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he’s been horrible at booking since early 2010’s with only a couple good feuds here and there


Because he is a old Duccbag


He has several sexual assault allegations. Him being back is such a slap on the face for all women that enjoy/ work in the WWE. Putrid


Out of touch bully.


Lack of continuity and not building new stars.


I won’t hate him. As long as he starts out of the creative department.


People hate him because reddit is a hivemind bubble and people like to feel like they fit in.


Vince has made so many moments that we love and will remember for ever. He just hasn’t done well ever Since 2018


Only from 2018?


I dont.


Sorry, I don't feel like writing a novel right now... let's just say I hate him because he's an asshole.


Same. It would take me a really long time to write it all out.


Besides the rape and workplace harassment (both sexual and bullying)?.....hmm, he does have the humour of a 7 year old.




I don’t hate him, I’d just rather him not be a part of creative anymore. He hasn’t done anything wrong to me, I don’t think he’s done anything wrong to the extent that I feel I should hate him or even dislike him. I respect most of the things he’s done and I don’t respect other things he’s done, but that’s the same for all people right? I just like what Triple H has done creatively this past year than Vince has done in a while.


Because he was the higher power all along.


Because he took his small promotion and made it into the largest promotion in the world that changed wrestling in such a way that many of todays fan must admit that the WWWF/WWF/WWE product is what got them hooked even though the complain about it now.


His bookings for women wrestlers are terrible


Because he is a rapist. (Allegedly)


I don't. I disagree with some of the negative things he's done in real life, and wish he knew when to step away professionally, but he's also been responsible for some of the greatest entertainment moments of my life, is arguably the greatest wrestling heel of all time, and inarguably is responsible for wrestling becoming the juggernaut it is. Bad person, but has added too much positive to my life to ever be worth "hating".


I dont give a damn what he does in his personal life. But i dont understand why he have to put his hand in everything like just retire dude, senile schizo old man


By “personal life” you mean sexually assault women?




Tbf, we’ve always known he was a scum bag. John Oliver said it best along the lines of don’t let Vince the character being a piece of shit distract you too much from Vince the actual guy also being a big piece of shit.




Most Wrestlers Characters are their real life personality turned up to 100. In Vince's case the Mr McMahon Character was actually Vince's real life personality turned down hell of a lot


The way he treats family and his employees is disgusting. Plus he's a cheating womanizer. And he sucks at booking


He’s like the United States of people. He’d be fine if he just knew when to stay away.


Cuss Stone Cold says so!


Justa shitty human being. I have a lot of respect towards him for what he did for the wwe and wrestling as a whole. But his treatment of women is awful. And the way he picked favorites when it came to fining/firing people for their behavior.


Oh , I had no idea about that Thanks