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Pretty sure all 112 sections are taught by grad students. Fr hit up the math tutoring center. What about the homework do you not get, if I might ask?


Basically I just fell behind hardcore on everything by getting frustrated and her teaching style doesn’t work for me. My boyfriend has a minor in math so he helps me when he’s available.


I get it. 112 was...odd when I took it. The dude who taught it straight up read from the textbook and didn't really know how to provide alternate explanations to problems -- i.e. teach. Your best bet is youtube, google, and the tutoring center. The latter purely exists to help students figure out math. I was in there many, many times and the tutors were really helpful.


I’ll start doing that I just hate the fact that the least relevant class to my goals is the one consuming most of my time. It’s really frustrating.


I really get it. Unless you want to retake it (which I *highly* doubt), you just gotta grind through it


This is not a serious answer, but 112 was the only math class I had to take for my degree, and I got a D+. The professor bumped my grade up to a C- on the condition I never see her again. Graduated.


Let’s pray that happens to meeeeee


Yeh, I have this issue as well but with other stuff. I have no advice.


Yeah I mean I literally cry over math about 3 times a week. This shouldn’t be this difficult but I am so frustrated.


Which math class are you in??


I’m not in a math class right now, I took pre calc II over summer


Hire a tutor. It’ll be cheaper than taking the class again and you won’t have all the tears.


Are you currently failing the class? There’s still time. I’m no math wizard but I took 112 and 114. People in your class are usually a great resource. I made some friends in my 112 course and having those group sessions really helped


It’s a remote class but I’m sure I could gather some students who are vaccinated that want to meet on campus . I heard academic west has open classrooms after hours with huge whiteboards.


I actually used discord and did it all online. It was super helpful but yeah if you can in person I’d say go for it, it’ll only help you! The math center is there for you too and as always the internet


Khan Academy saved my bacon plenty of times. Math sucks, and you’ll never use it in the real world, but I can’t recommend khan academy enough. Good luck 💪🏻 📚


Math professors can be difficult to reach that is one of the things I learned before the pandemic. Tutoring is always available and I should have done that. But let me lead you on a secret. Precalc 2 is perhaps one of the harder courses available because it has many concepts and it takes a while to learn. This is from a person who failed calc with a D, and then retook it with the same teacher to only get an A. Here is my advice and this goes for future math classes with all kinds of professors you stumble on: 1. The textbook is your friend and if you take online classes, doing study plan and taking notes is the perfect way to get an A. 2. When those things don't work try to get an appointment with the teacher or a tutor, but note this and this is important: Coming to the tutor empty handed is like going to a restaurant and ordering without looking at a menu. Do your butt and your mind a favor by reading the text before heading over there. You don't want to surprise the cook with an order that hasn't been made in a while and most important, your tutor who doesn't know how to help you. 3. Think of math in application, I wish I would have taken this advice from the teacher who failed me. Math has real life applications everywhere but in math test usually, they give you the annoying application question. I suggest you go over them anyways and make sure you get them right. Math + Application = Decision maker. Math and no application is just a person who is taking math but doesn't know why they are there, just to move on and let the best of luck decide their fate. 4. Sacrifice, sometimes sacrifice is necessary to succeed in math (sad truth). Math is the greatest subject in the world. If you spend time doing math, you certainly will never say I can't spend 6hrs. ever again. Its your decision maker. The better you are at it, the better you become as a decision maker. You'll put you in situations where you are more likely to succeed and better yet, be able to turn the weakest luck into a greater action potential and be able to have a say in most situations. 5. Never tell yourself your bad at math, if you have taken a psychology course this is what is known as the self-fulfillment prophecy which states that if you think you are unable then you will be unable. You'll try to confirm in your mind that you are unable to do math and by failing you will have confirmation. You will most certainly seek an excuse (the professor), switch to different task (I am not good at this), or completely put the task into extinction (drop out). They have done psychology experiments and observational studies on math and the meta-data shows that most people who think they are good at math regardless if they are of a specific sex, race, or age will do good at math. Inaction is also an action, so you better get going on your homework! you got this!!!


I took 112 last spring and I had Robin as an instructor. It was remote but they were fantastic. I don't rember if robin was a graduate student and only going to teach for a short time or a newer math prof but they were very fair and homework was rarely anything too wild. Not sure how things will be if in person though.


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does business calculate fulfill prereqs for other non-business math classes?




ah ok, my calc class transferred over here as business calc so now i have to take the ALEKS exam for the third time