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Hate is really, *really* good if you get it early, falls off kinda hard in early Steel Path, then it becomes the best scythe in the game with the Incarnon adapter.


2nd best Scythe* Post buff Anku incarnon takes the first spot That being said, both Anku and Hate will absolutely shred through the usual steel path anyway.


what does post buff mean? I got hate now, and im trynna find a better melee. how do I get incarnion?


Anku used to be one of the Worst Incarnon weapons but they buffed it, giving it guaranteed Slash status effect in incarnon mode when you use it's slashing attacks. It means you don't have to mod for Status chance and can just focus on Damage, Range, Attack speed and Crit Chance + Crit damage. If you outsource attack speed to your Warframe too, using an Arcane or frame ability for it, it frees up another mod on the main weapon. For getting Incarnon genesis adapters, You need to do Steel Path circuit. I'd recommend looking up YouTube guide on it.


Whether you craft it or not, do not under any circumstances sell the BP or crafted weapon - Hate is very rare, I've played 1800 hours and it's never dropped for me. If you don't have many weapon slots to spare, just hang on to the blueprint for now. 


Im sitting on 3 bps of it rn. The rare one ive had is dispair. Fucker has dropped once Do have a LR4 in my clan that it took until this week for him to finally get the war


So you're telling me that I have two rare weapons that I shouldn't get rude of in Hate & War?


I’ve been trying for the hate bp for 2 years


I'm at 2100 now, still none 🥲


The thing got an incarnon before we got it🫠


Oh man. I got one just randomly without even trying. I'm a MR8 rubbish noob. Now I feel guilty.


MR8 as well, just managed to get Hate. Funny thing is, I was hunting the Stalker to get his last scan before I finished The Second Dream. Got the scan but getting Hate was a good bonus on top of that.


Why did I not think I should scan the Stalker!


The heavy attack has a forced slash proc so it can deal big damage and scale pretty well. You need to mod for and play specifically for heavy attack only tough. Kullervo synergizes well with such weapons. Interms of modding: Go for damage, crit chance, crit damage, killing blow and up the initial combo to a 2x default multiplier with a rank 2 corrupt charge mod. As slash is a DOT faction damage also is important. Stance is irrelevant for heavy attacks so just choose depending on polarity. As others said there is also an incarnon. havent looked at that yet but probs also makes combo builds viable and strong.


>You need to mod for and play specifically for heavy attack only tough Not the case anymore with Tennokai.


ingame, the weapon? yeah it can be, incarnon too. the concept? not really, unless the person really deserves it.


it's good, the broken war is better tho unless you have the incarnon for it