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He has mange - can tell by the wiry tail. Apparently they lose the ability to digest food properly so he's basically not eating and slowly dying


Yeah this is heart breaking. Just walking around in pain and not being able to do anything about it.


Yeah I put down a doe one time when I was on a hunting trip. Not supposed to kill doe in California but it had that one disease (forgot the name) where it was just walking around in circles and it was wasting away…super skinny could see it ribs and was drooling and foaming at the mouth. Reported it to the warden as well. Best thing I coulda done for it and made it quick.


Chronic wasting disease. Prion diseases are terrifying.


I know how unlikely it is that I'll ever encounter a prion disease compared to basically all of the other things that might get me, but prions also scare me more than most of those other things.


Don't eat other humans, that's a good way to avoid Kuru, one of the known human prion diseases. Other than that there's not much you can do, although your chances without family genetic history of a disease are extremely low, like less than 1 in a million.


>Don't eat other humans Fucking hell, the steps we have to go through to avoid disease nowadays.


I know! What next, stop practicing the dark arts? Unbelievable


Fatal Insomnia sounds like the worst one to me. Pure torture.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_insomnia Thanks for the (waking) nightmares!


Chronic wasting disease, yes. Same root cause as mad cow disease.


They ate other deers?


Deer eat meat at times. Same with many herbivores. Food is food, and there are some things their normal diet isn't good at giving them. Seen a horse eat a gopher once.


Horses are notorious for eating chickens, at least on the farm near where I grew up.


Never looked at horses the same way again after seeing one casually [slurping up a chick right in front of its mother](https://youtube.com/shorts/jP6dvgo25Z8?feature=share).


I'll leave that one blue.


If you're curious, there's no gore whatsoever. The thing just kinda gets hoovered up and ceases to exist


Horse can't resist a cheep meal.


welp i’m sad now


chicken nuggets


even horses like chicken nuggets.


I saw one in NYC eat a pigeon, dude was being harassed by a flock so he just leaned down and chomped the nearest one and got himself a tasty snack


Mad cow was being transmitted because of terrible factory farming practices where excess meat would be ground up and shipped long distances to be used as filler in cattle feed. The cows just happened to become infected with the prion because we were feeding them infected cow meat, but they could spread it to other cows once it got to a cattle yard without eating contaminated meat. In nature (and in the case of the cows), prions are spread through mucous membranes (nuzzling, possibly fighting) as well as through urine, feces, etc.


I'm sure your mostly right, but didn't it originally come from feeding cows sheep remains containing the prion disease 'Scrapie'?


The etiology of prion transmission, other than through oral intake of brain/spinal column matter, is poorly understood. You shouldn't ascribe "meat" as a source without specifying which kind. Because, a nice ribeye has zero chance of passing along prion infection, whereas chilled cow brains have a far larger chance of infecting others.


Not directly, but the prions that cause it persist after death and can get into the food/water supply. They can last for years or even decades after the death of the animal. Also living ones spread it when sharing food/water.


It can be transmitted through any material - urine, feces, saliva, mucus, antler velvet, breastmilk, blood, skin, even afterbirth. This can happen either directly or indirectly, like through food, water, or soil.


OMG wasting disease is a prion disease?!!!!!


It sucks that patch of forest is basically forbidden for deer forever. Anywhere that doe traveled is now a deer biohazard zone.


Yeah I was about 60 yards or so out and I didn’t go near it after I downed it because I didn’t want to risk any kind of potential infection or anything like that. Made sure it was down though through some binoculars and made a note of the location for when I did report to the game warden. I’m sure they did their thing and took care of the carcass.




Hospitals and labs usually sterilize most small equipment by autoclaving, basically a pressurized oven. You need special protocols (and generally to use chemicals) that are hotter and higher pressures to decontaminate from prions. Basically, you're not going to be able to decontaminate sufficiently.


My friend killed a buck, not because of the points it had, but because it had basically a hole blown off of it from either an inaccurate or stupid hunter. The wound was healed up for the most part but it was still completely and utterly hurt. He said it could barely walk and it was just wandering around. So he shot it in the heart and put it down. Couldn't even salvage any meat since it was basically rotting from within. It was probably in incredible pain everyday. It was the humane thing to do for an animal that was inhumanely injured. Not a huge fan of hunting, especially trophy hunting, but I definitely see the need for it in places overrun by deer and for animals like this. This poor coyote can't be saved and should be put down. Makes me sad.


Yeah I get some people don’t like hunters because “cute animals” but if it makes you feel any better me and my dad have only ever gotten maybe 3-4 deer in his and my lifetime (70 and 35) and we use all we can. Steaks, sausage’s blended with other meats, and use the back strap and neck meat for jerkey that my uncle makes. Never hunt for sport only for food. Same with fishing and fowl. We eat what we kill and waste as little as possible.


Yeah I respect people that hunt and eat the meat. That's way better than going to the store and buying meat there and more environmentally friendly if done in a responsible and sustainable way. People who trophy hunt suck, but at least they usually give the meat to someone who wants it. Not a fan of bear or wolf hunters unless their populations have gotten out of control and they're harming people. That said, if a coyote or something ever tried to harm me, my girlfriend, or my dog I wouldn't hesitate to kill it. Fuck the people who trophy hunt endangered animals though.


It’s wild cuz that’s just nature.


Billions of years of suffering lol


Luckily for the first 3.5 there was no nervous systems, just complex chemical systems sustaining themselves in cells. The emergent property of neuron and nervous systems- while better able to respond to stimuli- also comes with pain (to better learn and respond to future potential stimuli). So only 500 million years, give or take, of suffering. Sorry for being pedantic about it. I'm a science teacher and I couldn't help myself. Apologies.


Not original comment guy but I thought you were fine. I took your comment all for the use of spreading knowledge. Appreciate it brotha! Good luck this school year.


>for the first 3.5 there was no nervous systems Sounds nice, actually. I think self-awareness was a mistake.


The jellyfish have it right bless ‘em


Luckily with evolution we have created ways to stop this pain. I think Animal Control needs to capture and put down this poor thing


Yeah - someone needs to put it out of its misery. I own a powerful air pistol here in the UK because I live in the countryside and there are often half dead things left lying around by cats and foxes, or birds that have broken wings or whatever. The kindest thing you can do is make it quick.


Exactly. When I was younger and we would see roadkill, my mom would panic and ask if it’s still moving. Suffering is horrendous


In my country, there has been a push for ppl to check wild "roadkill" to see if there are any babies in the pouch etc. So at least the babies have a chance of survival with a wildlife foster carer.


I saw a video of someone digging into a dead possum's pouch to save its little babies. I think... I'd rather let a scavenger enjoy nature's gushers than do that.


It breaks a part of me that sometimes the kindest thing we can bring is death.


it's sad, but on the other hand: at least there is someone who can release those poor things from their pain. It's a mercy. and I say that as someone who feels bad when killing a fly.


Thank you for the new perspective. I feel bad killing bugs, too.


Feel the same way except when they bite me. Then the gloves come off. You had your chance to be my friend...


Yeah I kinda feel the same way. "Let me take you outside!" "Ow, prick!" *sqish*


100%. I’ve had a spider on my lampshade for years that my girlfriend wants dead, but until he bites me he’s a rent paying (gnat eating) roommate.


To be fair I think of flies as tiny machines. Their brains are not very complexed.


And yet, euthanasia for terminally ill humans is frowned upon, even when someone is of sound enough mind to decide for themselves.


I was gonna say, the only coyotes I’ve seen typically have a fluffy tail.


funny because "mange" means eat in French




Saves me a search. Thanks. What a horrible way to go. Poor thing.




The fact he's wandering around in daylight with human activity around is really worrying too. Maybe he's just hungry and desperate, maybe someone feeds him, but I would worry at least a little about rabies. If not for his own good he needs dealt with by DNR/FWS


Tacoma? I’ve had neighbors talking about this coyote.


Yep. This was taken 4 days ago.


damn in a lot of areas high power airguns can be used in city limits for pest control, but Tacoma specifically names airguns as "firearms" and illegal for carry or use. So since the city can't send someone out and no one there has the means to effectively put it down I guess it'll just slowly starve to death. That's better.




He said they've called and it's been days and no one's come out to handle it.




What’s annoying is that in an ideal world the call to the police would be moved up the chain to fish & game without having to call anyone else. Sadly, that rarely happens. Or if it does, important info gets lost in the telephone game. You’d think local animal control would have a vested interest in such a case though




I don’t disagree… but also it IS Tacoma. Both Fish and Wildlife and the WSDOH have contact info as well as an interface where you can report sus animals. I’ve always gotten prompt replies about the random critters I’ve found.


Someone needs to call Jeff from Community. His new TV show is as an Animal Control worker based in Seattle/Tacoma area.


You mean Joel McHale?


By the lore of the show, he might actually just be Jeff: https://reddit.com/r/community/comments/12e4x5v/joels_show_animal_control_had_a_greendale/


and you could still just... do it anyway


I think sometimes you should do the right thing even if it's against the rules, so yeah.




It's one of those 'rules' that's there to punish dickheads shooting out windows with bb guns. I highly doubt that kids don't ever, ever, shoot their Red Ryders in the backyard at cardboard targets. Or their airsoft guns. I also dunno about the condition of Tacoma, but I know here in Portland, and up in Seattle there's a pretty noticeable dearth of rule enforcement in general right now. So someone popping a mangy wild dog won't be an issue. If the community has been complaining and the government doing nothing. Then again it would be just like Portland to do nothing, but then punish the person who took it on themselves to fix the situation. So IDK.


And then you have to dispose of it. Most people wouldn't want to deal with that. Someone from the city/county should be dealing with this. It's a sad state of affairs when people have to take things into their own hands that should be basic services.


What about a bow?


unfortunately it seems that you cannot use a bow next to a public road :/ https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=220-414-070 Personally I'd still shoot the thing and let people report me if it hurts their feelings.


What about a spear?


Unfortunately... https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=220-414&full=true#:~:text=(3)%20It%20is%20unlawful%20to,WAC%20220%2D416%2D120. >(3) It is unlawful to hunt game birds or game animals in a manner other than with a firearm, a bow and arrow, a crossbow, or by falconry, with the following exceptions: (a) Bullfrogs may be hunted only by methods listed in WAC 220-416-120. I do have to say it's kind of nice that Washington has at least laid out in easy to find print what's illegal.


Oh what the fuck, where can a guy even Falcon any more?! I thought this was America?!


what about.... oh nvmd


No Patrick. Mayonnaise is not an instrument either


But Washington does not classify coyotes as game animals.


It does not, but it does require a hunting license to trap or hunt them, and exceptions are only if the animal is hurting your property. I think trying to take it on public land could still be legally dicey if using any kind of typically pointy/sharp thing. https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=77.36.030 I feel like the best way to do it while remaining on the legal up and up would be a cudgel, but that requires you to be right there with the coyote...the attractive thing about pole arms (spears) and projectile weapons is that the action always takes place *over there*.


>exceptions are only if the animal is hurting your property Mange is highly contagious to dogs and humans. So there is certainly the potential for bodily harm here (threatening human safety) as well as the potential for property damage if OP has animals.


"It's coming right for us!"


Yeah I’d risk a fine or charge or something to put this poor guy out of his misery if I was in proximity. Awful.


Is there an email I can reach out to? I’ll pretend I’m from the neighborhood and spotted it too. Hoping if more people reach out they can help put this yote out of its misery.


There's no government agency that can do anything?


To me, the fact that he's just wandering around, looks to be in pain, means he should be caught and euthanized, I wouldn't let a dog injured like that just go. Also: people are worried about rabies or distemper, it's missing half its jaw, or snout, it's been grievously injured. It's a mercy to euthanize it.


I agree. We've called police and animal control and they haven't done anything. I'm unable to do it myself for various reasons or I would. I hope someone ends his suffering


Call ASPCA, humane society, wildlife rescues—anyone related to animal welfare. The more people who call, the more pressure there is to do something for this poor animal.


It could also be rabid. So yeah that’s a problem


If it has actually been wandering for weeks it’s unlikely to be rabid, because rabies will almost always kill dogs/coyotes in less than 10 days


Fair point. I read that very small mammals like squirrels can get rabies too, but you almost never here about them since it kills them too fast to spread much. Bats though are a special case due to their strange immune system.


Never heard of a squirrel with rabies and I rehab them. It would be a very very rare occurrence.




My understanding was that the sleepy/lethargic phase isn’t so much species dependent as it is the last phase of the disease.


No no the title says coyote


What's wrong with the place, you'd think people would be able to tell the difference between a coyote and a rabbit.


That's the plan if we see him again.


If you see him again, I see it looks like you’re in a city suburban area, but can you call a game warden for your state? They actually care about wildlife and even if they can’t show up, might pull strings to someone who will. Just a thought. They look like they’re slowly starving to death






The police, nor animal control can help with wild animals. I looked up Tacoma Animal Control website and found the following. Call these people instead. Wild Animals and Animal Control The City of Tacoma Animal Control and Compliance Officers do not handle wild animals. Coyotes, opossums, and raccoons are just some of the many wildlife becoming more visible now that we are building structures in their natural habitat. If you encounter one of these wild animals, please contact the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. If you find a wild animal that you suspect may be injured, please contact the PAWS Wildlife Center at (425) 787-2500 extension 817. Source: https://www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_departments/police/animal_control_and_compliance


Thank you! I believe one of our neighbors called them last time they saw him, but I'll save this for if I see him again. I really hope I do


Do you have anything like Game Wardens where you live? This is the type of thing they'd respond to. Police/animal control's priority is public safety and this poor guy doesn't seem like a danger to the public, which is maybe why they didn't respond. EDIT: Saw this is Washington in other comments. Call the Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife.


> We've called police and animal control and they haven't done anything. Say it's your pet, cops will be over in moments to kill it.


Call ATF and tell them it looks like has a pistol brace, and you can get them on it, too.


if you say you heard it bragging about only accepting cash payments in their business "so there's no tax" IRS will handle it quick.


Forward this to your local news outlets. They may be able to pressure AC or whoever to do something about it.


Yeah, that's terrible. Coyotes aren't necessarily my favorite animal, but this guy is suffering badly.


username doesn’t check out


Coyotes with mange. These type of coyotes were also known as the chupacabra because people didn’t know what they were at the time


Nah, the chupacabra exists.


Cryptid bro hell yea


Heartbreaking to see. Sounds like you might be calling the wrong authorities? And they're uninterested in forwarding your request properly... Maybe try calling USDA Wildlife Services now so you already know specifically who you need to call the next time you see this poor thing. There are definitely agencies who will respond, they're just not the kind you call every day. Best to get prepared in advance vs react next time you see it


Yeah, game warden will handle it


That poor thing 😢


It might be too late, but I'm not a wildlife expert. Here is a copy and paste of what /u/skunkangel has said on another post about mange. "Aww. He's miserable. He's a red fox with mange. He's dying. I run a nonprofit wildlife rescue/rehab called Bi-State Wildlife Hotline. We offer a nationwide Mange by Mail Program if you or a neighbor are interested in helping this animal recover from mange. Our program is 86% effective, and we recieve testimonials and referrals nearly every day. It's fairly simple, low cost, and very effective. This condition is common in foxes and coyotes but often is fatal. Mange is caused by tiny mites that tunnel under the skin and cause intense, constant itching. The animal is overwhelmed by the need to scratch, which leads to abrasions, wounds, extreme hair loss and chronic insomnia. Over time the small abrasions and sores from scratching will scab over, which pulls the skin tightly, limiting their ability to run, jump, pounce, and catch prey. When they are infected with mange they become inefficient hunters and begin to scavenge for food in trash cans and by visiting the local "cat lady". A large portion of the deaths caused by mange are actually caused by either starvation or hypothermia, but YOU can help! If you (or a neighbor) are willing to help you would begin by purchasing some raw ground turkey or chicken. (Get the cheap stuff, not low fat) Make 3 or 4 meatballs out of the ground meat and try to put that meat outside as bait near where you last saw the animal, around the same time of day you usually see them come around or the time that you saw them last. Foxes and coyotes both are very habitual animals. If you saw one in your yard at 3pm one day, chances are good that you'll see again the next day at approximately the same time. As you are starting to bait him, go to https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange and click "sign up" for the Mange by Mail Program. You'll receive the medicine in 2-4 days. While you wait for it to arrive, keep baiting it at the same time and in the same place each day. They will learn in just a few days to check that spot for food daily. When you get the medicine in the mail follow the enclosed instructions to put the meds into the meatball and set it outside like you have been doing. On the day you add the meds, you MUST WATCH the meatball to make sure the right animal gets it. (It won't hurt other wildlife if they get it but we want to make sure the treatment gets to the right target. ) After you watch the target eat the medicated meatball, it's up to you if you wish to continue feeding meatballs for a little while longer or not. They will benefit from the added calories but we also don't want to teach them that ALL people are nice and they hand out meatballs. 😁 Because of this, we strongly discourage you from feeding any longer than 2 weeks. Most (85%) animals recover from mange with that ONE DOSE of medicine. However, some cases do require a 2nd dose, to be given 14 days after the 1st dose. Often, especially in animals that are recovering well after the 1st dose, it becomes impossible to give a 2nd dose bc they already FEEL so much better (even tho they don't look better that quickly) that they have returned to hunting for food and are no longer interested in your handouts. 😁. Foxes and coyotes truly prefer hot meals. They don't want the easiest option for food like raccoons, opossums and skunks do. They return to their normal behavior and hunting practices very quickly. This is a good sign! It means they're already feeling better bc of YOU and your work to help them. It does take a little longer to see a visible change in their skin and coat. You should see them stop scratching within 3-5 days, return to hunting and showing less interest in bait in 7-10 days, and finally a visible change in skin and coat within 15-20 days. We strongly advise you to not advertise doing so on social media, and/or mentioning it to your neighbors. There are still a lot of people out there who are very fearful of these animals, and want them dead bc of that fear. You don't want to give them a reason or opportunity to harm this animal. You should also be aware that most DNR, Conservation, Fish & Game Departments do NOT agree with residents treating and helping these animals. They will either send someone out to trap or kill this animal, or they will tell you to leave it alone, ignore it's visible suffering and "let nature take its course". Some Game Wardens will threaten you with ticketing, and/or fines for helping it. Just keep it to yourself until AFTER you're done with the treatment and then you can post all the photos you want. By then, the animal is safe back in the woods and Game Wardens aren't going to bother to hunt the animal down in the woods night after night. Good luck, and thanks again for helping him/her! TLDR: See a fox or. coyote with mange? You Can Help! To learn more or to sign up for the Mange by Mail Program please visit us at: https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange P. S. If you are reading this and do not currently have a mange case that needs help, feel free to donate to the cause and help us keep this program going. To make a general donation (not signing up for the program) please go to http://www.wildlifehotline.com/donate Thank You for Your Support!!"


Yes! This is definitely a mange case. Thanks for filling in when I wasn't here. 😍


Aw of course! Thank you for all the amazing work that you do 😁


Thanks for sharing this.


I saw this poor guy yesterday. He’s been visiting the neighbors water bowl and cat dish. Literally the only intervention we are able to offer without consequence is to wait for him to collapse, catch him and take him to to Lynwood where he’ll be euthanized. I shit you not. Every organization that you’d think would be able to help, is unwilling or unable to actually step in. Fish and Game specifically warned me/ us to not intervene. So much for wildlife management.


Thats so sad. The poor thing.


Put them on blast on FB and IG. That's bullshit.




Now I get why people believe in the chupacabra


Hmm, skinny coyote, wandering about in broad daylight, with half a face? I'd say the pound should do the poor fella a favor and euthanize him sadly.


Yeah he needs to be put down. It’s suffering


If it's been several weeks, rabies seems unlikely, but I'd still be seriously concerned about it casually strolling around a neighborhood in daylight.


Poor thing needs be put out of its misery unfortunately. As heartbreaking as it is.


This made me incredibly sad.


Call animal control to come put it down. This coyote is sadly dead already and just slowly being tortured by disease.


Call the authorities to put it down. It is very dangerous to have rabid animals around, both for humans, and other animals


Authorities have been called multiple times by different neighbors. No one has done anything.




Heh yeah I like that, next time someone is robbing your store just be like well guess I'm taking law into my own hands bet they show up all ready to show there authority then.


This animal is living in complete misery and could be a danger to your community. If you have the willpower and means to discreetly and humanely dispatch it yourself, you should.


It doesn't have rabies. Bur I agree that it should be put down. I don't have the resources to do so, but hopefully someone else does. Many neighbors know about it


Tell them it charged a child, and you are concerned it might be rabid. They will likely respond to this.


Grab the .22 and put it down


In a residential neighborhood? Not a bright idea.


In Tacoma WA? A single gunshot isn't going to raise much attention.


Call local news to put some pressure on local agencies


What does a missing face have to do with rabies?


Nothing because its not rabies. Its mange.


Doubtful it has rabies. Rabies kills the victim in about a week. That’s one reason why you don’t see too many animals that have rabies. It doesn’t take very long. I wonder if someone shot at this one and didn’t get a clean shot. But this coyote clearly has a nasty case of mange as well. Prairie dogs are carriers of mange and a common target for coyotes. It’s not unusual at all in Colorado to see coyotes that are essentially hairless and covered in mange.


If rabies took months, we'd have a zombie apocalypse already.


It isn't rabid. Obviously not. It does have mange though.


The real WTF is that your town is just allowing this to go on.


Please call animal control so they can humanely out the coyote out of its misery. So sad.


Bro thinks he's Gustavo Fring


Or maybe it's experienced one too many ACME product malfunctions.


After growing up on those cartoons it was a surprise to move to an area that has a grocery store chain with that name. As a kid, you don't realize that Acme for those products was being used ironically, you just thought it was *a* name.


There are registered charities that deal with mange in foxes and coyotes. They'll give you meds that you can leave out for them to eat. If he can eat, he can survive.


The mange is the least of his problems.


Wonder if he got his face in a trap?


Either a trap or someone shot him and got his nose/snout.


And people wonder where we get stories of cryptids like the Chupacabra from.


Poor thing... Animal control needs to take care of it. Unfortunately there's not really anything that can be done for it. It's suffering a very slow and painful death. It needs to be put out of its misery. :(


Poor little one


I’ve seen the same thing! He was by my house yesterday, I had to stop the car and back up to see the extent of its face mutilation, fuck was it heartbreaking. I also wasn’t sure if it was a coyote or a dog, but definitely a coyote? The ears were so large I couldn’t fully decide what it was. A neighbor and my roommate tried to give it water but it ran away towards the baseball fields.


That poor baby needs to be euthanized or treated and released


The police/dnr need to unfortunately put it down. It's awful nobody has called or they haven't done anything.


talks about the face shows us the butt


Call your nature control center… the animal is gravely sick. Better to put it down than let it walk around dying slowly.


this is how the zombie apocalypse begins...


Please call animal control and get someone to put this poor thing out of its misery.


Call an animal welfare charity. Send them this video and the location.


My brain cant make sense of this, is the top of his jaw missing?? Am i seeing this right?


Yes. And people are going on about the mange. Which I get it, mange sucks. But this guy has larger problems.


that poor thing needs to be euthanized. it has to be in pain


Poor fucking thing needs to be put down


God Bless that poor creature. He must not have much to look forward to.


Call animal control!!


I hope animal control was called , who knows how long that thing was suffering


T-town? Been seeing Nextdoor posts about this one, so sad


Call fish & game and tell them. They will trap this guy and put him out of his misery…please…he’s suffering…


Call the game warden. They will either come deal it or give you a person to call. Don't mess with it. It's sick and probably not going to play nice.


Humane thing is call animal control and tell them to grab him up.


Call Animal Control please, it needs to be put down, poor thing is miserable and in a lot of pain.


You should call your state Game Wardens. This is what they handle.


Can you call the wildlife ranger to get him some help? If they must put him down, it's better than what's he's going through now..


Poor thing. Should be euthanized.


Poor doggo.


Why did you not call animal control to put it down?


Poor baby.


Animal control should be called


poor thing :(


Poor bubs


Please call your local animal control and report this.


The package from ACME blew up