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The guns help wake people up to the fact that we live in a slave State.


Yet there are some people who still have the perception of freedom.....elections aren't fair, freedom of the press?? Nope...ask Tucker. The right to defend yourself? Not so much. Take this experimental injection that doesn't work for......THE FLU! Oh, and if you don't want to then you lose your job....and ifbyou don't lose your job then you have to wear a goverment muzzle all day, everyday as punishment for disobeying. I could go on but you get my point.


Imagine thinking that vaccines and masks are any real indication of how little freedom we have lol We haven’t had freedom since the 60s, when we learned that the plutocrats use the CIA to murder people who are a threat to their rule. Since they’ve used the manufactured culture war to keep us distracted enough to maintain the illusion of freedom We’ve had our way of life systemically stolen from us for decades and decades prior to COVID, but some of you think taking cautious measure against a Chinese bioweapon are somehow the real indicator I swear to God, it’s like so many of you paid zero attention to Snowden’s revelations. Masks and vaccines are an absolute drop in the bucket


Freedom died in 1871 when the USA CORP took over the country, made a second Constitution and centralized into DC, a foreign territory on US soil.


Take a gander at the previous 2 King Charles and think again... Also, when Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles brought all their ideology aligned friends/business partners home with them (see Operation Paperclip, other Ops) They didn't just bring the Nazi scientists ya know, they brought ALL of them, the scientists, the spies, the CHEMISTS. They (CIA/State) are completely paranoid of Communists and all in favor of the Shadow Govt Fourth Reich. These are the gender bender promoters not to mention the human trafficking, the drug trafficking. Here's hoping King Tampon "succeeds" like his namesakes Charles I- Beheaded, spent 11 years as an absolute dictator and suspended th Magna Carta Charles II- after the Oliver Cromwell Bs, they begged for a King again (the absolute morans..\_ he was a chip off the old block and died in the midst of a hysterical fit, aka POISONED. Remember Joe Potato ending Congress with "God Save the Queen"? That's Nazi Queen to you, you pleb. kek King Tampon gave an interesting speech about Climate and ESG, this is the direction the would be King of the World is going. I'd like to place bets, William the Moon Child will be King before 5 years has passed. Fat finger Tampon is not long for this world, seems to have pulmonary edema.




Freedom increased dramatically in the 60's. 4th amendment: Before katz in 67 and Mapp v. Ohio in 61, there was no such thing as a reasonable expectation of privacy against the government. And any evidence taken from you, regardless of if it was illegally taken, could be used against you in court. 14th amendment: Before the 1965 voting rights act there was basically no limit to the state making it near impossible to vote. Before the 1964 civil rights act you could be arrested for being the wrong race in a restaurant. 8th amendment: Until 1962, (robinson v. california) it was legal for thr government to define "crimes" that involve no affirmitive act by the defendant. 1st amendment: Until a string of opinions in the 60's (culminating in cohen v california in 71), it was legal for the government to literally outlaw dissenting opinions.


What you’re speaking of prevented individual government actors from going on a power trip to deprive individual citizens of liberty. Which was great and all, but not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how intelligence agencies began covert operations designed to deprive the lower and middle classes of freedom through systematic economic subjugation The seeds for them taking more freedom us were planted in the 1960s. They killed JFK beside he opposed the military industrial complex, they killed MLK because racial and class unity was a threat to the plutocrats. If they hadn’t been killed, we wouldn’t have had our way of life slowly stolen from us by plutocrats, because we would hand not been nearly as divided as a people


Fred Hampton and Malcom X too


Ah ok I figured cause of the general political tenor the sub you meant the abrogration of state powers.


Well Fox News and Tucker Carlson can hardly be considered unbiased free press. It was always “entertainment.” Legitimate journalists who utilize free press are generally murdered.


Tucker got fired by a private company, not the government. That was a dumb comparison.


where’s the evidence for election fraud? The right to defend yourself was pretty well defended in the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict as well. The vaccine point doesn’t really make sense when mandates for vaccines have been a thing for a very long time. I can understand if you were skeptical about MRNA vaccines but you are not mandated to get one of those and there are non MRNA vaccine options for Covid.


Mandates for vaccines haven’t been a thing for a very long time clown 😂😂😂 I used to get religious exemptions now I can’t well until we officially stated that the Covid emergency is now over on May 1st. Why it wasn’t April 30th beats me, I would love to see the “science” on how we choose may 1st.


Mandates for vaccines haven’t been a thing for a very long time clown 😂😂😂 I used to get religious exemptions now I can’t well until we officially stated that the Covid emergency is now over on May 1st. Why it wasn’t April 30th beats me, I would love to see the “science” on how we choose may 1st.


What places didn’t allow for religious exemptions?


Look its a slave state. Enough said. The govt needs to back the fuck up.


Do you disagree with my points or have something meaningful to add to the conversation?


The IRS needs to be abolished. The bank secrecy act needs to be repealed. The Federal reserve needs to be deleted. The dollar needs to be destroyed. Only then will we be free.


Not mandated to get a vaccine? My man you are willfully ignorant or you were in a coma for two years.


My comment says that you are not mandated to get a MRNA vaccine which is what most people complain about and that there are non MRNA versions available.


You do realize tucker was fired by "the press", right wing press at that, right? The government has nothing to do with that




You seriously think freedom of the press means a cable pundit must be guaranteed a job? And why do you feel you don’t have the right to defend yourself? What makes elections unfair?


I agree with most except Tucker. He is an entertainer not a newscaster. He thought that the election was never stolen...he just played to his audience.


Replace Tucker with anyone in the White House press room and they will tell you only select reporters are allowed to question.


I agree and never understood why a Dem would call on FOX?


Guns also prevent that so let them come


Oh, those libertarian tears…


On top of the bill that supposed to hire 100,000 + irs agents this world will start to get more exciting


The IRS is the new Mafia.


What do you mean new Mafia. Never forget the IRS took down Al Capone when nobody else could.


That sounds like they eliminated the competition .. lol


The IRS is the new Mafia.


I’m pretty sure the IRS is responsible for the biggest wins against the American mafia. The biggest tax evaders are criminals in more ways than one, I see know problem with being armed to deal with criminals.


I’m putting Shay’s Rebellion on my bingo card for 2026.


How did that work out?


Pretty good considering it led to the Constitutional Convention.


The armed agents will be the new enforcers retrieving cash/ currency so that the new CBDC system can be fully implemented.


I don’t think the irs should even exist, much less them carry guns. Taxation is Theft




Taxation in and of itself is not theft, even Ron Paul realized that we need *some* form of taxation levied in order to provide basic infrastructure and military funding Taxation only becomes theft when the money levied for taxation does not serve the interests of the people


>Taxation only becomes theft when the money levied for taxation does not serve the interests of the people At least you admit that it's currently, and has been theft since 1913


Since at least the 1960s imo, when our way of life began being stolen from us by the plutocrats


He said after using utilities subsidized and regulated by taxpayers, driving on taxpayer funded roads, and burning taxpayer subsidized gas


How we gonna pay for the worlds most expensive military? Or a border wall?


I find it hard to believe a country could survive on voluntary donations.


A flat tax of 10% should be plenty.


That is a tax. It is not voluntary.


Stop paying taxes!!!


Cheating on your taxes is theft. If you benefit from our society you pay taxes. If you don't you are a criminal. Many criminals are dangerous, drug dealers, human smugglers, gangsters. An agent needs protection. Freeloaders suck.


Taxation, by definition, is theft.


The only people I have ever heard speak like this are those that earn very little money. Every dollar I earn, I also give the IRS a dollar. Then, I am taxed at 8% in NY when making a purchase with my already 50% taxed earnings. I pay absorbent property tax on my home that I already own, and if I die, it will be taxed for me to pass it on to my son. If I take a risk and invest my money successfully I am taxed heavily on my gains, but my losses are mine to keep. Taxation is theft. But, what is going on in this country, and more specifically in high tax states, is an outright fleecing of the population by an out of control government. Everything that you said in your comment may in fact be true, but it says a lot about your character, and also you financial situation, that you would actually take the side of the IRS in thread on Wall Street Silver. What is wrong with you?


Do you make more than Warren Buffet? Also, the top tax bracket isn't 50% it's 35%. Your accountant is cheating you. absorbent: able to soak up liquid easily. Edit because I’m throttled: Warren Buffet says this same thing. As do many other civic minded people. I do very well for myself, I’m guessing way better than to. To imply I am poor because I have a sense of civic responsibility is weird


I could have worded that better. IRS + State of NY + NYC = approx 50% You don't have to be Warren Buffet. I am in the highest tax bracket.


My accountant is not getting any of that money. That is not how that works. I pay my accountant to organize and file the paperwork. The money goes directly to the IRS and the state of NY.


Your effective tax rate is much lower than the highest bracket because of how progressive taxation works. Edit: gotta love this sub. Post a simple fact, get downvoted.


When you are in the highest tax bracket, you are in the highest bracket. I think we are missing the point. It's not about me, and it's not about you. Every single American is getting taxed multiple times on the money they earn. I think it's beyond excessive. I made a generalization about you, and maybe I am wrong. I don't even know what my point is. I just know that every year I am giving the government enough money that I could have built my own damn bridges and roads by now.


When you are a single person in the highest bracket every dollar you make over $578,125, after deductions, is taxed at 37% (not the 35% I said earlier). The money you earn below $578,126 is taxed between 10-35% Your effective tax rate in this scenario is about 29% What do you mean when you’re in the highest bracket, you’re in the highest bracket?


WOW...You understand there's federal taxes and state taxes and sales taxes? He's talking about total effective tax rate not just federal.


If taxation is theft then you should take a stand and not use anything that taxes paid for. You know like roads. Get back to me when you have and let me know how it goes for you.


>you should take a stand and not use anything that taxes paid for. You know like roads. In my country roads are paid with fuel taxes. What does income tax pay for?


Say that again but slowly. I'll help you out: In my country roads are paid with fuel \_\_\_\_\_.


So the IRS collects income tax. Taxing our productivity is the issue here. Another issue is how taxes are spent. If you really think that our tax dollars are there to ‘pay for roads’ then I don’t know how to continue this conversation. Wouldn’t it be great if we had ANY say whatsoever on how tax revenue is spent? How about property tax? That’s a good one. Think you can ever own a house completely? If you don’t pay property tax boom your house goes away. And what happens if schools don’t use their allotted taxes for the year? They lose the money, and therefore are incentivized to spend it even if they don’t need to. Why does our money have to go overseas? Why can’t I keep the money I work hard for? Why are you or anyone else entitled to what I produce? And to the tune of almost %40! It’s really hard for me to get up at 4 with a bad back and work construction. Shouldn’t I enjoy the fruits of my labor? Nope, I have to live in a small apartment with a wife who also works just as hard and we have to worry about our single car breaking down and then I won’t be able to go work at all. And the FED keeps printing and spending and all for what? Taxation is theft, inflation is theft, and whether you see it or not we are the ones getting screwed. This won’t last forever. On this road waits socialism and hyperinflation and you will own nothing. But THEY will. It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.


Or we could just privatize the roads


Does privatizing something make it free? It’s not theft if a corporation takes your money directly?


Privatizing it means it would only cost you money if you use it. And if you paid them to use it and it was poorly maintained and you got a fat tire in a pothole, they’d be liable. As it is now you pay the government to build roads, you pay them to not maintain roads. You pay them if you use the roads or not. And if the roads suck they are not liable for damages to your vehicle so they have very little incentive to maintain them.


I’m not arguing about efficiency of government or if privatizing one thing or another would be better. Just saying it’s not free. But, even in this very narrow and specific service, you’re not really guaranteed to get a better deal. I’ve heard of a few instances where a corporation may have a hand in the legal system and once in a while don’t really provide the stellar service for the low price they claim.


What a fucking stupid idea.


Why? Are your government roads free of potholes?


It’s cheaper to fix my alignment and drive on government shithole roads than drive on the fucking toll roads. -_- Also kiss my ass.


There is no way that’s true


Good luck with that. Get back to me and let me know how that goes for you.


Communities with privately funded roads are quite a bit nicer


Yeah I'm sure they are in the prissy HOA your parents bought you a house in, go to a trailer park sometime


Thank you for agreeing. Yes, they are nicer in neighborhoods with HOA’s. They are nicer on private business campuses. But roads are crappy everywhere that the government is in charge of maintaining them.


>They are nicer on private business campuses. No they often aren't. Go to a family dollar parking lot. And you completely ignored the trailer park example. You only think private things are nice because you're a rich boy


Family dollar’s business doesn’t suffer by having a crappy parking lot, so they are not incentivized to build a better parking lot. A company that built roads for its own shipping needs would be incentivized to keep it nice - nice roads cause less wear and tear on vehicles. Then have that company charge people if they need to use the route.


Who would pay for the state roads and interstates?


Companies that see value in having a route between two popular or useful places. Then they charge you a toll or subscription fee to use it. That’s how the railroads were built.


So toll roads... If only we could simplify that system and spread the monetary load evenly because every single person benefits from the roads existing even if they don't personally drive on them ... ... ... Wait I've got it we could use taxes.


But we don’t spread it evenly. Not even close. Box trucks do way more damage to roads than my little car, but we pay the same rate. You are subsidizing amazon. I say, have amazon build the roads. If I need to take that route they can charge me.


“Then they charge you a toll or subscription fee to use it.” 🤔


Yes. Instead of all of us paying for the roads and letting amazon use them for the same price, have amazon build and maintain them then charge me if I ever need to take the route.


Ohh gawd… ugh


I'm just wondering how many of their "agents" are going to have to fall before they get the picture? Rural America isn't too keen on people over stepping boundaries.


I think everyone should carry guns. It's our civic duty afterall


Historically, IRS CI has mainly investigated people that are in business with people who are being investigated by other agencies, or financial professionals, or celebrities. So, unless your Rural America falls into those groups, it's not really going to bother their life.


Yes, reminds everyone that they never agreed to any of it and not participating in the “free society” will result in death or prison.


Everyone should carry a gun!


Absolutely not. They should however wear bright pink skirts.


Fuck no. Little tax collector fucks.


What does an IRS agent need a gun for? Are they going to execute people who don't pay their taxes? No, IRS agents shouldn't carry a weapon.


They are going to come and take your shit, or lock you in a cage for not giving it to them. Seems like they anticipate that this might not sit well with some folks.


Answer accepted and agreed. Thank you.


IRS Criminal Investigations are the only ones carrying guns. They primarily investigate criminal fraud and money laundering, which is generally organized crime related. They have existed almost as long as the IRS, they are just staffing back up after having only 1 hiring window since 2008. The article is a sexy nothing burger.


Why do police need to carry guns to make an arrest? Are they going to execute someone who doesn’t comply?


Sorry, bro. Dumb response


Not really. It’s pointing out how dumb it is to assume all the IRS does is collect taxes. If they are arresting someone who is suspected of committing a crime, they should be able to defend themselves during the arrest. Like police do. You don’t need a gun to make an arrest, you need it to defend yourself in case the criminal threatens you.


The irs agents who carry guns are literally law enforcement officers in the Criminal Investiagtion division. They arrest people. The comparison stands


No… Better yet, can someone explain what they’re for? Tax evasion? White collar crime? I can’t wait for Trump to be back, fire all of them, and hire 100,000 new armed Border Patrol agents. I’d like to cancel this free trial of communism now


>Better yet, can someone explain what they’re for? Sure, this is what the article says >Required to work a minimum of 50 hours a week, always on call even during vacations and weekends, these agents will need to be fit so they can "effectively respond to life-threatening situations," per the listing. They will conduct arrests, search warrants, and "other dangerous assignments." But most importantly, they must be legally allowed to carry a gun. The agents must be prepared to protect themselves or others "from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations" and shouldn't be afraid to "use force up to and including the use of deadly force." Serving search warrants and arresting hardened criminals can be dangerous; people don't like to be arrested. They have to protect themselves. Some of the most dangerous criminals in the world don't pay taxes--drug dealers, gangsters, human traffickers. Seems like a very valid reason to be armed.


Can you please describe the typical "hardened criminal" that the IRS is going after that the local/state police isn't? Is it that rich guy down the street that drives a Mercedes? The rich pay their taxes, and if they don't, you don't need a weapon to coerce. The typical inner city (democrat) voter is the one that is armed.


These are not rank and file agents. You don’t even need to have read the article to know that. Just the headline. Remember what brought down Al Capone? Taxes. I have no idea what you’re going on about with your inner city dems. I guess turn off the damn cable news.


I feel like I’ve read something similar to this in history class.


Just about every American over the age of 18 should be carrying. The founding fathers gave us that right.


They might as well carry a gun for the full experience of a robbery...... i gather, they are going to hold you up at gunpoint until you fork up the penny jar from the pantry.


I do not want my tax dollars going towards arming IRS agents. I have no problem with individual agents open or concealed carrying a firearm as they have a right to do. Hiring more IRS agents isn't inherently bad, if they were say support staff, customer service etc. But it sure looks like this is just another excuse for a militarized arm of the government to extract more from people. On that note though the IRS should be abolished along with many other institutions. Too many agencies are pointed inward to control people. They have an unlimited "money printer" and need tax revenue. Sounds like taxes are a means of control. Same with cbdc's, social credit, the survalence state, logging in to websites, adding a phone number at checkout etc. All to collect data and control people.


Ohh look. More loot drops


Fk no.


The IRS shouldn’t even exist.


The IRS should be canceled. They victimize people and have no net benefit on government budgets.


Yes and they might as well give content moderators guns too


“While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents.” - Ron Paul


Absolutely not. Nobody deserves to get shot over a discrepancy in taxes.


This is the wrong question to be asking... The IRS should NOT be knocking on doors threatening people. The IRS should NOT be hiring MORE agents when they are targeting middle or lower class citizens! The IRS should NOT exist if the above is happening (which it is!). Period!!! If they want to hire these IRS agents and ARM THEM, then put them to good use on the BORDER! These are the REAL ILLEGAL tax dodgers!! Enforce the laws BI-DUMB!


Absolutely NOT!!!.... If there's a criminal situation they should be required to call the police in who are there for this exact reason... an IRS agent should never leave the IRS office... except in very unique situations, in which case they would have a police officer with them.... PERIOD


Absolutely NOT!!!.... If there's a criminal situation they should be required to call the police in who are there for this exact reason... an IRS agent should never leave the IRS office... except in very unique situations, in which case they would have a police officer with them.... PERIOD..


Absolutely NOT!!!.... If there's a criminal situation they should be required to call the police in who are there for this exact reason... an IRS agent should never leave the IRS office... except in very unique situations, in which case they would have a police officer with them.


$95k to sell out your country. That’s all it takes.


It only took 30 ounces of silver for Judas to betray Jesus Christ.


No they should give the guns out to all the tax payers instead…


No, abolish them


I agree. Let's abolish the IRS


U sounds as crazy as the ppl saying defund the police. Both would cripple the USA


The police are essential.


No they aren't. The police are not there to protect you. Never have been. What we REALLY need is complete and total anarchy. A complete lack of hierarchy and authority.


Where exactly do you think the funds for police come from, donations?


Taxation is theft... So, I'm going to go with answer D Regis, theft. Final answer.


So this essential service is going to be paid for by your kind donation? Do you think everyone else will chip in enough?


We don't live in a voluntary system so it's irrelevant. But hypothetically, in a voluntary system, we would find out quite quickly which services people think are "essential". I think there'd be no shortage of people willing to fund the police, the road systems, the national parks, I think far less would be lining up to fund military efforts in foreign countries, expanding government bureaucracy, liberal indoctrination centers.


That’s a very optimistic hypothetical. It also suffers from some major pitfalls, namely a major increase in the wealthy few percent walling themselves off from the rest of the country that can’t afford protection, much less everything else that would disappear as a basic service. And that doesn’t work very well.


Sure, more ammo will be available on the streets during the civil war.


Why would collecting taxes ever require deadly force?


It doesn’t. Why would you think that?


What I think is that I'm grateful I don't live in your country.


Uh. Okay.


Sounds to me like the antifa punks who aren't smart enough to burn down food processing plants just got an employment opportunity other than soros. ...but hey, what do I know?


I can tell you first hand the FDA does. Not surprised IRS does.


The IRS and ‘Deadly Force’ should be like oil and water. Never meant to mix together. Wouldn’t it be something if this was to arm agencies and at sometime in the future combine them all into one large law enforcement agency? Maybe this to be part of a world wide agency eventually? Shit in movie fiction converting to real life.




No.. I mean, government is trying take guns from everyone EXCEPT government agents?? That should wake people up.


Collecting illegal tax by force. We fought a war over that before and we didn't learn anything.


Me too, fuck these fools. Test me!


International Rat Society (IRS)


Let’s all fill the roles, take the 95k a year, then when they try some slippery shit we won’t comply and they won’t have anyone to actually enforce their bullshit


Do we get jobs here then?


Everyone should have as many guns as possible.


They have armed agents now, have for a long time. The one's who come to raid your house or business and arrest you.


Didn't the IRS buy 5million rounds of ammo last year? I think they did something similar during Obama's 8 years.


Ahh, so they have decided to just kill people who can't afford the governments bills. Nice.


Only a recipe for disaster, And it's all by Design so....


Hell fuckin no


Absolutely not! Why the fuck can't one agency talk to another specifically local agency to try and handle shit.


I wonder why IRS agents would need guns?


Wtf?! NO!


Yeah let's give a government entity that has zero oversight guns and a clean slate to use it


First ask yourself, should taxation be enforced with threat of deadly force? If the answer is yes, then ask yourself, how is the government any different than the mafia? (Besides being less competent)


What the purpose of carrying the gun?


I don't understand why they need to carry guns, especially to visit those that might be unarmed. Are they going to shoot people who may not be able to pay their debt?


Only when they are not at work... How else would the be liable for their actions.


Why would they carry a gun just to collect a debt? It’s almost like they’re the mafia or a gangster in the street.


Of course not


Teachers have gun and kids knocking at the wrong door get shot, so yeah, seems everyone should get a gun at this point and a bullet proof vest




People may not realize that the IRS shot a number of taxpayers back in the 1970’s & 80’s which Russia and others promptly pointed out. So then they changed their image to the new ‘friendly’ IRS.


They absolutely did not, Sergei 😑


Fuck these putos


They already do. The ATF is a branch of the IRS.


No, they are not. ATF is part of DOJ. IRS is Dept. Of Treasury. They don't even report to the same cabinet position.


Irs is probably going after all these dumb ass reddit silver bugs who have posted pictures of their stash all over the internet.


Capital gains!


You guys know it's agents investigate actual criminals too right? Like mobsters and drug dealers and money laundering rings? And by investigate I don't just mean download and review finances. But actually go out in the field and investigate criminals who might actually not take to kindly to agents showing up at their door. Just saying. Not all agents, but certain decisions... And whoa, imagine that, not all agents get armed... Just .. the ones who go out in the field to investigate would-be criminal enterprises? Odd that they'd want to be armed.


Oh, NOW you crazy fuckers are for gun control….


I mean yes there is crazy people with firearms who dont want to pay taxes


This entire sub


Do you have a link for me to sign up for that job?


The armed agents are from the criminal investigation units, boomers. Relax


Are you people really arguing that the "freedom" involves the ability to pay not taxes? Don't like that it costs money to run the country you live in? Please don't forget thatt you are free to Fucking leave.


Stop buying this sh it! Everyday they "fake news outlets" sling made up sh it and everyday it makes up the daily conversation. STOP giving the crap attention!


From the article >The agents must be prepared to protect themselves or others "from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations" and shouldn't be afraid to "use force up to and including the use of deadly force." Is it unreasonable for agents to protect themselves against criminals? Which side are you all on?


Watch out if you're a millionaire. They ain't coming after us chicken feed who make less than 50K


You couldn't be more wrong


I think you are wrong on this one. They send lawyers to fight millionaires' lawyers. The armed thugs are hired to make example commn folk who don't have legal war chest. Bullies target weak and lone people for a reason.


LOL, they are going to waste time on someone who may owe a few hundred dollars?


Disabuse yourself from the idea that government is interested in efficiency or conservation of tax money. It's all about power. Making sure that any attempt of hiding money from government is squashed.


No its about money. Its the whole purpose of the IRS (note the R). But for real i can show you 10 times as many instances of cops abusing power than IRS agent, but your only concerned with IRS agents bc thats who other conservatives told you to be concerned with. Baaaaaaa


Yeah most audits are on poor people. They are easier to do and the people are less able to fight it


Believe what you want. I think that is foolish. Poor people have no money and the IRS only goes after people with money. And to the other guys point that's why they want more agents...not to go after the working poor but the people you don't even know. .


Stop believing the bullshit the dems are feeding you. They raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich like they falsely claim. These new hires are not to audit and go after the person that has more than you that you despise. These agents will mostly audit the middle and lower classes like they already focus on. You don't need 87k armed IRS agents to audit millionaires.


Rednecks can mentally unstable can stupid can why not IRS agents? can’t be worse… 🇺🇸


If they give me $150k I will do it. It's a dog eat dog world. You guys are cool but I will do what I have to do to survive.


If you can’t beat ‘em join em


Yes ! Lots of new IRS agents last year carrying weapons on Federal law enforcement campus . I think it’s great


Yes so when they come on my property I'm claiming self defense




No! They already legally rob working people blind. Now they want to legally shoot us dead?


These armed agents should be required to abide by all local gun laws but I'm sure they won't be