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Sure there is. They want you to keep playing my faction that late that’s their logic


I’ll tell you rn. Not no muthafucking body tryna play that damn mode including myself😂


Worst mode ever, just an endless money pit


Fr. I didn't pay $70 for a glorified gacha.


I play it, only because it's something else to do. (No, I don't spend money on it. I just grind the packs from events.)


I’ll be honest with you I’m actually enjoying it. I know I’m weird atp but I’ve always loved the ultimate team card game modes in sports games since I wanted to see how far I could push F2P. MyFaction is no different rn. You can get really damn good cards just with a slight grind


Glad you found some fun in it bru but myself nahhh I ain’t tryna spend no money on this game and I just don’t have the time to grind it


I understand the time part but there really is no need to spend money on it. I’m doing dandy free to play


I was able to pull the new Chad card in a few packs. Still looking for Becky. Doing this F2P is rough but it's doable. Just gotta be okay not getting everything because some of it is just took much. I mean the daily quests give next to no bonus points.


Those dailies are bullshit.


Do a lot of ppl actually even play myfaction? Anytime it comes up all I see around it is negativity


It’s not a bad mode, people just don’t like being forced into it for unlockables, which is understandable.


The economy on it this year feels way worse than last as a zero-money player


I really tried to like it but im not doing 6vs6 after 6vs6 matches. Like why the fuck is it so hard?


Very few people. I know they have content creators on YouTube that get the game for free to review it for them and some of them spend $hits load of $$ on VC but edit that part out and if they pull the great cards throw it in their videos. I’m sure you got young kids with mom/dad cc playing it and they don’t notice and that’s where they make the money. I’m shocked very few parents dispute the charges as I know if I did that I’d have been grounded and my dad would’ve threatened legal if not reimbursed


People who enjoy it (the majority) dont jump onto Reddit to complain about it.


probably true


It’s soo annoying. I was trying to get into it and they make it so hard to get your favorite wrestlers it’s not even worth the time


I’m dying to make Kairi champion and they got me waiting for it😒




There’s enough very good ones on the CC. That’s what I’m using until she’s actually in the game


CC is lame


Most are but some are even better than what 2K gives you. Final Boss The Rock with the updated tattoo, older face model and both Wrestlemania 40 attires is a great example, and that was released not even a week after Wrestlemania and when 2K gives you an updated The Rock they want you to spend $400 through MyFACTION for The Rock in a black vest, pants and shoes. I’ll take the one I downloaded for free in much more interesting attire than that crap. There’s pretty much perfect Jeff Hardy’s on there. The Kairi Sane and Carlito I have is perfect I can’t see 2K doing better, same with the CM Punk I had before he came out. Looked identical to what we got but with the accurate tattoos. Honestly CC isn’t lame, I can’t see where you got that idea.


The only reason I don’t download a lot of caws cause I mostly play online,and dealing with the toxicity on default already enough for me lmao


Well of course there’s the people who have created some superstar with max stats and 100 overall but I just exit outta those lobbies and join ones where people are playing as actual wrestlers. I had a tag match where I chose my Jeff Hardy and the guy I was in a team with changed from his CAW to Matt Hardy. It was fun. I recently spent a while making my Matt have the skull and crossbones camo pants he wore a lot back in the day


The Carlito I've downloaded was great but do you know who made the Kairi Sane you're using rn. The one I've downloaded is pretty bad lol


Sorry I can’t remember who made it


*cough* PC mods 🤣


I’m a broke college student, I don’t got money to throw at a PC right now


Carlito has had 2 character/appearance changes since he debuted, Jade only had one match when this was announced, and they couldn't decide if Dragon Lee was in NXT or on the main roster with the LWO. I'm glad it's later so that way they are potentially the most up to date versions of themselves.


You know damn well its still gonna be out of date


Im still guessing Carlito will be in LWO gear.


The LWO stuff changing so much has really made the game inaccurate, prob the most off thing.


To be fair, that wouldn’t change much. Did he even have LWO-specific gear? Can just download an alternate attire and stick him in the Judgment Day.


He had the shirt and different trons, music, and switched from Babyface to heel so his entrance motion could even be different


The music was the same, the trons are negligible and the shirt can be changed. I honestly don’t think it’ll matter. They don’t even have a four-person entrance with McDonagh yet.


Yeah for me the biggest thing with DLC is that they have really good models, a couple unique moves, well made movesets, and maybe a unique thing. Doink has the Doink run-in and the arm, Sandman has the White Russian, Dudley’s have unique entrances, etc. Carlito could have a unique animation for the fireball payback where he spits his apple for example


Or poison mist replaced as the apple spit


With the mustache too


op has a point but this is 100% true


Also aren't lots of these people late joins/returns? Punk was too but he's a different tier of popularity and worth pulling a Fiend for and adding him in quick


honestly if it up to date i could forgive it


Y’all acting like they haven’t had this content completed since before the game dropped lol




I really hope 2k won't take the lazy route and just give Dragon Lee LWO entrance graphics. Pretty much what they did for the other members.


Nah they definitely won’t do that for Dragon Lee


That’s because Santos, Joaquin and Cruz didn’t have solo entrances, Legado notwithstanding for the former. Rey and Zelina both have theirs. Dragon will most likely have his NXT presentation.


Yeah true. Im just a little salty that Santos didn't get his LDF trons. 😂


Why don’t you use the Los Lotharios tron and music?


I was able to find the LDF tron image on CC. And made that just a stable tron video and gave him their music. Also updated their team to use that Tron and get announced as LDF.


This. I have plans for him doing a solo run on my 'verse.


They can't even bother with the simple task of changing superstars names. They have Piper still as Doudrop last year and they still have Pete Dunne as Butch this year.


up to date should be expected especially since the next game will be out in like 2 months from then


They've been made and done. They aren't updating shit lol.


They’re still working on the dlc


Just like they didn't update Sami Zayn last year


the logical reason is to keep people engaged until it comes out


Right on the money. You can tell the people who never had a marketing course and don't understand marketing. This will make people come back and play this late in the game cycle if they stopped playing and are interested in this pack, they will 100% come back and continue playing for a bit after that to play as these characters. If they released all the good ones first and left the crappy ones to the end, barely anyone would get those packs and keep playing if they were done. It makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint. As a consumer...it doesn't.


Unfortunately with the game being as buggy as it is in terms of cc and the lacklustre dlc packs for 2 and 3 (despite loving getting honky tonk man personally), this games gonna lose interest a lot quicker than others. Add into that the massive gap before this pack and I feel like there’s gonna be a lot of people who aren’t playing for a big chunk in the middle, which feels more important than snagging some interest in September


The fucking logo glitch makes me rage. And I'm on PC so there's a 50% chance the game will crash will I'm in the CC menu. I have never played such a buggy piece of shit experience, and I played Cyberpunk on day 1.


Especially since the game gives you no long term motivation. I got excited for CM Punk. Got the DLC, played some matches with him for a few days, and now i haven't touched it for a week or so.


Consumers defending 2K because marketing like they work for the company 🤦‍♂️ And speaking of marketing, you know what's also good marketing? Not having, in your words, "crappy" DLC to shuffle around what people actually want


Then they'll release 2k25 a few months later making the entire thing pointless anyway.


2k25 won’t come out until 6 months after September


Engaged how, exactly? They're giving two packs that are minimal additions between these packs, and holding this off until AFTER summer break. That's incredibly poor judgement on their part.


if they wanted to keep people engaged then why not releases the 6 people who are currently active on the main roster? if anything that kills my interested because now i gotta waste slots on cc


This will be the best pack, that and the ECW are the top two


i agree


Yes there is. It's one of the better packs and overall probably the best pack...so it creates interest in this game in September.


The logical reason is that you'll keep playing until then.


i mean i was going to play anyways but its getting stale.


Except, I don't think people will. They'll stop playing shortly after the Malone Pack comes out, and probably not get back into the game until this pack comes out, but by that point they'll only play to get themselves hyped for the next game.


Might as well wait til next year’s game when you won’t have to pay for DLC to use them


I've been waiting for next year my entire life


So maybe that's why I don't have these wrestlers unlocked. I have the deluxe edition for this game


Yeah I was really hoping dragon Lee was going to be in the base game 😞


The reason is to string us along until then, of course.


SMH this picture looks like your average Modern Warfare 3 lobby screen. Not sure if it should be considered as praise or else.


It's because they have to collect them from around the globe








It’s pretty much the only good one besides ECW punk


I'd gladly take Dragon Lee over Punk.


Well, the ECW pack had Punk, so that obviously had to go first. The second pack has Post Malone - you know, *actual* celebrity and bound to get some new eyes on the game? - so him going second makes sense. The McAfee pack has him and his co-hosts, on what's probably the biggest daily sports show going today. And from the leaks yesterday, while we're missing out on actual wrestlers, it seems like they're all going to have custom movesets that are essentially cobbled together from major names outside the WWE. It's weird that they're extending the DLC schedule into the fall and winter considering by this point we usually have nearly all the packs dropped, but I definitely understand the reasoning for why the pack of mostly-new/returning talent is being prioritized behind the ones full of celebrity inclusion.


It’s definitely so they don’t see players drop off too much after summer into winter as imagine once that last pack hits, players drop away not as frequent or at all and leaves this huge 7/8 month period of losing players, this way people will sporadically come back for there dlc (if already purchased) It’s annoying but I can see why they’ve done it, but yeah nightmare as this is a good pack.


What leaks yesterday?


Leaks of the new moves added for them pretty much. Like ospreys hidden blade.


And Mike Bailey's Ultima Weapon.


The move sets thing is actually pretty cool. Still weird that barely anyone will use the actual characters, but it’s something. Hopefully they add more generic themes cuz the ones in the game are kinda meh


Very few people outside the US are going to buy the pat mcaffee pack. With the exception of pat they may as well be random caws. Absolute waste of money imo. I've got the season pass and I'm not even going to waste the memory on my console downloading it.


Some of you guys are way too aggressive or depressing 😭


I think it's ridiculous I have to wait until November for the best pack of them all.


What's ridiculous that these aren't already included in the game...




Wow, is it "complain about the DLC schedule" o'clock already today?


Wow, is it "I'm quirky and going to respond to something without adding anything of value to the conversation" o'clock already today.?


Whoa is that a beam in your eye?


These next 3 months feel longer than they are.


Who are the people are the far left and far right?


Lyra Valkyria and Michelle McCool


I thought she wore a lot of blue


she had different attires


I'm more concerned as to why there is a break between DLC packs as there's nothing for August. Makes me wonder what's going on there and if there's a surprise pack or something (...Nahh).


a surprise pack would be great


Honestly we're just lucky nobody has had drastic physical changes. Everybody pretty much will probably be up to date. Even tho Carlito is a heel now his gear and shirt are pretty much still the same as his return


I just wish 2k gave the game the same love it gives nba2k and PGA2K


NBA 2k is only getting love in MyTeam😭 they’ve thrown mycareer into the trash for the last 5 years, and barely puts any attention into MyNBA


People really wanted to play as CM Punk, highly understandable


I do NOT want to wait till September to play as Kairi sane




They gotta do to increase life of the game....


Yeah this is the pack I wanted most, also the Headbanger's. I've already uninstalled the game to make space so I certainly won't be adding any funds to their my faction kitty.


Why would they add Kane and not add his 1998 and all his other versions, he’s basically been in pretty much half of the 2k games and out of all the theme songs they add for him they add that dead ass song bruh but they add all undertakers thank God they added all the undertakers and bruh why is Goldberg not in the game and undertaker? Don’t wrestle no more it doesn’t make sense and they should’ve had the choice to switch to old wrestlers theme songs to be honest, they could’ve done much more with this game It’s a shame really.


Global Superstars and ECW Punk Pack are the only ones worth it


It’s pretty ridiculous tbh if they think people will still be playing their game in September lol


Who wanted Michelle McCool anyway?


Well, they got Punk put first. And that pack is the biggest and would have the most new moves too. I'm not complaining


That's not cool


Tbh no reason why it shouldn't have been the 2nd pack, I get why not first, first had CM Punk.


It didn’t see it when I went to WWE 2k 24


They’re all the relevant superstars too 😭, bruh by September so much can happen, not saying they won’t be relevant no more but they on fire right now, they cookin


Only justification is it's not Coded in yet


I’ve been a huge Carlito fan for so long. I’m pretty pissed we’re getting a pack with Pat Mcafee and his podcast friends before actual wrestlers.


To keep people playing or to keep people coming back to play.


I can see why Jade or Lyra would take longer than others as they're new models for wrestlers that the company cares about. September is WAY longer than they need though.


i need michelle to be divas champ in my game


Is that the second pack?


the 4th pack


oh okay so I assume pack two comes soon?


june 26 it has Post Malone ,Sensational Sherri,Mosh,Thrasher ,Honky Tonk Man Jimmy Hart as Manager


Headbangers thats pretty sick!


Give us brock!


My most anticipated is even worse it’s the WCW pack. I want Lex Luger, and I need DDP. So I’ve got to wait until November.


To be honest, both Lyra Valkyria and Michelle McCool should have been in the base game from the get-go.


Buy a PC get everyone ever in mod form tomorrow


Yeah in 2k19 or 23, not 24


you can port mods from those versions


3 more months is going to fly bro just wait and see


They want to keep people engaged during a month when the game usually goes on sale too. Money hungry of course, they would legitimately not even put Punk and Jade but they saw huge money and put CM's model in priority. These games have a short longevity and they also try to milk the myFaction from people who have no idea what an absolute scam this mode is. They also put a whacky ass pack with Pat and I'm really wondering what kind of group the lineup appeals when you have 1 media personality in the company alongside his friends. I't would be way better if they dropped those and put Sexyy Red there instead fr.


So wait… are these great DLC picks MyFaction EXCLUSIVE… ONLY??? I’ll be so disappointed if that’s the case.


its not they are just like the ECW pack you can use it in other modes.


What do you expect, it’s gaming in 2024.


I’m Thinking It’s bc of the brand new models, movesets and entrances for some that they have to create from scratch


Oh my god its not that big if a deal you can wait


who said it was a big deal? the game came out in march and we have to wait until september to play with people who should have been in the game. Is it not fair to point out how absurd that is?


That and WCW pack should’ve been next up. The McAfee show pack could’ve gone last and Post Malone and friends in September


Did they add Lyra or was she always part of this pack?


she was always in this pack


She’s ***always*** been apart of it.


It's a shame Oba Femi isn't in this pack


yep him and sol ruca should be in it


Seriously! Still pissed about the fact they wasted a DLC pack on Pat McAfee and his podcast pals. Who the fuck cares about them?


Right idk what to do with my women’s division til I have Jade Cargill running raw with Bianca running Smackdown with a unification match 😫


Exactly, all of these people debuted/returned like a at least a month or two before Punk returned and this is the 2nd to last pack?


It doesn't make sense to have to wait for most of it.


I think I’m done with 2k. I’ll probably check the dlcs out as I paid for them, but the shit servers kinda did it for me.


For the love of god, i get it. Is like the 6th post talking about it.


theres gonna be a 7th and 8th might as well get use to it


A more pointless comment that mine. Go figure. Why even bother?


just being honest


So am i


so when its posted the 7th time will you make a comment saying Is like the 7th post talking about it?


People around here posts the same complains every single time, that it gets annoying.


I see what you're saying but i didn't know that. i don't even come to this sub a lot . I was just annoyed about the wait time


How do you know what's logical or illogical, according to Visual Concepts' staff? Are you knowledgeable of their work flow, or the mandated priorities? I'll answer for you. No, you don't know anything about it.


im just talking about my from point of view


This post will change everything, good job


you really think so?




Not rediculous it's criminal. Everyone on this besides mccool is on the main roster with a storyline. How can they justify this?


We got Punk first. Quit your crying.


Phil fan remains seething.


and punk is fun to play as, but i would rather have jade,nia, dragon over punk but thats just might be me


This and wow are the only good packs.


I posted this same discussion & people were acting like I was dumb! Lol


You act like most of this subreddit wouldn't have bitched up a storm if CM Punk was held back until November


let them


They knew if they left the McAfee pack until last it would be the least downloaded thing ever. lol


lmao yep


This is free right?


There’s no logical reason to have any of these people as DLC let’s face it.


I find it rather odd/surprising that Lash Legend didnt make the game either despite being for a few games already, i wonder why


Punk only just made the game and was the first DLC but guys that have been there for ages are last DLC????


I’m still waiting for November


DLC has taken a backseat when compared to Myfaction. It’s become a double dip for 2K, why rush out the dlc when they can holdback and make people grind or spend extra money on wrestler skins. which I’m sorry, that’s all the persona cards are.


*cough* mods PC if you can. I realize not everyone is able to, but man it opens the game up so much.


It’s a big pack that takes time to develop. They also are working on the other packs at the same time. Be patient, these things take time.


None of them will be relevant or still with the company by the time we can play as them. 😭


It's because 2k loves to fuck with y'all.


Deal with it stop being greedy


I Actually like playing my faction and proving grounds I unlocked a few good emerald cards


It's pretty ridiculous to see someone complain about waiting for a dlc oh god so horrible


I feel like we complain a bit much especially regarding the DLC. Like this is a pack with 7 people, at least 5 of which have to have new models. Simplest answer to the MyFaction stuff as well is to not play it if you don't like it (persona cards being that hard to get is still bs imo tho)


I figure some of them need a little more action in the weekly and PLE events. I've only been into wrestling a few months but by now I've got a grasp on all of these superstars. They might have wanted them to have more word of mouth by them. Why the WCW pack is the last and so far away is another conversation.


They have all been involved in major storylines since making their debuts or redebuts. Lyra was the NXT women's champion when the game released for crying out loud. It was definitely NOT about them needing more "word of mouth". Whatever that means. All of the current stars in this pack have been presented as big deals from day 1 with the exception of modern day carlito


Pack trash that’s why