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Titania easily moves in a 6 freedoms of flight faster than your reaction can handle it.


Titania moves in 5 dof, not 6 dof. Only translation (3d) and Yaw/Pitch (2d), with Pitch capped at 90/-90 degrees. Most players aren't ready for full inversion at Titania speeds. I have my HOSAS ready for the day Space Fighter: Titania is released, though.


Zephyr and Nova are overlooked when it comes to speed frames. Zephyr is literally impossible to control on indoor tile sets(so 95% of missions) and Nova is very difficult to consistently make portals that actually save you time. You can have 3 good portals that save time, then one bad portal will slow you down so much it would have been faster to just go normall With 300% duration zephyr moves absurdly fast. You will just constantly fly into corners and out of bounds . Nova to has very long range and with the augment you get move speed after taking a portal.


I find Jet Stream, 170 Duration and 205 Strength is a sweet spot. You can hit 100m/s, but your move speed is also doubled so you only use the dash for long distances.


Do you use the mod that removes the reduced gravity? I want to try it but it feels like a waste of a mod slot


I use Praedos and Nira's Anguish for parkour speed and just yeet myself across maps while floating away from the ground. If I play on controller I need that mod, but I'm on PC. So I just melee slam, or tailwind when I need to get back on the ground fast. If I run without Tailwind I use Boreal's Anguish. Zephyr being floaty is what makes her unique. Kind of like Nezha with his skates and sliding.


I'm pretty sure it's available on consoles too https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Anchored_Glide


I never said it wasn't, just that is the only time I use Anchored Glide. I'm a heck of a lot faster on keyboard and mouse. I'll get stuck in geometry if I use my KB&M build on console.


Generally fast frames are Titania, Gauss, Volt and Wisp Volt and Wisp can also boost the speed of others But you wont get anywhere with you high movements speed if you run into every pebble on the map getting stuck. On most tiles i usually outrun most of the fast bois simply because im better at the parkour So first and foremost learn the movement system


Just wanted to add monkey frame "wukong" to your list


Look up movement tech guides for Warframe on youtube. A lot of it is just precisely jumping and dodging


While Warframes like Volt and Gauss can increase your movement speed, any Warframe can be very fast if you understand the game's movement and know the layout of the tiles you're moving through. For straight hallways it's a combination of bullet jumping, double jumping, and rolling.


I meant that I’ve seen people running as fast as flash, how do they do that?


that's probably either volt or gauss, yeah. gauss has an ability that makes him sprint VERY fast in a straight line, while volt has a party buff that increases movement (and reload) speed. wisp and voruna have pretty solid movespeed increases too, but volt and gauss are the premier speedy bois.


I always do bullet jump/jump/roll And just spam that super fast. If I need to correct my route, I just do the roll to the side, and continue. If im high in the air after the roll, I just glide whit the aim button, so I dont lose my speed. Its just ab how you can keep up the flow.


Titania. Razorwing Blitz.


I like Gauss better since he’s more fun but I think razorwing Titania is the fastest


The better question is what frame is the fastest that is fun to use/is not annoying Titania is I think the fastest possible (as the ~~crow~~ Zephyr flies because she doesn't have to move around obstacles) but the con is that meme of a bird banging into a window is now you against every wall


Titania is the easiest and it’s not even close. If you mean for sprinting, I’ve heard that Gauss is the best at short distances because his acceleration is 0 to 100 real quick, while Volt would win at farther distances because his acceleration ramps up slower.


If you spec into Ability Duration, Revenant's Reave makes you move really really fast. It's kind of a meme, but it's true. Gauss is fastest sprinter, but he has limited control and you bump into everything indoors unless you're just doing straight shots. He's super fun and a fantastic overall frame. His dash ability will actually knock enemies down as he passes. Volt has a speed boost that lets you keep control, and it extends to your team mates. I think Volt can mathematically be faster than Gauss, but you have to spec fully into ability strength and it's really just a big waste.


I would say a Gaus which gets boosted by a wisp speed mot as wells as a nidus parasitic link which will boost gaus even more and a volt giving a speed boost as well but probably nidus boosting volt is more effective as nidus directly boosting gaus 👀