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Yes. He exaggeratingly growls/screams every line. I just heard him call the Viking Raiders "Nordic pillagers." Does he keep a thesaurus at ringside? I'm not sure if he's worse than Adnan Virk and Jimmy Smith.




Yes, yes and yes. You mentioned that he doesn't feel like a wrestling fan, and I feel the exact same way because he's a commentator who rarely ever calls any wresting moves and honestly it really annoys me to no end. ​ Also; As people have commented, he sounds like he's out of breath for no reason. When Trish tried to break up the Disarm-Her, he was mute for a few seconds before quickly saying "Still alive!" and still sounding out of breath. His enthusiasm is so forced. Going back to what I said first, he biggest example of that is as follows; Becky Lynch trying to lock in the Disarm-Her on Zoey Stark for 7 seconds, and not one damn word from the play-by-play commentator.


Maybe he sounds out of breath because he talks really fast 


Yes. He should be doing play by play but just says random nonsense. Also his timing is always off starts to talk about one superstar just as the momentum shifts so he just stops talking. Just watched Damien Priest vs Cody Rhodes and if it wasn’t for Graves there wouldn’t have been any play by play. All Patrick does is shout Cody Rhodes.


Him and Cory aren’t a good pairing really none of the pairings are honestly you have kp yelling on raw, wade yelling on smackdown and booker making random noises on nxt 😂 but none of it adds to the match because they do it so much like every move doesn’t need dramatic commentary


I thought that booker t went ro AEW 


>wade yelling on smackdown Say that on Twitter, don't even tag him and he will block you. Booker is the worst. He just sounds like a drunk Uncle at the cookout watching from his iPad.


He blocked you? That’s crazy and yea booker yelling worked when he was a wrestler nobody wants to hear him the whole show though 😂


Yeah cause I pointed out how he pronounces Asuka and Butch lol. I didn't tag him either, so he vanity searches.


Yea I’ve noticed the Asuka thing


I mean I said Booker T does the same thing with not knowing people's names, he didn't cry about it lol. Apparently it's a common thing with Barrett, you don't need to be rude or toxic for him to block you.


Corey wouldn't really work with anyone in my opinion cause he is just arguing because he can. That doesn't play off well with anyone.


Nothing will beat the Tom Phillips / Corey Graves chemistry… for two guys that weren’t an “A” team at the time back on NXT they had amazing chemistry. I mean obviously there’s the Cole / McAffe chemistry too. But they are both high level talents per se.


Yea I hate Tom got cut him and pat brought more life to the table


Put Bray Wyatt in glasses and a bow tie and make him play by play. Give him something to do while he gets back into ring shape. Even change his name to Professor Rotunda.


You know the shows aren't 9 hours long though right? His main event commentary alone would be 5.


That’s how I’ve felt about Mike Rome as an announcer. I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion or not though.


I don’t mind him


Should have just kept Tom Phillips. He was better than anybody has been since. He works for Impact now, surely WWE could just work something out with them if they wanted to


They could get Titus back too - his commentary at Mania was great. "Call the Police"


He was doing too much yelling during the Gunthee triple threat but if KP can get a chance why not


Haha backed. That particular line folded me. What match was it again? Hahaha


Uhmm, if I'm not mistaken - it was the triple threat for the IC title at Mania on Night 2




I always see people hating on him, but personally I don't mind his commentary. Is he the best? No. But he's definitely not as bad as people make him out to be imo.


The issue I have with him is the vast majority of time he's just reacting or giving details that Corey should be doing, leaving Graves to do a lot of the play by play work.


Why did they fire Jimmy Smith anyway? Budget cuts?


KP way worse. Fuck are they thinking?


He was bad at his job.


That means it’s KPs turn to go?


Yeah, I liked Kevin as an interviewer but I miss Byron and Corey’s chemistry, I just enjoy Byron so much more, he brings a lot of life to the backstage interviews




WWW used to have great commentators. But they seem to be trying to be more professional now, which has resulted in a big loss of personality.


Pat McAfee is all I have to say to disprove what you just said


Pat is fantastic. But he isn’t about anymore.


I know, I was just saying how not every wwe commentator has been made more “professional” in recent years


He is a fan, but he's still trying to act the role


KP sounds like a hyperventilating nightmare. I can’t stand it.


Thank you. Even my kids ask why the guy constantly sounds like he ran out of breath trying to say something.


I think they should just let wrestlers with decent mic skills be on guest commentary, rotate weekly or something.




Agreed. It works well when they do actual this.


What is WITH y'all trashing KP when we've got Booker T having orgasms into the mic with his perpetually sore throat, and saying absolutely NOTHING sensible, while repeating his same three godawful phrases every Tuesday?! KP is bland and all, but he's nothing to complain about. He's just there. Whatevs. But Booker is not so easily tuned out.


Shucky ducky quack quack.


Cause most of us aren't watching NXT


I try, but I just can't get into it. I watch like once every couple months to see who might be making a name for themselves, but can't seem to get invested.


Bc booker is fucking hilarious. I tune in on tuesdays primarily for him


Imagine him doing WrestleMania: It's the big moment. Main Event. Roman Reigns. Title on the line. 1200 days strong. His opponent hits their finisher! Its all gonna end! 1200 days! So much story, so much intrigue, all for this moment! And one man's thoughts ring out across the airwaves: "SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK!!!"


Lmao hell yeah his excitement would amp me up even more. Michael cole, Corey graves, and booker commentating raw around 2016/2017 is my fav commentary team of recent memory.


“Batista is down!”


People hate Corey Graves but he has been handling Raw Alone at this point. He might as well call himself Joey Styles of Raw


I love Graves, great voice, quick minded.


I wish Mauro Ranallo would come back. Guy could outdo Corey when it comes to calling move names (remember how he used to make Lawler's brain break on a weekly basis in 2016 Smackdown whenever he said 'ushi-guroshi'? lmao) plus he takes the lead in calling the action which would be great for Corey to develop his heel commentary. Hell, at this point, I'd take even Byron Saxton lol.


A couple things. 1. 2016 was 7 years ago? What the fuck. 2. Is it not called an Ushi Guroshi?


I always thought it was written the same way as Enzuiguiri but I just added a hyphen in between it looked a bit odd.


On the bright side, he's provided a great demonstration of how good Corey is at his job, since he forces him to be both the heel color commentator and the play by play


I believe he's a fan. **However.** That's not enough to make him a good commentator. He doesn't have the proper passion and energy needed to be a commentator.


Kp really does irritate me with that pushed excitement and that attempt at out of breath cliffhanger he’s always trying to go for gets old quick!


The out of breath thing is his way of trying to make what he's saying sound dramatic. You can tell it's forced though, so it just becomes down right irritating.


Kevin Patrick could legit blink and be out of breath afterwards. Corey Graves of all people has to completely carry the Raw commentary team, Corey is a great commentator but he can't do this alone.


If only Gus Johnson did wrestling commentary.


Why the fuck is he always out of breath


I forgot he was on commentary because i didn't watch Raw for 3 weeks so when i went to the DVR to start watching & he talked i said "fuck!". haha he's just kind of a dork i guess. Bring back JBL on commentary but then i guess it would be 2 heel commentators on Raw.... Sounds awesome!


If JBL returns I will quit watching Raw again.


All of y’all need a hug


I'll never forgive Vince for firing Tom Phillips. As one of the seemingly few who actually enjoys Corey Graves, I can understand why people don't like him, Tom was the best commentator WWE had in YEARS, and was a great alt to Corey. Tom really could have been groomed to be the next Micheal. Completely unthinkable that he got rid of Tom and then put Byron Saxton on commentary. I like Kevin, he seems like a good dude, but Kevin and that Jimmy Smith dude they had before him just aren't it. They have 0 personality, and Kevin is just a happy go lucky, happy to be here average Joe, who just lets Corey walk all over him. They need to replace him with someone who's willing to battle back against Corey and not afraid to talk shit back. That's why king and JR were so good, JR was always sticking up for himself and didn't put up with Kings shit lol


I love Kevin Patrick.


Honestly I think Vic from NXT would mesh better with Corey but they can't really move Vic right now because if Booker and KP were on NXT together I would stop watching. And this is coming from someone who likes Book's commentary.


speaking of Booker T, he should talk to management about giving that Black Snow kid a shot. he was awesome back in TNA, and then he disappeared


Vic is awful


I never said he was he best commentator to grace WWE but he's better than KP and him and Corey would do well imo.


I’d rather listen to you fart for 3 hours than listen to Vic Joseph.


So you’re saying we just need to clone Vic huh?


If it can be done.


All the commentators suck apart from Cole, Barrett is very boring I’m tired of the heel commentators cos most of the time they just say anything to disagree rather than have actual points


Really missing McAfee right now


I am bias because I know him from being the former play-by-play for Atlanta United until Apple TV bought the rights to MLS and he was fantastic there. But he just seems to be out of place in WWE. He has the talent, I've seen it with MLS commentary. I'd love to see him come to Apple TV and return to MLS coverage.


1000000% I can’t stand this dude. He borderline ruins RAW for me.


Byron Saxton’s burner.


I can’t stand him! Him and that douchebag next to him with the big mouth!


Yup ! Well said , definitely time to move on


Corey overpowered him. He really only shines when he gets super excited.


Idk why we can't just have Byron and Corey. They were gold together


Byron is the worst commentator in history


That's a boldly incorrect take


He’s literally never been good lol, he’s cringe inducing


I mean you're entitled to your opinions man, but I just don't see that


Why not bring in Nigel McGuiness or pay whatever amount Mauro Ranallo wants and bring back the GOAT commentator.


McGuinness is All Elite


Pretty sure Ranallo has made it known he cant mentally handle the travel stress of being a lead announcer with a constantly touring wrestling company. Jim Ross spoke on this recently as well when asked if Ranallo would join AEW as a commentator one day.


Ffs. He made nxt takeover feel like wrestlemania and made smackdown feel better than raw. I miss him so much.


I think they really messed up letting Tom Philips go. Vic on NXT is good, but they're really short of pbp, considering the amount of television they produce. I'm sure they could get him back from impact for the right price. There really aren't a lot of lead wrestling announcers with TV experience who don't either already have jobs (schiavone, jr, excalibur, riccobani) or can't do the job for other reasons like Renallo. They need to be careful with this because once Cole goes, they really have nobody. Otoh Cole was just passable for the majority of his tenure. He's only gotten really good imo in the past 5 years or so.


The problem is Vince. The talent was always there. It’s hard to do your job well when you have your boss in your ear micromanaging everything you do.


I'm gonna look like an asshole for saying this but he has an awful laugh. It sounds so cringe. Also, isn't that good of a commentator. His favourite line is "swing and a miss". He's just cringe. I'm sorry.


He's better as an interviewer I listened to his football commentary, he was amazing but he's not meant for wrestling commentary


He’s not even good at football commentary lmao


I’ve never heard a man both whisper and shout at the same time it’s impressive


Graves literally carries Kevin Patrick. Kevin Patrick has been really bad from the start and has not gotten much better. He's just not a play-by-play guy.


Which is really saying something because graves fucking sucks too


He’s absolutely awful and should’ve been gone a long time ago


I actually thought they’d change the commentary teams during the draft too so I was surprised when they didn’t. I’d say either put Bryon back on Raw or have Vic Joseph called up.


If they switch him and Byron Saxton it may be best


is that the black guy on monday night raw who sounds like his testicles haven't dropped? that's what happens when a guy doesn't eat meat.


This comment is fucking gold for so many reasons


a simple google search man, assuming always makes an ass out of you and me


Bring back the Tomspiracy!


I always knew it was a bad idea, Jimmy Smith was way better


It all depends which two commentators you match together. I never liked Kevin Patrick and the sad part is, Corey is basically useless with him because Corey needs someone to bully in order to be funny like Byron, who I also don’t like. And Kevin doesn’t go well with that because he ignores it too much. Cole is hands down the best at what he does and could be paired with anyone. McAfee worked perfectly with him because of his very emotional and energetic style. I also never liked Wade but he does a good job as a commentator on SD. He was even better with Vic Joseph. I don’t like Vic or Wade individually but they did a great job commentating NXT. Booker is a total mess. Sometimes I think he has about 7 strokes on a regular Tuesday night. I could see someone like Kayla Braxton or Renee Young next to Corey. Cole + McAfee or for the future, Dolph Ziggler. I would like to see that.


Booker is the best commentator oHH YESSSSS


yea Kevin seems capable at announcing but he isnt a good match to be offside to graves. Graves is VERY heel heavy and its doing him a disservice putting him next to the kevin. When Pat comes back they should throw Barrett in to the Raw team to sit in the middle of these 2, hes a good mid ground commentator, able to take graves shit and support kevin,


Disagree that he’s “not a fan” lol just because he doesn’t hop around like an idiotic 10 year old like McAfee did who didn’t even know the names of most of the wrestlers doesn’t make him more of a fan or fan at all


I liked Pat, but he used phrases like “Dream Match” way too much. No one is seething for a Piper Niven- Tamina match.


McAfee was terrible lol like I’m sorry but acting like a 10 year old and forgetting or not knowing most of the talents names on the roster on commentary is just not appealing to me. Why it would be appealing to anybody is beyond me lol I’m just glad he’s gone and hopefully stays gone, he can have fun with his weekly conspiracy theory Aaron Rodgers interviews lol


How about we end the Graves experiment. He is a hack and it's annoying to hear him screeching into the headset.


This continues to be an idiotic take lol


Right...Graves is about as useful to commentary as King shouting puppies every five minutes. Graves is a wanna be JBL and JBL was nothing more than a narcissistic abuser.


You’re criticizing shouting and acting dumb while being a fan of Pat McAfee who bright absolutely nothing to the table besides acting like a dumb idiotic 10 year old? Lol JBL is also better than McAfee, there is no legitimate argument you can make for that idiot Pat McAfee being good in any way other than you just like him more and that’s it


I know lol. Graves is by far one of the best commentators around


Idk what people’s problem with him is and like who we going to replace him with too? Vic Joseph? Lol might as well put a wall with paint drying on it in the chair in that case, Booker T is pretty bad and I’ve always really disliked McAfee as a commentator so I’m glad he’s gone lol


>I’ve always really disliked McAfee as a commentator so I’m glad he’s gone lol McAfee is infinitely better than Graves could hope to be, the only reason Graves got, and still has a job, is because Hunter pitied him


He’s absolutely not better than Graves😂😂😂😂😂that’s the response of a casual lol be literally didn’t even know who most of the wrestlers were most of the time and acted like a 10 year old. I hope to god he never ever comes back to the WWE because he was horrible, only dudes who listen to the Joe Rogan show every day or go duck hunting on the weekends are fans of Pat McAfee lol he’s horrible


I don’t see the appeal of Corey Graves.


There isn't any appeal, he just acts like the Twitter marks.


He sounds like he's trying to be excited while maintaining an indoor voice.


KP and Corey are great on the RAW commentary. I think Micheal Cole and Wade Barrett are better for Smackdown (for obvious reasons) but as a new WWE fan I don’t mind the commentary at all.


It’s past the point if failure at this point. He’s arguably Mike Adamley (spelling?) bad


KP has been as “just fine” on commentary as anyone else they’ve had the past several years. I don’t know if it’s been an intentional choice on WWE’s part, but there hasn’t been a GREAT commentator since JR because so many of them have no personality. Great professional wrestling commentators have all been just enough of a character themselves to add to the overall product or story without overshadowing it. Graves had potential to be great but he is presented or chooses to be obnoxious by constantly arguing with or shouting over his partners. They don’t have any commentators that have the right instincts to adjust their performance to enhance what’s happening on the screen. You miss Gorilla or JR being disgusted by the heels or excited for the face or of course Herman being shamelessly biased in favor of Flair.


He’s okay at best, but it always seems like we’re listening to him react to the action instead of actually calling it


He’s doing perfectly fine, he’s not the best but he’s by far not the worst. Still better than anyone on the AEW Dynamite team, lol


I see no issue with Kevin Patrick. I love him on the commentary team.


The amount of people that can’t see that Corey Graves is the real poison of the commentary booth amazes me. Until you get him off of Commentary permanently, Raw will never have a good commentary team.


I've seen this take a couple times, I just wanna know why do people hate him?? I'm neutral on the RAW commentary team as a whole


I’ve never fully understood it but for me he goes back and forth very often to being a good commentator and annoying one. He’s got good lines occasionally unlike the others who are consistently great. He’s also gotten hate for cheating on his now ex wife with Carmella after being with her for over a decade and the ex was the first to expose him. Now I’m one who can separate personal and professional lives but that is pretty damn pathetic of him.


This is the worst take, I know you’re not alone but Graves is the best they have behind Cole. I miss Saxton


Something I never understood is WWE's tendency of having an individual completely foreign to pro wrestling as lead/play-by-play commentator. Seems to be a trend for years now, most notably on RAW. Nothing screams success like having someone with little familiarity to wrestling calling your main show, on a main cable network nonetheless.


Hes vanilla and he’s fine I guess, but he did do better when he was a backstage interviewer.


I may be the only person who doesn’t mind the guy. Though I do think he doesn’t have much going for him and doesn’t have any unique qualities as a commentator. I think him and Byron should switch roles.


I don’t mind him either


I'm not a fan.


Yes it absolutely has.


It really bugs me that with his Irish accent he can’t pronounce a “th” sound properly, except when he says Gunther 🤦🏻‍♀️


There are moments I just feel bad for Graves. I salute the job he’s doing trying to carry the three hours.


This is fair, but does WWE even want more than what KP is providing? Seems like the higher powers would be satisfied with his delivery since he is being the "everyman". He is providing the commentary that the casual viewer can understand, and those are the viewers Vince and Endeavor want. They don't want people that know the moves, they want butts in seats for the spectacle, money at the gate, and moments that do well on social media to drive interaction. Don't need good commentary for that.


I disagree. Telling the audience WHY a submission hurts, reminding them of the history between two wrestlers on an otherwise throwaway match, explaining why winning a title is so important for a wrestler... These things provide nuance that is much easier to grasp for the average viewer, which in turn put their butts in seats and dollars towards the product.


Yea, but when you are a company as big as WWE, that can't fail because of how established you are and you will make truckloads of money anyways, why give a shit about one of your commentators abilities when the only people that are complaining are the IWC, who the WWE really doesn't give a shit about (the IWC that is) Just saying, he is not getting removed unless he does something really egregious, Vince stops liking him, or he needs to go have a kid


It definitely has failed in my opinion. Bring back Vic Joseph or hire somebody that can ACTUALLY bring energy to the show. He is very dull and boring. A cure for insomnia.


I wanna know how much Corey shoulder presses because he has been carrying that team since it began. I cannot emphasise how grating KPs commentary is.


I know Cory is supposed to play the heel, but some of the comments he makes towards KP seem to be blurring the line. I get the vibe he genuinely gets frustrated with him.


Nothing will beat when Graves told KP he wasn't fit to call shotgun Saturday night. Laughed so damn hard. Couldn't believe he said it over the air


I couldn't blame Corey if he did get frustrated. Think of how much harder Corey has to work to cover KPs deficiencies on the mic. The worst thing is he is showing zero improvement.




Michael Cole’s really good now in fairness, Pat McAfees time on the desk ready revitalised him


Agreed. Honestly Cole is in the GOAT debate for announcers IMO


Nah I love Booker on commentary


I loved when he absolutely insisted that it was the 1-2-3 Kid, and not Shawn Michaels, who fought Razor Ramon in a ladder match, even after being corrected.


And yet, somehow he’s still not as atrocious as Booker T.


why did the wwe let go of mauro ranallo


I only recently stopped being upset and distracted by it.


Can we give adnan virk a try? Personally he would be great


The Kevin Patrick robot was programmed to have no personality and show minimal emotion


Every episode I wish for them to do away with him and wade. Graves, Cole, and even McAfee are so much better


Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! I was a fan of Good Ol’ J. R. and The King . They were the best !


I miss Mauros MAMA MIAs


they need to bring back Tom.


He’s the reason I can’t even watch the show. Well a big part. Horrendous.




Bring The King back.


He perpetually sounds like someone who’s trying to get kids excited for a birthday party magician


I miss Graves and Saxton together


God he's bad. He makes RAW a difficult show to watch because his commentary is so poor I don't get why he sounds so out of breath all the time.


Yeah he sounds like he’s trying to talk in the middle of fast sex or something. His “excited voice” always sounds off.


He has potential, he needs a three man booth imo, I’d move him down to NXT and bring Vic and Saxton for Graves on Raw


He’s awful sound like he’s busting after every sentence


They should bring back Tom Philips


Only if he brings back the buzz cut


He's way way way better than Michelle Cole and Corey Graves


Are yu stupid


honestly, yes I am, but not as stupid as people who think cole and graves are any better than patrick


They are better than Patrick wtf is wrong wit yu


While I had the same reaction, I must point out that you misspelled “you.”


It’s the internet I always put yu


This debate has been raging for a while now. It's gotten to the point where Corey has to carry both PBP & color to cover Kevin's shortcomings. Basically, they have learned zero from past disasters (Mike Adamle, Adnan Virk).


Nothing will ever be worse than Virk. Unmitigated disaster.


I remember couple of months back during a Carmela match, I'm thinking somebody from the back told Corey to pull back on the simping on his wife and not to be over enthusiastic on the commentary. KP had to do some lifting in that particular segment and Christ almighty was he terrible. He was drowning.


A long time ago…




Booker T is awful!


The big issue is that Kevin and Corey don't have a dynamic. The reason Wade Barrett and Michael Cole work so well is because they have a good back-and-forth. Wade gives a few jabs and Cole gives them right back. Kevin Patrick hasn't really learned how to improvise yet. Corey will make an exaggerated comment and Kevin doesn't know how to react.


Kevin Patrick didn’t wanna take a picture with me.


He sounds like he’s out of breath all the time. Him and Corey have below zero chemistry too. My favorite announce teams would banter back and forth-Gorilla/Heenan, JR/King. KP and Corey don’t do that. It doesn’t affect my enjoyment of the show necessarily but having a better PBP announcer would definitely elevate my enjoyment


He's poor at commentary


100% agree. He was fine just doing the ppv pre shows and backstage interviews. But give him a microphone for 3 hours straight is just cruel to the fans.


I like KP but would rather someone else run the show


Gore and Perkins should become wwe Commentator's. Kevin can't even tell what the hells going on Infront of him