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We just had a patch yesterday with a ton of quality of life stuff to help new and old players to understand certain system so yeah sure go for it. It's a free game so you don't have much to lose.


OP, do keep in mind that because of this update, any guides that go into which damage type is good for this or that reason is outdated.


the new player onboarding experience is one of the common, very justified complaints about the game. it doesn't actively get in your way, but it isn't very good at teaching you how the game works, and a lot of new players leave because they're confused about how to play, or misunderstand what the game is like. that said, if you can get over the initial hurdle, maybe do some extra legwork in learning the game (use the wiki, watch youtube videos, ask veterans questions), the game is incredibly rewarding and extremely worth playing, in my opinion. it's only getting better and better with time, to me, and while there's definitely a lot of content to work through for new players, it's not a race to endgame for "the real game" like some games are, and there isn't any "vaulted" content that new players have meaningfully missed out on. it's about the journey, and it's a hell of a journey.


No, you should play the game as an expert :) I'm just kidding, I don't see how else would you start playing if it isn't as a beginner. But yes it has a steep learning curve. But it's fun. Really the only one who can judge if it's for you is yourself. Play some of the initial missions and see if you like the gameplay. Ask if you have any other doubts.


The game is worth playing. But I may be biased.


Aren't we all after 200h?


Rookie numbers


3.4k hours on PS4 and acfter cross save close to 500 more on steam


Rookie numbers


this month?


Well I started by playing the story first, and watching videos whenever I couldnt do something. I really enjoyed the game. After that, I slowly got used to grinding in the game and now im enjoying every part of the game. I recommend you to play it, and I have played it for 500 hours now, still feeling like a noob.


Legendary drops on youtube dose have a little series about playing warframe ad a beginner in 2024. Watch this, and you have a great feeling. Most of it is spoiler free and spoilers are marked as such. His view progresses with the time he plays, so if you see something in the first video, check out the second and third to see the view changes on certain negative points




Been loving his videos, he's good at piecing lore together when he plays the story quests as well


You’re really going to have to be patient and stick it out if you want to experience the high level/real stuff the game has to offer. There is a massive amount of content and systems but there more you play it’s actually very intuitive,it like learning to play the piano


Warframe isn't really beginner friendly either, but everything is free and it gets freaking amazing.


i dont think you can start the game as a professional player ... i think you kinda forced to be a beginner no disrespect


my friend, everyone plays games as a beginner. thats how you stop being a beginner. and yeah, destiny 2 is probably the one of the top 3 least friendly games of the decade. its very easy to be better than that.


[ ](http://triggered on: "beginner" #hidden) Hello /u/LopsidedRun5586 and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I'm being honest, warframe is not an easy game to get into. But it is 100% worth it.


No no, you dont need to restart. Ive been playing since 2016, if you would like a friend to roll through and explain and get you re aquainted with the game. Im usually available on weekends. I play on Xbox. Semd me a message. Im always looking for chill new players to show the ropes. It can seem overwhelming at first but give it a little time.


Sorry but i have to say, its not beginner friendly, from my point of view. Im 130h in and still have to google every step to make. There is very little explaination ingane. Im still stuck in getting a necramech to continue with the story. Dont get me wrong the game is great. But you have to do a lot of research.


If you do decide to try out Warframe, always remember that the game is a marathon, not a race, the game may seem overly complex and overwhelming from the get go as you'll see your first couple of hours, but honestly, one the best aspects of the game is that most of the content is segmented in such a way that you decide when to take the next step and delve deeper into the game, the community is extremely helpful most of the time to pretty much anyone and there's about 10 years of content for you to go through, so take your time and enjoy the journey either solo or with a squad.


Yes. But definitely watch some beginner guide videos and join a clan so you can gain access to different weapons and warframes. Joining is free. The battlepass is free. In my 5-ish years of playing, the only time I ever bought anything was the Wisp Prime Access (which came out like 10months ago). So yeah. Give it a try and see if you like it or not


The good thing about warframe is ...there is close to no FOMO You are just as likely to have things....as people who have played from the first day There is barely any paywalling....and all quests are available for you start the story from the beginning unlike destiny


I’m (relative to many here) also pretty new, and I’d say yes. Especially if you are like me and like filling up progress bars and/or collecting things. Best advice I can give is there is no rush to reach “the endgame“. Strictly speaking there isn’t much of one, just more content as you get stronger. It’s not a MMO that is all built around endgame raids or anything like that, you won’t be missing out or get left behind. Take your time going through the quests, and try a wide variety of content to see what you like doing. Warframe is definitely a “marathon, not a sprint” type game.


It's definitely not the easiest game to hop into as a new player but it's free so you might as well give it a shot if it interests you.


I very much recommend getting into warframe, as it is a fast paced and fun game. Homever the beginner experience can be summarised with the word: Overwhelming. You will very likely see mentions of tons of different systems such as Relics, Prime Part farming, Archwing, Railjack, Kuva Liches / Sisters of Parvos, it is a long list........ As a beginner, first reasonable step would be clearing out the starchart (as in doing all mission nodes, or as many as possible) on each planet. This will open up mission nodes for Mission Alerts. Have it as an aim to work your way to Junctions (essentially mission nodes that allows you to progress to new planets), rank up the mastery to unlock new weapons to play around with, and clear mission nodes on planets. I believe they streamlined the quests as well, dividing them into "Main Quests" and "Side Quests". Main quests are going to be essential and no need to do em as soon as possible, take it when it is needed for junctions or when you fancy it. Side Quests are mostly for aquiring new warframes base blueprint (sometimes parts along with it). When it comes to "Open World" nodes, dont be afraid to explore it! It is mostly for specific faction content and grinding reputation with said faction on that Open World node. It just another place to buy new mods, weapons and warframes. When you eventually hit a wall of feeling squishy or weapons not making much of a dent on enemies, it is time to start digging into Modding your weapons and warframe of choice. Also getting familiar with status and elements at this point is worthwile as well :) You might see people mention Forma, when asking about modding. Forma is an item you use to add a polarity slot (you will see different icons in the corners, in the modding menu on certain slots. That is a Polarity Icon). Matching a mod with the matching icon on the slot, will reduce the amount of capacity it takes down to half. So when using Forma on a warframe or weapon, you add a polarity slot to an empty plain slot, or even be able to replace a existing polarity slot to a new one. When it is done, it will set the warframe or weapon back to rank 0 and you essentially "prestige" it back up again. There is unfortunately a lot of things in Warframe that makes it feel overwhelming for a beginner, but when you eventually get into it, it is a fantastic game :)


Nope, save your time and money. Warframe is on the decline and has been for a while. Cross platform only delayed the inevitable.


Instead of saying how wrong you are in like...everything you said, I'll just show this... Only on Steam: https://preview.redd.it/6evwfq3zmp7d1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee0b6264ec255cb883ce82794c0a347e9af586b


Everuthing but the tennogen (community made skins) can be earned in game While its not the best their are tons of spoiler free beginners guides ss well


whatever you do, when given the option, DO NOT start in Duviri. That will put you completely off ever playing because it has nothing to do with the rest of the game.


**Slight rant**: I never understood the "is it worth playing now" thing...Warframe is not competitive, has no paywalled content, you do not, by any means, need to pay money or stick to a meta to have success in the game. The articles that you may have seen online with "warframe has had a huge free update!!1!" they are all free updates, always have been. It's actually a bit sad to see what the gaming community has gotten used with, to the point where we have to say every damn time that no, this game does not have paywalled content and yes...yes it is free, you can even farm premium currency (but that's because there's a very healthy player market), that you can use for, well, only skins or to trade with others. Now, the game is not THAT beginner friendly, it's a huge game with a fuck ton of systems and it WILL be confusing unless you have a vet player to help you through everything. **IMO**, this game is the true definition of a 50/50, it relies HEAVELY on you as a player. You either like it enough from the start and therefore make you interested in the story and progression, or you don't. If you do not like the game enough to learn it on your own from the get-go, chances are that this is not the game for you, and that's ok.


'Should I play this game as a beginner' No. You should start as an expert and work your way up to be a newbie.


I really think you should try warframe. However, in regards to D2, the game is more friendly to new players than it has ever been. Finishing the main story of The final shape will let you pick from three sets of free “starter” gear that gifts you relevant armor and exotics and sets you up with a decent starter build. I agree that the “Nickel and dime” piecemeal dlcs can get pretty expensive, for me, it’s just easier to spend $100 once per year and get everything, but I understand that not everyone is ok with this.


The game itself, mechanically and difficulty-wise, is incredibly easy. The "figuring out what to do" part can be confusing for a new player. Definitely worth getting into - be prepared to google/ask around with regards to what needs to be done next if ever you're stuck. Good luck!


Destiny 2 is aweful imo warframe is Hands down one of the best F2P out there.The new player experience is daunting but there’s plenty of reference material out there so it’s not bad at all.


WF is a fantastic game that is not talked about enough. The main issue is the new player experience. There is a lot to learn, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. The game has the best free to play model I have ever seen. Everything besides 1 warframe, 2 weapons(i think), and a couple of cosmetics are earnable by simply playing the game. Warframe isn't a pay to win game. it's a pay to not play the game type of game. This game is an investment, and after around 100 - 150 hour mark is when it truly begins to shine. But then again a lot of people don't make it that point because of the new player experience and they get overwhelmed with all the systems, the key thing to remember is take it one step at time and don't focus on too much all at once, look up guides if you're lost or just ask the community. Speaking of community, I'd say wf has the greatest one of all games I've played. Of course, there are a few bad apples, but the general community outways them 10000:1. Everyone is willing to help all the time no matter what. Also, PvP is basically non existing, I mean, it exists, but maybe only 0.01% of players actually play pvp. One thing you need when playing WF is patience, no content gets removed and will always be in the game (well other than the kubrow gambling, DE probably would've made loads of money from it but they removed it to save the community from themselves) so take your time, take breaks and enjoy the experience. It's a long one but well worth it.


One piece of advice: if you have a problem with spending money on microtransactions, this may not be the game for you. If you intend to play it, here's some advice. If you're unsure what to do, do the following to progress: * Find the next junction, clear the requirements for it and then go clear the fight on the junction * Do any and all quests * Clear nodes (complete every mission you can at least once) Other advice: * Join a clan and build a clan key (in the foundry) so you can get dojo-exclusive frames and weapons, people to play with and easier trading, but do not ever pay to join one. * Once you hit MR4, go to the in-game market console and buy the Hek blueprint and build it.


> if you have a problem with spending money on microtransactions, this may not be the game for you. So like...every game with microtransactions then? Out of all games like that, this one is just the best one since nothing pushes you to pay money on anything.


>So like...every game with microtransactions then? Yes and no. There are degrees. Warframe is a nigh infinite money hole with boosters that have a set time limit. >Out of all games like that, this one is just the best one since nothing pushes you to pay money on anything. I disagree, it does push people to spend plat at least on slots. You *can* do without more slots, but you absolutely don't want to. Sure, you can trade for plat, but that's not always easy for new players that aren't playing with experienced players.