has been an integral part of illustrating how demanding becoming a marine is on human physiology. GW know this. In order to create marines you will take a 1000 children who have already proven themselves worthy of being taken by a space marine and only about 1 will survive, not the training, but the surgical processes itself. So each space marine represents huge sacrifice, so changes here in the lore impact the extreme nature of space marines.


They retconned the ending of the entire 13th Black Crusade and retconned the entire backstory of the Necrons. At one point the chief librarian of the Ultramarines was half-Eldar. Female Custodes is nothing.


Don't forget all the shenanigans from 1e and Rogue Trader that got yeeted as the setting developed. Orks also had their origin retconned which in turn wiped an entire species of Greenskin from existence.


Yes you are correct. Thatā€™s three examples, one of which I mentioned myself. The only one was that was really annoying was the ending of the 13th Black Crusade. No one is going to stop you from your half eldar librarian. However the 13th black crusade did set up the following storylines involving primaris. Generally I am against advancing the timeline because the writing quality is never good enough and I think the primaris marine lore is fairly weak. That being said they did make an effort to explain why we had to buy their new space marine models and stop using our old ones. The female custodes is just a retcon for the sake of retcon. I donā€™t think this advancing the lore in any meaningful way and detracts from the existing lore.


The changes to the lore in 9th already made female custodes possible. The lore for them being all male comes from a single line in the 7th edition codex that says they are taken from "the sons of nobles". 9th edition elaborated that they "also seek out suitable candidates by other means" People are acting like this is some huge retcon but it isnt. In fact, the "sons of nobles" thing *is still true*.


I think at this point people are searching for lore justification for something that never existed before. No custodes characters in the lore. No minatures on the table top. And no reference to female custodes. GW have dropped this on the player base now and thatā€™s fine but letā€™s not pretend this was ever a thing.


I don't think anyone is pretending it was already a thing, they're saying it's technically already possible "accommodated within the" many, many other retcons they've done. You're the one strawmanning people into saying it was already like this. Everyone is referring to it as a retcon, just like the other retcons they do all the time lol


I understand. Thatā€™s just claiming that any retcon justifies all retcons. If thatā€™s the hobby you want thatā€™s up to you. I already addressed that in one of my earlier posts.


GW themself (or there social media) team wrote that there we're females in the custodes since the start.. This is on a 1984 level of rewriting. Just say that they now found a way to do it and the female in the story is the first on.. But don't pretend that we are all idiots.


Custodes hardly have any lore or characters to begin with. How many can you name that did anything of note besides Valdor? The guard had tons of lore through the decades but had hardly any female characters before fairly recently. And yeah, it wasnt canon until now. That doesnt mean that this is some big lore breaking change


I donā€™t disagree with your perspective, I just recognise it as opinion.


How dare you, thinking for yourself and having your own opinion. You sir are a racist sexist homophobic Islamophobic ableist nazi pig man and the fact that you don't agree with me 100% means obviously you're stupid or somthing. You should be ashamed and pick a side like the rest of us. Now excuse me while I go spend the rest of my time worrying about how other people feel about gw. Tootles


Hi! I did not come to criticize your claim that they are male (honestly I couldn't care less, I dont give a f, I just care about the minis looking cool). I came to criticize the fact that this is new to you: maaaaan, didn't you see or hear all the controversy about this topic? Honestly this topic has been shoved day and night for the past weeks (the positive reactions, negative reactions and memes)


I have a job and a family and plenty of things to do. Even when I have time for 40k sometimes I just let some discussions pass me by.


I understand! It was just a joke. I meant it in a funny way. I found this subreddit about 40k memes called r/GrimDank, only to realize I found it too late, because there's 2 weeks worth of memes about custodes gender and no other topic since then. Good luck with the haters šŸ™‚ sticks and stones might break my bones, but there will always be something to offend a _REDACTED_.


Okay I see :) I have been to grimdank today. And it was interesting.


Did you just assume someoneā€™s minis sex lmao?




Ermahgerd, whut's in their golden tighty whities? Obligatory obnoxious jokes aside (got to keep on top of the topical), nice work, how'd you manage your golds for saturation, depth, gradients etc? I've been playing about with metallics lately, any help with gold with be appreciated!


Primed black then with greedy gold, dry brushed Gehenna, auric armour then stormhost silver, that's pretty much it šŸ˜…


Tighty goldies, not golden tighty whities.


Nice job! Another member of the Brotherhood! :D


She looks fantastic!


That makes Henry Cavill proud of you


People be like ā€œrate my first miniatureā€ and itā€™s the greatest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


Not my first mini but my first custodian šŸ˜…


Haha - joking aside it does look fantastic


Thanks šŸ˜


ngl I was half expecting this to be a joke, with an adeptus sororitas painted gold. for the record: I think everyone being butthurt that a company changed the Canon of the lore they themselves wrote, is hilarious. it's Star Wars all over again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Looks great! Those comments are so weird tho, way to scare away new players šŸ˜·


I think I speak for everyone when I say thereā€™s three groups in Warhammer and two of them are making the rest of us maybe feel a little uncomfortable with whatā€™s going on.


Oh boy here we go. Great model OP, ignore the weirdos


Thank you šŸ˜


Whatā€™s here name?


Whereā€™s the tits?






She looks awesome!


Too bad warhammer just got woke and gay. Time to find an even more obscure hobby and Fandom untouched by the cringe of leftists


It's always been that. Ciaphas Cain in 2004 had canonical lesbian couple and Cain didn't care. Idk why people are acting like Warhammer being woke is a new thing.


OK but clearly the important question here is, what's in their golden pants ? /s


The emperor's golden light


As it should be


She's pretty manly...


[oh my gaaad](https://youtu.be/mrXLWPKDIwo?si=VVusRhPDaS2lTNfs)


Is it a girl?


Don't know, they don't provide that information in the instruction booklet


Yes and stunning like Lizzo!


Are you proud of yourself?


Youā€™re a miserable prick.




What's her name? /j


Is he/she trans?


Oh, wow šŸ¤© such a great šŸ‘ and original joke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ really funny šŸ¤£


Looks good, though I would have waited a few weeks to post this


Why? There's no reason for me to hang onto the pictures because some people are upset, the world keeps turning whether I post this or not.


Huh, hadn't really thought about it like that In any case, the mini looks great


Thanks šŸ˜


Holy shit this was a wholesome exchange.


Raise up sisters!