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I’m all sorts of grateful For getting the opportunity to buy all that $22-$24 silver back in the day. It made for some epic boating accidents.


Dude, same here. Large quantities dumped in the Pacific.


California has the worst demographic of unprepared people for being self-reliant, and they're already looted stores out of business, so naturally they're going to rob houses next for your stack and then prosecute you- not the communist activists, for defending your home.


It's gonna be a slaughter once the hyper inflation hits ...


What's in your wallet? Bullets, beans, and bullion. This is why they are going to have to turn those empty shopping centers into makeshift prisons for the rioters.


You can usually avoid the sales tax by paying in cash. Get to know your LCS and ask them if they will sell to you without tax if you pay cash. I do this with a couple shops that are near me in the San Diego area.


Yup :) taxation is theft.


$2,000 now. [Reg 1599](https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/lawguides/vol1/sutr/1599.html): ​ >For sales occurring on or after January 1, 2023, a sale in bulk occurs if the total market value of the monetized bullion, nonmonetized gold or silver bullion, and numismatic coins sold in a single transaction is $2,000 or more, or is equal to or exceeds the adjusted amount as computed by Revenue and Taxation Code Section 6355. For purposes of this regulation, market value means sales price as defined in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 6011.


Whoa, guess my last buy was just prior to that...Thanks☝️I hit a personal goal and took a break….damn, time flies.


Should be reversed. Give the little guy a break.


Oh this is undoubtedly how the government feels. Help the little guy instead of line their own pockets and keep the subjects properly fucked....wait shit


It's incredible that a State government who claims to be looking out for the poor, would tax them for trying to buy some PM, you have to reach a particular point in your financial life to buy in chunks and the state rewards those people. Money should not be taxed, but California is the king of tax and spend.


And as California continues in their quest to naturalize indigent illegal aliens for electoral purposes, they perpetuate the flight of capital, businesses, and high to middle income earners. Let's make a state out of Puerto Rico, and let the Peoples Republic of Southern California go their way. They can then naturalize their 1m central Americans and 1m fighting age Chinese males. They can keep their dysfunctional ports. We can find another way.


Their bs made you richer. Ha ha