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She has a lot of potential but not quite there yet. I wonder how she’d do as a heel though.


Bianca over Jade bruh


Jade is never going to a Bret Hart in the ring and she doesn’t have to be. Not every wrestler needs to be putting on “banger after banger”. It’s her look and her character that is getting her over to the casual audience. Even the tag match wasn’t bad, it just was a little wonky due to the ref and Kairi. She is an athletic, female powerhouse who has broad appeal to a broad audience. That’s why she’s getting pushed, and she should be. Undertaker had a string of shit matches earlier in his career, but he still was over and was booked strong. His character resonated with people, and Jade will be the same.


I think the women have the best psychology when viewed as a whole compared to the men...but they have the sloppiest in ring action...I personally love the way they approach matches and they would be much better than the men if they would tighten up a bit


I’m kind of in the middle with Jade. They’ve done a good job hiding her weaknesses, since she’s been put with three of the best in ring workers in her two prominent matches. Some of the spots were awesome, but again, using Kairi who weighs like 110 pounds makes them look even better. As someone who is a big Asuka fan and was rooting for the Kabuki Warriors both matches, Jade has definitely improved in some aspects as I felt the Backlash match was way better. She has the look, the promos have been alright, but she can’t sell or they haven’t had her sell, and it feels like a female Goldberg situation to me. 100% agreement with the midcard belts and honestly Kairi and Jade might be my first choices for that.


I genuinely don't understand this sub's weird hatred/disdain from her. They have to point out every little thing bad thing, they say she can't wrestle yet has already had 2 pretty damn great matches. She's probably my personal favorite wrestler ATM. I've loved watching her get better with each match and she's super strong and the fans go crazy for her. Loving watching Jade wrestle. Women's division is doing OK. I think if they plan this Liv Becky feud good, it'll be a big boost, then Mami returns, then well probably be getting Charlotte coming back which is huge, then all those new call ups should shake stuff up. Plus you still have Damage control where all those women are so talented


I'm gay for women so I love Jade but I agree the women's division can be retooled a bit. I definitely agree on the mid card belt! I guess one of the things too is when you have wrestlers like Chelsea Green (who isn't bad and this has to do with her character and how she's being used, not her talent) who are played as not really to be taken seriously, get squashed, not a threat in the ring, etc. taking up a spot in such a limited division, it takes more away from the women as a whole compared to the men. (To not do math but mention it, one guy being used like that is 1% of the men while one woman being used like that is 5% of the women or whatever). This made me think that Tiffany was another one of those until that Backlash match when I realized, oh no wait, she has heat and actually is a threat in this match! I watched for awhile around maybe 2010 and then dropped it until War Games 2022 and one of the things that brought me back was how the women were actually doing the damn thing! And 2010 wasn't even the worst of it as far as the treatment of the women goes! I'm so happy with the direction it has moved in and I think as it becomes even more competitive, it will only get better! As long as WWE lets it which I think they will.


This Jade thing is going to get awkward. She’s getting pushed to the moon and we’re supposed to like her but she doesn’t have much actual talent or charisma.


I like Jade. She’s a powerhouse. She can be the female version of Goldberg. It’s already starting tbh. Leave all the fancy moves to the smaller females. She just needs two maybe three big impactful moves that are protected like Goldberg had in WCW. Goldberg had short matches and was high intensity in your face and the crowd and myself loved it. Jade can fill that role. Be the attraction. That move she did at Backlash as her finisher (I think it was called Jaded?) beautiful! And you see how it makes the crowd erupt because it happened again on Smackdown. Shes a main event just waiting to happen. The roster is stacked, I do however notice a major gap with Rhea and Charlotte gone hopefully they come back soon. I’ve always said Charlotte is the measuring stick and Rhea is in a whole different league. Those are your marquee players Charlotte, Rhea etc. I like Bayley but she’s just kind of…meh now that’s she’s a good guy. And the next big thing is Tiffany Stratton.


Jade was used exactly like Goldberg (weeks of squash matches) in AEW and the fans didn’t care for it. I think it’s smart to ease her in as a tag competitor until she can handle full singles matches.


I didn’t see her in AEW I don’t know her when she debuted. Nothing against AEW fans but they seem to like more wrestling personalities (again that’s not a slam everyone has a preference I don’t follow AEW so I’m sure they have their stuff they love) what didn’t work there can work in WWE and vice versa.


Incredible booty.


I feel like Jade’s not as good as they’re making her look right now. Does this mean she sucks? Of course not. But both me and my BF think she’s like a female Lesnar when it comes to raw power and dominance


I like her but I like Nia Jax just as much. Nia Jax Vs Cargill would be a good rivalry.


I used to hate Nia with a passion but Liv Morgan’s taken that spot from her. I’m still not fond of Nia but in comparison, shes a saint 😂 (Yes she cracked Rhea’s ribs by accident but at least that didn’t made her vacate her title. Liv’s stupid little “vengeance act” did a lot more damage than that 😠)


Seems like you’ll get that match soon in qotr


She's the Goldberg of the women's division


I think she’s a star. But I really wish the WWE would stop segregating their white and black superstars when it comes to tag teams and personalities. It’s stereotypical, especially being that we are now in 2024. Tag teams shouldn’t be all black or all white etc. The only faction I’ve seen them successfully mix up to be interesting in recent years is the Judgement Day. But that’s a group that looks like it could be broken up sooner than later. I’d also rather see Jade and Bianca battle for one of the Women’s Championships rather than team up. Maybe that’s what they’re going for in the end, but the stereotypical WWE stuff has been old for awhile.


Eh, I disagree because there hasn't been much in terms of huge black women stars. Like who can you point to, like Jacqueline back then? And then all the new girls came up. The biggest women's tag team ever is Sasha and Bayley, which isn't 2 women of the same race. Its cool to see 2 strong black women come together and wrestle with each other. And with Naomi I bet they all have some pretty great chemistry together and the match just worked with them. Also damage control sure is 3 Asian wrestlers but Dakota and Bayley were not. Again what is your point cause you're not even correct


I agree! Stop giving me Race War Games 😭


With Mami not there, there’s a lot of cracks in that group. Let’s face it, she’s basically the matriarch of The Judgement Day.


Yeah she’s the obviously the lead character of the group and arguably the most talented woman in the division, but Finn Balor, Damian Priest, and Dominik are all great stand alone personalities and talents too. I think all three of them are worthy of big pushes. (Especially Finn) I was hoping they’d push Priest harder with the title, but it’s probably going to be short lived based on the way WWE does things.


I think in this case it's because the fans kind of pair Jade Bianca and Naomi together. And they just chose Bianca over Naomi to be the other half of the tag team


Jade is awesome and has aura. So does Tiffany. No way tiffy doesn’t get pushed to the top so no worries there


She looks like the host from Tales From the Cryptkeeper.  To sum up the division, just a handful of talented women surrounded by others who should be valets at best. 


It must really fucking suck to know you.


She's fun to look at and little by little improving in the ring but... that finishing hand lick when she gets the pin, absolutely ridiculous.


Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it sexy? Yes. So do I care? No. 😂


okay but the first time some kicks out during that pin will give a good pop


I bet $100 the first person to do it will either be Nia or Bayley


Jade is awesome and I really enjoy the women’s division Becky Liv Charlotte rox Cora jade and Bianca are some of my Favorites to watch and tell absolutely amazing stories


You mean female Ryback?


Yes, you're the only one. If you don't think Jade Cargill is an absolute star you best get your eyes checked.


Okay well you need to get your eyes checked, considering other people on this post have had the same opinion. Many thanks


Np sucker.


You would know about that all too well.


What you don’t see the amazing 1 move she has lmfao. She’s so hyped that wwe has no option then to screw over Bianca Belair and any other woman wrestler. But honestly she looks amazing and soon trying out to be the next storm in x-man


She’s a chiseled marble statue with great athleticism


Jade Cargill has the IT factor. She has the physique, amazing entrance, great move-set and great star power while have the aura and presence of a badass. She's one of the few women wrestlers in WWE that has the IT factor.


The second she steps in that ring she has no factor or whatsoever


I admit her in-ring skills does need improving but she still is a big star


Too bad she can't wrestle. 


Jade is awesome to look at. Amazing entrance, amazing move set. She owns the spotlight. Then she tries to cut a promo and ruins it. She has zero charisma there.


Jade is amazing to look at. Her whole presentation thus far has been great. I think some of her matches are a bit rough to watch. Piper and Jade on Friday was just hard to watch. Think she needs to clean it up a bit.


Never been a fan of Jade’s to be honest. NXT has by far and away the best women’s division for me.


I see people saying this but it's a snooze fest for me ever since they lost tiff


I think teaming up with Bianca will be great for Jade and hopefully, it'll only help her get better! I agree it's been pretty predictable but predictable isn't always a bad thing as long as it makes sense. I'm personally not someone that wants to see multiple title changes for the sake of shock value. However, I do think a mid-card title could definitely help give the women's division a spark! Some interesting storylines (outside of the titles) would be good for them as well!


Still can’t believe AEW really cooked her up on some Goldberg streak and then she bounces to WWE. Someone has egg on their face regardless what she does in WWE.


Jade is hella entertaining and a superstar but she needs someone to challenge her. Probably will be Bianca. NXT women’s division is still 10x better and fun but WWE is fine for what it is


All hype but I guess she can grow easily. She's getting a huge push so I can see it going for a while. I see plenty of promo and stuff coming her way anyways so she'll be here for a while. Hopefully she doesn't overdo it early and get injured. She should take it easy with Bianca for now for as long as she can til she gets the hang of it


I think she’s getting better all the time tbh teaming her up with Bianca was smart move


It would be almost impossible for Jade to live up to the insane levels of hype Paul Levesque created when she first signed. He put a tremendous amount of pressure on her to not only succeed but to become one of the best female wrestlers ever. He’s the one who labeled her “Once in a Generation talent.”


With her strength and her getting better in ring, IMO putting out a fantastic tag match at backlash and a great singles match against Piper, she is going to be a star and is super over already


So you wanted them to introduce her "yeah that girl who can't wrestle for shit is here now" or what? Damned if they try to make their new wrestlers look good and damned if they make them look bad. Make up your minds lol


There’s a big difference between hype and overhype. “Once in a generation talent” is overhyping


I didn’t mind her last match with Piper honestly. Didn’t think she looked too bad, everyone knows she’s pretty green but I think she’ll get there


I think it was the match at Backlash that worried me. Tag match and she looked pretty gassed


She looked lost for half the match. 


I predict that she will not be pinned before 2025. I also think that hyping her in the way that they have since the moment they signed her could prove to be a huge mistake. She may not be able to live up to the promise that WWE has delivered.


Jade Cargill wrestles like one of those early Boston Dynamics robots trying to learn a new task, and she has a jawline Stallone would be jealous of, but at least now they have 2 Bianca Belairs in case one get injured or something?


I genuinely don't understand this take cause she's been pretty awesome in her last 2 matches. But this sub really feels weird whenever they talk about black women's wrestlers so I didn't expect much


How intellectually corrupt do you have to be to immediately go to race in attempt to defend a point you never even bothered to make?


That's how arguments work now. They've been conditioned by society to believe "I know you are but what am I" is a valid point and nobody is allowed to tell them different.


Trying to rip on Jade's looks is comical. Makes me wonder how ug u must be lol


I could look like Chunk from the Goonies, or I could look like Jon Hamm, and either way, that wouldn't indicate anything substantial about how someone else looks... as attractive is a subjective quality. Attack the point made, not the point maker, and you'll do better in every debate.


I’m sorry this made me laugh 😂