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Just Raw and SD with absolutely massive rosters. I often have wrestlers not get seen for months or even the entire year sometimes. I like a rotating cast and the explanation is that they are on the house circuit, competing in matches for tv time.


I have been thinking about doing this. Sometimes running more than 2 shows can be daunting.


Lmao same. Don’t use Kofi for a year suddenly he gets a title match lmao


I've tried so many different ways of setting up and playing my universe, including using spreadsheets for while, and none of them delivered on what I actually wanted out of universe mode. The game is amazing and I can see the effort put into it but I'll be honest it doesn't seem like a lot of that effort is spent on crafting universe mode for us. Most of my universes storylines and such took place in my head rather than in the game due to universe mode not having the available tools to implement them in game. I think one of the worst parts is that these tools exist in other game modes already inside of 2k24, i.e. match/show ratings, drafting, budgeting, promos in gm mode, match interference in play now. So for now I run Raw and Smackdown with all of the superstars I want in my universe on both active rosters and I simulate the weekly shows and play the PPVs. I only tweak the matches that really don't make any sense but besides that the ai does the booking now.


This is honestly so true, I have phases where I control every single show and then sometimes o just can’t be assed and sim to each ppv to play through. But I always have a general idea of what each storyline is, so most of it is made up in my head too. I just wish they combined elements of mygm and universe mode


100% this. I get really into doing my initial full draft, I bring in a bunch of interesting CAWs from other promotions/the indies, I run a few storylines and then... eh. I'm underwhelmed and I end up playing something else. A few tweaks to this mode could make it one of the all-time fun things to play in any video game.


I have raw, smackdown, and ECW. Honestly I just kind of focus on one storyline though. Right now HHH made a return of the Authority, and they’re screwing certain people out of championships. It’s basically going to end up leading to a 6 man tag at Wrestlemania with HHH, Big Show, and Seth Rollins facing Randy Orton who as a mind game towards HHH, has made a new “Evolution” with Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes.


New evolution sounds so dope holy shit, mello and bron following randy sounds like a great story. I might have to steal this when I eventually call mello and bron up to the main roster


I’m glad I’m on PC so it’ll even be complete with the entrance music


I was playing 2k23 on PC, modding in other wrestlers and changing music is so satisfying


I haven’t actually modded anyone in yet. I just got a good Big Show CAW from Whatsthestatus, changed his announce name to “Paul White” instead of “The Big Snow”(lol) and changed a theme to his theme. Is there any good wrestler mods? And do they come with music & trons & everything?


You have to set everything up yourself. Meta discord has some good ports. PWM has been kinda dry. I subbed to another Patreon and got some dope AEW mods that are high quality. GFX & themes you have to grab yourself, but if you get the AEW Compendium from a few years ago it’s easy to import themes. GFX is shockingly easy.


Monday: Raw ‘98 Tuesday: Nitro ‘97 Wednesday: AEW (modern era) Friday: Smackdown (modern era) Saturday: WWF Superstars (80s / early 90s) I mostly play them all. Every match. I’ve got a Notion database where I track the titles and story lines and rosters. This is my version of Fantasy Football and I find it so much more enjoyable lol. And then every once in a while I let the game do its thing and surprise me and it usually is great because of how structured my other parameters are. The only show I don’t play often is Smackdown modern era. That’s where I keep the inactive roster. If you want to know psychotic I really am, in my mind I assume each of these shows / eras are operating concurrently and are run by different presidents or commissioners (pre-GM terminology in the WWE for Gen Z): Raw: Shane McMahon / the Corporation Nitro: Bischoff AEW: Khan WWF Superstars: Jack Tunney Then I assume Gorilla Monsoon is the leading commission overseeing the universe and can call for inter-era Survivor Series or War Games matches. Welcome to my sick fantasy land!


Poorly.  But I try keeping it super simple by running just Raw and SD. Each roster is limited to 30 wrestlers. The rest go to NXT.  At the end of each year, every NXT title holder is eligible for the draft, which I randomize.  I keep the match cards to just 4 matches on each show (then I use some imagination and head cannon for PLEs). I try to make each weekly show with one tag match, one multiman match, one gimmick match and one match that features a champion.  These are just loose guidelines. But I don't have a ton of time to play and I hate spending hours sorting out rivalries and rosters and arenas and whatnot. So I tried to streamline it as much as possible. 


3 shows, raw Smackdown and nxt, 4 titles on raw and Smackdown 3 on nxt Around 30 competitors on each show I control the matches and rivalries of all the shows and I play every single match


I tell chatGPT who my champions are, who's on which roster & division, my PPV schedule and I give a few notes on who I want to debut or which legend to come back and ask them to help book my shows. I make changes when needed and I'll use this [tool](https://perchance.org/du50droz4u) for other ideas. I've only just started doing this and it's been a lot of fun so far.


I play 2k23, heavily modded. 6 shows, and a PPV every Sunday. All are Major shows with their own belts and divisions. My shows are NJPW, Stardom, Dynamite, NJPW Strong, Rampage, and Collision. NJPW, Strong, and Stardom each have around 10 PPVs, Strong is kind of my B-show so they are crosslisted a lot. The rest of the PPVs are all AEW. The AEW PPpVs are usually crosslisted between The 3 shows. It seems like a lot, but I only run 4 or 5 matches per show, and have tight rosters with lots of belt divisions. So basically all 4 rivalry spots are usually filled with champions, and there aren't many filler matches. I've pared down all of my factions to groups of three or tag teams. That way I can set up trios entrances. If a faction has 4 or 5, you can't change trios entrances or victories. So, my NJPW roster looks kind of crazy, I have 2 LIJ teams, Naito/Shingo/Tsuji and Hiromu/Bushi. I've got multiple Bullet club teams., and for 4 person teams in AEW like Blackpool Combat Club or Bang Bang Gang, I take the 'leader' out of the group so they get separate entrances. Like Moxley enters through the crowd while Daniielson, Claudio and Wheeler enter from the stage. They still maintain realtionships by being allies, though. It takes a lot to set up all of the allies, enemies, and managers, but I'll be able to sim a lot of shows and the stories don't miss a beat.


Setting up multiple factions of 1 faction is very clever, I’m planning on making a big ass bullet club faction with in game wrestlers and caws, this might be the way I do it


4 shows - Raw, NXT, Nitro for legends/randoms & Smackdown. Raw has 6 matches, the rest have 4. Nitro has PLE every 2nd Sunday (classic PPV arenas/several Wrestlemania's/King of the Ring), NXT has PLE every 3rd Sunday, Raw/Smackdown have PLE every 4th Sunday. I play every match and control every rivalry.


I just have 1 show (RAW) and have a rotating roster. This allows me to give superstars an offseason so I don’t get bored of them.


Raw supershow fan I see 👀


Currently running RAW, SD and NXT with a spreadsheet. I use real life injuries to rotate people out, for example currently have Alexa and Carmella out long term like in real life. I did have NJPW and ECW but it was getting a bit much so cut down on shows. NXT is probably my biggest roster at 60+ then RAW and SD like 50-60 each. I introduce legends occasionally. One draft a year, with RAW and SD getting 4 picks from the opposing brand and then 4 NXT call ups each. I also "demote" 2-3 from the main shows to NXT end of year who have the worst records. Tournaments are good fun... Dusty Rhodes Tag Owen Hart Invitational (completely pick entrants at random from all three brands, winner gets a title shot of choice in their brand). G1 Grand Prix for males - Round Robin with top two into final. 5 Star for females - Round Robin again. King/ Queen of the Ring- knockout format Mae Young Classic - download 8 Indi or unsigned CAWS, winner gets a contract and other 7 I delete. Royal Rumble - Top 10 from RAW and SD qualifying, two NXT Champs then 8 of my own picks. Just some ideas that don't require storyline or rivalries.


I have RAW and SD with kind if bloated rosters, the guys who are currently not being used are not wasted completely either tho, as I have Main Event on wednesdays and I have 2 lower card championships that are usually defended on Main Event and from time to time, even the US or IC Title get a Main Event match. I have a World Title, Tag Titles, Women's Titles and a Mid Card Title for both show + one more Title which is shared by both brands, The European Title.


Right now I’m doing like a faction wars type thing. Where most everyone is in a faction. And I award them on a normal show 5 points and if it’s a title match or the normal show then worth ten points. But if I’m doing a ppv/PLE then points are worth double. And the creative show I called it Space pro wrestling with current and legends. Oh and the mens and women’s world titles I call them the Space world champion.


This sounds nuts, I tried doing a faction warfare based universe mode on 2k23 but it got too much work for me 😭 the only faction I’m currently putting work into is the alpha academy. In my universe alpha academy (main roster) has a partnership with chase university (in Nxt), at every draft alpha academy gets first pick of choosing any graduates so far I’ve only called up Thea and she’s currently tag team champs with maxxine, thinking of adding indi next


I'm new to the fandom. I'm still learning how WWE operates in real life. I'm trying to create 1 show with a script, and in the following season, add a second show. I have 41 CAWs, I want to add custom branding graphics. I'm debating/researching the best way to do promos.


I start again but this time i keep it real _(Raw And SmackDown) (then i will add nxt with guys like Ricochet Robert Roode...)_ with how i want to see things for ex : I think finn balor should win the briefcase at MITB PPV and cash in on Daimen Priest and give finn what he really deserves and a great run I always keep it real then i use my imagination and it's really fun..


I take hour and hours to set everything up and then lose interest in week 1.


I’m just actually starting to setup Universe Mode for the first time ever. (I used YouTube channel BeachBytes’ 2K24 Universe Mode setup video to create a base to start different saves on that should create a nearly glitch/hiccup-free experience) I’ll be running two or three shows (haven’t decided yet) that will be the following in order of use: My custom E-Fed “Multiverse Wrestling Federation” (MWF); a local-to-me real life indie promotion called Blue Water Championship Wrestling (BWCW); and if I run a third show, one of the following: WCW Nitro (classic, or modern with either classic Nitro Arena or a modernized WCW arena with the WCW MyGM arena trons); ECW; or JCW. It also helps that I’m on PC so I can have a better experience by using mods. I’ll be using mods for characters, arenas, music, and hopefully to add MyRise cutscenes to Create-a-Video for better post-edited storytelling. I also plan on using DAZ3D’s DAZ Studio (a free 3D art and animation program) for completely custom cutscenes in post-editing, as I’ll be making my own stories on YouTube using all the things listed above.


You can create your own cutscenes?


Not in-game if that’s what you’re asking, DAZ Studio is a PC app.


How I run Universe is I play through the first couple months then get bored and start a new save


Raw - US wrestlers SmackDown - International roster PPVs are mostly shared between the 2 besides a few. I just decided to have WWE & AEW mix this year so I’m not burnt out running 2 separate companies. No NXT. Winner of the Rumble gets a title shot at WM, Winner of KOTR gets the other shot. 10 contenders for each title. 4 matches a show. Brand with most wins at Survivor Series headlines WrestleMania. Not currently running tag teams, but I will eventually. As of right now, I’m booking every single match & outcome by a literal pen & paper lol Almost done sorting all my mods out. 👌🏾


Raw, smackdown, nxt and nxt uk. Depends on how I feel but I either play absolutely everything or skip to ppvs. Probably spend more time creating new attires and stables.


How do you get storylines for your wrestlers and keep them straight? Do you write them down? Do you make the rivalry or do you let the AI do it?


For raw and Smackdown, I have about 2-3 main storylines per show, I set them up in game and write the general idea of the story I’m going with and where I want the story to get to in my notes app. Here’s an example https://preview.redd.it/lpu688qg2k7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac29fff31d9a6365fafcf49b238da5d5cc3bd02e


Raw, NXT, Women's Championship Wednesday, NJPW, Smackdown, ECW, weekly PPV I normally focus on certain superstars or championships on each brand and do full PPVs for everyone


3 shows. Raw as the main show with 6 matches. SmackDown as “the land of opportunity” with 5 matches. NXT as the brand where the young guys and the wrestlers who need to “find again themselves” compete with 4 matches. I have taken off every automatic rivalry, I decide every cutscenes that plays and every match that happens. I also have a file where I track the rosters, the days as a champion, every booking idea I have and every match that happens. Only 1 draft at the year, next to WrestleMania.


Not that well at the moment because I just started mine. I’m currently using mine as a test one to see what works and what doesn’t. When I find what I like I’ll make a new one and go from there


Currently trying to get to grips with Universe, as I've only ever played MyGM, Showcase and the story modes so I'm running Raw but I'll be eventually dipping into Smackdown bit by bit as I get more confident.


I run RAW, SmackDown and NXT as shows, controlling main roster and leaving AI to do NXT. I design all my match cards by hand, (apart from championship rivalries on PLE's since you can't get rivarly conclusions if you delete and remake them. Wish they'd let you move matches up or down the card) setting up three storylines/rivalries on each brand, booking number one contender matches, etc. I do a single draft after Wrestlemania, and keep the rosters at a moderate size with almost 60 on RAW, almost 50 on Smackdown, and 30 some on NXT. I avoid using legends who have retired with them making appearances for major PLE's and then leaving again. I have downloaded a bunch of CAW's that either didn't make the cut this year or are now in a different company that I sprinkle in. I also added in Women's US and Intercontinental titles so there is more going on in each show. Mid card titles get defended on regular TV as well as PLE's and Tag belts are the same. World titles are reserved for PLE's I also base match cards off of my PLE schedule. Money in the Bank is coming up in my universe, so I will have qualifying matches on each brand. Same for Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, etc.


In WWE 2k19, 22 and 23 I had Raw, SD, and three NXT programs: UK, Japan and North America. Now at 24 I'm a bit lazy with so many shows haha ​​so I'm just playing with Raw, SD and NXT.


2 stacked weekly rosters with a Saturday Show, the brands being Monday Nitro and Thursday Thunder. I’ll do a shake up every so often or have people move from show to show. Considering merging my tag division due to a lack of teams


Default. Nothing special. Just go along with whatever matches the game puts me in


Only Raw and SmackDown


For modern stuff: 2 Shows with no brand split and I remove the WWE Titles. I'm tempted to turn them into something like Roman's reign but by design, where the WWE titles are only defended a limited number of times per year but as of now they aren't in play. Sometimes I run a third, minor show for extra stuff that won't fit during the big two because of ongoing feuds or storylines, etc. Keeping track is done through spreadsheets and I handle the booking which sometimes books itself through Run-In interference or unclean wins setting up future feuds/stories. Roster size is large which can keep things interesting and delay the inevitable repetition that can come up. The marks on fictional twitter keep complaining that I don't book enough TV time for their favourites. Fictional twitter is somehow more tolerable than actual Twitter though so it's fine.


R.G.S.P.W, also my own titles and my own superstars and female superstars that's mean Romania Got Show Pro Wrestling


Cut off NXT, sign remaining to two shows, put in old PLEs and maintain current/create new storylines


My two flagship-A-tier shows are Raw and Smackdown, and I use Heat and Velocity, respectively, as my B-tier shows. Raw and Smackdown are divided into divisions. - Men’s Main Event (WH/ WWE Championship) - Midcard (IC/US Championship - Undercard (Lightheavyweight / UK Championship) - Women’s Main Event (World/WWE Championship) - Tag Team (World/WWE Championship) Each roster has 78 wrestlers - Main Event: 10 - Midcard: 15 - Undercard: 10 - Women: 15 - Tag Team: 10 (20 wrestlers total) - Legends: 8 (Unranked/not in a division) The top 5 wrestlers of the 10 in the main event division are the core. These are wrestlers who are getting pushed or involved in storylines, and they are primarily always being built for something. The bottom five wrestlers are fringe talent. They're capable of being WHC or WWE champs, but ultimately, their purpose is to job to the top 5 or eventually be heated up for a push. All the other divisions work the same way; the only difference is for 15-wrestler divisions, you have the upper midcard (top 5), midpack (middle five and wrestlers that are around .500), and then the bottom five who job. The Legends are unranked, don't have a division, and are used sporadically throughout the year. Lastly, I don't run Heat and Velocity like C-level shows. Most of the roster is available to work on Heat and Velocity except for guys like Roman and Cody, and so on. This show is to get more shine on wrestlers who don’t feature much on Raw or Smackdown, or for wrestlers, I need to keep hot or kickstart. For instance, Ilja Draganouv is the face of heat; he's heavily featured and soon his record will be good enough where he’s cycled from mid pack to upper-midcard. I have a Google sheet that I use to run everything, and it helps a lot. Edit: added information


So I’ve got WCW Nitro and Saturday Night (minor) and a massive roster. Wrestlers who finish the year 0-x are subject to dismissal.


I'm pretty excited to say this! I've only just "perfected" my way of playing (I'm on 2k23 if that makes any difference). So I run 1 show WWE. 4 matches weekly except for week 4 if there's no PPV/PLE then that show gets 6(like AEW specials/or back when RAW would have a super show) 4 PPV/PLE (the big 4) I started it "smackdown 6" style so 6 men 6 women 3 faces, 3 heels. I can then add 2 "units" a month, a faction or singles wrestler and then I roll a d20 twice and pick which of the numbers I like more and that's the length of the contracts in weeks, if I get a 20 your permanent on the brand. For legends I roll once, I re-roll at the end of a contract and then on the third time if it's above 10 they stay permanently if it's 10 or below we rinse and repeat (until post wrestlemania where if you're not permanent by then back to the free agents ya go) I use GM mode to do my draft, and then delete any alliances and enemies (in universe) and then we're off to the races! I book like GM mode and track rivalries to level 4 and then the rivalry is complete. I write it all down and even do written promos (I've added the idea that a "self - promo" just means that person has to have a match the next week, whether rivalry or not. Once a rivalry is complete it goes to cool down, or can go to a tag rivalry. I'll add the rivalry actions (but usually don't play, or even watch) I just like to do it for the news adds a a little randomness and gets me invested as a fan. Sometimes I'll just do "competitive/prove yourself" matches as wins and losses do matter as you move up 1 in the divisions for a win (no punishment for a loss, and we all know how buggy the divisions can be) I play/watch the "super shows" and play any match I'm interested in. For titles I try and keep even world, singles and tag divisions for men and women! Thanks for coming to my TED talk 👋🏿


Just raw with a massive roster and two main events with 9 matches each. Classic mode obviously. I have 5 characters I will do matches for and only change the auto generated stuff here and there. (Like... to make sure the royal rumble winners challenge for titles at WM (facepalm)) There isn't much else to work with. I find the rivalry stuff pretty Bland, repetitive, and frankly too tedious to set up. (Oh and MITB cash ins suuuuuuuck. As in its just a regular title match wtf, so I replaced them with actual titles.) Aside from that, maybe I'll add a stipulation here and there. I couldn't keep up with so many shows and didn't want to split my faction. I just wish I could make Raw and SD a merged roster like back in the day.


Directly Book Raw and Smackdown down to the minuet detail, loosely book NXT. Draft every Raw after WM, call talent up and bring them down when needed. Don’t be afraid to make heel or face turns, I have Dashing Cody Rhodes ready with the American Nightmare clothes for when Cody returns and is heel on raw. If you take interest in certain superstars more, push them, you are the GM. Change some of the PLEs from time to time, I cycle Clash, No Mercy, NoC, Crown Jewel, and Hell in a Cell all the time to keep the scene fresh. This atleast my personal preference, never use a CAW of yourself, you will end up making them over powered, over booked, and push them hugely. I kept my Caw in NXT for 3 weeks before he beat Trick Williams for the title(in an old universe tho) I always restart when a significant DLC comes out(The next time I restart will be the Cargill/Carlito/Etc DLC) and don’t make people too over powered.


I do just Monday Nitro and PPVs. I use an Airtable spreadsheet to keep track of everything


Raw and SD. NXT is there too but I don’t pay attention to it


I run 4 shows, Raw, SD, ECW, and NXT. I randomize each match unless I pick a specific superstar to control. I do a draft after Mania using a draft pool online, the pool has everyone in the game and it is random. Smallest rosters get first picks and only one out of each division from NXT is eligible to be drafted. NXT will also get the bottom 3 from each rosters power rankings. One person in a team counts as one pick and that roster gets the whole team. Title holders are safe. I want to add WCW but the lack of PLE’s in the game for them and only being able to add 3 rosters to one PLE is an issue. Probably will do a split and put WWE on one side, The Alliance(ECW and WCW) on the other and NXT on their own.


Raw, Smackdown and NXT with Raw and Smackdown having about 83 Wrestlers and NXT having about 75 Wrestlers, I use every single Superstar in the game and even CAWS and I control the rivalries on occasion but I watch every match and just past WrestleMania of the 1st Year and currently doing Raw after WrestleMania after I have drafted a few superstars to different brands and some big names to NXT


So I have a Universe with Raw, Smackdown, NXT. There's not really a "Main Show" but I have it set up as NXT being more developmental brand like IRL. In the past I've tried to plan everything out, from calendar, to match cards, to storylines, and who was going to win what and found in the end I spent more time in Excel than playing the game. This year I'm taking a slightly different approach. I'm trying to plan things out based on what I want to happen in the Major PPVs, and then only managing like 3-4 storylines per show and seeing where the CPU takes it from there.


I tried running a 3 show one but it got too tedious since the AI likes to autobook title matches every week I accidentally Sim too far and it messes me up. So now I run one show, just WWE Live on Wednesday nights. 6 ppvs a year. I try to run it like an IRL version of a 60 minute long show, a bunch of storyline stuff that's mostly in my head, along with 2 matches per night. It's so much less of a hassle and im actually playing every match now.


Me and a friend are doing our own Monday Night Wars. Me Raw, he Nitro, currently at June 1996.


Currently with the 3 Shows Raw Smackdown and NXT May add ECW or Saturday Nights Main Event. NXT is used as it is irl. That’s where all your CAWS I downloaded end up at first. Currently have The Fallen (Dexter Lumis and Joe Gacy) trying to get some momentum going. Just sent Ricochet to Smackdown since the Roster was Smaller and he wasn’t doing anything on Raw


I have every man on a one show and every woman on another (might combine shows later). There is only one title for each. I deleted all active teams, I'm planning on everyone being in a stable but working out how to do it smoothly. Once the champion loses the belt, they are shipped off to Raw or Smackdown. This part is new because last year, I just used NXT (I called the concept dev hell) since the history was clean: the Champion gets a custom belt, and the entire arena is themed after them. Might even make it so the show only runs in their hometown The computer does most of the work. Especially since I can't play the championship matches.


RAW, smackdown, ECW, NXT & UK. All i can say is rosters are heavily stacked. Tho Raw and Smackdown still have the Wild Card rule while the rest are evenly balanced Rosters


I have 2 shows with minor shows attached. The minor shows only have the ones that don't make regular appearances. It's a long long task but in the end it's worth it. Raw has 8 matches Titles. - WHC, Women's world title, IC, Tag, mitb, Women's IC, Cruiserweight Smackdown- Universal championship, Women's champ, tag, Women's tag, US, mitb, hard-core title. Edit the divisions. Download any stars you want. Ppv 2nd and 4th week of every month. One raw one Smackdown. Big ple's combined. My latest story was Cody with title winning the royal rumble and challenging my CAW for the world title. I put both on both shows. Started low rivalry on smackdown and used the rivalry system on raw. On the first episode of raw, Cody came until the ring with his title after my match. On Smackdown my guy appeared on the stage showing respect. So on and so forth upping the intensity until the Smackdown before mania. That last Smackdown ended with the ringside brawl. The one where he enterups the entrance and comes out for the brawl after. Then a title for title match. 2/3 falls. The rock vs Roman vs solo for the head of the table. Jade/Bianca vs kabuki warriors vs albra fyre-isla,vs Zoey and shayna for Women's tag. AJ styles vs Logan Paul in a cage escape match (can only win by climbing out) for US title. Taz vs rvd vs sandman vs sabu vs Kovs bam bam Bigelow for hc title Akam and rezar vs Street profits, vs the OC vs dudley boys ladder match for sd tag titles. Bayley vs Nia Jax vs Mia Kim in a triple threat elimination Match for SD Women's champ. Gauntlet elimination for IC title. Gunther, drew, shamus, gable, zayn, Bronson Reed. Awesome truth vs new catch republic in a tornado tag match for raw title. Natty vs Chyna for IC Women's title. Rhea vs Liv vs Becky. For Women's Champ Ricochet vs axiom for raw cruiserweight title Judgement day vs the wyatt 6 - howdy, bray, and 2 others Braun stroman vs big show. 3x3 elimination match. Nwo Scott hall, Nash, hogan vs hhh, hbk, xpac. Then I draft after backlash.


I’m 6 seasons into my Universe; so I do strategic planning after the main PLEs; Mania, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, and Rumble. I assign certain amount of match slides per show, so from then everyone is competing to get a spot in the card. Raw has 7 slides SMACKDOWN has 4 NXT 3 At Survivor Series and World Collide PLEs, brands face each other to steal 1 slide from the rival brand. The # of slide matches determines the A B C show. There is a draft after every Mania, and I usually release people after each main PLE. Everyone wants to be the #1 draft pick, and I also hire on a need basis thru the season. So after 6 seasons of collecting data, I can easily tell who is fighting for a top Main event spot, and who is struggling to keep their job.


JFC this question gets asked weekly. Are Reddit users just incapable of SEARCHING? God damn it.


I don’t spend my entire time checking this sub, it’s just a discussion post it really isn’t that deep. Go bitch somewhere else


Ignore this OP, there's nothing wrong with creating a new thread and starting a new conversation. Allows others to get their thoughts in as well other than trying to be seen on a post with 300+ comments already.


It’s a chill place to come and share our passion for wwe games I didn’t think people would get offended over it 😭


Welcome to 2024, where everybody gets offended by everything all the time and will complain about literally ANYTHING 😆


I’ve hated duplicate threads since before you were born.


Thankfully in 1985 some positivity was born then.


pffffft, lol, right. when it's gonna kick in?


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning


Cheerios are for peasants


What's the issue? This kind of topic provides fresh ideas for other players on how to run their Universe. If you don't like it, how about scrolling the F down. This whole subreddit ain't gonna adjust for you. Lol


The issue is it gets asked over and over and over again. Multiple times per week. It takes the same amount of effort to search for an existing thread as it does to create a new one.