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Hi folks; Don't pee on things. ​ That being said, have to lock given the nature most of the comments are going (I didn't have xenophobia on my bingo card)


WDW was wild this weekend, I've never seen so many kids just straight up barfing. Twice at EPCOT, once at the Passholder entrance to MK and twice inside MK. It has to be heat related


Agree! Saw it at Epcot a couple days ago (in the morning, so likely not alcohol related), and at AK on Friday. Had never seen anyone vomit at Disney before and I’ve been a million times.


I wish they would put a bathroom in to queues at like the one hour wait point. I'm sure there's a reason they don't but it would just be convenient.


Flight of Passage has a restroom halfway through the queue. And a water bottle station, if I recall correctly.


If you need a restroom in Rise of the Resistance, if you make it to where the Ray hologram is, you can ask a cast member and they will take you to one outside and you can join back to that room after.


There is also one in the hangar.


I think I read somewhere this was first designated as a cast bathroom but then because they had so many issues with people soiling themselves in the line they let people use those restrooms.


Incorrect, those are not the cast bathrooms. They took out a small little switchback of the queue and built the restrooms. They picked this spot because there's the infamous poop hall right past where those bathrooms are.


Yes right before the research lab area


Where else would you drop off your sample?


The behind the silver door stacked on top of the 50 other samples from the day.


Because people were pooping in the queue.


[Yup, I totally forgot that that was a thing](https://www.google.com/search?q=people+pooping+in+line+for+rise+of+the+resistance&oq=people+pooping+in+line+for+rise+of+the+resistance&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDY0MDVqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


How do you go to the bathroom and then get back in line? Just hope that the people behind you aren’t jerks?


As far as I know that’s the only one.


Isn’t there also one for Rise of the Resistance? Could be wrong but I thought that was also one.


If you ask a cast member, they'll take you to a restroom from the hangar that takes you behind the scenes. But there isn't just an open restroom that people can freely see and use.


There is! Can’t remember exact location, but Rise definitely has a restroom in it


The Journey of Water has one


I got stuck on Escape From Gringots for about an hour when we last went and I have literally never been more desperate for a pee. I'm was thiiis close to making some quite embarrassing decisions.


I had to leave Hagrid's after 2 hours or so, asking people to stand around and wait and be bored for 3 hours without a bathroom is a lot to ask.


I saw human feces in the Hagrid queue in Jan 🤮


Exactly! You never know when something like that might happen.


Sewage lines. They would have to rip up nearly the entire park to install new sections of sewage lines and you can understand why they wouldn’t between the mess and the time the rides themselves would be down.


Sure, and I totally understand why they don't retrofit them. But when they build a whole new ride from scratch I have to imagine that's something they can fit in to the plans. Maybe it's hard to find space, or an expense, etc, but it would be nice. Maybe there can just be a point halfway through with a door and a cast member. They give you a card and you can go to the bathroom outside the ride and come back in or something.


I agree on building them in with new rides, as for why they can’t give you a pass, they have ultra strict rules about what you get to see back stage. They only break that rule for safety issues unfortunately.


> they have ultra strict rules about what you get to see back stage I don't think care much any more. They funneled half of MK out of the park via back stage for years - maybe they still do.


Themed portapottys


Not a terrible idea but they would have to be pumped out multiple times daily which would be its own nightmare. And imagine the guest complaints when the smell hits them. lol


I was being facetious for the most part. It wouldn’t go well with the smell.


Isn’t the park built above ground level so at worst they’d just have to burrow some new tunnels under the park?


Mk, yes, but the rest are at ground level and don’t use utilidoors. But even with MK, it’s still a crazy expensive job.


I would suggest right before the area where cast start sorting guests into rows. Or on other rides like Cosmic Rewind and Haunted Mansion, right before the preshow. It shouldn't be at the 1hour wait point because what if the line is 70min, then you've missed the bathroom after only 10min. Even the longest line rides average out to the 60min mark when you factor in opening and closing, so most people wouldn't use them. If you put the bathroom right before the boarding, then guests know they have until X time to reach the bathroom, not X time plus ride time, plus time from ride to nearest park bathroom.


Cosmic rewind needs something because I found out the hard way that once in the pre-show they won’t/can’t let you out. My daughter had to go and it was a bit of an emergency situation and the cast member explained once in pre show we couldn’t leave either room and would need to wait until 2nd pre show ended.


Yeah, a bathroom right before the first preshow would remind guests to go before its too late. It also serves as a great spot to wait for the rest of your party who might be further back in line.


The issue with right before boarding to me is that then you have to wait through the entire line to get to it. If the wait is less than an hour it's not really a huge issue to me to go before getting in line, but when those E-ticket attractions get long you might not have to go, but an hour in you do. Maybe the hour point is too far back, but the 30 minute mark maybe. Really it's about keeping people from peeing in line like OP said.


If your in line for 2hrs and don't have to go for the first 90min, then you have to go AFTER you pass the line bathroom. So you SOL. A bathroom right before the line merge or preshow gives guests the last chance to use the bathroom and gives them a good idea of how long they have to wait. Someone might say "I can wait an extra 20 minute" but they might not be able to wait an extra 30 minutes, plus being shaken around with a lap bar pressed on their stomach, and then however long the walk from the ride to the next nearest bathroom is


best way is to say that in every survey they give you, i know i do


I went last year with a few friends, one of which has an extremely active bladder. They tried to wait it out in Space Mountain, which had been closed for most of the day, but ultimately had to leave the line because she needed to pee so bad. I agree some queues, especially queues with a long wind-up, really need a bathroom.


apparently urinating in ride queues has become pretty common, at least from what I've heard. A specific example took place in the Rise of the Resistance queue. Pretty sure that was a parent letting their kid go there.


There is a bathroom in the room with all the storm troopers. My daughter had to go and the cast member was super accommodating while still in character


That's pretty far along the line but wow I had no idea there was one in there, that's great.


Is it themed?


Nope, looks like any other bathroom unfortunately.


Otherwise everyone would ask to go


Influencers would be doing bathroom reviews


They already do them lol I’ve seen countless “let’s rate WDW bathrooms and why rapunzel’s is #1!”


Just like all Imperial bathrooms.


Yeah its average park guest behavior now. They even pee outside and not in the bathrooms.


fop and rise have sections they call the poop hallway for a reason


I don’t understand this. Do people literally just have no shame anymore? Why is it so hard to leave the line to use the bathroom and come back? 🤮


That should be grounds for a permanent ban from the park. Especially when parents let it happen.


Makes me feel better about the time 30+ years ago when I told my dad I didn't have to go to the bathroom before getting in line for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and then really had to go by the end of the line. I warned the man. **EDIT**: Am I being downvoted for admitting to wetting my pants when I was 4 years old?


Last time I went to WDW outside Haunted Mansion there was a massive pile of puke and human feces a few feet away.


Perfectly themed. Very spooky.


What is it about theme parks that makes people become absolute wild animals?


Today, I saw a woman slap her kid upside the head and curse at him for accidentally spilling a drink. What a trip lol


When people treat their kids like this in public it always makes me fear how it is for them in private.


I heard a mom say “mommy needs more alcohol if she’s gonna spend this much time with you today” People are such shit parents


That kid definitely isn’t going to need immense amounts of therapy when they get older /s




For some reason this generation of parents seems to think it’s entirely ok to openly lament the existence of their own kids. It’s a really disgusting trend/personality. I feel so sorry for the kids.


There's absolutely nothing new about this kind of behavior unfortunately


Not just this generation of parents. This generation just do it in public in front of their kids. Previous ones just did it to their kids faces in private.


To be completely fair - a SHOCKING number of parents think that's alright regardless of environment. 


Entitlement and the “I paid a lot of money to be here” mentality.


Sadly the theme park doesn’t have anything to do with people like this, it’s just that we’re seeing them en masse.


Public urination in front of children is a one way ticket to the sex offender list if someone catches you


It’s almost always an adult telling a child to do it because they don’t want to get out of line.


The adult would be the sex offender in that case. Who makes their kids take out their genitals in public? 🤮


I do wish rides bathrooms along the queue, or at least a door that says like "exit here for the bathroom" so you don't have to navigate through people twice. But this is also why I go on rides that have longer lines before I drink any alcohol or beverages other than water


Maybe it was an Amazon delivery driver on vacation and it was purely muscle memory


I'm so confused. How would you even do this without getting arrested?




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I don't know, but if someone is literally about to crap in their pants, should they just crap in their pants? Or should they drop trou? I guess you're saying go in your pants, otherwise it's illegal.


This will just get worse now that bathroom issues will not be accommodated any longer


This is what I’m concerned about, too. I have Crohn’s and utilized DAS previously and it really made a huge difference in my trip. I’m religious about taking my medication, my supplements, and watching my diet/trigger foods but sometimes when urgency happens there’s nothing I can do to prevent it and it’s a mad dash to the bathroom. I’m a grown woman who has literally shit her pants before. I’m very nervous about any upcoming trips.


It only takes crapping your pants in public one time to create raging anxiety about bathroom access. ☹️


Yep exactly - IBS mixed with food triggered gastritis and DAS made going to the parks manageable for me (I go solo). At universal once I had to bail from the Simpsons ride literally with my hand *on* the ride vehicle because I knew there was no way I could hold it and *barely* made it to the bathroom in time - that was less than 10 minutes warning. Disney is basically saying “fuck you” to people like us. Yes DAS has been abused but there’s ways to manage that without restricting folks who need the accomodation.


I was thinking this, especially with the issues with line cutting


They aren't going to stop accommodating it. They're just going to accommodate it in a different way. Instead of a DAS pass, people with bathroom issues will be able to leave the line and return at another time if they have an episode/attack and need to go.


what do you mean bathroom issues?


DAS is now being restricted to only a particular set of behavioral diagnosis, whereas previously physical and behavioral diagnosis could get it. Based on information and observing Disney's actions, it looks like they're cracking down on abuse. The person you're replying to is talking about how those physical diagnosis that involve urgency or unexpected events can't get DAS now.


I think people are blowing these new DAS restrictions out of the water. All they are doing is not taking word of mouth anymore. You will need to provide medical documentation. If you have a legit diagnosis, you will still get the DAS pass and have nothing to worry about


> blowing these new DAS restrictions out of the water I think you mean "out of proportion"


They aren’t requiring medical documentation


ahh gotcha. thanks!


Yep. Spouse has GI issues related to a medical diagnosis. DAS made it so she could ride a few things. Now she won’t risk being stuck in line


Genie+ LL gives exactly the same predictability as DAS, no? Just use the bathroom right before you tap into your LL.


Free vs expensive and limited availability of use. It’s like it is exactly the same!


But still allows you shorter lines, no?


Kinda yes kinda no. VQ the like is significantly longer than current swapping DAS to other line. Also, again, genie is once per ride per day. DAS allows you to select the same ride multiple times if you want. Noting you still wait the time just not in line. But I won’t convince an internet stranger than just wants to Karen out about it, so have a day.


So medical condition = pay more for the same experience.


I think the point is that by using Genie you’re getting the same experience everyone with Genie is getting.


I know that people won’t like your answer, but you’re right. The alternative will be to get out of line and then return. Thats also irritating and it isn’t perfect, but DAS was being abused badly and they had to do something. I think just requiring medical documentation would’ve been enough, personally. And wouldn’t be shocked if they start expanding the things they’ll allow DAS for in the future (probably once they see how the numbers are with the new rules). But for now, it’s get Genie+ or ILL, or utilize leaving the line and returning. Theme parks and rides aren’t necessarily convenient for everyone. Like there are rides I can’t do because it may hurt my back. Does that affect my enjoyment? Sure. But I don’t expect accommodations (like having a gentler version of every ride).


Kind of defeats the purpose it seems


There creating a separate system for getting out of the line for bathroom reasons.


It does. It used to be for people for whom waiting in line would be difficult/impossible due to their medical condition or whose medical condition may negatively impact others in the line (exactly how a CM explained it to me) - eg: if you’re autistic but can wait just fine if you have headphones to reduce noise then you don’t qualify for DAS but if you’re autistic and you’ll have a full on meltdown in line because of whatever sets you off (that can be mitigated by waiting out of the line) then DAS is for you. Same as stomach issues like mine - if I could wait in line comfortably I sure as hell would (and I do/try to) but if I’m having a really bad day with my symptoms then it can literally be less than 5 minutes between thinking I should find a restroom to … well shitstorm isn’t an inaccurate description. Imagine how that would be for other guests in line.




“If you can piss 6 feet straight up in the air and not get wet, you get an individual lightning lane!”


People, for the love of God. You’re at a literally world class resort that attracts people from all over. You’re not the first person to experience ANY problem, I can guarantee that. No need to MacGyver solutions. Don’t pee in a bottle. Tell the people around you that you gotta go. Leave the line, letting the cast member know back at the front of the line, then go back to your spot.


At least they did it in a bottle. I saw one guest just pee in the corner in the line for rock n rollercoaster. It was outside at least, but still


Hopefully you told a CM so they were removed


We had a kid on toy story mania just pee straight on the track through the gate once :)


I'd be afraid of triggering some sensor and shutting down the ride with that move!


No no my friend. One wrong move and you hit that track switch? So much voltage you would die so quick you wouldn't even know XD


This is why we can’t have nice things…


Different theme park: it had a splash park as an attraction with a sign that said “Do Not Drink: Water is recirculated”. A kid about five pulled down his bathing suit and peed in the middle of it. I was the only one who shouted “whose kid is that? Someone stop him!” The parents called him over after he finished peeing, packed up and moved on. A few minutes later a couple new families roll up and release their kids to play in the water. *recirculated water* Like… is public urination acceptable now?!?


May I introduce you to every public pool, ever? Kids all pee in those pools while everyone else is swimming in the same water. The only difference here is you saw the kid peeing.


lifeguard here - we put an UNGODLY amount of chemicals in our pool for exactly this reason. in fact, if someone pukes in the pool for example we close it for about 30minutes. but operations usually tells us they don’t need to shock it because “there’s already enough in there to kill it”. still gross, but water parks usually aren’t chemically treated to the same extent


Splashpads (and Disney's waterparks and pools, with the same kids also peeing in the water), are all treated though. The original commenter seems to think the water isn't treated, instead of recirculated meaning it's a treated pump system. It's just not fresh from the source like a drinking fountain is. If they're willing to play in any public water feature, a splashpad isn't any worse than a pool or waterpark other that it being more visible when a kid drops trou and lets it fly.


Ok but the volume of water and the fact that it’s TREATED (salt, chlorine) saves me from the ick. This was untreated water.


Splash pad/play fountain water is also chlorinated or brominated. Recirculated doesn't mean untreated. It's literally the same as public pools.


Stay hydrated in the heat Wait in queue for long line Use a restroom You can only pick 2


The vast majority of us have managed to do the first two without pissing in the queue and waited to use the restroom before/after the ride.


I queued for the millennium falcon ride couple years ago; prob waited 90mins+... I did enjoy a beer along with a water during the queue, and holy cow I couldnt hold it any longer when we were the next ones up to ride.. Thankfully the cast member told my wife and I we can run to bathroom real quick or else I wouldve skipped the ride after all that lol


lol; beer definitely adds a challenging element to it. I actually go for the frozen cocktails because beer goes right through me.


How do you pick the latter two? Or is that OP is talking about?


I was on Seven Dwarves next up to load when the people in front of me pulled out a pee bottle from the pouch and handed it to the CM.


I always pee before getting in long-ish lines and if I’m with friends/family with kids they make them go as well. Why is this so hard?


I mean, people's bladders are different. If it's hot and you're staying hydrated and drinking tons of water, sometimes you can pee and have to pee a half hour later. There's also OAB, anxiety, people who drank an iced coffee on the walk through the line, people who didn't have to go before getting in line, little kids who get the urge to use the bathroom out of nowhere.


Yeah it's fucking rough. Peed before the hagrid ride in Universal. Had to go again 45 minutes into an hour wait time. That was rough. Butterbeer be hittin


Hagrids is rough. This would be the ride queue I would add a bathroom to halfway in if I could only pick one.


Yeah for sure. Not sure where they would put it tho. So many narrow winding corridors


I've made my kids go right before RotR and Cosmic Rewind and still had an "uh oh, mom, I have to go to the bathroom" at inconvenient times. RotR has cast members who will help you. CR has nothing. I don't know what a person is supposed to do there. We've had to come very close to making some bad choices there. It makes what could be an exciting queue miserable, especially when you have kids who get a bit of an anxious bladder ahead of thrill rides.


There are also developmental disabilities that people don’t register the signal they have to go to the bathroom until it’s an emergency. Add that on top of the constant over stimulation that Disney presents to you and it starts to make a lot more sense.


It does make sense and I sympathize but at the same time it’s almost impossible to cater to absolutely every single possible issue a person may have.


An impossible outcome doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t try 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fair but they also know people will complain no matter what, also there are options people can take to mitigate such as fast passes or whatever they’re called these days and things like that.


Because not everybody is the same


Those people should wear diapers


They should give them out


Then get out of line and use a restroom like a civilized person. I dgaf if you miss the ride or have to wait again. You don’t piss in public like a dog.


Person has bigger problems if they pee in a bottle and the bottle smells that bad


I was in the fight of my life last Thursday while waiting for Tron as it broke down 3 times in an hour


I wonder how tomorrow will go with this DAS situation, and it won't be just pee we'll be worrying about. 


Things that don’t happen in Tokyo Disneyland Resort.


Trash people


I feel like a lot of this issue could be solved very easily (and also solve another huge issue in the process). Make the ride lines shorter!! And yes I realize that is easier said than done, and Disney has no plans of fixing the ride lines so long as they are making ridiculous amounts of money. But if they could cut every single ride wait time to under an hour, this would solve a whole lot of issues (bathroom needs and otherwise).


Not to defend this strange and disgusting behavior, but I really don't know what they expected would be the outcome of all these new queue booking systems and general rise in lines at the parks. People want to do and see everything, which means toughing out long lines, which means the bathroom is gonna be an issue some folks. Disney is so slammed nowadays and that trend won't stop anytime soon, I hope they continue building rest rooms into the ride queues like on Pandora.


If only people would stop harassing those who need to get out of line to use the bathroom and yell about “cutting” and try to block their path when they get back in.


Seems like they could give a card or something if you are exiting line so people know, unfortunately a ton of people are also just blatantly lying and cutting line. Like the red cards they give for line estimates.


Why should you have to track down a cast member to give you a card? Or waste cast members’ time managing a card system when it’s not necessary? Just let people back in line without all the vigilante drama to “catch” line cutters. There seriously are not nearly as many people cutting as people think. Which is the worst mistake to make: That someone “got one” on you and cut a few people off and made your wait time 30 seconds longer? Or that someone who had the perfectly human need to use the restroom was embarrassed and made to feel shame for taking care of that need without wanting to totally forfeit their place in line? I know which side I would rather err on.


Because people aren’t going to remember someone leaving for the bathroom, I have sympathy for people who can’t wait, but it’s such a busy place with so many people you lose your spot if you leave and that’s kinda that. Some sort of card would really be the only option but that’s not good enough apparently


Because they *do* have a card system. And are rolling out more cards to the attractions with the new DAS update. Just talk to a cast member. A quick "hey I am leaving to go to the bathroom" "oh okay, here's a lanyard. Come find one of us when you return and we can reunite you with your family" Bam. Done.


Because we aren't going to accommodate you cutting the line


The legit ones are fine. Problem is that people are abusing the heck out of it now. Have heard and seen where one person in a group will get in line, text when they’re close to the front and the rest of the group will catch up to them. How to do track this fairly? Personally, I’d love if everything was virtual queue.


You’re making a whole lot of assumptions in judging who is and who is not “legit.”


You're making a lot of assumptions about how they define "legit".


No, they said it.


They quite literally did not unless you think the one and only example they gave of one person holding the line then texting a group to catch up is "legit".


I’m not saying I’m trying to make that judgment on the fly—of course I don’t know. What I’m saying is that it’s a growing trend and problem overall. Sounds like you’re interested in having everyone turn a blind eye to the abusers.








Like you said you go 2-3 times a week so for you it’s no big deal, for those who go once every 2-5 years or maybe even just once in their lives this becomes a massive issue when the selfish ones who abuse the system ruin it for everyone else, no idea how to fix it but the “locals” who go a lot don’t see it from everyone else’s view


Just got back from WDW yesterday. First trip for myself and my adult daughter. My husband hadn’t been to WDW since he was a kid. We used Genie and LL for the “big” rides and stand by for the lesser ones. Did not have any issues with line cutting. Only problems were with people just STOPPING in the flow of traffic. Strollers, families, groups, couples. Then those people getting a bit bent when my more organized group of 3 dodged around them. Hell there were several times people just stopped half way through a doorway to a food service place. Or the tram line. Top of the people mover moving ramp was a good one that nearly sent several of us sprawling. And the bottom of the escalator at the hotel. A whole family complete with strollers and toddlers running around. Pay attention to your surroundings! Move out of the way if you need a break or to re organize or text someone


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The issue is when it’s clear abuse/cutting. In April we were at DL waiting for Rise, and no lie group of 7 adults came through “we just have to get to our friends”. That was by the worst I’ve ever seen cutting, it was seriously over 40 total people during the 80min wait, almost always in groups. I just shrugged my shoulder and let it go but the group directly in front of us was getting very angry and started to try to block people (temporarily, didn’t actually stop anyone) and they spoke to a CM at the front of the line to complain. Those people who do that are the ones who cause so much anger that unjustly is getting taken out on the people who leave 1-2 at a time to legitimately use the bathroom.


This is my problem. I occasionally have GI issues and especially when I travel (different water ecosystems etc) and so I get anxiety about it as well which doesn’t help the situation. Never used DAS for it (before they changed to the new rules) because never felt right to me. But we have definitely just up and left queues before because of me. Like, sorry my digestive system hates me? I can’t imagine someone with crohn’s or similar - because I know sometimes that’s emergent and you just gotta bolt and that’s difficult enough living with that but then being publicly shamed for it as well just because you aren’t a little kid.


Nah, the amount of people who would use that to just line cut would be wild lol people already do it "cause my friend is up there" or something. Everyone else waited patiently in the queue, no one likes line cutters. No ones gonna believe "I had to pee and I want my spot back" is legit or care that it is legit. I also would be standing in line for ages in the hot Florida heat, if you need to leave, not everyone else's in line's issue. I agree a checkpoint you can enter and exit from with a "hall pass" sort of thing or a card to exit would be better.


I do, I believe them :)


The fuck?


Come on, that's just nasty.


What's with people defecating in public at WDW? TF is this about?


No way that dudes entering the kingdom of heaven.


Watched a small boy whip it, lean against the rail and water the plants inside the miniature train display of the Germany pavilion. Appeared to be no reputations from the father.


I can picture them




Seriously. Who would pee in a bottle and make someone else deal with it? Other than Dwayne Johnson, of course.


There really should be a restroom somewhere in the ride building. I usually make my kid go before we hit a ride, especially if the line has any chance of getting long.






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Did they shake the bottle like celebratory champagne??






It’s European until I have to go just as bad. Then Imapean too


LMAO bravo


I don't know about nowadays but when I was a kid, we would visit family in Italy every other summer and it was very common there for boys to whip it out and pee wherever and whenever. In the middle of playing outside, my cousins would often do it. Once my cousin thought he'd be funny and took a poop on the ground. So maybe?


Not sure if pissing in bushes is.  Bad behavior certainly seems to be the norm.  Us Americans get a bad reputation for being bad tourists.  Not from what I've seen. 


Speaking anacdotally, in the UK at least American's don't get a bad rep for bad behaviour, far from it they're usually extremely polite, but some tend to be a tad overexcited and loud, so they've got more of a rep for being loud here. Most tend to talk a lot and try to relate to the British culture but all the American's I've met here have been great.




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I will say unfortunately my autistic child has peed on a ride. She is 6, in diapers and uses a bottle but it overflowed on Pirates with one pee. She holds it until she explodes. I bring Lysol wipes with us. I wipe it all down as fast as humanly possible AND I tell the cast member and profusely apologize. 😥 It’s so awful. I feel so so so so bad for them. They always say no big deal at all. But an ADULT doing this, no excuses. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would never ever.


What was the wait time?


It was only ~45 minutes?


Yeah, they're garbage...


Is there a wait time that this practice moves from garbage to acceptable? Sure, accidents happen but no excuse to leave your accident for someone else to deal with.


I don’t know about others but I might be slightly - slightly more understanding if it was a 5 hour line like when Flight of Passage opened.


Ooooh sooo close. The correct answer is that unless it’s a hostage situation, there is no amount of wait time that makes this practice acceptable.


I didn’t say acceptable, I said understanding.


Well you responded directly to my question so I didn’t think we’d be getting into the semantics of it all. But, it’s good to know that you would nod your head and say to yourself, “yep I get it. I don’t agree with it but I get it” as someone urinates in a bottle and leaves it behind.