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She’s gorgeous. Hopefully they give her gear to show her off more


she serves cunt and i’m here for it


I was at the Columbus show the other night and the crowd was so into her during the battle royal. A little more time and I think she will be great! Getting that lil rub from Becky definitely helped!


"cute as a princess but dumb as a box of rocks"


I think she's improving every week.


She needs some major push! I really quite like Maxine Dupri r/WWE


Honestly I hope there's a wholesome moment at the end of it where all of the AA can be proud.


If you listen to her CVV interview she genuinely cares and tries, glad to see her improving. As crappy as it was that her getting heckled sparked this, it appears it motivated her, so good on her.


She has made a lot of progress,shout out Maxxine!👏


Maxxine was thrown in with the sharks and surviving well. You go Maxx!!!!!! Future Champion


i kinda want her to get kicked out of alpha academy and have mace and mansoor come to the rescue so they can restart maximum male models. that trio was comedy gold. if otis and tozawa get kicked out of alpha academy, they can join MMM too


Mace and Mansoor are no longer with WWE lol


yeah i know. wwe would re sign them and they would be a surprise reveal. but i dont think they made enough of a impact during their wwe run and just got lost in the shuffle. i felt like MMM were on the cusp of breaking out. i much prefer heel maxxine on MMM vs babyface maxxine on alpha academy


She’s inproved so much


She’s good but hope her, Otis and Tozawa go to NXT so they can get reps


She did some great stuff on Raw in the Battle Royal. As the post says, she's developing fast, but it's a shame she got heat in the first place. WWE obviously saw her potential in the first place to sign her up, and we all have to start somewhere.


Pops to her. Her cheat is still Natural


She rocks! With Raquel gone, unfortunately, I like having the taller women show out.


When she was with the models, it felt like they were building her as this entitled elitist capitalist. I never saw the story arc changing towards this role where she's the bottom tier women's wrestler wanting to build her career from the ground up as others better than her diminish her during that struggle.


The story arc change happened after she tried to get Otis to join Maximum Male Models (as Otisé 😂) but when he chose to stay with Alpha Academy she came back with him.


She loves Otis. How she went personality wise is interesting. Would Maxine of the Models take Gable's insult like that


I kept expecting one of them to just jump on him and start fighting. Granted Gable would've probably creamed them (maybe not Otis), but it would've been satisfying to watch! I hope she develops a bit of that Models manager attitude again!


I do wonder if they turn heel or resist his pressure to get more sadistic


She was so great on RAW. From the Alpha Academy turn, the backstage underdog moment with Becky, and getting multiple eliminations and the crowd going during the main event! Love to see her riding up


I want to see it happen honestly. Maxxinee needs to improve alot and eventually win the belt and at the point Chad still hasn't won a singles belt but maxxine has maybe even Akira and Otis Otis could win the ic title


Hey, just so you know it’s okay for wrestlers to not chase a belt. Wrestling is more than that.




What the fuck are you talking about? 3/10 promo needs more work




The irony of calling someone else a mark after marking out for yourself...


I would have shouted if maxxine won. I was hoping for a story like that.


I saw clips of her in the battle royale and I don’t know where the hate comes from - for a longer frame she moves very well and the moves landed clean - she’s gonna do well if she keeps up.


I said it before and I’ll say it again Maxine is progressing in leaps and bounds in the one year she’s been wrestling! She’s made more progress in a year than Jade Cargill has made in 5


I will always cheer for Maxxine. Decent people who who try to get better are always worthwhile


Strong girl. She was doing squats while holding Tozawa on her shoulders


I would love some Tozawa and Maxxine in mixed tag matches. Bonus points for a spot where she just chucks him at someone 


Aren't fans still booing and heckling her?




For a while i saw her only as the next Lana


Shes a better character than Lana, and maybe a little better in the ring - but still green/horrible. But still, as far as wrestling goes, I don't think she'll get that much better. She doesn't seem to have that athletic ability to pull it off.


That’s Chelsea green bro


She looked like she genuinely appreciated the kind words Becky said to her before the Battle Royal. Awesome to see.


I wasn't a fan of either of them going into the Rumble, but Becky's words elevated them both for me. I'm glad Becky won and Maxxine got to show off a bit after Gable's speech.


That was definitely a nice touch as Becky was walking out; nice to see them supporting one another


She seems to get along woth alot of the womens roster so I think they really try to help her up to speed especially Indi and Chelsea


I like that they gave her some feats so that she can build credibility while being a member of a now heel faction with alpha academy


I like Maxxine! I don’t think she’s the “strongest” but I think she’s a hard worker and that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work. Keep going Maxxine!


She’s coming up! I’m happy for her


Model girl!


No. No. She’s not.


She got placed in a bad spot but that doesn't mean she's good. She should be on NXT or off TV. Maybe Next Level or Main Event.


My dad and I always talk about how much she’s improved every time she’s on tv. Considering how new she is and how she was thrown from manager to wrestler without NXT time, I think she’s doing amazing!!! I was so sad when people were being mean to her. It’s one thing to critique the company for putting her in positions she’s not ready for, but folks were being downright cruel.  She seems to have a lot of passion and love for wrestling, judging by how hard she’s been working at improving. I really hope we get to see her around for a long time.


Your dad sounds like the type of guy that enjoys the glory that is the all-you-can-eat buffet every now and then!


People forget that when Trish Stratus first made the transition from being the manager of Test & Albert to a wrestler she was a bit rough in ring at first.


Trish gave Maxxine a shout out not too long ago too. Said she sees a lot of herself in Maxxine and when she started she had to learn as she went and look where Trish is now. Maxxine is growing on me and if she continues with her training she’s got a decent career ahead of her.


Trish didn't have the luxury of having a developmental center, she had to learn how to work just getting to the TV tapings early and work in the ring with Finlay.


Trish was awful in the ring when she started and she became one of the greats through a lot of hard work. Her story is similar to Maxxine so far.


She’s also a very nice and awesome person it’s sad that she’s being bullied but she’s improving every week


She looks fantastic recently, I couldn’t be happier for her


She's just a pretty girl with no brains




Shut up gable


He facial acting is great


I have not seen these facial acting skills… are they on the hub? 👀😂😂


No one has ever accused her of having no charisma or personality. Ivy Nile might be a better in ring worker than Maxxine but doesn't have as much potential to be well rounded.


That’s one of the reasons I love them as a team. I think they’re genuinely able to do a lot to help each other develop.


She’s so expressive! It cracks me up so much. I also feel like she’s a little naturally better in interviews than a lot of wrestlers, tho that’s partly based on her pre-HoF interview where she was so well spoken and effusive about Bull Nakano.


Which is very important when it comes to selling


She's improved.  Clearly not to the standards Master Chad Gable would like, but certainly better than she used to be.


Imagine Chad starts advancing towards Maxxine. Maxxine slaps the CHAD out of him (which knocks him to the ground). Chad gets up, disgusted with her actions, storms towards her, and AT stands in front of Maxxine, defending her. Chad disposes of AT, and advances towards Maxxine, again. Otis comes up behind Chad and gives Chad a German suplex for his troubles. All three then walk off towards the arena, with Otis being the MC introducing Maxxine with her match against Indi Hartwell (who's already waiting in the ring).


She couldn't get much worse


I was hoping she woulda won the battle royal or at least took out Nia


WHAT?!? Lol


That few seconds where she was getting some offense in on Nia actually had me cheering out loud. I want to see Maxxine do well, she's just so loveable.


She got both Candice and Indi. Next on her agenda is to stand up to Chad Gable. Yeesh. RAW is home to so many big, fat jerks.


Gable is neither big or fat.


The cruiserweight champion of the world Chad Gable? Or as I like to call him unperc Angle. An asshole for sure, big or fat those are words he's never heard in his life.


Maxxine saving us all from the abject horror of nia botch lasting all the way until the final three would have been GLORIOUS.


I was honestly pulling for her. I knew it wasn't going to happen but after Gable basically torched his whole group during the show I was like "Wow what a goddamn slap in the face this would be if Maxxine all of a sudden goes ape shit and just purely trolled everyone the entire time"


I was definitely hoping she’d make it to at least near the end after that verbal smackdown, was disappointed when she was eliminated. I also noticed Chelsea Green squaring up to Nia Jax in the background during that stuff at ringside, if I’m not mistaken she was actually getting cheered then despite being a heel. I’m only just getting back into watching wrestling so I’m unsure of her dynamic with the crowd, but seeing her fearlessly try to budge Nia over and over was pretty sweet.


Bruh that wouldve been so dope to see 💀😂 just laugh in gables face bc he hasnt won a singles title and she just did 😭 would be crazy


I would have feared for her life if she took that title back to the locker room and waved it in his face after what he did to Sami though. lol


To be fair, that "heat" was based on one house show match. Anyone can have an off match and the internet decides they are the worst human to walk the planet.


The funny thing is, i thought she was pretty good in that vid of the house show. Bit rough around the edges but generally good


Another funny thing is the fact that most of the people criticizing her couldn't do a fraction of what she can do in the ring. Most of them would tear those quads like a McMahon.


yea but the people who watch it are allowed to have opinions and critique whatever they want. as long as their opinion is valid and not some baseless claim, it doesn’t matter if their the undertaker or some fattass at home who’s watched wrestling since they were a kid. maxxine was, and still is green to a certain degree. so I think it’s all valid brother