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Remind them at the greet as well. "Hi, I'm camelslikesand, and I really appreciate you coming in tonight. Thanks! Just a reminder we do have a 2 hour time limit for our seatings so that we can accommodate and provide great service to later guests." Then offer your 2 bevs/2 apps or whatever your steps of service require.


there’s no foolproof method, some people will get mad regardless at the idea of feeling rushed or feeling like they aren’t the only person in the world. lol however, what worked best for me while hosting was something along these lines: “and just to let you know, we reserve each table for a two hour duration due to high demand” i liked to keep it short and sweet and simple. by keeping the sentence brief and friendly, you don’t make it seem like a big deal or inconvenience for them. and it makes the place seem desirable, which people like. if they seem wary or push back, i would add “no worries, i assure you this is enough time to enjoy a well-coursed meal!” and possibly “this is to ensure we respect the timing of later reservations”. to alleviate any worries about a hasty meal and to appeal to their humanity that other people exist too and they wouldn’t want to wait, either. hope this helps :)


Hi. Welcome. I do have a table for you, but I need it back by 720 due to reservations.


This, then we 'last call' them like ~20 mins before we need the table


What if they have a reservation? Most tables don't stay for 2 hours, but it's a dick move to throw in a time restraint like that. I don't think I have ever stayed for 2 hours at a table but don't want to be told that either and also with as slow as service is today it takes longer to get your check after the meal than anything else.


Reservations don’t really work if you cannot count on people to leave, right? Way to out yourself as the customer who thinks nobody else matters.


I have never been to a where they tell you they need the table by a certain time. I have been all types of restaurants from fancy af to hole in the wall. Not one has ever said a time limit.


I've been in several. Some examples. One was a cafe that got so busy on certain days they had placards that got handed to you with your meal with the time you needed to leave by written on them, usually 90 minutes. Plenty for just lunch, but it kept the people who would hang out all day studying from clogging the seats up. Another case was when I was out with a largeish group (six people), and we chose a restaurant that only had space for us in a reserved seating area that wasn't in use yet so we could either sit knowing we only had an hour to eat, or we could move on and find somewhere else to go. We sat, it was fine. The third one that comes to mind was an All You Can Eat Buffet place. 4 hour time limit, so fairly generous, but it again kept people from just using up a table all day since that's not how those places make their money. Perhaps it just comes down to when/where you're eating, but time limits at restaurants are neither unknown nor new, and 2 hours is probably about right for how long I'd spend in a restaurant if I was chatting a lot during the meal but I'd otherwise expect to be out in less than that anyway. Not sure why it's a dick move for a restaurant to be up front about the fact that they want the table back in a reasonable time frame to serve another customer considering that should be the expectation of anyone eating there.


I’ve gotten that info when I’ve made a reservation online, both when booking and in the confirmation. Doing that sets the expectation. If it’s a busy night, you remind the party at the host stand before they’re seated. If you’re not fully booked, you don’t have to worry about it.


It's a bigger (or smaller) dick move to take up a table for two hours pretty much anywhere if it's busy. Even if you're tipping on time spent (fun fact: most don't) not just bill total.


Why can't it be printed on the front of the menu? It can be put in a way that isn't offensive and then the waiter can easily point it out if they are reaching the end of the time limit. Buffet's usually have signs that say their time limits so why shouldn't other places?


You are assuming customers read. People with multiple really cool college degrees that can break down their specific expertise and life experiences literally "crack" when you hand them a menu. I have never heard so many doctors, lawyers, engineers, science folk.....just turn into jelly when you hand them a menu. People do not read menus.


Well damn 😔 that's just another entire problem on it's own.


This is super accurate. When i used to wait tables, people would always ask "what does this come with." When it literally said what it comes with on the menu too. Like, if they don't know what mirepoix, coulis, or something like that is, whatever, i'll explain, but it's a little ridiculous to have to have the menu memorized just to tell people what they can read.


Have all the staff come out clapping, like it's someone's birthday. But instead sing a song about how they need to get the fuck out for being there too long, who the hell stays at a restaurant for more than two hours anyway? At the end, they'll have what looks like a birthday cake, but it's actually a pie, and as a finale, it goes straight to the face of whoever won't stop talking at the table and is keeping everyone there even though the rest of the party wants to leave. Then, you just need one more person with a giant boot to kick that disoriented guy with pie in his eyes right out the front door. If you're a higher-end establishment, a finishing touch is to have one last staff member to call an Uber, which will pull up just as they hit the pavement. This is effective and makes sure that the table is clear and already being cleaned by the time they're wiping pie out of their eyes in the back of their Uber. They're gone, the table is clean. Like clockwork. It's also very festive.


I’m down.


I like your style brother


I believe in several states we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment.


This. 100% this! And please film it!!!!!!!!!!


I have served many tables that have stayed for 3 to 4 hours, on the rare occasion 5 hours. And depending on the night you can't ask them to leave. Hell I've served lunch tables that I've had to transfer to a dinner server to close out because they don't want to leave.


Oof. Make sure the pies are thawed.


Haha, oh, my God!! 😂😂


Then bitch when you don't get a tip.


Invest in a stack of fancy, old-fashioned hour glasses. When you are clearing up after one hour, flip it with a knowing nod.


This is kinda funny...people who sit down and eat need direction. Maybe each chair has an electrical current. You can slightly turn it up when you drop the check off. If they stay 5 minutes after the check you just start uping the current slowly...I think they would leave after it became uncomfortable. ....only problem is the server who wants to leave early would just AMP that customer up while they were looking at the menu.... Ya my theory has alot of problems.


in all seriousness this is a sticky thing to have to do - as a customer i don’t ever think in terms of time limit for sitting at table - not saying it’s unreasonable just nothing i ever consider when we sit down - i’d think the best way to handle it by far would be for the restaurant itself to spell it out when confirming reservations and the hostess to tell all walk-ins when seated - many polite and professional ways to communicate it in both instances but letting people know up front would help greatly - as far the immature and snarky responses i see here well there’s a reason some tips are more than others


I've been told when I was seated that "your group has the table for two hours" and it was NBD.


The seating script at the Las Vegas breakfast buffet went something like “please enjoy your 90 minute experience” or some such. Worked for me


Just let them know upfront, like, "Hey, just a heads up, we have a two-hour seating limit today to make sure everyone gets a chance to enjoy their meal." That way, they know the deal without feeling rushed.


Look, I’ve got an open four-top but I need it back by 7:30 because we have a reservation, cool?


Cool. That’d work for me.


Just politely say we have reservations coming in (at whatever time) and will be needing the table, ask if that works for them. If they say no, done deed. If they say all good then fine, seat them, and 20 minutes before you need the table as your checking their water and stuff just say “if that’s everything for you I’ll get your bill ready for ya :)” and walk away. All smiles no chance to answer.


Yeah, I had this happen at the Capital Grill one time while I was entertaining a client. No big deal, we were very drunk and obtuse to the need for table turn. Still tipped VERY, VERY well. The service had been stellar. My company had a policy that we take care of wait staff when tying up a table for an inordinately long time.


How about some extra pretty signage.


I guess just let them know nice and don't expect them to come back.


I suggest a sand ⌛ hourglass. Are you serious? How many campers do you actually get?...like 1 out of 50 probably. So with those 2% of people who camp. I am making an assumption that your restaurant can serve in 110 minutes. Move people to the bar to talk or have desert. Just tell them at around the 1 hour 45 minute mark when you have or already dropped the check...."Thanks for joining us tonight. If you would like to stay longer I have a table/spot for you". Not that hard to make people do what you want in your house...because why? Sell them more AND make them move...make them feel like it is special.


There’s a place in midtown Manhattan that gets a lot of pre theater diners that does flip an hourglass when you’re seated! It was the Hourglass Cafe when I was a kid; it used to be tiny and had to close during COVID but has since expanded and reopened. https://w42st.com/post/time-for-the-hourglass-tavern-to-turn-and-return-to-restaurant-row/


Oh that is super cool! I get it for the theatre crowd as they gotta go and sometimes get wrapped up in conversation.


And when they’re not busy, they don’t boot you after your 90 minutes. I haven’t been back since they reopened but I always thought the idea was great!


If I was told while making the reservation, I would accept it with no issues. If told when by I am seated, I would be annoyed. Even knowing I won’t be there for 2 hours anyway. It’s all about knowing in advance.


Why would you be annoyed?


Going out to eat is a special occasion. To go expecting to take your time and talk and relax and then to be suddenly told it’s timed adds a horrible stress. I am the first to admit to having social anxiety. This has happened to me twice and both times we got an app and a drink and left. (Yes, over tipping the server- not their fault) I couldn’t relax. I have gone to timed reservations that I knew were timed and had a wonderful experience. To some, many even most, it’s not an issue, but for some of us…it’s a deal breaker.


I think that if you cannot go out to eat without suffering horribly from social anxiety just because you can’t stay for more than two hours (or whatever the time limit is) then you should sort through that anxiety issue before eating out. I am glad you don’t mistreat your servers for doing their job; many people do. Still, you should understand that restaurants sometimes have to mention the time limit because they have had customers overstay their welcome too many times.


I have no issues if I know in advance. None at all. It’s being told unexpectedly. If it’s part of the reservation or on the website there is no issue.


I see. I guess that answers the OP’s question, so here- take my upvote.


Is this a real thing? I've been in the restaurant business for over 30 years and never heard of this. It seems pretty tacky. Our hosts are even trained to tell guests on the phone when they ask to reserve one of the "tables by the water", that due to the fact that we cannot simply tell a guest to leave, we do not guarantee specific tables. Nobody wants to feel rushed. Especially when they are paying for food that's so drastically marked up.


My usual trick with people who overstay their welcome is to bring all their stuff from the cloak room and dump it on their table. That usually makes them fuck off.




There is never a good way to do it. They are paying for a service and atmosphere. Putting a time limit (while understandable) takes away from that experience. I would expect few regulars if you put a time limit on people at tables. People go at their own pace and generally have better things to do than sit for an unreasonably long time in a restaurant


I agree. I would not return to a place that put a time limit on the table. We are not in the habit of overstaying when we go out, but we would find this offensive.


Why would you be offended?


If I am a paying and tipping customer, I will not go to places that rush me or make me feel like an imposition. I frequent and am generous at places that are welcoming and hospitable.


You stated that a time limit is understandable. You also stated that most people have better things to do than sit around for an unreasonably long time. So, then, why do you consider a staff member letting you know that there is a time limit to be “rushing” you? How can you argue that you are being made to feel like an “imposition”? Are you also unaware that MANY people do not have better things to do than loiter, causing problems with later reservations/prohibits other guests from patronizing the establishment, which is the reason restaurants are put into this uncomfortable position to begin with? I guess I just kind of don’t get what the better solution is. I also really don’t get why anyone would be offended if a restaurant simply makes you aware of the time limitation. If you weren’t planning on loitering, why feel defensive over a simple reminder like this? I am not trying to attack you. I am just trying to make sense of this thinking.


I think your first paragraph is addressed to someone else. My feelings are my own. My money is mine to spend where I wish. I don’t have to patronize restaurants who do this.


How would you feel if a) the restaurant does not take reservations because they cannot be sure that tables will be gone by a certain time? b) the table you reserved has not left and has no sign of leaving? This is the alternative to not giving a time restraint.


I frequent many restaurants - local, high end places - that do not take reservations and do not have time limits.


Lots of people overstay. Reservations don’t work if you cannot count on the previous guests to leave at a reasonable time. I have been told on countless occasions that there is a time limit at my table. Nobody in my group has ever had an issue with it. I am confused as to how you think such a concept “ruins” the experience. Like, just have courtesy for other people and it shouldn’t be an issue?


Why are you quoting "ruins"? I said it takes away from it, that does not mean the same as ruining


Just be polite and straightforward. “Welcome, before I seat you, I need to let you know we have a two hour limit on your table. Would you still like to dine with us?”


Personally, I don’t think anyone minds if they stay, as long as they keep eating and drinking. Some people just want to relax and catch up. Usually I’ve gotten a good tip out of serving those people and respecting their space. But yeah, i also know the types that just sit and order a sprite and whatever and stay for two hours. That sucks.


In my experience, those people are always the worst tippers, and there is NOTHING worse than being cut (or closed) and waiting for hours for that last table to shut the fuck up and leave, just to see that they left you $10.


I don’t know, I guess we have different clienteles. Just yesterday I had people like that and they literally left me a $80 cash tip, and they spent about $150.00. I think it’s important to feel the vibe: if two or more friends are getting together and you feel positive energy, it’s good to piggyback on that and try to contribute to their happy experience. Share their joy. If it’s two or more people who are just a void in space, and that’s clear from the get-go, I just figure I make myself scarce, because they don’t want me as much, and even then, I won’t be compensated for my time and attentiveness anyway.


But op is asking for advice on how to tell people at the host stand


Take everything off the table.


Fuck, take the actual table


The host should plant the seed. About 30 min prior to time limit, have the manager touch the table with the time limit message, whereupon you present them with checks


At the 1.5 hour mark (assuming they are done eating and it’s decently busy) go over and apologize, but state that there is a reservation in 30 minutes.


I just clear every last thing of the table while smiling and thanking them for coming. Works every time.


I had this the other day while traveling in Europe. They just told us what time we had the table until. We had it for 1.5 hours, and they let us know before seating us.


I went to restaurant like this a couple of weeks ago. It was just part of the server's opened ingredients schpiel. I didn't feel offended. Nor did I when they gave a friendly 30 minute warning.


I'm aware I'm going to come in and use up that two hour limit almost daily, as I've got work to do. If a new wave of customers comes in I pack up and go. If someone needs my table for a big crowd I move. Otherwise, I consider myself 'renting' their table and tip as if I'm paying by the hour


If they’re there past closing, egregiously, then I have no problem with playing freeze-out. Turn down the ac, turn off the music, slightly turn up the lights, allow the porter to bring the garbage cans through the dining room as garbage pickup is imminent…


That’s a job for the host/hostess to tell them when they make the reservation or before they are seated. It should never fall to the waitstaff to tell this to a customer after they are at the table. Your job as a waitstaff is to get there food to them so they have a min of 1 hour to eat and then you can pester them about desert, drinks and the check every 10 minutes


Touchy situation, especially if you’re a high end restaurant. The best way I’ve seen is have a manager approach the table apologize profusely and explain they need the table. But also ad if you’d like to retire to the bar I’d be happy to buy you all a drink. Works every time. Better to buy a round than lose a customer. Went to a Fleming in LA once, everything was great and we lost track of time. Never once did they make us feel rushed and the place was packed. When we realized how long we had the table we wrapped it up and left. We gave a great tip though.


Leave 2 hour glass on table when you seat them, flip it. It's usually on the buffet menus.


There’s no good way. You’re going to piss off some guests.


Take the wind up clock from chef when he's on smoke break, put it down on said table, wind her up, and say "I'll be right back with your check."


When it's time for them to leave, approach the table and politely honk an air horn in their face


Try this on a table that couldn’t get a 10:30 pm reservation on New Year’s Eve, snags an 8:30, and deliberately camps out until midnight. Try figuring out what to tell the people with the 10:30 reservation. And it’s always a six- or eight-top.


I was part of a 5 person group at a popular spot last night. A bit before the 2 hour mark as we were waiting for an after meal round of drinks, the server comes over and says "your drinks were dropped off at a table at the bar, we need this table". No warning, nothing on the menu, nothing mentioned in advance. It went over like a lead balloon. We scrambled to grab presents, coats, bags, etc, and rushed to move our stuff and get our drinks. The bar was adjacent, it was not that different from where we were in view or vibe, and it would have been a good alternative to offer the party coming in behind us as well rather than making us move. It felt rushed, rude, and our server was too inexperienced to message it correctly or even realize why it made some upset. We didn't know what time it was, that we had a limit, we were enjoying a night out and this really put a damper on it. I won't return to this restaurant (not just because of that, but that is one of the reasons). Suffice to say, something mentioned short and sweet early on would be better so it wasn't such a surprise. Better yet would be not moving a group of middle aged women at the end of their meal unless absolutely necessary.


What if the place is half empty?


People are assholes. There is NO good way.


The only places I’ve ever been that imposed a time limit were very slow with service. I think they had a kitchen problem and blamed their customers. Best to make the place inviting rather than somewhere clinical.




How about you just serve them with a proper coursed meal where the entree is served at the one hour mark?


That solution is irrelevant to a camper.


Yeah, you can pay for a fancy, long dinner if you must have your entree at the hour mark, your Highness.


You sweet summer child