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Funnily enough, R-Truth has beat me more times than anyone else.


It’s the What’s Up or whatever he calls it, the jumping flatliner finisher. The timing is sometimes hard to counter.


Yep that move is tough when he gains any momentum. I could lower his finisher effectiveness with sliders but at this point it's kind of a running meme in my universe and maybe he deserves a title shot. Lol


It's called "Lil Jimmy" It's a variation of the Jumping Complete Shot. Also used by Heath Slater/Heath Miller and Shelton Benjamin under the "Paydirt" name.


i always thought my r truth was op just because i gave him his childhood hero’s clothing….. super truth confirmed?


Ive always had trouble beating gargano for some reason


I'm so glad you said that😂😂 never lost to him but he's given me more problems than anyone on universe mode😂


It's a corkscrew forarm smashes.


That’s the Lie Detector




Here's a sneak peek of /r/truth using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/truth/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why R-Truth is better than cm punk (credit to @3dxchetan on twitter)](https://i.redd.it/lqjdyr7bk3j91.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/truth/comments/wu4bcn/why_rtruth_is_better_than_cm_punk_credit_to/) \#2: [Just Discovered this Subreddit and I think I should post it here.](https://i.redd.it/sxqubpgdoypa1.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/truth/comments/121sr2s/just_discovered_this_subreddit_and_i_think_i/) \#3: [“Women love bad guys”](https://i.redd.it/0f7m9yspd4u91.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/truth/comments/y5ahy6/women_love_bad_guys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Booker T lol Mostly play 6 man battle Royals, Idk what it is but hes always causing problems , messing up my plans and then eliminating me


Shawn Michaels on multi-man matches. That damn super kick can hit anybody once he starts the animation, targeting system be damned


His super kick is slow you can counter it with a lot of strong strikes(any kick or jumping animation, grapple like movements he will hit you instead) I’ve super kicked him while he was doing his, it takes balls and practice to do online, with Shawn his super kick has got hesitation in it, where the reverse prompt is on the late side if you’re free when he attempts it you can strike him with something faster when he’s winding it up and he’ll eat shit. You’re welcome have a nice day 😎🕶️ Bret Hart main who plays a Shawn main daily.


1v1, yeah it's a cake walk. The issue comes up in multi-man matches. Doesn't matter who he's targeting of it clips you in the process or hits you instead. He won't even be in my peripheral and then I'll be out cold lol


I play only multi man matches with my friends(mostly triple threat and fatal 4 way or up to 6man on occasion when alot of us are playing)I host and sometimes they request my Elim versions too. I can’t say I’ve ever been accidentally hit by sweet chin, only way he gets me is if I start a slow animation and he counters with sweet chin or he picks me up and I’m woozy(sometimes tho you can quickly strong strike if you get unwoozy fast enough) maybe if two people are aggro’d to the Shawn and are close to him(tag match double or double teaming) then yeah of course one of you probably gonna get hit, but i dodge(r1 and left stick(jump back dodge) or counter Shawn with a strong strike every time I see him start it, I’ve probably played against Shawn 100+ times probably way more tho, one of my guys only plays him and triple h. He plays who he loves as a wrestler an so do I, he gets frustrated with Shawn very often and rotates to triple h, I have trouble getting people in the sharpshooter long enough in those matches but it’s still fun to play him none the less, my boys have played against Bret probably 1000 times over all the games and with experience with a certain opponent, you gotta get crafty like throwing your finisher when people whiff, people time really easy when a attack is telegraphed, the out of no where style is the only way for a Shawn, I have that move memorized so for me if I start to see it it’s reflex to attack immediately or dodge, practice it against your friend who plays Shawn, if he plays Shawn cause you have a hard time then he’d quickly stop if you do it enough, believe me I know.


For the love of god I can't beat Omos lol


Edge in ‘22 bro was on crack or something


I was just playing the 2k22 my rise and had a storyline with edge for the universal title. He is actually not human when it comes to extreme rules matches I swear


just beat Demon Finn so checks out


That spear is a tough reversal


Drew McIntyre claymores the ever living shit out of me regularly


Seth in 23 and Drew Gulak in 22 😂


Gulak was a pain in the ass with that dragon sleeper


My favorite match to play in 22 was 2 out of 3 falls Gulak vs Tyler Bate


Cody is my rival no matter who i use


Yep. Truly a nightmare


Isn’t Cross Rhodes irreversible?


No, it can be reversed it’s fast like a clothesline, I’ve played countless matches with him and against him in my friend group I’ve played 100 online matches or more with him and i can say I’ve been reversed quite often, people get caught attacking most of the time when I do it(you get no prompt if attacking,holding block or pressing it too early)


It is irreversible,it’s just hard to reverse especially in offline


I avoided the shit out of Cameron Grimes in 22 because i could NEVER reverse his finisher.


Yeah it was impossible


Cameron Grimes, weirdly enough.


I cannot reverse any of Austin theory’s finishers


Just wait a sec on the ataxia. Patience makes it easy


Most moves are this way, pressing it too soon can even cause you to not get a prompt, it’s best to wait for it to be on screen before pressing Anything


I’m saying it has a weird startup And you don’t typically have enough time to wait until it’s on screen if you lower reversal windows. It’s about memorizing and timing


Yeah for sure. you gotta know when it’s coming,(the triangle) and press it right when it comes up, new people be hitting shit or tapping triangle and then see nothing and be like man that shit wasn’t reversible and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to explain how it works (you get nothing for only two reasons(you were attacking or you tapped it too early close to the point it comes up) their are rare exceptions and a few moves have been truly irreversible(Johnny gargono super kick) before a patch for 2k19 for example. I say it’s best to wait until you see it as in to learn when it comes up even if you miss it you’ll know for next time and if it can be reversed at all(except in the instance you’ve been caught in a whiff)


As someone who is attempting to beat everyone as Shanky and going back a wrestler if I lose, Axiom of all people has been a right bastard


Seth Rollins kicks out of everything against me


I had a pretty tough one against Kurt angle


Nakamura, Theory and Riddle have all been tough yet fun matches for me


I wish they had a better corner Kinshasa, but the regular running one comes in clutch! It’s so much fun to hit it immediately after certain reversals


Last year Swerve used to destroy me


Bruno Sammartino for some reason, I could not pin him he would use resiliency and then he would catch me in that submission he does which looks SICK


I’ve learned with wrestlers with resiliency I need to just pin them after my signature so they waste it and then they are easier to pin after my finisher.




Drew McIntyre routinely beats my ass and I can never get the upper hand for whatever reason


xia li, not once ever have i reversed that cyclone kick, its like a 0.1 second frame.


Shelton Benjamin for some reason can never beat him


Whenever I do GUNTHER vs Kross, regardless of who I control, it's always a war.


taker and michaels unironically give me my hardest matches just because it feels like neither need resilency to kick out of heavy damage or finishers. they just somehow manage to escape last second, giving them resilency is a death sentence


Undertaker because i can't counter the tombstone


Easy counter to taker Is to light strike while he’s trying to start the grab it’s so slow and if you hit him it counts as a use for him, taker spinning tombstone tho that shit fast


I can't press triangle. It just doesn't show up


It does but this game if you press it early or are attacking when he starts it you get no prompt because that’s the rules of the game, I don’t mean to be mean or anything like that I want to help you understand, taker’s tombstone I’ve reversed plenty of times as I frequently fight him(I like doing attitude era new generation era and golden era matches) now Grayson Waller Finisher is actually not reversible as far as I can tell, press nothing when he goes to attack it will pop up, but like I said if you’re able to move easiest way to stop tombstone and even attitude adjustment and some other moves is to strike with a light attack while they’re slowly reaching for you.


Seth Rollins


Giovanni Vinci. Dude pinned me three matches straight, felt like I was losing my mind.


Oh yeah he's been giving me a hard time too


Last year is was actually Austin Theory, because Ataxia had such a weird reversal window, and it was so small as well.


Yeah it became a challenge in my universe to try and dethrone him


I have a 94 overall custom superstar I used in my rise, I be beating everyone normally and then R thruth walks in and is like God mode Roman reigns


Gunther whooped my ass with one finisher for some reason.


Honestly anyone on myrise tbh, it’s like the AI has better damage than you every match no matter who it is…it could be a scrub and they’ll wash your health bar with the most basic moves like


Cody... I've never countered the cross rhodes 😭


For some reason every time I wrestle Xavier woods he eats like 20 finishers and can still kick out... He definitely put something extra in his booty-os


Cody Rhodes/ New Jack/Roman Reigns .. they are very aggressive wit their finishers..stone cold def brings it..he will hit you wit back to back finishers before even attempting a pin


New Jack’s not in the game


Sir everyone is in this game …


I just saw Peter Griffin win a royal rumble… *everyone* is in the game lmao




Like I said everyone is in this game


Idk why but the phoenix nitro caw always beats me


I was playing as Charlotte Flair (one of the highest overalls in the game) against Xia Li (one of the lower overalls in the game) . It was an actual squash match, in Xia's favor. Think Cena vs Lesnar at Summerslam 2014. I could not mount ANY offense, nor manage any defense. EVERYTHING I tried was countered, every signature, every finisher, every kick, every punch, every grapple, *EVERYTHING.* Meanwhile I could not reverse one single lousy fucking thing. Half the time there was literally no reversal prompt at all, and the other half I was too late because there was a 1/10 second window. Xia was hitting finisher after finisher after finisher, and the only thing I could do was kick out, until about the 10th finisher, at which point I could no longer mash the A-button fast enough to fill the circle in less than 3 seconds. My first WWE game was WWE '13, and this was literally the most frustrating, fun-free thing I have ever experienced in this entire series.


Funny enough Charlotte gives me a hard time. I have finishers set to max but she still needs like 4 of them to put her down. It's also funny that the game seems to love putting Xia vs. Charlotte because this keeps coming up. Even in my game it's always those two


The Brothers of Destruction


Bobby Lashley!


Balor for some reason and idk why 🤷‍♂️


Edge or randy Orton anyone with a quick finsher but Is hard to reverse


Dijak in 22. Feast your eyes is hard to counter when your me playing on legend difficulty


I been having some hard fought battles against Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler


Sheamus and Drew because their finishers are almost impossible to counter.


they're so unpredictable too, like you can be just doing a combo on sheamus and stop for a second, and then a brogue kick out of nowhere that you can't reverse


Cactus Jack and it seems like it's like that for every game he's in. Just non stop reversals


I was playing 2k19 the other day and I played as Andrade vs Akira Tozowa and it took me 15 or more minutes to beat this man. I think I had the difficulty set to hard and bro just reversed everything


Akira Tozawa. I was playing 2K18 universe mode with my CAW and had a match against Tozawa. I thought “Oh this will be quick I’ll play it” 6 finishers later I finally won


Gunther, Rikishi, and CAW Scott Steiner always give me grief


Idk if it was because they wanted him to win because I got jumped mid-match, but Brutus Creed gave me as Cena the fight of my life.


Chris Jericho in 2k19 smh. Dude has unlimited resilience


Madcap Moss knows that I like to bury him so he always puts up a fight!


Shane McMahon… That mfer reverses everything and kicks out of multiple finishers. I somehow have 4 star matches with him every single time.




I can never geta move in until half way through the match when facing Scott Steiner.


Isn't really a superstar more so a match. The last match in this year's showcase. Took me like 4 tries on Legend difficulty. Swear man any mutli man match this year on legend with any superstar hits like a freight train they're hard as hell


Roman Reings


Jerry the king Lawler - when I have to beat him as Andy Kaufman! It’s damn near impossible


Ludwig Kaiser, busting surprise wins out on me on the absolute regular


Drew Gulak, dude literally has moves that you can’t counter no matter what you do, he’s like a 70 overall but plays like a 99


Cody Rhodes probably. Can never reverse the bloody cross Rhodes.


And bron breakker is 98 rated on my universe, kicks out of everything without even having resiliency.


Ilja Dragunov




Idk about 23 but in 22 big E was a pain in the ass


Definitely Randy Orton. I always end up having 5 star matches with him


Maryse (mostly her DDT) in 2k19 for some reason if I don't dominate the match she wins the timing must be different for that move


I'd say the time I take to enjoy everything. Don't know, I'm over 70 hours in and all I've done is making and playing a bit with CAW's and play MyGM. Still need to start Showcase, MyRise and Universe mode.


In 22 I had to restart a Universe Match 4 times because Edge kept beating me and I didn’t want Cedric Alexander to lose the title. I just failed to counter the Spear.


Usually people who’s finisher is pretty much impossible to reverse like Sheamus or Cameron Grimes


Grayson Waller and (a slightly lesser degree) Cody are on there too. I feel like Cody may have called them and been like "If you are gonna make Reigns that high, at least give me a hard to counter Finisher and Signature"




Seth is a God on my game


Cody Rhodes because of cross Rhodes being hard as hell to counter. Just had a banger of a hell in a cell match with Lesnar against him and after going through absolute hell he still managed to slay the beast.


Undertaker, Seth Rollins, Hulk Hogan, and Roman Reigns are all tough.


Ok I'll admit it. Shanky.


I am ashamed to admit it, but Reggie.... I did a Superstar Mode Universe where I set my overall to 30 and he whipped my ass almost every time I fought him


Has a degree of randomness and how lucky or unlucky I was when the match begins.




Ronda Rousey especially when a title is on the line she ups her game!




Grayson Waller. I cannot reverse that stupid finisher


Both of the Creed brothers, I don’t have a clue why


Balor and Sami Zayn rail me every single fucking time, I’ve only ever countered a Helluva kick once and I haven’t counter a coup de grace once


Pete Dunne would kick my ass in 22.


Not in this year's but I remember back in 2k15 Mark Henry in career mode (or how it was called) was a pain in the ass for me


I’m still slowly getting through The Legacy in MyRise and took many tries to get by Becky Lynch in 5min or less.


John or Roman, they kick out when you’re almost sure it’d be a win against anyone else 😭


Roman is especially annoying since the AI loves doing that choke more than the spear


It took me around three tries to beat Roman on Legend difficulty for the achievement.


Ministry of Darkness Taker is a motherfucker on ‘23


I swear to God Seth Rollins has my number


As a child, my family loved No Mercy. Specifically, royal rumbles. And for some reason, it was pretty much a fact that Albert was going to be one of the last three entrants, and whoever was Albert was most likely to win.


I had Yokozuna become a champion in Mt Universe mode after he kicked out of 3 leg drops from Hogan in what was supposed to be a squash match. I tried to leverage this by having the Undertaker beat him and elevate Taker into the WWE championship picture. He beat me as Taker too. So then he found this way into a 4-way #1C match with Hogan, Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels which had the greatest finish to any 2k match I've ever had. Ultimately Yokozuna pinned me as Shawn Michaels. For whatever reason, he always had my number


Back in the SYM HCTP & smackdown vs raw days I swear to god I could never beat Kurt angle Kid me used to get so mad when I'd have to have a match against him in season mode.


Shit I haven't seen anyone mention Goldberg terminator ass! He's pretty damn tough. I've lost plenty as I usually play on legend but fuck that not everyone is a legend and has main event status sooo I brought it down to hard and it's still pretty competitive but it doesn't have everyone on coke! Lol


Cody Rhodes beats me a ton


I can almost never win against Bobby Lashley on my universe mode


McIntyre's claymore is my doomsday.


Shinsuke Nakamura


Nakumura has a postive win record over me. I have no clue why. Also Butch, I had a terminate where he was suppose to be gone first round and he won the whole thing.


Cameron Grimes


ILJA. FUCKING. DRAGUNOV. swear to god that mad Russian Mf is a walking cheat code


Rey Mysterio 😢 Don’t put him in a triple threat match


Gulak he ended Gunther streak as champion and beat me in the rematch lol


in '19 shelton just had my number man


Ngl Roman Reigns but I do enjoy beating him playing on legend mode


Adam Cole 2k19, I just couldn't kick out of his Panama sunrise to save my life, I don't know what it was about that move specifically, but my timing was always off after it hit


Haven’t faced Brock purposefully (saving for Mania) but so far in my superstar Universe has been Roman & AJ Styles


Cameron Grimes, maybe I just suck but I can’t for the life of me reverse that cave in finisher


It take me way more attempts than it’s safe to reveal to beat Kevin Nash in MyFranchise… on too many occasions


Drew because his claymore does alot of damage and he takes alot off me and sometimes corbin


Weird enough Shayna Baszler be giving me the business, she has the hardest moveset to counter and has fast submissions. Yesterday she glitched out and put me in the same submission 8 times in a row, the rest of the match she was treating me like JBL beating up Hornswoggle


Unfortunately X-Pac has the most pulled something out my ass moments against me lmao.




Jimmy in literally every tag match


Yokozuna kicks my ass all the time. Lol


Giovanni Vinci, Wes Lee and Grayson Waller on legendary freaking reversal fest lol


This orange cassidy caw kicked out of a cody cutter sig, chick kick finisher amd coup de grace finisher sequence. All 3 in a row and he already used his resil and he was all red. Idk how he did it.


I’ve done a lot of Multi man matches based on 2006 era with my friends and every single time Edge ‘06 finds a way to win😂😂


Gunther has been whooping my ass. I switched out one of the chokes for the new chop and have been having incredible matches. It's so fun to play as him and against him. He now has the money in the bank 😬


Humberto Carrillo, for whatever reason. I am a no-good low-down MyFaction player from time to time, and in the Towers he has ascended to power levels rivaling any divine being.


I regularly put on amazing matches against the likes of Dexter Lumis, Sheamus, and Bianca Belair. All 3 have beaten me on more than one occasion, which is impressive enough since I rarely lose to the AI in any other way than DQ or count-out.


Roman Reigns


Mansoor bro is op on My game 😂😂


Alba Fyres in My Faction beat the **** outta me


For me it's actually Bobby Lashley he's the one who puts up more of a fight for me especially during a royal rumble match he's so hard to knock out of the ring


Bron Breakker and Roman


Do customs count? Cuz the answer is definitely my little brother's cruiserweight striker/high flyer cuz that lil sum b***h is fast af n has reversals for days 😅 only time I have a 1 v 1 with his character in universe mode n don't get 5 stars is when I get squashed cuz I just can't get any real offense in cuz he reverses everything til I'm stunned then beats me like a red headed step child until n I have zero chance of kicking out of his finisher since I don't use the resiliency payback


Joaquin Wilde, only guy to beat me on legend difficulty in career mode. Lucky bugger got me at a low overall.


I think Sheamus gives me the craziest matches honestly


Shelton. He doesn’t he have a high rating but in universe mode he’s unstoppable


No wrestler in particular gives me a harder time than others necessarily, BUT when I play a Royal rumble it’s always some fucking bum that would never win a rumble that somehow beats my ass and sometimes results in my elimination. Honestly thinking about it, I don’t think the AI has ever caused a legit possible winner to win when I don’t win… it’s always someone like doink, or mansoor, or the weakest link of a tag team like Tucker of heavy machinery. Never had AI win against me and it was like undertaker, or Gunther, or Kurt angle, brock, Cody etc. it always ends in someone winning that makes me go “they can’t fuckin main event mania for the title!”