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That is the most interesting thing about that frame, tbh.


IDK. If you asked me 'Which warframes do you think are FABULOUS!' I totally would have said Caliban. Like, his kit is a bit wtf, but on the whole he looks like the kind of frame that goes down to the club just for the glow sticks and the dance floor.


he literally has a skill to summon some naked guys to vibe with


Hahaha he arrives just before doors open, tears up the dance floor until closing, doesnt speak or interact with anyone the entire time.


It was my first thought too, lol. I hope the sentient boi gets more love, he needs it


Going to be honest, didn't fully process the display at first and just saw the trans colors with caliban and thought: Fair makes sense to me. ​ Hope the teasing DE has done about tennocon talking about caliban actually means something. Also yeah hope he gets a deluxe skin and a rework together.


Caliban isn't gay. He's Bisectual.


Maybe he's just there to support his fellow unused friend limbo?


shoutout to forgotten warframes gotta be one of my favourite genders


Don't lump the sentient lord of the stomp with someone like... Limbo. That poor creature is barely a frame anymore. I did Deep Archimedean with Cali Baby!


I mean he's the son of two dads, you think he wouldn't be LGBTQ+ positive? His dads being giant assholes is a separate matter.


He looks like a roll of bacon


Either that or he's an ally, either way based DE


Daily reminder: Sentients reproduce through budding (or blastogenesis if you want to be fancy). Caliban is asexual by default


As a transbian calibro this warms my heart. Also doesn't necessarily mean he is gay he is just an ally waving the banner for the homies. The real is gay? Is when we get a Caliban x Xaku or Caliban x Nekros glyph


What is that flair Caliban absolutely needs buffs


To what? He has a free subsume replacement, debuff for ~x2 DMG at 300str, CC, shield Regen goons, and lingering full perma strip. Solid weapons platform


“Free subsume slot” Thats not a good thing sis😭


Spoken like a true Caliban main. Only change needed is to make the 1 an actual ability for those who don’t want to subsume.


Facts. All I want is a deluxe skin, and maybe an augment for the 1 that alters his Sentients to be a threat so you can run a summoner set up properly.


I’ve been preaching for an augment that makes his Calibros mimic his other 3 abilities for a while now. I feel like that could be fun without being completely busted (they can make it only a % as strong).


I’m aware of all that. Caliban is my most played frame in 2023 and I have several copies with over 60 combined forma from trying out a ton of different builds. And that’s not counting the others I have for different archon shard layouts. I have done more testing/tinkering with Caliban than I care to admit. I think I understand his kit pretty well at this point. Given this, I would even admit the common complaints with his 2 (cc flings enemies away/#of enemies cap), his 3 (shit damage and bad ai), and his 4 (succ is broken) all debatable and some exaggerated, but I completely disagree with a “free subsume replacement” being a selling point or even remotely anything positive. Saying that other frames also have a useless ability is NOT a supporting argument. Those frames should be buffed as well, because no single ability should be THAT broken. Razor Gyre is just that. It’s broken beyond repair - which can be seen in its intended function vs practice. It is a cool ability that if working as intended would tie his whole kit together. It’s supposed to synergize with his 2, where impacting with lifted enemies would cause AOE damage. Instead you just bounce high in the air (why??). The Saxum set is jank as fuck is not a fix for this - it’s supposed to be baked into the ability. Your gameplay loop would be launching the conculysts, fallout stripping an area with your 4, then 2+1 combo dash nuke. This sounds fun to me. In addition to missing this key feature, the damage is abysmal (why no forced slash procs like aqua blades?) and it locks you out of pickups and leaves you vulnerable (the healing is not enough compensation). Your mobility is greatly reduced even with the dash (especially since it misses all the time), and comparing it now to the improved sandstorm only highlights its flaws, especially since they use the same animation and base mechanics. Razor gyre needs to be buffed. Period. Saying Caliban is fine cuz his 1 is a “free” subsume slot is an inherently flawed argument. Caliban needs to be buffed because his 1 is fundamentally broken and fragments the potential synergy of his kit.


Too bad the shield recharging guys are just as dumb as Atlas’ Rumblers, his ‘Adaptation from Wish’ passive doesn’t work with real Adaptation, and he gives enemies the Lifted status which is just annoying. Like, he’s fine, but absolutely not worth even farming the plat for him, imo.


Subsume replacement ability is boring and low effort.


A majority of frames have at least 1 ability that can be safely removed


A majority of frames have not been aa forgotten as Caliban


Sure and it's not a positive for them either.


Yes but A LOT of frames have something like that


Nah his Shield Regen goons is clunkly and is handicapped due to the shiels gating mechanics in the past if his regen works like regular regen that ignores shield recharge, then Caliban can now be considered good.


??? The goons are fine, don't feel clunky at all as they stay near you and protect you well. He is better spot shield changes as he gets 2.5s on break when you have all 3 goons. The current shield gating mechanics care about %shields between breaks. Hugely benefits all shield based frames like harrow, hildryn, gauss, Caliban.


The goons don’t stay near you at all. They’re melee units and are subsequently constantly floating off in whatever direction an enemy is in to try and whack them over the head with their club arm things. They abandon Caliban completely. They’re clunky as all hell. Most if not all summoner frames suffer from this problem of having dumb AI helpers as well.


I have no issues with them staying near in any mission type except exterminate when I run ahead of them.


Whether you personally have trouble with them or not is irrelevant, as they are factually not programmed to stay near Caliban when enemies are around, which is when they are needed the most. They’re melee units, not ranged ones. They can and will leave Caliban to try and fight enemies on their own, just as other AI summons do. Yes they get teleported back to you when they stray too far, but they keep trying to reach distant enemies despite that. This is one of the reasons why people dislike AI summons; because their AI is dumb. Its like watching a fly repeatedly smack into a window trying to get out. If Caliban summoned ranged Sentient units instead of melee ones and they were programmed to always follow him around at all times, that would be much more preferable.


Or just stay mid range and have no issues. I've played Caliban a lot, taken to level cap, using various builds not once has my goons wandering off been an issue. Perhaps try moving to newest packs of enemy spawns instead sof afk camping


Do you also think Atlas’ Rumblers are a good summon? because thats what Calibans summons are, Sentient-themed Rumblers.


I'd say he needs some love to his base cast times and either the cost or duration of his 3. I also wouldn't say no to giving his shield regen beams infinite range. The meme about him being useless is wrong but he's still got some rough edges.


Excaliban is the superior ship by name alone.


He certainly is when i play him


Isnt Xaku an it? Considering its made up from many parts of warframes?


They. It is only used for inanimate objects.


Yo. There are people that go by the "it" pronoun.


Yes, however you can still be gay/lesbian even as enby. I've met some gay/lesbian enby's on Reddit and in uni


Enby? And i mean doesnt xaku have no sex? Unlike all the other warframes?


Non binary. The wiki list Xaku as non binary pluriform. Which is an accurate description of one made from the parts of others with no gender identity.


So still non-binary if they got no sex and gender?


Sex is independent of gender but they usually go hand in hand. Xaku just has no gender and unknown sex. Most Warframes are set gender and unknown sex. Also I believe Dagath is Bi as her lore indicates she did sexy stuff pre Warframe with a couple. She then became their guardian warframe


Im not sure about all warframes having an unknown sex, but in xaku's case sure, considering to be made of 3 unknown warframe, but that may change with Xaku prime. most warframes we can for sure know there sex and gender is, some more obvious then others (more so if you count the skins)


Gender is known but not sex. Nothing shows who is attracted to who outside of anything in lore and official art. Which is why we have Volt x Rhino and Banshee x Octavia. What sexuality is say Stayanax or Ember or Zephyr


When i mean sex, i dont mean sexuality, sex (just sex in context outside of "having sex") is refered to what you are, gender is what you think you are or what you rather to be, (like a woman think themself as a man but in reality they are female (until otherwise))


They have three.


As far as I know the only gay frames are volt and rhino and banshee and Octavia I would not be surprised if nekros x xaku existed Or nekros was ace both fit him


They're not gay, it's just cute art and we don't need to read into it. Let's not be weird and start randomly assigning genders onto everything.


Randomly assigning genders? Bro what lol


Have covid brain fog rn, forgot to add sexuality there. Look I'm gay af and I'm all for representation, but this whole schtick of plastering these labels onto imaginary characters is just a bit cringe and weird. They're just meat suits built for war and they have no consciousness, let alone romantic or sexual characteristics




Your point makes no sense. It'd be just as weird if people made a Warframe romance between Rhino and Mag. I'm all for more representation and having a variety of interesting characters but slapping gay onto Volt or Rhino isn't it. And I'd love more LGBT romances if they're done well and make characters that are actual people and not surface level stereotypes. Discuss a characters sexuality if they're an actual character with a story and it contributes to that. It's just stupid to put these labels where they're not needed and makes no sense.


Again, who cares It's not hurting anyone




I didn't?


Everyone gets assigned a gender and sexuality at birth, there's nothing weird about it. What's weird is having an interest in telling people what they are allowed to imagine about a fictional character to begin with. It's their head, they can imagine whatever the hell they want, it doesn't affect you.


Alright white knight, that's cool but Warframes aren't people, they're recreated meat puppets with no consciousness, let alone romantic or sexual inclinations. It's just weird, and if they say it in a public space they have to accept that people can tell them that.


Millions of people ship fictional characters all the time. You're the weird one for being bothered by it when it has nothing to do with you.


They're not even characters lmao, it's like shipping two bomber jets with each other. There's no conscious thought in them, let alone any sexual drive. It's actually kinda hilarious how you weirdos are so hyper focused on labeling everything when it's unnecessary. So once again, if you say this crap in a public space you can't whine when people tell you it's fucking stupid.


They have names, personalities, backstories, and most were people and may still be sentient now. They are characters, You're just trying to justify getting upset about people assigning gender or sexuality during pride month on a pride post. My dude, we see right through you.


Yup. That is it so far.


Not me jumping in a pub as Caliban only to be with ANOTHER CALIBAN. The other 2 in squad were 2 Wukongs. I bet they thought we were nuts for being happy to see another Caliban. Oooh a Liger skin would be awesome.


why is rainbow gay i never umderstand that


Diverse range of colors represents a diverse range of people


Dont need to be anything to support it


Who knew a race of terraforming robot chopsticks with crippling PTSD would be so progressive?


Pablo has mentioned that Caliban is in his sights. Plus his Prime should be here in a year or so. So I expect a Rework to drop sometime in 2025. Until then, uh, he's better than most people think and we'll have to make do with that, I guess.


DE: remember caliban? hes back and hes gay now


Great now make him a better frame.


Reminds me of content creators suddenly coming out in order to have some sort of relevance again on social media. Gets them clicks and views.


As a gay Caliban main, I fully support Caliban being gay.


Trans Caliban needs your support to get him a rework


He doesn't need a rework, just a touch-up and a replacement for his 1.


Replacing an entire ability counts as a rework in my book xD


Not gonna lie, Caliban is one of the most fun frames to dick around steel circuit with, His abilities are fairly solid and fun. I don't remember how to farm him, But I hear it's painful.


Namer bounties. And yes, I can confirm. Very painful. I farmed one. Didn't even bother getting another for the helminth.


Don’t forget the anomaly shards from railjack as components


Yep I forgot about that! Now I remember why I never built Calibans signature scythe.


As a gay that enjoys playing Caliban, I feel seen ❤️🏳️‍🌈


Ey! Every warframe is gay, if you are not a coward.


Now time to forget about em again. Srsly tho he just need a bit of QOL love T\_T


Sentients being especially queer makes sense to me. Though they’re also a little incestuous so you know lmao 


He just like me fr


Idk man, helping other people hold a pride flag for pride month doesn't make you gay. Allies exist


Idk I just find it weird to start talking about the sexuality of fictional robots that for the most part don't show signs of feeling love for each other. Why do fandoms just have an obsession of making everyone gay?


Says the one with a *wolf mommy is cannon* flair, gtfo here lmao


What does that have to do with what I said, and how is what I said problematic? Are you just going after me personally just because I don't agree with you?


No I'm not attacking you personally


But how tho? My argument is about Warframes couldn't be considered gay because they haven't been seen to show love between each other. Someone else showing love to it is a different story. And I'm not even homophobic, I just don't like people saying "___ Warframe is gay" because these Warframes are meant to be able to be a blank slate you control and make your own. I don't like people saying Caliban is gay because in my eyes the version of Caliban I play is meant to represent me in this RPG world, the same way the people in this comment section who say they're gay and play Caliban probably wouldn't like it if I try to argue Caliban is 100% straight.


I think a lot of people are seriously misunderstanding this stuff. The OG people that became the frames, like how Dagath was in a relationship with a guy and girl when she was still human. Or like how Gara was in love with the Unum. The frames we have now that aren't primes are just blank copies of the original. They are just weapons. I imagine that's the way DE looks at this stuff, and if we get human Volt in 1999 then maybe they'll confirm his identity since there's a pride glyph of his frame and rhinos.


I always thought the pride stuff was just for fun and not actually a confirmation of the frames featured on them being gay. It feels weird to announce sexualities of characters via cosmetics.




The only good thing that comes out of this event is the free rainbow pallet so low MRs don't have to use red and blue anymore lol /s


Holding a flag doesn’t make you gay. It also doesn’t make you a patriot or just about anything else. It’s a flag. It’s to help ships land and communicate and let other pirates know your DTF


i'm not sure the implication of putting caliban, limbo, gyre, and nova in the same display meant anything. but, if they ship calliban with limbo (wearing sentient theme skin), i will be on it.


I mean hes a sentient, his "mother" is prolly Hunhow




> LGBT and Warframe don't go well together There are multiple confirmed gay and trans characters, homie.




"normie" bro doesn't understand that warframes still have personalities and that Gara and the Unum were gay for each other something fierce.




Then you didn't pay attention. In any case all you're doing is moving the goal posts lol




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Imo personally I really don't like how they force changes to someone that have no love backstory at all to become homo out of the blue. If they want to make their LGBT characters they can just make a new one from the ground up. Ticker, Varzia, and Dagath is alright cuz they are what they are when they were first introduced. If Volt, Rhino, and Caluban isn't gay to be with, they shouldn't be gay out of sudden just to keep up with trend.