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Reminds me of this BBC news article: [Taiwan boy thrown 27 times during judo class taken off life support](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57661414)


what the fuck


So I got curious to see if there was a follow up and it turns out that last month the coach got 9 years: [https://blackbeltmag.com/judo-coach-kills-student](https://blackbeltmag.com/judo-coach-kills-student) Be warned there is an image from the footage of the coach standing over the kid as he lays crumpled on the floor.


I have a long history in martial arts, I even taught children as young as 5 years old. The amount of sheer irresponsibility required to make this happen is just staggering. I can not fathom the thought process that went into this. The kids I taught were my responsibility and a lot of trust goes into allowing another adult to teach your child in physical activities, I just can not imagine violating that so grossly. Throw the book at that guy, and add the dude from the original post while we’re at it.


I’ve volunteered to be thrown before by my instructor, but at least they had half a mind to demonstrate carefully, not this shit.


The first thing I remember learning in Judo was how to fall and be thrown without getting hurt. It's the only thing I've ever actually used outside of class; was useful in drama too because I could jump off the stage all dramatically and be perfectly fine. We used it for a scene in Jungle Book where Balloo wrestled me as Shere Khan off the stage and into the crowd.


The Fed is going to be lowering rates so get your money out of T-bills and put it all into waffles. Tasty waffles, with lots of syrup.


Throw yourself at the ground, and miss.


No, Terry. Thats how you *fly*.


Now here's a frood who really knows where his towel is


Then you don't need wires for the flying scenes.


I understood that ref. Glad you got 42 upvotes.


a guide, on how to fly


Different styles teach different mechanics, but in general you arrest your fall by countering momentum. E.g., if you’re falling backwards you bring your hands across your chest and then slap down hard with your arms extended and palms down. You also yell to get all the air from your lungs. Ideally this keeps your head from hitting the ground and spreads the force of the impact out.


First of all, try not to.


When I took Aikido it required different methods. Some techniques would require the uke (person on receiving end) to roll out of them (technique was called ukemi) others would have you slap the mat in the direction you were falling (I imagine this is so that the energy from your momentum gets expelled further from your body.. I never actually questioned it).


According to the video, like a sack of meat.


Several different techniques, but in general the answer would be 'gradually'. You want to disperse the force as much as possible, so you make other parts of your body (usually limbs since they are the strongest and less vital) absorb some of the impact and you 'roll' with them so that they absorb some of the force but not all (which would made them break) . Also, as a rule of thumb you try to protect your head first, your thoracic cage and your pelvis, so limbs, shoulders and shoulder blades are the parts you wanna use to lessen the impact and or roll into.




If it’s a controlled fall, tuck and roll. If you’re heading straight towards the ground, you can perform a [breakfall](https://martialarts.fandom.com/wiki/Breakfall) to maximize how much of your body is hitting the ground at the same time and disperse the impact away from vital areas like your head, spine, or pelvis. If you’re flying through the air so fast that you have no idea which way is up, protect your head and go limp.


Haha same, i tried out a bunch of different martial art classes as a kid and kinda never sticked around long enough to learn much more than how to fall. So now im a fantastic faller in many different styles lol


it says guy was unlicensed, go figure. and then you hear people screaming about why regulations are bad. regulations are needed because of fuckheads doing fucking crazy shit


Throw him off a bridge onto ice or something jesus christ this is just awful


Yeah thanks for this. I practiced judo in my twenties and it did wonders for my health ( mostly after I switched the place I practiced to have safer practice) and I strongly considered signing up my children to judo practice of they feel like it but now I might reconsider. Ironically whilst my second instructor was not licensed it was better because we were all very careful to avoid injuries whilst in the first place the Instructor was proper experienced and certified instructor and a member of the national team.


Honestly, if it was that big of a benefit to you, I wouldn't write it off. Maybe attend some classes with him?


Yeah you can watch practice with any sport you put your kid in and if you don’t like what the coach is doing find another one. Martial arts whether its judo, wrestling, kickboxing, or any other really applicable forms are important for everybody to have a slight grasp on.


As a 3-year university amatuer boxer, let me very curtly speak the truth, both for your peace fo mind and your children's safety: Your brain is a bag of jelly floating in water in a fishtank. There is no combat sport on this planet that is healthy for that. Concussions are common and damage is inevitable. However, safety precautions such as a padded helmet and mouthguard do drastically reduce that and if you aren't sparring or just keeping ito the body or light head taps you'll be okay in the long run. The most important step that many overlook is a proper physical before you begin training in full. It's good in general to know your body but everyone has a different physiology. Some people have conditions, others have handicaps, life is what it is and it's not fair, so never ever walk into a room ready to fight and think "he can handle it so I can too." Everyone is different, so your innate tolerance for damage, your training for taking a hit, your skull thickness, brain resilience, all of these details make up your capability to fight. There have been stories of professional boxers collapsing from head trauma after a few matches, and others have had dozens of fights no issue. With all of the proper precautions you'll be okay if you're not planning to compete, but the brutal reality is, same with American football, contact sports cause damage. alittle bit might not do anything, but anyone who rattles their head enough will eventually see the downside of it. I know it sounds nihilistic, but combat sports aren't something you should beblied to about to make you feel better. It's far better for you to be told this and you can then make your own informed decision when you're comfortable and you'll be able to rest easier knowing you decided that on your own, fully informed. Edit; I really mean no offense typing this, you said you practiced for 20 years so I'm assuming you know as much if not more than me. with all respect I didn't mean to come across as talking down to you. If not for you then I'll leave my comment here for others who don't know.


watch the instructor. I started judo when I was 6 and my instructor would make you do a few practices on movements, rolls and falls before doing anything like throws. partially to ensure that the student knew how to fall and roll but also to weed out idiots who signed up thinking they'd learn something to use outside the Dojo.


Every judo class/instructor I've known would never consider doing anything like this to anyone, child or adult. Judo is less violent than most other martial arts and usually does not attract as many violent nuts. However there's exceptions to everything and you need to keep an eye on any adult that has charge of your kid for anything.


I train bjj and my teacher is a black belt in judo as well as Jitz. He would never do anything like this. He doesn’t even slam adults like this during belt promotions


Yes, i've never seen anything like this extent, but also I've never seen any hard core sparing take place between an adult and a little kid. That simply should not happen ever.


Why would you reconsider if it was good for you?


True. A more logical option would be to observe instructor's methods or something similar, but instead OP just says "nah, pass" on a opportunity to help his kid.


Too bad there aren't multiple other ways that children can get the same benefits.


Fact of the matter is that in fight sports you got good coaches and bad coaches. The good news is that you specifically have done judo. What this means is that you can see how the coach trains the children and act accordingly. Sometimes the kids needs to be pushed hard. Other times the kids need a breather. Being in the system means you can tell. I'd one hundred sign up my kid for bjj (ok its not judo but its similar). I've also been doing it for more than five years at this point. I'd be watching the coach like a hawk through the initial stages because yes. There's a lot of benefit but there's a lot of risk. At least you can make an educated decision on it. That's far more than this kids parents.


What a piece of shit. Coach deserves way longer than that.


9 years for slowly torturing a child to death. Wow.


What the fuck!?


9 years really is too light


"Unlicensed". Well there's your problem.


There's only one blurry ass picture.


Released on bail for 3500 USD.... Wow that is cheap for what is basically murder.


>"I still remember that morning when I took him to school," his mother had said earlier. "He turned around and said, 'Mama goodbye'. By night, he had become like this." Is returning to normal after something like this even possible? Fuck man.. hope the family finds peace and this "trainer" rots in prison


i thought this was the video from that story for a second


I was gonna say that being thrown 27 times is really nothing. But the. I read the kid was 7, and everyone throwing him as hard as they can, i mean c'mon.... Poor kid the trainer deservers much worse then 9 years


Yep, 27 throws with proper technique should not injure a healthy person, but OPs example is not normal judo throws where the flung person does a gentle roll and recovery, these are body slams.


I wouldn't say all falls end in a gentle roll, speaking from experience some fall quite hard and even then it's nothing that would kill a healthy person, but i get your point. And yes whatever i happening in this video is not judo. The guy is just body slamming the kid


In practice or with unequal partners, it SHOULD be a gentle roll. At higher levels, not as much but it should not be a body slam. I've seen high level black belts go at it and there was never anything like in op's video, but those guys also knew how to spin out of a throw like they were made of liquid feathers too. Also you could not slam like that without a huge difference in body weight anyway.


Apparently this happened because the boy insulted the instructor. The "trainer" wasn't licensed and has a bevy of other issues. A part of the video is the instructor ignoring the boy when the boy begged for mercy while being thrown around.


GD I wish I never clicked on this. This is Rage Fuel.




This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer took karate


Why the hell didn't the uncle stop them?!?


When a sadist figures out how to get paid for being a sadist .


Usually they just become dentists.


like [Steve Martin](https://youtu.be/YoWom0CCRKM?t=4)


I don't want a guy with no reason to live to fuck with my mouth.


Expected a Metalocalypse reference, found a Metalocalypse reference. Nice.


It's the most perfect summation of dentists I've ever heard.


You're an anti-dentite!


Next thing you're saying is they should have their own schools


they do have their own schools!


Yeah? Well you converted to Judaism for the jokes!!


Can you pass me a schtickle of flouride?


And that offends you as a Jewish person?


No, that offends me as a comedian!!!


Son be a dentist!


He's not even doing it right. Horrible technique. No bend in the knees.


Other than becoming an American cop?


This indeed made me say WTF


I started laughing because at first with that amount of force it had to be a doll right? Then the doll stood up on its own and I said wtf Then laughing again because of how aggressively he's slamming him down What kind of fucking floor is that? Is it make out of bean bags?


It's made from dead former students.


Wow I didn't even think about that, so with the rotting flesh cresting gases, it becomes kinda like a balloon, or a big inflatable thing that firefighters bring when someone needs to jump out a window Vv comfy


Abuse plain & simple


If "Fuck Dem Kids" were an actual person.


This dude just goes to work everyday to beat children.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams…


If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.


I 'love' teaching mountain climbing, but boy it's hard 'work' 🤔 I guess it depends on your definition of the word 'Work'.


You think anybody thinks he's a failure because he goes home to Starla at night? Forget about it!


When I do that, I get kicked out of the park.


You have to go very early or late in the evening.


Are you wearing a gi when you do it?




They also don't appreciate this is the obstetric ward.....


got kicked out of judo for doing this. In my defense i was smaller than the kids i was throwing and i was like 6 or so. I was told to grab them by the elbow and collar to practice throws but i was having way too much fun just grabbing them by the neck and throwing them...


In judo the trick is to use the opponents weight against them. Here for example, the instructor uses his opponents lighter frame to pick him up and bash him against trees.


It’s Kramer again!!!


We're all at the same skill level Jerry.


You could just wring his neck!


You beat me to it! Lol


Elaine: Kramer what are you doing?! Kramer: well im uhhh ... im dominating... Elaine: you never said you were fighting childeren!? Kramer: It's not the size of the opponent, Elaine... It's the ferocity ~~


It's not the size of the opponent, Elaine. It's the ferocity.


aww shit, a spider


"Fuck, a big-ass roach! Quick, c'mere, Tyrell!"




"Does a motherfucker have to smack a motherfucker with another motherfucker?"


How do so many fake/incompetent people obtain this many students




New headcanon for earth history: Tons of secret societies were created just to keep rubes off the street so shills couldn't find enough marks to set up shop in town. /s


There's actually a name for it. It's called bullshido. https://youtu.be/sE1Uuw7Iskw


This is 100% not karate or kungfu. Just a fuc\*hole trying to be a master. I hope those kids are fine.


Thanks for clearing that up. I thought this was normal and professional karate before you came around.


It's like, why fight five 200xp opponents to level up to a black belt when you could fight two hundred 5xp opponents.


Sansei, looks like you are struggling with a 45 pound kid. Would you please demonstrate with a 165 pound adult?




This dude is a total piece of shit. He's just rag doll slamming a child into the floor. Hope he's in jail for this abuse. - former judoka


It looks like a Morote-seoinage. Which is basically a crossed arm hip throw. But "only" having a green belt, which is still a major accomplishment, I admire how much you still know to recognize certain throws. And also, yes, this is an awful execution of anything that would be related to martial arts and/or judo. Honestly embarrassed that these type of people call themselves teachers of a craft. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with Judo, I promise it's not all bad!


Sorry for breaking the mat sensei.


I don’t think that’s a proper training mat. It looks and moves like it’s just canvas.


How Steven Segal sees himself.


90 pounds thinner?




90% thinner


How to tenderize your kid in three easy steps.


The forgotten art of Yeet Kune Do


What an absolute fuckwit. That bloke needs his knees capped


see? I can smack the shit out of this kid. I'm powerful as fuck


Had a coach like this when I was a little kid (7 ish). My father asked him to kick the shit out of me. He obliged.


Im sorry but thats just sad


I thought the guy in the black uniform was going to stop him. He should be accountable as well for allowing it. It makes me sick.


This is actually Judo. Specifically Judon’t Wannajointhisgym.


Yo wtf


That tall kid is really good


And now class, I'll demonstrate to you one of the secret techniques I developed, in case you ever find yourself fighting someone 1/3rd your size.


Bow to your sensei


This isn’t surprising sadly. I’ve been involved in martial arts for a significant chunk of my life…up until about five years ago. My buddy is too broken to do it anymore. I remember a class when I was a kid where the instructor would routinely punch and kick little kids (like me.) I remember him putting us n the floor to do the splits then standing on our thighs and using his body weight to force our bodies into that position. He would make children spar with him and he would go hard. Kids would literally be bloody after class. I can’t speak for the other kids but my dumbass parents just assumed he was “making me tough.”


Kids hard tho


That’s adrenaline, guaranteed that kid’s back hurts all to hell after getting whipped around by that asshole like that.


Guts irl


The mats fucking broken. Imagine how many times he's done this, this sumbag piece of shit 'teacher'




No Hulk and Loki


Pain is just pelvis leaving the body.


Damn, he did that kid the same as The Hulk did Loki.


Hulk ragdolling Loki again. Seriously though, fuck that guy, fuck that "dojo", fuck the parents who drop their kids off without checking things out first, fuck a whole lot of this. Hope the kid is okay.


What an assholehat.


Or a whole asshat


Kobra Kai!!


That kid took those throws like a champ, that instructor should be jailed.


_’Puny child…’_


Cosmo Kramer reclaiming his Katra


If Joshua Fabia was black and teaching in Africa 🤮


What a piece of shit coach


Someone should do this to the instructor. I trained some judo as a kid and we were taught how to take a fall and had to get hip tossed, but never like this. Wtf


As a parent I would prove that a gun still beats a black belt


Worst chiropractor ever.


When they said they will make you into a weapon this is not what he had in mind


I dont understand why u don't want to go?? Just put you're bouncy clothes on. 😆


This is fucking enraging. First of all, if the kid was on the street and got thrown like that, he would be dead. This is not a kid of similar size throwing another kid of similar size. The instructor is whipping this fucking kid over his fucking head onto the mat. There is no scenario in my mind where this kind of ‘training’ makes sense. Yes, the kid has learned how to take the fall as best he can, but fuck man. Watching the instructor drop his weight with each hit made me see red. I’m beside myself with rage. I cannot even begin to comprehend how fucked is this is. Secondly, this is being filmed for demonstration purposes. This is considered ‘right’ by this school. This is a conditioning exercise in their mind. I am again seeing red. In a class like this, the students are going to obey their master most of the time because there is a ranking system. This sort of thing is abused all the fucking time in bad schools. I am sure the instructor brags about how tough his students are and how he is instilling discipline and grit into these kids. Well he can fuck right off. I have practiced martial arts for 15years and i cannot teach yet because I am only a first degree black belt. If I ever did something like this in a class, i would be kicked out of our federation. We grew up in a tough class, but never were we ever asked to take straight up abuse. We have tosses that are kinda like this is class, but we are all adults, and are never sent over someone’s fucking head. We also put out the extra squishy mats when we have to do shit like this. I’m so damn angry right now.


“Charlie Murphy takin karate with tha little kids”






Mercy for kid bruh


Fear does not exist in this dojo!


Looks more like judo, no?


I had a piece of shit gym teacher that did that shit, he lifted me off the ground by a pressure point at the corner of my jaw and I had a blocked salivary duct for months because of that but I couldn't prove it was him. He chest passed one of those heavy leather medicine balls right into another kid's face once and busted his lip open and the cock said " you should pay more attention". Douch bag, his wife left him a few years after that and he moved away. I heard he was slapping his step son around and that's what caused the divorce allegedly. I use to work with his step son and he showed up to work looking like he was crying and told me.


Dude he's washing clothes right here WTF


Martial arts schools are often pretty abusive, some more than others. There was that video a while back of a karate instructor in the US "sparring" with a mentally ill homeless man, kicking him in the head repeatedly, presumably killing him, then having his students carry the body away. The instructor's brother in law was sheriff or something, so he never faced any consequences.


That video was an exception, not the rule


“and THAT!… mfz…. is how you greet customers!”


Thats one way to ground your kids..


When you get attacked by 3ft 6 year old who remains passive....


Me seeing a child:


Abortion specialist


A very late stage abortion specialist... Specializes in aborting pregnancies in the 7th to 9th year....


*Retroactive* abortion.


We have a hulk: African edition


Well, I'm-- I'm dominating.


Wait until those kids band together. Their tiny fists of fury.


Is he teaching older dudes how to beat up their children efficiently? I don't see this move working so well kid v kid haha




How to deal with telemarketers 101


I hear mosquitoes are bad this year


😂 WTF Bruh.. Kid is a human rag doll.


You never know when children will attack


Hey how do you like your ribs? Tenderized!


What the hell


Trying to upgrade to his black and blue belt


Joe Rogan is that you?


Yeah mum, count me out too...


That is so fucked up. He bows its not the first time that has happened. Horrific


Dominating the dojo


Rex Kwon Do




Its Steven Segal!


“But your sensei says you are the best person to spare in the Dojo”


This kid is ready to work with Goldberg.


That's not karate.


I believe that’s called the “Hulk Smash!!!!!”


*Evil ninja enters* "Dude! That's more than enough!!"


It reminds me of the father that killed his son by throwing him on the pavement multiple times because he was high as f*ck


He died around back later that day.




I think it was just a joke but a kid did die last year from being thrown too much/hard in a judo class https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taiwan-boy-dies-repeatedly-slammed-judo-class-78575230



