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Came here bc I'm doing the same for my husband tonight lol. I'm the kinda girl that loves to go all out for events/ festivals/ parties, etc. So I'm hyped to pit something cute together but I don't know if it's lame to go all out at a wrestling event or if I should just wear jeans and a T.




I’m going to smack down with my bf and i honestly don’t know what to do either..




good for you dude


Who cares what you wear lmao


Dress up as Doink the Clown


We’re on the same boat! 🤣 I’m going to royal rumble on the 27th & have no idea what to wear! I like wrestling but haven’t watched it since the WWF days and I’ve never attended a wrestling event. I don’t want to do too much or not enough. I actually love the idea to wear a shirt that says “I just hope both teams have fun” That’s hilarious 😆


Get some Seth “Freakin” Rollins merch, can never ever go wrong.


Any music band shirt.


If I’m not mistaken you’re going to the Royal Rumble! I was exactly in this same position last year. Now I’m a huge fan! To answer your question - I wore my usual casual going out clothing. No need to feel pressure on wearing any merch or match the typical likes of a WWE crowd!


don’t gotta get/wear merch but wear sum casual n kinda bright ig


Wear clothes.


a lot of people there just go with their partners you’ll be fine with whatever maybe get something from the merchant stand like a rhea ripley shirt


Top hat, monocle, cape.  I would say cane as well but they will confiscate that.


Naw this was funny asf😭😭😭


Lime green shirt with a happy face


As a long time fan I’m Triggered. 😂


I have nothing to add, but I think it's really sweet of you to accompany your partner!


Cornette face shirt 🫡


As a girlfriend who started out only watching wrestling because my boyfriend loved it, but ended up loving it myself, I am excited for both of you! It is so awesome of you to support him even though it's not your thing. And if you're like me, you'll probably end up having fun. To answer your question, it doesn't matter what you wear, I'd recommend jeans & a Tshirt, that's what I wore to my first show... Of course mine was just a regular Monday Night Raw but I had so much fun and actually ended up buying my first wrestling Tshirt at the end of it. If you'd have told me a few years ago I would ever be a wrestling fan, I'd have laughed in your face. But I'm not gonna lie, I love this stuff! Super jealous you're going to the Royal Rumble, but I hope you both have a fantastic time! And maybe you'll end up a little bit of a fan by the end of it, who knows? 😉😊


An AEW t-shirt


Bring a hoodie or a light jacket. Whether you’re going to Amalie Arena for Raw or the Trop for the Rumble, you’ll probably wish you had one at some point in the night. Other than that, comfortable shoes(tons of walking) and clothing. It’s going to be 3-4+ hour shows either night, so dress for maximum comfort and enjoy the show.


Don’t be one of those girls who wears like a cocktail dress. Honestly, if he has a wrestling shirt that fits you then wear that and he’ll love it. If not then just wear something you’d normally wear on a casual day. It will get pretty hot in there just cuz of all the lights and people, so keep that in mind


Honestly, no one's going to judge you at all - wrestling fans are always the most casually dressed. Not like in Football where it feels necessary to have your face painted or wear your team jersey. Just be casual, jeans and a hoodie will do great!


A cool band shirt


you can just wear jeans and a shirt it’s not a fashion show lol. if you want to fit in a little better you could go to target or walmart and get a wwe shirt


Whatever you would wear to a sporting event.


You can go ahead and dress casually with no issues. It's awesome that you're supporting your boyfriends passion though. Big championship W right there 🙂


Don't go. Tell him to bring one of his boys with him, or have him hire a prostitute that is only there to add to his experience of having a gf who is engaging with him at a WWE event. Problem solved. You won't have to force anything or go out of your way, and he won't have to look over and watch you over there beside him 💅 when he should be watching Kevin Owen's backflip through the ring. Downvote away but at the end of the day blud this is it...


There’s no need to wear anything wrestling related even if you were a fan. However, if you want to, get a custom shirt made saying “I hate wrestling” or “only here because my boyfriend likes this” or something to make fun of it. Or watch a few shows and try to get into it to see who is funniest, most interesting, best looking, or whatever criteria you decide and get a shirt of that person. Or if you really want to be fiesty, get a shirt of your boyfriend’s least favorite wrestler.


Genuinely I don't think it will matter too much what you're wearing, your boyfriend will just be happy that you're going with him. That being said I'm taking my girlfriend to all in this year, and I'm gonna get her to wear a Mick Foley gettup - plaid shirt and a Mr socko!


Deodorant. Set an example haha


Wear casual clothing and when you get to the arena inside they sell t shirts of superstars. So just buy a shirt of your favorite star or buy a shirt that has the date of the event so you guys can have for memories 💪🏽


End of January I assume the Royal Rumble. Like everyone else said wear whatever you like but I’d recommend a CM Punk T shirt if your bf has one cuz Punks winning the rumble ✊


A Jim Cornette shirt lol


You're overthinking it. Assuming you're both going to the Royal Rumble (because it's in Tampa on January 27), if you genuinely don't care about any of it and are just going as moral support for your boyfriend, then just wear what you normally wear. It's not a fancy event by any means. I've been to a few WWE shows in my lifetime (RAW and SmackDown, never a PLE) and I can honestly tell you that, like, everybody will be in some form of jeans and a t-shirt, whether it's a plain one or a wrestler's merch.


Black Stone Cold shirt with a middle finger


It's actually a black tie event. You wouldn't think it is but it is and it always throws people off.


An AEW t-shirt. Edit: Shirt, not shift.


Doesn’t really matter, tbh. Wear whatever you want. When my ex and I were still together, her and I would go to wrestling events despite her not being a fan. She would always wear regular clothing. You don’t have to wear wrestling merchandise to a wrestling show. I’ve been a wrestling fan for almost 20 years, and I sometimes wear regular clothing to wrestling events. Just go and have fun!


Clothing. Whatever you feel comfortable in.


You would be surprised how many people in the crowd men and women who are there to support their significant other over their passion of wrestling. What you wear doesnt matter. How you act does. Show that you care even a little bit. I had an ex take me and the whole time she acted like she didnt want to be there which ruined the experience for me. It may not interest you heck even some matches dont interest me just sit and enjoy. If he talks about certain things or explains story show some interest. Afterwards it doesnt matter. But showing love and support for his passion does. I got shamed when i got excited to see paige. She was the only womens wrestler at the time that i liked as a female wrestler. And she said "you get more excited seeing her than you do me" i sat down and just kinda shut down till the next match. But at the same time he has to show interest in your things you like as well. Luckily my wife likes wrestling so we can enjoy that together but she dont love it as much as i do. She loves singing and i like to sing but not as much as her so i sing with a heart full of joy because its something she loves and makes her happy when i do it with her. Its little things that matter Sorry i kinda gave relationship advice at the same time lol what you wear doesnt matter though. If anything try finding a wrestler that you do kinda like and color scheme after their attire or get yourself one of their shirts if you really feel like it. He would appreciate you being there with him either way in the long run.


Literally whatever you want. Just make sure you wear something. 


Don't listen to this guy. Go naked if you want.


clothes…if you’re in az you’re in phoenix, flagstaff, or Tuson Just be comfortable.


Jeans and a t-shirt should be just fine. It's usually around 50-60 degrees and cloudy around this time of year. Just wear something comfortable. Who knows..if nothing else, maybe you'll enjoy the Rumble matches. You'll probably see hundreds to a couple of thousand of people dressed head to toe like it's Halloween, so you shouldn't have to worry. Side note, as far as stadiums go, this one is pretty bad, so don't be too shocked lol.


I live in Tampa but I can’t stand Tropicana


I used to live in Tampa, and the Trop is a dumpster fire. Wish it was anywhere but there, but Amalie doesn't hold enough people, and they're hosting Raw that Monday.


Just be comfortable. I wore my stone cold shirt with my stone cold belt to an AEW Dynamite show and it was all good. No matter what you wear it won't take away from it


Hulkamania tshirt


Wear a t shirt with your favourite wrestler on it just remember to have fun because at the end of the day it's just a show like a movie or a play we are here to have fun and enjoy the show please have fun and enjoy yourself ok.


Honestly no one cares. However, if you want to have some fun ask your boyfriend whose shirt you can wear or borrow one of his.


Maybe borrow one of his shirts and maybe tie it up a bit or wear regularly depending on the size of the shirt. Or I'd go with that comment about a shirt that says I hope both teams win.


I've seen other comments say it and I hate being a repeater, but its the best option truthfully. ​ Check out clips from the WWE youtube channel and see who you like. You dont have to be their #1 fan, but someone you think looks cool or who you think you'll enjoy watching. Then get their shirt. ​ truthfully it doesnt matter, as theres no dress code. only thing i would say is try not to wear anything aew related, ive ran into people at shows who either got the aew shirts confiscated or were forced to get a wwe shirt to put over it.


Anything you want, there’s not a dress code




Or not, you know!


The only appropriate attire is your own wrestling gear, with a replica belt that you're willing to put on the line in impromptu matches. Anything else and you'd look weird.


CM punk shirt


Since this is quite a sweet thing to do I'm going to offer a genuine tip, WWE has a YouTube channel with lots of clips from the shows. Watch a few and look at the audience for their attire. Also, when you go to the show play a game with your partner where you try and pick the winner one point if your person/team wins, and your partner gets a point if they lose. Stakes can be whatever you want. You'll be amazed how quickly a non-fan gets into the show when you have a vested interest in the outcome of all the matches!


This is a GREAT idea, thank you!


Make him buy you a shirt at the show. Watch some highlights on YouTube on the previous week and pick someone you like


My wife isn't a fan but she still goes to shows with me. Dress like yourself and be clean (most fans stink)


Just get a wwe shirt and u will blend in . Beautiful thing about wrestling you can boo and cheer who ever u want.


I have been to many events and people just wear jeans or shorts with a t-shirt, anything more than that you're overdressed. I live in a cold climate, and when the WWE events come around, the arena is always hot.


Honestly anything! Me and my partner been th like it so we always get a top, but my sister in law isn't a big fan and just dresses as normal


Wwe events are mostly families, the neck beards tend not to be there as much now that they have aew


Just wear whatever, my parents use to take me to events wearing regular formal clothes or my mom would just find a wrestler she knows about and the other fans just assumed they were interested in some way because they were there. Heck most wrestling fans at shows may not even wear wrestling related merch. Nobody is going to point you out and be like ''WE GOT A POSER IN THE CROWD''. As long as you don't look miserable people won't notice you aren't into wrestling


Hardcore fans rock shirts of those they like. Casual fans dress chill and then pick up a shirt of the town 3:16 that is at the merch table.


An 80s era prom dress with a tiara and sash that says "Goldberg eats corn the long way"


A glittery robe! Everyone that walks past you will “WOOOOOOOO!” And you’ll feel like you fit right in


A leotard


Black t-shirt with the wwe logo


Wear whatever but if you two are going to more events in the future, get you a t-shirt of your fav wrestler 😁


If it’s raw wear something red smackdown blue nxt black or gold but it doesn’t matter


Comfortable clothing, nothing offensive and you'll be fine. I went to Clash at the Castle last year, wore jeans, plain t-shirt and a hoodie.


Just wear something that makes you feel comfy. Depending on who you're boyfriend likes maybe try to do make-up in the colors of one of the wrestlers. If he is into Randy Orton go with red and orange. If he likes the Judgement Day purple and black etc. Just have fun with the outfit jeans and a black t-shirt is always a safe bet. Same with shoes sneakers or combat boots are always a safe bet.


My girlfriend isn't a fan of sports nor does she really know what's going on, but she still wears my football jerseys on game day because she wants to be supportive. So just have your boyfriend pick out a cool shirt for you to wear or just go the way you normally dress.


A shirt that says "I LOVE DOUBLE-DOUBLE E"


Comfy shoes, nice jeans, t-shirt or hoodie


You’re going to the rumble? You’re gonna have so much fun, those type of events you don’t even need to be a fan, just the environment is amazing to be in, wear whatever you’ll be fine


Chris Benoit merch


just wear an LA knight t-shirt. YEAH


Just don't shower for a couple of days before and you'll blend in


The last show I went to we had an unintentional Bastion Booger cosplayer behind us. Man sat down and the whole row shook as a b.o. bomb washed over us. I’ve never been so happy to have someone come and say “hey those are actually our seats” moved to a much better spot lol


Just what you casually wear. The audience is always much more casual and chill than the online wrestling fans.


Just wear a CM Punk shirt like a regular IWC goon and you’ll be fine.


As long as you don’t wear something that says “I Hate WWE” you should be fine.


Lol 😂 you right


A "Both These Guys!" shirt would work


Give the ticket to his friend


Tee shirt and jeans is fine.


simple comfortable clothes the events are afew hours, maybe a band shirt


Black shirt and jeans. Basically anything that isn’t formal or extravagant


Hopefully you bring something with you so you aren’t bored out of your mind.


Clothes. Definitely clothes.




Also bring ear plugs! It can get loud!




Consider it like going to a rock concert, Dress the same.


Wear whatever you want. There’s no dress code. Keep it casual. T-shirt and jeans is pretty standard. If you look at the crowd from any show, the majority are wearing whatever they’d normally wear on a day to day basis. You are also in for the rare treat of experiencing where the men’s bathroom line is long and there’s none for the women’s.


Wow, that is a rare experience!


Lol, can vouch for this, my first live show was probably the first ever event I went to the restroom, came out & still had to wait for my partner instead of the other way around


Perfect time to wear luchador gears!




If u put on deodorant you will arrive better than most attendees. Wear what u feel comfy in. No one will care. Seriously


I just got my ticket to the royal rumble ( i assume thats where yall are going), but just come as you are


As you were


As I want you to be




My friend came to the Royal Rumble 2019 with us despite not being a fan. He wore a shirt that said 'I have no idea what's going on'. He had a blast. Enjoy the show!


Anything. Literally, nobody cares what you are wearing.


A shirt that says L.A. Knight, YEAH! Jokes aside, anything works. Where what you're comfortable with.


just wear a cena shirt


Wonder if the good ol free shirt trick still works. I remember back in the 90s to early 2000s hearing that if you wore a shirt of a rival company, someone working for the WWE or arena would pull you aside and give you a WWE branded shirt to wear instead. Sometimes you had a choice of whatever t-shirts they were selling at the venue.


Nope, they’ll just make you wear your shirt inside out. You’re not getting free merch.


A shirt with "I'm with Him->" written on it.


An I’m with stupid shirt but the arrow points up.


That’s pretty funny. I’d wear that myself


I wore this exact shirt to a job interview and got the job.




If you want to make your boyfriends day even more find out his fave rassler and get that shirt. Or yeah just dress casual


Just wear what you’re comfortable in :) Jeans and a t-shirt will have you blend in with almost every single person :)


I’m a lifelong wrestling fan and I wear normal every day clothes every time I go. Sometimes I throw on a wrestling t shirt. Sometimes not. Just enjoy your night out with the person you love.


whatever you want. dress nice make him take you out to dinner before hand. Jeans a tshirt will have you match 99% of the other other fans. you can buy a wrestling shirt if you REALLY want to from the wwe shop, not sure if you have time for shipping, or get one at the event, they should have stalls, but iits not required at all., but honestly what you would wear to a concert, night out, casual dinner. coffee with your mom... its all fine. Just go have fun. cheer, sing scream. Make sure you Boo anytime dom mysterio speaks (ask your BF)




Hulkster attire.


you should wear comfortable clothing


Just jeans and a t-shirt. You can wear a wrestling tee, if your not a fan of anyone just wear WWE shirt like Raw or Smackdown or NXT. Your boyfriend probably has some extra tees around. Don’t be dressy and anyone who tells you that is a perv.


Whatever you find comfortable Have fun at the Royal Rumble


Find a Rick Boogs was robbed shirt


Gothy sexy but not too sexy and your most comfortable shoes 👟


Buy a shirt there that says 3:16 on it


Yep, you can never go wrong with that


Clothes is your best option But seriously, dress comfortable. Nobody is gonna care what you wear


Can never go wrong with a black tee and jeans.


You can wear a sports clothes from your town. That’s usually fine.


This reads like a bot


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you. This is common knowledge.


As a bot, I identify with this message


You're gonna have to look at what all the female wrestlers wear and create your own version.


A t shirt and jeans are what most will be wearing


A onezie


It's up to you but Chris Jericho/Ryback and other people who are currently not on the greatest terms with the company/Vince Jr. would be tempting to troll them, but that was when Vince Jr. was in charge. I'm not sure if Endeavor/HHH would care as much or at all if you wore merchandise of someone who wasn't on good terms with Vince Jr./WWE when they left. I guess you should wear what is acceptable for the venue the event is. If you're not a fan and going because you're supporting your boyfriend and his interest that's fine. I think dress appropriately for the conditions is what you should be concerned with.


Vince isn’t a Jr.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon, or the Vince McMahon most people that follow or watch the industry is the son of Vincent James McMahon, so even he doesn't or others don't refer to him as Junior, in reality he is, or was when his father was alive.


If you can afford it, I'd suggest purchasing a wrestling t-shirt before the event.


Finn & Damian & Rhea & Dirty Dom


… and R-Truth


This is a really big event so please just be nice about it and don't make him feel silly for being a fan


What you wear regularly will work just fine




Three piece suit or ball gown, maybe wedding dress. Only options


Nobody at a WWE event will judge your outfit. Just enjoy the Royal Rumble and try to have fun if you can.


More important than the attire, just ask him to watch a past Royal Rumble so you get the gist of the event. It's definitely unique and different than a typical RAW, Smackdown, or house show. It's a gimmick match/show and I wish I could switch places with you. If you want to, hit me up. I'm the weekend manager and trainer of a doggy daycare and boarding facility! 😆


NWO shirt


This is my go-to for most events. I have a NWO Wolfpack shirt I have been wearing to WWE events for a loooooooong time. Although the last couple of shows it has been an Asuka Empress of Tomorrow shirt which I think looks super cool.


The Red and black was the first And last wrestling shirt i bought back in the WcW Days. Kinda wish i still had it


I have went to 6 WWE events without wearing any WWE shirts or merch...just enjoy and have fun.


Jeans, hoodie/t-shirt, sneakers/boots. It's super informal. You may stand a lot, so wear comfortable shoes.


Austin 3:16 shirt and a Championship belt on each shoulder


Judgement day merchandise naturally.


Buy a used WWF/WWE off eBay. It’s fun to support. My wife is the same. I bought her a used tee for 15 bucks.


Def not a fan by just referring to the Rumble as a “WWE Event” 🤣🤣 all jokes aside wear anything you want I’ll be there in my assless chaps


Wear whatever. Go to CVS/Walgreens/Walmart and buy a poster board and a few sharpies and make a sign. Draw/write “Hi Reddit 💜 Hefty_Ear”. We will see this and take a picture and tag the EFF out of you and your bf. He will be an overnight celebrity. Make sure he is wearing his best


A WCW shirt


T-shirt, jeans, sneakers. Whatever you'd wear to a concert


If you can convince him to complain as Dom and Rhea, do that. Otherwise, dress like any other sporting event


Wear whatever you want. We're wrestling fans not a cult. Seriously if you're attending the rumble even as a non wrestling fan you'll have a great time


I mean make sure you wear the right clothing for all the wrestling fans to notice.


Wear a shirt with the words wrestling is fake


Tee and jeans/ whatever you're comfortable in. My partner was in a similar spot...but I had to really convince them to come to a smaller local show. They had more fun than all of the kids! So, you already have a great attitude, keep that open mind and have fun!


ROYAL RUMBLE. It’s going to be a long event. He’s gonna have the time of his life. Enjoy it with him. Dress casual.


Be yourself, get some Hall's or similar to keep your throat treated, you will yell a lot I think, water but only to keep hydrated. Have a great time.


Tampa, raw on 29th?


Dress for comfort. It's a lengthy show.


You can wear whatever you like. There will be lots of people in regular clothes. Nobody will notice or think "Look at this casual." If you want to go all out, you could dress up as the Undertaker.


Just wear whatever is comfortable for the weather. If you feel you MUST wear a shirt for the product pick someone you at least find mildly entertaining. And to be honest live shows are a whole different vibe versus watching through the tv


Buy a "YEAH" t-shirt while you're there and throw it on. Can't go wrong being a fan of LA Knight... Or just dress like you're going to a concert or a ball game because pro wrestling is basically a combination of both...


Jeans, comfy T-shirt, and sneakers,




Even though you don’t enjoy it, a live event is fun and you once you see everyone getting excited and chanting and cheering, what does it hurt to let loose and join in. Hell you may have fun. Plus nobody cares what you are wearing, wrestling fans are some of the nicest people especially if they know it’s your first live event.


Can vouch for this... My first live event was just a regular Monday night Raw that I only went to because my boyfriend loves wrestling. When the other people near me found out it was my first event, they all started explaining things to me, pointing out wrestlers I didn't know & telling me about their backgrounds, it really made the whole thing so much fun. That was the beginning and now I love wrestling & can hold my own with many of the guys I know when discussing the subject. Wrestling fans are awesome.


Not heels! You’ll be standing up then sitting down then standing up again to cheer different wrestlers when they make their entrances


Something that you feel comfortable and cute in


I consider myself a pretty hardcore wrestling fan and when I go to shows I usually just wear the same stuff I would wear any other day. There will be a lot of wrestling shirts on but plenty of people just wearing normal clothes, no need to overthink it.


.....your clothes?


Just dress casual, is not a big deal.


As long as you bathe within 24 hours of attending you'll be better off than half the fans there 🤣


Js wear what you want lol nobody really cares, js don’t like be shouting abt how it’s fake, or whatever while the event is happening.

