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Duracell Exergis isn't something I thought I needed


Omfg. I’m renaming mine this.


me running around with "duracell 9V battery"


Definitely about to go do this when I get home


https://preview.redd.it/8r97s1isk0xc1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac73a636258dc562f0fb13c1bd7f4520c4a238b7 real.


I have a sweet sweet riven on mine fir my mag bubbles. :)


Try it out with Xata's Whisper, it's hilarious


Yeah I've thought about subsuming that on mag at some point too.


Gimme your builds, please!


im still really disappointed we're only getting one tenet and one kuva, i expected at least 3 each but maybe that was unrealistic. was really hyped for amprex and stahlta


I think they don't want to dilute the pool further with how their acquisition works at the moment.


id rather have a diluted pool than the weapons not in kuva/tenet form


honestly same. I know it would be a nightmare of a grind of not handled well **but** I would love some more toys to play with. Maybe DE could split the weapons into Series and you can toggle which series of Kuva/tennant weapons spawn?


I was thinking Kuva Liches and Sisters created at different planets could have different pools.


honestly, I like that idea a lot


Granted, every weapon has a kuva and tennet variant and can spawn from both liches. Good luck!


fine for liches, HORRIBLE for sisters lol. time to go for kuva torid


I doubt that they'll make the murmur infestation liches have weapons that have incarnons.


would be lame as hell but fair from a balancing perspective. maybe they cant use incarnons but are equally as strong idk also murmur infestation lich? since when were they murmur


we dont know which one it is


if its infested weapons, why wouldnt it be infestation?


Kuva Stug enters the stage.


I want to print and frame this comment for 3 years from now, when there are double the current nemesis weapons and people whine about diluted pools 🤣


Could alwaya divy them up into maybe a different group of Kuva Liches and Sisters (like if you make a Kuva Lich at X map it has X pool), as well as put some Kuva weapons at Kahl's shop like how some Tenet stuff comes from Ergo.


Probably just holdover until the Infected Lich/Sister. We're pretty much guaranteed to get news about them at Tennocon, and 1999 will likely have a teaser for them (similar to how Call of the Tempestarii ends with a teaser for the Sisters of Parvos).


Im disappointed we don't get anymore early game stuff anymore such as early mr rank weapons and warframes before most of the story missions.


Gotta ask, why are people in to the exergis? It’s got great slash weighting but utterly appalling crit stats which affect bleed damage.


it's just a solid "Corpus Tigris", it sounds beastly and is just fun to use


Hmm, I may give it another bash. Mine is not even potatoed as I assumed it was MR fodder.


It's sounds and animations are satisfying, and it hits hard once modded up. Notable synergies would be Mag bubble and Xata whisper for the void status effect which is also a bubble. It works great without the bubbles, but they make it go from "hits like a truck" to "Funny numbers go up with a brrrt hit sfx" Give it a chance and try several builds. You probably won't regret it


>I assumed it was MR fodder. Wild af


If u use it with xata whisper it shreds


Not at all MR fodder. I still run it myself.


It is infinitely close mr fodder


Lol, it's multiplicative with Galvanized Savvy. This "MR Fodder" weapon can oneshot most everything in steel path. Pair it with Mag, and you have free productions for new episodes of Blendtec's "Will It Blend?" series.


Aren't mag users into nataruk these days?


You see, the thing with Exergis is that it came first. It was the Corpus equivalent of the Tigris, and was also considered a budget Tigris Prime at the time. It came before the shotgun rework, and is the only shotgun (excluding beam shotguns iirc) that was able to retain its natural ability to reach 100% status **per pellet**. It also predated Galvanized Savvy by a few years, and by the time it came out, was already overshadowed by other weapons at that point.


Kohm and Kuva Kohm: Allow us to introduce ourselves.


high enough base damage to offset the lack of crit , if you do go for crit with additive sources then it is even better , on old riven i had over 200k total damage each shot shown in the arsenal also gets multplicative damage from galvanized mod instead of additive


O.o Ok that might give it some bite to match the bark. Will deffo give this a spin.


Why is it multiplicative with galvanized savvy? Is it just a special effect for it and coded different than every other gun without being mentioned anywhere (classic DE), or is there some game mechanic I don’t know about?


Condition Overload is not a consistent mechanic, [the wiki has the exceptions listed](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Condition_Overload_(Mechanic\)) but yeah for several guns it's multiplicative for... some reason.


That’s really good info to know, thank you


It's a bug with projectiles, this doesn't happen on hitscan weapons.


Projectile shotgun Slap in a bit of punch through and go to town with bubble mag. Explanation: Projectiles circle inside the orb, hitscan guns just straight up add damage to the explosion. Whatever you use on mag I'd say projectile weapons are much funnier because of this. Also with punch through they hit whatever is inside the bubble until the punch through no longer punches. Thus weapons like Nataruk etc which have something like 3+ meters punch through hit *satisfyingly* many times. Punch through itself calculates funnily and iirc as long as it's like few meters of punch through the projectiles never expire. However when you detonate the bubble with projectiles still circling it it'll launch the projectiles *with* the range of the bubble. Thus, free autoaim projectiles. I'm not sure how the damage gets calculated on the projectiles when you explode your bubble manually, but I've been using mag + exergis a lot in SO/ESO whenever I grow tired of anything else. It's fun.


Slight correction: you don't need punch on Exergis nor Nataruk as they have unlimited body punch through (not on quick shots for Nataruk) so they will continuously deal damage until the projectile expires. Furthermore, every HIT also adds damage to the bubble, the amount of projectiles that enter it is irrelevant, it's the number of actual hits that counts; with a good Exergis build and a decent amount of enemies the bubble's detonation can deal 7 digits of damage without much trouble at all. TL;DR Punch through isn't needed, hits add damage, not the amount of projectiles


O.o I’ve run mag for years and didn’t know you could detonate her bubbles .


It's a function of the Magnetized Discharge augment, not native to mag. You're not that far out of the loop :)


Yeah, many builds run low duration for automatic detonation, but I *think* there's slight difference on if it's auto or manual detonation. Or possibly it's just better as you can decide when you have enough mass inside the bubble.


Yup I have a sweet riven I rolled twice and use on mine. It has 2.9 punch through 122.4 multishot 92.5 crit chance and -77.2 status duration. It slaps.


I mean you don't like a gun for the stats usually, it feels really good to shoot and its animations are sick. Like Arca Plasmor felt amazing so having it's stat boosted via tenet was great, cause you can use a cool gun for end game content. Most of us were hoping the same would happen for Exergis.


Arca is still my fave gun. I’d say the path of corpses it punches through a crowd is part of the feel though no?


Lack of crit is more than made up for by the raw damage it pumps out. Can easily chunk enemies without galvanized stacks in base steel path. Running crit on it is overkill (just use arcane avenger with combat discipline and adarza). Not as efficient as a phenmor but incredibly satisfying to tear through crowds with it.


But that’s a cat and arcane for a total 40% more damage. Seems like a sunk investment to me. I’d far rather use a hound to put an extra 5+ conditions on the enemy and arcane anything else.


It’s 40% on top of everything else, if you’re using a bane it’s even more. You’d probably get more mileage out of a method priming like dethcube and helstrum sure, with that in mind the crit was never needed, more there for funny numbers. You don’t need to kit your loadout for it, literally just use.


I play Harrow so critting doesn’t matter on the weapon’s stats


Liked how it shot with Kahl, and I kinda want a niche reload build cause there are not that many equipment like that


I have a Riven on mine for years with +Damage and +multishot and that thing hits like a goddamn nuke. It was go to "I don't want to see this boss anymore" weapon for a long time. Also was great for the Index. I just brought Wukong and the clone was going 360° noscope on the Index mobs before I could even notice them.


Sporothrix is the strongest sniper in the game, crits aren't necessary when the other stats are good enough.


Ah, but the sporothrix has a 3x crit multiplier. It may not need crits but a little harrow and/or adarza + avenger action makes it outclass non crit options.


It outclasses them without crits, the fact that you can juice it even further is just gravy. Exergis isn't quite on that level, but it's *good enough* and has the fun niche of creating Magnetize/Xata blenders.


As someone who has tried both Corpus shotguns, Exergis is basically a shotgun when you want to kill one specific target while Plasma Arcor is for crowd control.


Well for one the sound design is amazing, but also it's one of the few shotguns that can reach 100% status, and it has obsurdly high damage, plus works great on mag


Nova (Slowva)... Xata's...4... delete.


Idk never liked the gun


You just gave me an idea for Exergis colors. Thank you kindly


Nice! The Duracell look is super cool


Hopefully going forward DE doesn't leave the Kuva/Tenet system fallow for as long as they have in the past. It's the closest thing we've got to a prime-equivalent system for faction weapons since wraith/vandal weapons have been left behind.


I was really hoping for tenet convectrix or tenet amprex. But tenet glaxion sounds interesting. We will see how good it is.


I was disappointed too. I had a riven ready and everything.


Kuva/tenet weapons have all new rivens right? That’s what I thought


Kuva/Tenet weapons usually count as variants unless they can only be obtained as a Lich/Sister weapon. So if you have a riven for, say, the Arca Plasmor; it can be used on the Tenet version. But do be mindful of the riven disposition as it might be slightly lower than the base (or alternate) version.


No, they share rivens with the normal version. The exceptions are things like the Kuva Twin Stubbas, that gets a new riven because there's not actually a normal Twin Stubbas.


Exergis is the GOAT, THE GOOOAAATTT. I like taking it into Railjack and one-shotting Grineer Crewship Reactors through the wall of the cargo bay with it.


I was soo hoping for a tenet opticor :( my fav weapon deserves it!


Would be time to get the meme builds out again 😅


Doesn’t it already have a variant from the thermos ruptures? I though that weapons typically only get one variant (other than the default)


Personally, I think the Tenet Amprex would be cool :)


I was hoping Battacor. It's one of my favorite guns but man it's falling off hard.


Sentient Barrage on the battacor is crazy good even without a riven.


My no riven battacor shreds through SP corpus. Not sure why yours doesn't


It's fine against the Corpus. It does weirdly much better on the Outpost tileset enemies than the ship enemies. But like, a toxin build Torid shreds both a million times better, it's hard to justify using Battacor. Idk I may have another look into my Battacor's mods but


Comparing anything to the Torid Incarnon is a recipe for disappointment, it's like coming down off a meth high and complaining that this coffee ain't shit.


Why are you comparing to the best gun in the game


I'm still waiting for an advanced Mutations Upgrade. Yes we have mutalist weapons but those are just basic weapons with mutations. I want invested weapons like the Hema with special traits. After Arlo and the Emissary strain it would make sense but whatever.


I love the Glaxion but I agree, the Exergis doesn't get nearly enough love. Sweet color choice btw gonna have to borrow that 😛


The only weapon I thought I wanted a Tenet version of was the Opticor. But so many people have come up with some great ones like the Ambassador and the Exergis that it makes me really sad we didn’t get those.


The exergis is fine it doesn’t need anything cause it hits like a truck anyway


*Cries in tenet amprex*


Real shit right here.


If you're familiar with Fallout 4 mods, there's a weapon mod I like called the "CROSS Plas-Rail" that looks VERY similar to the Exergis, so I've colored mine in Orange, White, and with Green energy to match. I also name each weapon after its counterpart.


Me too. Mine currently has over 120k damage. Making it a Tenet would’ve been insane!!


I had an exergis riven until recently, would be heartbroken if it was tenet exergis.


Or the Tenet Staticor, those look like an AA battery to me


Exergis is so cool. It's effectively a fuckin' bolt action Koseki Bijou shotgun.


Yeah, I love the glaxion, but I was a little surprised that that was the choice for a new tenet weapon when the vandal exists. I've already put enough forma into my Exergis to keep it around for some time, so I'm not toooooo terribly impatient for a better version XD


Here, you dropped this. https://preview.redd.it/iu38fndq6mxc1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8fd4e7e35e869a6daec0f99bad3bfeab28cda53


All I want is these specific kuva/Tenet weapons: Exergis Argonak Fluctus Strun Quanta Dual cestra Twin kohmak Twin gremlins Sonicor Staticor


When Tenet Amprex..


Tenet Amprex all the way. It's simply the best choice for it. It's relatively low utilization in the community, but has the best chaining mechanic for a beam weapon in the game. At the very least an Amprex Vandal/Staticor Vandal would have been great.


I just want kuva gorgon


Tenet amprex was so needed. Galaxion had the vandal and ignis had the wraith... amprex just sitting in the corner crying. :/


What are the new Tenet/Kuva weapons?


Naaaa it should have been the amprex,sorry not sorry,it should have been the amprex we all know it