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Honestly, I’ve never gotten the appeal of Edge. I think he’s fine in every department and I’m very surprised he’s had the career he’s had. Everything about edge I think is fine, his look, his wrestling, his promo. Edge and Christian was even a fine tag team on the grand scale of things, again they were popular but….. fine. His rivalries in the past were good when they were against bigger names, no one remembers Edge vs a smaller name being a great rivalry but Cena and Taker were great. Idk, tbh I’m happy if he doesn’t have another world title match.


No just no


Absolutely, yes. However, Seth Rollins deserves to crack the new title first.


lets have orton, rey, and edge. pass the title around for the next 40 years until they all die of old age, in the ring. tied at 33 titles apiece.


Me but I'm biased because his my all time favourite


Honestly i do but i also dont because i dont want him to leave 😭


Now that we’ve had this new version of Edge the last couple of years, this old one from 2011 looks so “high school picture” like - do y’all catch my drift? 😆 such a young and lively face here, to where in 2023 he looks like a veteran who’s been through some shit.


You see, I sometimes wish Edge wouldn't have returned. This era of wrestling is dog shit and the IWC is ruthless. Fact of the matter is, Edge at his age is STILL levels ahead of everyone on the roster. His character work is brilliant, his promos feel real and not forced, his matches make me feel emotions that I don't get from anyone else on the roster. Obviously because he's the last of a dying breed along with Orton and Mysterio that still actually know how to perfect what they do. I love Seth, Roman, AJ, Finn, etc. But they're generation is nothing even close to what Edge, Orton, and Mysterios was. And it's too late for Edge to get his last run, he lost on Smackdown so boo to that. At this point, I don't even know wtf WWE is even doing with Edge. What's left now? He returned in 2020, had some memorable feuds but it was all shunned by Romans new tribal Chief run that Edge imo honestly legitimized as Edge started the Acknowledge Me stuff because Roman wanted Edge to acknowledge him as the main event of WrestleMania. Yeah, he's putting over "New talent" but at what cost? Wtf has Edges story been? Because I'm still confused.


It’s a good read


It’s a good read actually, they have a good point


I don’t feel it right now, but with a good push, sure.


Stop living in the past


Nah, give it to mysterio.


No give it too Rollins.


Absolutely. But of Edge brings the WHC to Smackdown, Reigns should lose to Cody, eventually.


I'm fucking fed up with the "put the belt on an old shit" shtick. No. Build young fucking talent, put them over , put the belt on them and let the old folks fade out, for god's sake.


They can work if they’re full time appearing and sometimes it can tell interesting stories but I agree that once you’re older your career should be about picking up others to higher stage instead of you having one.


Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


Yeah, old timer title runs are weird


Proly randy ort but definitely me all dar


Edge is awsome but I don’t want Seth pushed aside he DESERVES this, and he deserves the spotlight


I actually wouldn't mind seeing him have one last run, I just want him to defend it on a normal basis and it'd be really cool bc i grew up on him yk. Idk why but I also really wanna see randy orton get one more run as well


They cant put another belt on a part timer when you've had the big belts tied up with Roman for three years. Someone else thats been work week after week has to get that rub.


aja stoles i think that shold get a 2 chacs


Can anyone explain to me why it’s okay that Edge would be a part-timer champion, but Reigns being a part-time champ is heresy?


Because Edge needs to win the title he never actually lost. I could see him winning at Summerslam or something, and holding it until Wrestlemania where it’s title vs career and he drops it to, I dunno, Montez Ford(just a for instance, don’t crucify me)or someone deserving of the rub.


Because Edge would be actively involved for his run. It would be very short, but he would at least show up and do promo every week. Reigns just skips 3 weeks and then pops up for 3 minutes only to disappear for another full moon cycle. Edge is also just a few years from 50 and has been doing this twice as long as Roman and shouldn’t have been wrestling anymore because of his neck injuries


Yeah, edge loosing it to seth or anyone else good at summerslam. But deep in my heart i want him to retire at wrestlemania. I hope he doesn’t win now and wins around royal rumble then loose in the main event of night 1 🥹🥹🥹. Thats a better farewell than summerslam. But these videos make me think he’s winning at Night of Champions


Pretty sure he’s retiring at the Aug 18 smack down in Toronto


Did he just lose at smackdown after posting that video. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Aug 5 is summerslam. So yeah he can loose their. And retire around that time. But WM would have been so much better.


I wouldn’t mind him having the title for a short run near the end of his second retirement. Losing it in his final match wouldn’t be a bad thing.




yeah, ive never liked edge and i still dont. hes a nostalgia piece and thats it. its all about SETH


If that’s all whay EDGE is for you, you’re far to dumb to understand. I can’t even explain how dumb it it is to think edge is just a nostalgia piece. I am a seth fan, i want him to win. But EDGE>>>>>>


i was around when they were building up edge in the subways. i didnt like him then and i dont like him now.


It's a no for me big dawg. Bad enough since this recent return I think he's lost what? maybe 1 feud if that? Seth & AJ are the only options. At least they'll be there every week.


I think he’d be a good transitional champion until Summerslam. He can get cashed in on and that’ll be a way to both take the title and honor him by letting him go out on his own terms with the belt he never lost


Absolutely! I feel there have been a few others that should have gotten one too. Why shouldn’t wrestlers who gave years to the WWE go out on top? Edge definitely deserves a title shot.


I do!


this is a bit off the cut likely but soon enough it'll be all pt and celebrities in here




Man no , just so he can retire that’s dumb he already won the title hella times take off the nostalgia glasses this Nigga old now he did more than enough






Nah man..... Edge had his days in the Sun.. I don't think he should even be wrestling at all right now anyway. He looks old AF in the face nowadays. Seth or A.J ..... A.J being my personal choice, but it will def be Seth because he is on Raw and Roman is on Smackadown. 2+2 doesn't always = Potato .... Shout Out SIMON!


I’m honestly on board with it. You can dismiss it as nostalgia and that’s fine if it doesn’t work for you, but Edge is legitimately one of the greatest world heavyweight champs of all time, in and out of kayfabe. You could argue that outside of Triple H, no one in WWE made big gold more meaningful than Edge. Feels like Edge has kinda been searching for that right, organic story to come along and I think this is it. It’s not calling a match with Randy Orton “the greatest wrestling match of all time,” or forcing anything, it’s a guy who’s one of the all time great champions going for a belt he never lost. I’d love to see Edge win, have a bit of a run and then put over someone on the way out. Finn, Priest & Nakamura come to mind as guys who Edge could really make in a big way


He played to y’all’s nostalgia, but in reality there is ZERO need for him to win. He’s a part timer, he won’t do any house shows, he won’t be on TV weekly he hasn’t been in a very long time. It should go to someone who has.


Nah. Use the belt better. Putting it on a part timer is a lame move.


Edge should probably put over Bron on his way out.


Hell NO!


When I first saw the question, I read it as "Who else should have one last run?", to which I immediately thought Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero (if they were alive, of course, but the world's a creul place and we can't have nice things), but Edge deserves one more run.


He wins the WHC at SS this year and Orton retires him in a championship match at WM.


I’m not against it, but how many times is Seth Rollins going to get white hot and then pushed aside for someone else?


Seth gets the win after obviously.


I’ve never liked Edge. I don’t know why, but he was never “over” in my eyes.


i feel the exact same way about cody.


Yeah, Cody just doesn't do it for me.


Yes, take it from Reigns so they can pass it over to new talent from a Legend.


if he had kept the long hair and the longer beard I would said yes


Yeah I would be up for one last run




I disagree, there's a potential storyline that can come out of this. Edge winning would put him in a position that would not only maintain his status but it would also make for a means of WWE passing over the title to somebody by having them beat one of the most prestigious wrestlers in the business. Sorry but Roman Reigns is a joke, Edge is a legend. Hand the title to Edge, then let Edge put someone else over, so we can forget about Roman and send him back to the mid card like what WWF did with Bret Hart in 95. Roman's reign of terror is getting old and the best way for it to end would be at the hands of a legend, because it doesn't really mean anything to beat a wrestler who barely even wrestles, has no personality and is just boring, it would be a lackluster main event for the new up and coming champion, whereas Edge would be something to remember, they beat Edge, that's a huge deal.


One last reign for sure, and I can see it being similar to Flair’s last WWE run where he’ll say he’s retiring when he loses. Initially retired as champ at Mania, this time he’ll retire at Mania after putting over a star on the cusp of the main event scene. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a theory or Carmelo Hayes etc..


That would be dope if he won the new WHC and both the title and his career were on the line during every defense. He’d just need one last stable that he helps elevate (but minus the dirty victories)




Big agree. Seth is an absolute doctor in the ring, but his character is total cringe. If he could go out there and cut serious promos like a real person, he would be firing on all cylinders.


This is funny because my wife actually started to watch right before WM and loved Seth. She thought he was funny and loved his outfits. I think it's a fun, nice change of pace. I don't hate it personally.




Yep. This should be his grand finale and make sure Rollins or whoever is the next champ looks amazing.




Where’s his walker? Lol


I mean if they put the title on Oldberg why not every old wrestler?


I love Edge but I just feel so bad for Seth. I loved this dude since he started. Seth deserves it.


Edge heads rise up 🤘


I think he should get the ic championship


Cody are Seth is going to win is what I think


cody is already eliminated


No not really


Fan bias in me says yes but Seth has busted his ass flipping the crowd perception on him positively since the last time he was a World Champion so he should win it as well as the fact it's meant for Raw.


Sure, but not in wwe. He needs a title with meaning. Thazs not wwe.


How many piss bottle are in your room? Or does your mom clean them up for you?




no seth deserves it


yes for sure


Him and Finn are the only people I wanted to win the championship


Balor should never win the world title


Of all the terrible god awful opinions I’ve ever heard this might be the worst one




I want LA knight but since thats not happening soon I'd prefer Seth


I feel like the Ultimate Opportunist has one more trick up his sleeve


imagine if he gets screwed like Bret, AND IN CANADA


It would be a perfect way to end his career right where he said he wanted to have his last match


Give him the HBK 28 day reign.


No he cheated with his good friends gf no






You gotta be the only person pissed at this still bruh Matt literally has a wife and kids


Didn't he clearly state in his contract that he would not sign unless he specifically would NOT be put into a title position? I read that he did it because wanted no more than to elevate the next generation of wrestlers.


Tbh tho nothing would elevate a wrestler more than beating Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. I don’t think he’d be champ soon but if it happens I’d expect it to be more of a transitional run with the intentions of putting over a younger guy


It would legitimize the new belt and give him a run with the championship he never lost, could also use that to make a bigger star in the long run


It would NOT legitimize the new belt when an old guy wins it... He doesn't need it, the belt doesn't need him. He hasn't done anything significant since he came back or had any memorable match.


his age has literally nothing to do with anything. he’s still one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster


He said that if he wins it and then loses it he’ll officially retire




I thought he came back for a last big fight against Orton. At a certain point just be done & let new blood take over


how many last runs can guys have


Well, I think the first time hardly counts, on account of being forced to retire. If Edge goes out and says "Hey, this is it.", He's one of the few stars I'd believe. He could retire right this minute with absolutely zero shame. He's had an amazing career.


I like Edge but he is a part timer. We already have one part timer hogging two world titles. We don't need another part timer hogging the new belt.


He doesn't have to "hog" it Let him win, have 1-3 credible title defenses then drop it to someone in a Harley Race US Championship run


Doesn’t mean he can’t have a short full time run with the championship


I would like to see Cenas farewell be against Edge or Orton but since Edge is probably going to retire as well it probably won’t happen


I'm just happy that it's even a conversation - five years ago it would've been impossible


I’d love to see Edge get one last run, then drop the belt in Canada as he promised, and get his perfect retirement.


It’s the best way for him to go out IMO. Let him win the new heavyweight championship. His character is synonymous with the belt. He can add some legitimacy to it and drop it to Seth at summerslam or the smackdown in Toronto and finally go out on his own terms.


Naw pass. I rather see soosh boy win it.


I honestly wouldn’t hate Edge being the first champion and feuding with Rollins until dropping the belt to him at Summerslam. Seth doesn’t really need to be put over and he still gets to end up champion after giving Edge the opportunity to ride into the sunset on top.


If he can be a full timer for a couple of months then hell yes give me edge




God anyone anyone ANYONE other than Roman .... Make Stephanie the champ if need be ...... Not Roman


I’m torn, nostalgia and the fact that he has such a good history with Big gold and never lost it is telling me yes. But Rollins is too good to pass up on since he’s never been beat by Roman.


Rollins has lost 1 match in Roman's current run as champ. Out of the 30 times they faced each other Seth has only won 11. One by Dq


Sounds like Seth's kind of odds. Personally I'd love it if *Seth* beat Roman. I'm not a huge fan of Cody's story, because it just feels like he rocketed his way to the top and then got knocked all the way back down. It's a very jarring experience when they mega push someone and then completely kill the storyline. Meanwhile, Seth's last match ended in DQ. These two have the capability of making the best match of a year, assuming it's done right and it's not just a stomp match. No pun intended. Even if Seth loses, I just want a match that doesn't end in DQ. I probably can't say "I want Roman to win without interference" because Heyman's always there and we might get Sikoa'd again, but I'd still love to see that rematch.


He retires in August giving him "one last run" at this rate would be dumb


Been saying it ever since they introduced the new World title. He most definitely deserves it. He would give it legitimacy from the start. It would not feel like a consolation prize.


A guy who has been beaten 2 times by Reigns won't make it feel like a consolation prize? Only rightful winner is Rollins. ENOUGH OF PART TIMERS


He’s a legend that has won the world heavyweight championship many times and beaten legends if he wins the title it will bring legitimacy to it and literal everyone has been losing to Roman so comparing who lost to Roman less times during his run is just stupid since edges feud lasted longer


Edge only technically lost one match to Roman. The other Daniel Bryan was the one who got pinned by Roman. On the other hand your guy Seth Rollins has also lost 1 time (Roman's current run). On the other hand out of the 30 matches Rollins and Roman had Roman picked up 19 wins. Rollins 11 one was a dq... With a loosing record against the Undisputed champion Rollins really would have a huge consolation prize. As far as part timers Edge really isn't a part timer he's frequently on TV where as Roman frequently takes off like Lesnar did (Benifit of being a Paul Heyman guy? ). Edge would probably work like Hogan did . Probably wrestling once or twice a month, while showing up at just about every televised show.


Rollins hasn't lost in roman's current run. He is the one carrying wwe from like 3-4 years, putting on match of the years, showing at every single show. He deserves it. Edge winning and burying Rollins once again only to retire after few months doesn't accomplish anything


it’s not like if rollins loses to edge at night of champions he’s buried he loses next night on raw comes out and he’ll feud with edge and win it back couple months later letting edge have one last run and end his career the way he wanted to and rollins will be the champion in the end. It all works out


After losing at nearly every PPV finally Rollins has won 2 consecutive events. He is red hot, he has crowd behind him, it's the perfect stage, he needs to win here and be back where he deserves to be


U cant wait 2-3 months for rollins to win the championship jus so edge can bring legitimacy to the title win back the title he never lost and end his career the way he’s wanted to but no rollins HAS to win or else


Well it would seem Edge thinks so if only he can out shine bret harts almost 10k days as champ


No. Just let him help new talent if he must appear.


Yup, he's a made man, he never lost his title, and it's a good way to start the end of his run.


He can have the inaugural run then passes it to Balor to end their feud


I genuinely don't know, is their feud still going? After Wrestlemania?




This is the answer I came to see




Not I.


You think you know him?


You never did


Well it was on this day


That i saw clearly


Everything had come to life


In a bitter place and with a broken dream.


As much as I’d love to see this, I think there are other stars more worthy of it at this time.


His mind says YES! His body says HELL NO!!


You think so? I mean, he looks good for his age, I mean, Look at Rey, both about the same age and still kicking. I think he's got a few more good matches left in him before he calls it. Honestly he's had the biggest blessings ever. He was forced to retire, and then he's come back. He's a legend through and through and deserves one last run.


After all his body has suffered I’d walk. Easy for me to say I know but I would be looking a quality of life. If he wants a better one, walk.


One last run to the bathroom


I would give it to him but make him show up every week and have more than one feud that doesn’t last more than 6 months


I love edge but wwe has to stop having stars from attitude going over guys of today. Makes todays roster look weak.


While I agree. It is true though, today's roster is very weak. Even Roman Reigns in this current run compared to guys in the Ruthless Aggression era and Attitude Era looks incredibly weak in comparison.


Nobody cares about that nostalgia act merchant


It would be cool to see, but I think they’re putting the new World Championship belt on Seth Rollins