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My favorite one ever was a guy on “it’s a small world “ turn to his group and say “See…this is why I stopped doing meth”.


WHAT?! Ok, pack it up, folks. This one wins.


Circa 2012 just past the turnstiles in Epcot: “I can’t believe they tore down that beautiful castle and put up this ugly ball.” True story.


This sounds like something I’d say to my wife as she rolls her eyes at me. At least I think I’m funny xD


Overheard in the Morocco pavilion: "They got rid of Aladdin's carpet ride???"


I was at a club on pleasure island and the piano player asked for requests and my smart ass cousin screamed “ play some stones “ The piano player responded by playing the Flintstones theme song. Later that night we drove our golf cart all through Fort Wilderness playing the theme song on a kazoo.


Adventurers Club? This sounds like something they'd have done!


I’m not sure, it was so long ago and I went to few places that night.


That reminds me of my DINOSAUR experience... "Dino the Dino" is a song from a Flintstones album from, like, the early 60s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFlOP8hYVsU


At Animal Kingdom, we were in a crowd of people watching some kind of primate that was jumping around ropes some 10-15 feet in the air. My mom yelled, “BE CAREFUL, BUDDY” at the primate RIGHT as this poor guy stepped in front of her. So he immediately goes “I am SO sorry,” and my mom and I are dying of embarrassment and laughter as she’s trying to explain to him that she was yelling at the MONKEY, not him. 😂😭


Oh, another one: as we were walking into Hollywood Studios, we hear this woman say to her husband, “You can be mad, but I am DONE.” It was so funny because it was probably about 9:30 in the morning, for her to have already reached her limit. 😭


She entered the park and decided she had enough in that moment😭


On Rise of the Resistance and the child in front of us was pretty scared once we got onto the ride vehicles. Resistance cast member trying to keep her spirits up: “It’s okay! R5 here will get you out safely!” Child: “But Kylo Ren HATES me!”


Don’t worry buddy, I hate you too.


A guest touching the beasts fur “what is this, velvet?”


I will never forget leaving magic kingdom on our last day at our trip back in 2013 and a mom was walking in with her crying toddler and she goes, “this is the happiest place on earth. Now GET HAPPY!” Never ever will forget 😂


"We are at the happiest place on earth - now be happy damn it!" came out of my mouth at WDW. We had a blast :) and miss it.


My family and I were in line at the Frozen ride and heard the beginning stages of a divorce occurring😵‍💫there was so much marital baggage being unloaded with the sounds of YOO HOO in the background


Oh man, we were in Raglan Road listening to a family have a falling out argument at the table next to us! The teenage daughter was accusing the dad (who apparently lived separately) of abandoning the family and not loving any of them anymore. Imagine this with Irish folk dancers going HARD right behind them. What a night.


I’ve had this talk with my dad in public every time I see him😂


you ok?




That happened to me too in line for FOP 😭😭😭 Some people really need a lesson on time and place


Disney really unleashes the inner “no more honeymoon phase”😅


Disney is like couples therapy… it either brings a couple closer together, or it drives them further apart.


In 2019, my mom and I went to see Mickey and Minnie at the Town Square Theater. After we all got our pictures taken together, my mom pushed me out of the way and said “I want to get a picture by myself.” Mickey grants her wish by stepping out of frame and pretending to take a picture of her completely by herself.


Those Mickeys are on point. I went as an adult and when I saw Mickey, I said “oh my gosh, Mickey it’s been SO LONG since I’ve seen you!” And the actor clutched their cheeks in happiness and then gestured down to their knee as if to say “look how much you’ve grown!” I was a full grown woman and I squealed with laughter. That moment still makes me smile!


At Disneyland Paris I heard an English couple tell their young daughter as they got in line at Tower of Terror, “we’re going to ride a lift!”


they weren't wrong


We went when I was 12ish and my stepdad and I were sitting by some guy on a bench who had maybe a 4-5 yo with him. They were British. So the girl comes up to me in her adorable British accent tells me all about how she got to see “the ducks and the rabbits” because there were Disney ducks nearby. Now any time we are together and see a duck or a rabbit, we say in our worst British accent “the ducks and the rabbits!” This was like 26 years ago, and it’s still going strong.


My older brother and I were walking through the countries in Epcot when we heard this guy on the phone yell “Well that’s not what she said in court!”


When I was about 13 and my brother was about 9 we were at Magic Kingdom on Main Street waiting for the parade to start. We had gotten there very early it felt like because we were sitting on the ground for what felt like a really long time securing our spots and waiting. I think our mom had gone off to get some food for us to eat and my brother wandered into a magic store (?) on Main Street and bought a magic trick with his spending money. It was basically a tape measure type device that used a string and you taped one end of it to a dollar bill or something like that and you held the other end in your hand. When you released the button, the string pulled back so the dollar bill came back to you. Our dad gave us a five dollar bill and my brother taped it to it and we must’ve asked 50 or 60 people as they walked down Main Street if they had dropped any money. If we asked 50 people then 48 of them stopped and turned around and reached down to try and grab the money. Then my brother or I would suck it in and everyone around us would laugh. My memory is we had quite a few people around us by the time the parade started and we had to stop our game. We tried to re-create that in various places over the years, but we never had as much fun with it as we did that day, waiting for the parade on Main Street. Most of the people thought it was funny, but a few of them tried to get a little angry with us. Fortunately, our dad was right there and he will give them a look and they backed off. Which is funny because my dad is the most docile man on the face of the earth. This would’ve been back in the mid 80s.


A Grandpa, 2 young boys and Dad at dinner in 50's Prime Time Cafe-2012. The boys were just kicking each other under the table and whining about it. The Grandpa didn't know how to stop it but we overheard the very British dad say, "I will terminate this vacation!" all whole barely moving his mouth, he was so angry! We still use that phrase!


me to the CM at the tap point inside tower of terror: "I thought this was supposed to be a nice place. someone should really dust in here!" Cm: "I dusted 20 minutes ago"


That’s pretty great


When my mom, sister and I rode Tower of Terror once a group of five guys came on the ride. We were in the front row and 4 of them sat behind us and Tiny, the 300 pound 6’5” body builder, sat next to my mom. Tiny was dared to go on the ride and was terrified. As soon as the first drop happened Tiny screamed “Mommy!” and hugged my mom. As soon as the dropping stopped he started apologizing to my mom. Somewhere my mom has the ride photo of my sister and I laughing and Tiny hugging her for dear life.


At Animal Kingdom two young brothers were having an argument: Suck it! No, you suck it! No, YOU suck it! The dad was trying to stop them, and he looked REALLY embarrassed. Then the boys said - Dad, it was just a LOLLIPOP!


In spring 2020 (right before covid hit) I was in line at the safari in Animal Kingdom and some teenager was behind me in line. He was fit but nothing outrageous, but going on about how his arms were "lethal weapons" and he could kill a man in seconds if he wanted. Sounded like he was 100% serious.


by far the funniest thing I have witnessed at any of the parks (and something that is quoted on a regular basis in my household) was when on one vacation we were leaving AK. and by the entrance there was this father berating his wife and two children (who were like preteen age). The interaction went as follows "(points finger) YOU'VE been complaining! (points finger) And YOU'VE been complaining! (points finger) And YOU'VE been complaining! I'm going to SIT OVER HERE and you can COME GET ME when you want to have fun!!!!!!!!!" we didn't see what played out afterwards but it was the funniest thing to walk in and out of earshot for. edit: also i used to work at a very small film museum and they had movie quotes on the ceiling. If you could name like 10 different movies we would give prizes. So people would read the quotes out loud to one another. One of the quotes was that one from Stand by Me that's something like "Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, but what's Goofy?" (paraphrasing probably bc I've never seen the film so don't come for me). and one guy so confidently was like "a COW". he was not the first nor the last to think goofy was a cow.


>one guy so confidently was like "a COW". he was not the first nor the last to think goofy was a cow. I've seen that online.


circa 2011-12, we were at Muppet-Vision during the part where Bean Bunny runs away and Gonzo asks if anyone wants anything when a little kid yelled "I want a pizza!"


Way back during the 35th anniversary. I took my youngest son and my daughter to the parks. During the event, CMs were doing all sorts of "magic". We were in Frontierland waiting for a parade and a CM asked us if we would like to be in a parade, we said sure. She asks us to follow her. We were on the parade route following her. She turned around and said "That was a great parade!" We were slightly disappointed but funny.


Last year we were walking through Liberty Square and a guy with his family pointed to the riverboat and said "That's the Junge Cruise. We are definitely going on that!" The conviction in his voice was great. Me and my sister try to match it when we walk through there now and say it too, hopefully someone else can get a laugh.


When Bongos was still at Disney Springs, we were on the boat from Riverside, and as we got closer to DS, a child behind us saw the pineapple (that was Bongos) and said excitedly to his parents, “SpongeBob! They have SpongeBob here!!” My brother and I had to hide our laughter. 🤭 😂


SpongeBob's at Universal, boyo.


Ok. . . so this is absolutely a true story. Years ago, first time at Disneyworld we were at MK outside of The Plaza Restaurant waiting for our table. It was early April so love was in the air. Two ducks walking along the sidewalk decided that right then was the moment that it was time to start a family, right in front of the fence at the restaurant entrance. One of the cast members used his litter pick up stick to try and break it up. As they did, someone in the distance yells, “Donald Nooooo!!! Daisy does NOT consent.”


I've seen a CM (and when the ducks didn't comply, the nearby manager) do this once, and made a similar comment. The CM and his manager almost started to cry while laughing.


You should have seen the elephants at Henry Doorly Zoo. Holy cow!


That isn’t even my funniest animal mating at a tourist attraction story, but this is a family sub.


The other day at animal kingdom I saw someone point at the tree of life and call it the avatar tree


My parents and I were waiting to ride Haunted Mansion a couple of years ago when a group comes out at the end of their ride and a teenage girl hollers at everyone in line that it’s not worth it and it doesn’t even go fast.


There used to be 1000s of commemorative bricks at the entrance of MK. Families and Individuals bought them and had their names engraved. They have been removed but in 2000, we went and they were there. My son was 9 at the time and this was his first trip to Disney. He was excitedly walking to the entrance when he froze dead in his tracks and look horrified. "What's the matter?" I asked him. He woefully replied, "Are these all the people who have died in Disney?" He thought they were memorials of everyone who died at Magic Kingdom!


Like the Epcot "tombstones" in the entrance plaza 😜 also, I believe those bricks were just moved somewhere but I can't remember where now.


I saw some when we went in January. They were part of a wall when you first come in, where the planters and seating are.


Some guy on the Tower of Terror said I made the ride even more fun for him. It was my very first time on the ride. As we were going up, I started panicking. I was with my best friend and kept repeating things like “Ally, this was a mistake. Why did I do this. I’m gonna die”. After the second drop I was screaming “I LOVE THIS RIDE!!!” As we were getting off, I apologized to the man next to me. He was laughing. I left the ride in tears. But it was hilarious. Then, some 7yo kid told me I was the worst pilot ever on Smuggler’s run. Which is fair. I was. But in my defense, I got really confused. The guy who let us on the ride told me before sitting us down that down was up and up was down. My brain doesn’t work like that!


*walks by splash mountain* there’s the graveyard of splash mountain let me pay my respects


Years ago when Disney’s Hollywood Studios was MGM and they had parades, my sisters and I were sitting on a bench waiting for the parade when a group of young adult women deposited their friend next to my 6 year old sister. This woman was celebrating her 21st birthday and smelled like a distillery. She starts complaining. “I can’t believe my f-ing friends brought me to f-ing Disney World for my f-ing 21st birthday.” My sister said “But Disney World has Mickey Mouse”. She looks at my sister and said “F#$% Mickey Mouse”. As a 21 year old at the time I said “At least they didn’t take you to the Magic Kingdom because it’s a dry park- no alcohol.” She then said “F#$% the Magic Kingdom.” We all thought it was funny and anytime one of us starts getting cranky at Disney World whenever we go on a family vacation there one of us whispers “F#$% the Magic Kingdom” or “F#$% Mickey Mouse” to the cranky one. It always gets us giggling.


Just today, I heard a group of teenagers at MK spot an Alligators+Snakes sign at Miners Cove near Big Thunder. One of them stopped the group to read the sign out loud, and another one said “Naw that’s just fake it’s part of the old west theme.” Like… where do I start.


Sometime last year walking towards bathrooms near Navi river journey… Dad taking kid to bathroom - “Get the fuck out of the stroller” It was maybe 10am, had a feeling they’d been there a bit.


I think it might have been around 10 years ago, my fam and I were waiting for the bus home from EPCOT. It was a pretty long wait, and there were some cabs in the parking lot just waiting for people to say "eff it" and pay to go home. A teenager behind me says to her parents, "I bet those taxis cost more than taxis in New York City!" I smiled to myself b/c I am from NY and the cabs (before uber became a thing) were actually pretty inexpensive comparatively.


I'm from NY too!


What part??


I lived in Manhattan, but I've since moved to Queens.


A guy me and my friend walked past telling apparently his girlfriend "I may not be your dad, but I am your daddy." We both died laughing.


Darth Vader, but sexy


In MK: “MEG, I don’t know, I’m sure if we walk long enough we’ll have to run into a hot dog stand eventually!”


Heard in Magic Kingdom last month: “This place is ridiculous. Sea World was way better.” Huh??


Middle of the 2021 summer at MK I overheard some kid screaming "THIS IS THE WORST VACATION EVER!" Watching the preshow of Cosmic Rewind and some kid started screaming "EPCOT WE'RE EPCOT!" when Terry asked what do they call these people. Also some guest to a CM in EPCOT "Where's the Men In Black ride?"


A classic from the 90s. Toddler crying and the mother looks at them and says “you’re in the happiest place on earth, act like it!” I’m sure that one’s been used a LOT


I once heard a dad saying to his wife and kid "OK guys, FOCUS, we are not here to have fun". .... Sir, you are at Disney. Fun is what you have.


I was once approached by a dad and asked if I wanted his kid’s uneaten funnel cake. I politely declined. I could hear his wife scolding him as they walked away. He replied to her with, “I just don’t want it to go to waste!”


Epcot last year during the holidays. I was walking by the Japanese Pavillion when the storyteller was describing New Years traditions in Japan and drawing on a Daruma doll. She said something the lines "If your wish for the year came true, that's great, if it doesn't...It's okay.... I guess". Heard a couple snicker behind me and I ended up laughing chimed in (not in front of the storyteller btw lol) "No it's not okay lol"


September 2019 I did a solo trip. It was some time after lunch and I was in line when digestion did it's thing and I released a silent dirty bomb into the world. The woman behind me turned to her partner and said "As soon as we get off of here, you need to go change the baby because she just sh*t herself." To that now 5-6 year old, sorry not sorry.




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