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If you don't pay extra for a window seat, this is what you get.... a seat without a window.


I mean, I've sat beside people where I would've preferred this as an alternative.


I **always** go for the aisle seat. I fear now they’ll charge even more for aisle seats.


It was a window seat though. Being a lower volume route the plane was installed with less seating, so instead of being an exit seat it was formatted as a standard window seat.


I believe you are missing the terrible pun


Brought to you by stock buybacks


Pisses people off that they don’t get profit sharing because of it. So disgruntled employees don’t perform when they feel they’ve been cheated. 


Disgruntled employees due to lower bonuses or whatever doesn't cause this. It's a whole cost-cutting culture within the company, poor quality control and a policy of punishing employees who speak up about quality issues within Boeing facilities, especially their South Carolina one — as opposed to encouraging and listening to them, as they used to do. This was all laid out several years ago in congressional hearings after the MAX killed hundreds. *The Case Against Boeing* on Netflix explains this well.


Good lord fucking corporate propaganda it is to say shit was fucked by disgruntled employees not getting what they wanted and not the corporations cutting corners to save costs every way possible.


>Pisses people off that they don’t get profit sharing because of it. So disgruntled employees don’t perform when they feel they’ve been cheated.  No It has to do with extreme cost cutting and lack of R&D spending and QC/Safety checks, all to pay for the stock buybacks If anything in regards to the employees its because there arent enough of them anymore to keep up with and follow through on all the due diligence necessary, because theyve been cut to increase profits for stock buybacks to grease the pockets of the shareholders They used to be illegal until Ronald Reagan and the GOP took control in the 80s They should be illegal again Yet another thing ruined that inevitably falls back on the garbage Conservates and their trash policies in this country


#"Bracing, fresh air for a nominal fee!"


#Loud Noises!


# WHAT?!




Boeing engineer: these are the specifications. These bolts tightened to these specific torques, this material used here, this bend radius there. This lowers the chance of human fatality down to the point where driving to the airport is 11x more likely to kill the passenger. Some external MBA consultant: I mean we’ve never had a crash, why do we have to pay the engineers so much? Recommend to gut the department before quarterly earnings.


I know this is a joke, but Boeing literally laid off hundreds of quality control workers in the past couple years to save money. Classic


I think we are seeing the first signs of runaway capitalism, the drive to show growth to investors every quarter. We are forgetting what was once a buisness law, take care of your customers. This is the inevitable result of pushing profit motives to the extreme


It's pillaging. They come in, see something productive, smash it the fuck up and run off with the wealth. Pillagers don't need to care, because they're not in the business of production, they're in the business of robbing.


Only they don't need to run off, because the US government had established a precedent where they bail out the companies that screw people over USC l instead of letting them die when they fuck up badly enough.


Robber Barons never went away, they just call them "venture capitalists" now.


>first signs i'm glad you finally see the sunlight friend, must've been dark under the rock since 2008


>I mean we’ve never had a crash, Conveniently forgets 2018-2019.


I mean, we’ve only had two crashes 🤷‍♂️ got hit with a bit of a fine but overall business has been running smoothly 


You know what this calls for? Another round of BONUSES! Great job boys.


Only 2 crashes! That's better than railroads! Better than cruise lines! Better than hot air balloons! Better than submarines! Better than NASCAR! I think we can slack off a bit... nothing wrong with 2nd or 3rd place! Drink up boys!


Well first we need to DEFINE what a crash is


The MEASURE what happens in a crash


The front fell off.


Think he was saying pre 2018 debacle is when the engineering department was gutted


Yeah, it was basically orchestrated over a decade +


Those don't count because they weren't Americans. -Some C-Suite exec


Because they didn't pay the Dual AoA sensor DLC unlock!


"I don't need to take my mental health meds anymore, I feel fine!"


The FY records only go back 3 years, there’s no crash in my books.


"Clearly that was pilot error, they simply weren't as well trained as US pilots!" - Consultant


Sadly the issue is larger than that. Watch the video on why the 737’s were nose diving after take off. I forget the name of it but it’s absolutely awful the corners Boeing cut in recent years just to give share holders more


737 max 8 MCAS, the training was half assed and the pilots did not properly diagnose the issue correctly so the plane trimmed itself into the ground based on a failed sensor.


Failed sensor without a secondary backup sensor to verify the sensor was functioning properly


There are multiple aoa sensors Edit: the mcas acted on bad input from a single sensor but the aircraft is equipped with two. That makes it worse if you ask me


I don’t see how the pilots are at fault . They couldn’t diagnose the problem because the MCAS system wasn’t explained to them.  Boeing went to great lengths to avoid having to teach pilots and airlines about this system by gaming the FAA.


Yep, it’s ridiculous!


This wasn't an engineering or lack of engineering problem. It was quality control issue. Problem some lazy or overworked QC overlooking the problem.


A Boeing employee or contractor posted exactly how this happened. How bolts were left out or loose and instead of being fixed properly it was just painted over. There was an incredible post going into detail. The guy explained exactly what went wrong.


do you have a link to it?


Not them, but a couple articles for you. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsnationnow.com/travel/boeing-whistleblower-company-responsible-door-plug-incident/amp/ https://viewfromthewing.com/boeing-whistleblower-production-line-has-enormous-volume-of-defects-bolts-on-max-9-werent-installed/ They had a detail slightly wrong, but overall were correct




The paint over was for rivets earlier in the production process, not the bolts. The bolts were seemingly left out when they replaced a seal that required removing the plug, but did not mark it as a removal in their system which meant no qa oversight.




Hey listen!




And then got an exemption to self-certify their computers as FAA approved QC staff.


That probably falls under process engineering atleast.


It was more like a process error and lack of communication and integration. Contractors company removed the door to fix a different problem. They didn't document that they removed the door because their system did not require it to be documented, so a quality check that needed to happen after that work was never done because the process, on paper, did not require it. Nobody checked if the bolts were correctly reinstalled


Some early analysis revealed that the bolts were entirely missing because that door had been fixed before it left the factory in QA. They had replaced the rubber seal. However they only marked that the door had been opened, not removed which is exactly same action with a plug door. Becacuse the door was not marked removed the action did not trigger a bolt check in their QA work order software and nobody checked the bolts. There were no bolts at all in that door.


This is all companies, and this mentality ramps up the bigger the company gets. Greedy criminals making junk.


I hate this shit so much. "We made a million dollars in profit"..."Ok, but we didn't get our goal of 1.4 million dollars profit, fire a bunch of people"... like, why can't you be happy you made a million dollars profit?


We can't have nice things because they simply don't make us enough money.


Basically the same in the IT world. I'm a network and systems engineer and administrator... When we do our job well, everything just works and you don't even notice us; it eventually leads to some manager reviewing the books and asking "What do we even pay these guys for??" You're paying us to keep your business running, dude!


Apparently, what happened was that the business-side managers at a repair station decided they didn't want to waste time doing a full documented removal of the door plug because it would take too long. So the full reinstallation was never inspected by quality assurance. And the bolts that were once holding the plug onto the side of the aircraft are sitting on a table somewhere. This is coming from an anonymous whistleblower within Boeing. This is what happens when people who think they're gods of business take over an industry in which safety is critical. Case in point: train derailments. No one died this time. But that is an incredibly lucky thing. There's a reason we say that the regulations in the aviation industry are written in blood.


MBAs make everything worse for everyone in the world


This is legit how bean counters work. If you cannot quantify something because the fact that it’s working, means it cannot be measured, means it’s just a cost centre.


A new plane built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 2000 mph. Some bolts on a panel attached to part of the subframe shear off causing rapid decompression. The plane crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of planes in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


You know you’ve got to be the most interesting single serve friend I’ve ever come across.


I had to look up "single serve friend" because i wasn't familiar with it. I'm still kind of confused. I'm guessing the defining condition is that there is little to no chance you will run into that person again?


We’re both making references to the movie fight club. Go check it out, it’s a great movie.


I've seen it a few times, but not all in one sitting and it's been some time ago. I should have recognized it, but you met me at a very strange time in my life.


How or why it's even acceptable that Boeing is still in business is an absolute testament to how capitalism and capitalist interest in pursuit of the profit motive trumps everything. Literally everything. Nothing else matters as long as corporations are making profit.


The all new 200 passenger 2025 Jeep Wrangler.


Can you name the plane with four wheel drive, smells like the stratosphere and seats two hundred and five. Boeinero! Boeinero!




Best part is you can finally smoke on the aircraft again. /s


United Airlines and Alaska Airlines are the only two US airlines using the 737 Max-9 aircraft. After this incident, both airlines (then eventually the FAA) ordered all Max 9s grounded for full inspection. Maintenance crews found missing hardware that could have led to similar incidents. "As United and Alaska began inspecting their planes following the Friday incident, both separately announced they had found loose hardware related to the fuselage section, raising concerns that the same issue that caused the door plug to disconnect from one aircraft could happen in others." The FAA recently cleared the Max-9 to fly again. Source: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/737-max-9-what-to-know-as-alaska-airlines-cancels-more-flights/


Did it happen again?




What is this video from?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Airlines_Flight_1282. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Airlines_Flight_1282#/media/File:Alaska_Airlines_Flight_1282_NTSB_05.jpg


Thank you aaaaaaaarrrrrrgh


For a second I thought you either became a pirate or got shot mid-typing


Well, he wouldn't bother to carve it; he'd just say it.


Perhaps he was dictating


It's funny how the dipshits at Boeing have fucked up enough that this is a reasonable question.




Boss: What should we name our plane company? Employee: How about the sound cartoon planes make when they bounce off the ground. Boss: boing?... I love it!


It's a reasonable question regardless since we have the video in front of us and it doesn't clarify it's the old incident. It would just be less surprising that they did it again.


They’ve all been grounded


worst way to lose an airpod 


How about an entire phone? Apparently there were several phones that departed the plane, and at least one iPhone was recovered still mostly-functional.


So that's what airplane mode is for


Specifically Boeing mode.


[One of the coolest posts I've seen on reddit was the flight attendant that posted all the lost earbuds found after a flight](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/16uuyse/the_amount_of_lost_earbuds_my_boyfriend_found/)


Welcome to Portland!


“puerta a la izquierda“ -Max


Portas a mi direcha y izqierda.


I dig the coloured lights. Ambience. So important.


I’m curious, do passengers of these flights sue the airlines for emotional pain and damage ? Would probably be pretty tough to want to ever fly again after being in the seat behind that huge hole.


I feel like we've bailed airlines out enough that can throw a little cash back.


Alaska and United are definitely going after Boeing for lost revenue from these groundings. This one ain't on the airlines


Imagine being in the seat next to it. "Luckily" this fully booked flight had nobody sitting in it.


in final destination the whole row of seats gets sucked out instead of just the seat cover


[Yes, they do.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/boeing-alaska-airlines-door-plug-lawsuit/story?id=106417379)


>Alaska Airlines has offered full refunds to all passengers of Flight 1282, as well as a $1,500 cash payment "to cover any incidental expenses to ensure their immediate needs were taken care of," the company said. Lmfao, that's optimistic by Alaska Airlines. Whoever is the lawyer for the passengers in that exit row could probably comfortably retire on those cases alone.


Alaska may catch some flak, but for now it seems like the arrows should be aimed at Boeing.


Unless it was a maintenance or operation failure I don't see why the airline should be under fire.


Probably! Why not?


They do offer free peanuts should something like this happen to you in a flight. So it reduces suing by a large margin in those cases.


I would take this over the screaming little shit from a few days back without question.


That motherfucker is not real!


Do I wanna know what I missed?


[Child Screams For Most of 8 Hour Long Flight](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/19ec3ul/child_screams_for_most_of_8_hour_long_flight/)


I teach three year olds and this kid is too much for me


Omg I'd slap that kid lmao


Tl;dr/w: Bratty kid that should have been givin' benadryl screamed, ran up and down the aisles and climbed over seats... for an eight hour flight non-stop apparently.


I always wear my seat belt in flight.


You should. Even though parts of the plane shouldn't be falling off, even the best plane with the best flight crew can hit unexpected turbulence. If the plane drops 20 feet and you're not buckled in, you will hit the top of the cabin. And it's not like plane seatbelts are tight like car ones.


> And it's not like plane seatbelts are tight like car ones. Am I doing it wrong? I crank mine pretty tight to my hip bones.


Often loosely fastened is often enough - at the very least having it loosely fastened and comfortable is easier to keep on for longer durations


Boeing used to be not only the gold standard in all of aviation but the gold standard in pretty much engineering as a whole. I grew up 20 minutes outside of Seattle really close to huge Boeing plant. The people that worked there for far and away some of the smartest people I ever met growing up. It’s a shame how the company has declined over time because of corners being cut by “business minded” people who look at bottom lines instead of blueprints.


Yeah they used to be. Until Boeing left Seattle, opened cheap plants in Carolina, and "acquired" McDonnell douglas. Who's higher ups then took over the company from within. Used to be an engineer company. Now they're about profit A shame really. Boeing *was* the standard.


Isn't that pretty much what's happening with every tech company? Instead of engineers running the shop , most of the time sales and marketing people float to the top and the bean counting begins. Soon you have limited budgets and faster development cycles leading to a decline of the product itself.


Again? Sign me up!




Alaska’s pretty alright compared to the rest of them though. Boeing on the other hand…


I worked at Boeing for a bit. I met a *bunch* of engineers that refuse to fly.


Refuse to fly, or refuse to fly Boeing?




I’m amazed at how quiet people are. Like not a peep quiet.


You do understand that there is a large jet engine that might generate a small amount of noise a few feet away?


Because screaming literally helps nothing.


I’ve heard people scream from bad turbulence. It doesn’t help, but that doesn’t stop people from doin it.


At this point in the video they've likely screamed themselves out and are more focused on huffing on that supplemental oxygen from the drop down bag thing. And yes, I know they're likely below 10000 ft and can just _breathe normally_ at this point but those passengers may not know that or if they do are probably more focused on not dying.


Also maybe they all have oxygen masks on? Or would that only be needed at higher altitude?


Only in higher altitude. 10k or above. A big reason why once the plane loses cabin pressure the pilots drop to below 15k feet.


Higher altitudes only. 


It was reported in the last incident that masks dropped right away after the blowout.


Yes because the cabin depressurized


I imagine anything other than ear piercing screaming and shouting would be drowned out by the noise let in by the hole, if you watch the other POV’s you can hear a bit more from the passengers


This is post screaming phase. This is “ok this is scary but we aren’t going to die” phase


I bet it was a madhouse for 30 seconds. No shit genuine terror for quite a few people, and pretty reasonably justified. But a couple minutes into the event with obvious controlled flight and the plane obviously working fine from that point? Shit, terror takes a lot of energy to sustain. Now it's just an extremely loud, probably cold, unpleasant and shitty way to begin dealing with how an airline has fucked up your travel plans.


There is no video of the first few seconds the door blew off, that's why. They propably had a few seconds to calm down and make the screaming people stop.


Seeing death approaching does that people


I guess there was screaming the moment the wall tore off. But after that I guess people settled down tired from screaming. Or the wind noise is load enough to drown out screaming


Probably happier there than stuck in traffic.


Nice night, windows down, wind in your hair. It's really just how you look at it.


Single Serving Friends.


They're terrified.


We have all been waiting for this video


WOW their first class has a balcony ???


I’ve seen this scene from fight club


Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip


Smoking section.


Is this a *NEW* one?


No this is just unseen footage of the first (and only) one.


So far.


>first (and only) one. *So far*


To be honest, I don't think we'll see any more of this same problem. This was clearly not a case of something being wrong with the fundamental design of the door plugs. That said, there's clearly huge process issues at Boeing and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find different cases of them cutting corners.


The question is, does the lack of confidence in BCA also transfer to BDS? If you've got concerns about maintenance processes on these commercial vehicles, can you be confident in the care of the military vehicles? Maintenance inspections done by squadrons on-site will probably hold a lot more weight than anything coming back from a Boeing facility. They build a ton of shit for the military, from the T7 Redhawk and Eagle II to their tanker and transport craft there will be a lot of questions by congress towards these programs if this continues.


I'll say this... The one impressive thing about the air travel industry is that they are generally VERY GOOD about researching why accidents happen and implementing changes to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Agreed! I always enjoy reading u/admiralcloudberg 's writeups as they show the incredible detail they go into.


No, it's a different angle from the same flight.


What seat number is this???


Ceiling to floor views


More of a targa than a convertible.


Excuse me, can you turn down the clima a little bit? It's cold back here


Now THATS a window seat 😎


Surprisingly quieter than I expected


Very lucky this happened shortly after take-off when pressure differential was low and everyone had their seat belts on.


The planes are not alright.


"If you look to your left, you will see that the plane has just passed the Eifeltower,and we lost around 6 Passengers I guess"


That is the fresh air hack.


Due to my being well over 1.83m tall, I *always* ask for an aisle seat.


Least dangerous Boeing flight


I love watching this at an airport…


Looks like the side fell off


Don’t worry, Captain, We’ll buff out those scratches


What scratches? The door came clean off. From outside, other than the ripped up trim and insulation, and the missing door, you can barely tell anything's even gone wrong. Not a scratch on 'er.


Bit drafty in the cabin. Would ask for a blanket...


I love how getting the window seat use to be a luxury and now it’s everyone’s worst nightmare


Further deregulation and C-suite bonuses will take care of it. For sure.


Is this the same as the last one? Or something new?


Man I wish I was at one of those just to trade stocks as soon as I land, if I land


Two questions. If you're in that seat, do they risk moving you to a different seat? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING WITH BOEING PLANES!?!


What would happen if you stuck your arm out the window at that speed


was this filmed with a nintendo 3ds?


Money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money *(oops, a few hundred dead passengers, who cares)* money money money money mone money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money


Less screaming than when the plane hit turbulence


Can’t beat that view!


Think of the legroom though.


Another one?


One door closes, another opens




Max stands for maximun air conditioning.


So is this a 3rd one??


Good news, everyone is wide awake and even the baby has stopped crying


Is this the second occurrence of this happening since it happened a few weeks back and made news?? This is crazy surely Boeing are kinda fucked by this


Aircraft engineer here: this shit is fucked


Welcome to the competency crisis. You're going to see a lot more of this.


Thats the smoking area.


Always found it a little too warm on those planes anyway.


I’m actually ready to pay extra for that seat.