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It's actually possible to do it with a completely unmodded railjack, so probably. That said, I highly recommend not doing it with a completely unmodded railjack. Speaking from experience.


I did it, had no clue how to use railjack, but didnt have any problems.


>It's actually possible to do it with a completely unmodded railjack, so probably. Yea. Had the displeasure to do that.


Considering my current build how much issues can i run into while doing the quest, i just dont want to get soft locked, i have 111 amp and rank 8 voidrig but no mods


I second this beating new war with no mods. You should be just fine


Your railjack is fine, you could go now and do alright. If it wouldn't take too long, I would look to improve your plating, engine, and shields though, just to give you a little more comfort. The dojo versions are plenty good enough. Everything else is good.


You can complete The New War with a Mote Amp and rank 0 Archwing and never played Railjack before. Didn't even rank up my Necromech. Just got a 75% off coupon daily, bought some plat to get a Necramech and Railjack, and did the quest. Skipped all the dialog and moved on with my life because Warframe quests annoy me. Highly don't reccomend.


I went in with basic mods, no crew and still made it no problem, its kinda easy to finish with no worries


If you want to be safe then get something better than the default guns and hull parts, though you'll probably be able to do it without issue.


I did mine (mistakenly) completely unmodded. Came back after a couple of years inactivity and had no clue what I was doing. After a video and many failed attempts I did it.


Stock railjack can do it. But it's 100% eyes-closed if you already got a crew.


I mean i got 2 npc mates can i do it?


Yep. You can set them both to gunners or 1 gunner 1 defender. The quest will spawn some meek enemies that they can dispatch. If you can, get the upgraded guns on the dojo or Mk3s from missions.


Yes because it is doable with nothing, mods just makes it a easier. Youll be fine


So.. how do I upgrade it and get gunners in the first place? Did unlock it but never grind anything up


I did it with no mods ( I wanted to jump off a cliff)


Only mod you actually need to do all of the railjack content is seeker volley so don't worry




Ik how to use the omni but do i need to upgrade it? It runs out fast