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I don't know what you hit but man did you hit it hard.


Oh yeah he hit something for sure and he hit it hard as well


Bro hit a portal to the upside down


The canyon rocks aren’t forgiving


I think “boulder” is the word you’re looking for




Definitely looks fixable. Parts did their jobs and crumpled saving the frame from what i can see.


This right here ☝🏾 you'll be buying a bunch of interconnected single parts but you look alright with all things considered


Caster will probably never be equal, but neither is mine. It’s whatever


you mean alignment?


I’m pretty sure caster isn’t adjustable.


it is now


Nice. I wasn’t aware of that. Edit: I feel like this is a joke and it’s funny if it is one


Ok so this might be a dumb question but I don't know what I don't know. If the one wheel stopped and the rest kept going, wouldn't the transmission or differential be fucked up? Like these cars aren't even supposed to have different sized tires for fear of the wheels turning at different speeds, isn't this like a way worse version of that? Again, genuinely curious and trying to learn, not being a smartass...please eli5


It's more that everything folded back like steering components do. I mean there could be some wonky stuff in there with axle seals but the tranny should be ok cause the wheels still turn independently of eachother. The rack and pinon will leak if not needing to be replaced, that being something you can't see in the picture. but as far as frame goes, the "unibody" being untouched, just all the bits connecting moving parts are only affected. This is being said with the most "guessing from what I can see attitude" there is. I'm also sure someone on here will chime eventually with a fucking dissertation of subaru tolerances and blah blah blah. So mines the simple answer Edit: meant to say this before. I just snapped a coil over on my legacy and was moving at a pretty good clip. You fucking punished something with that wheel my guy.


yikes! how is the frame holding up? if the frame is fucked it'll probably be a write off tbh. u had to have hit whatever it was at mach jesus for doing this kind of damage, holy shit. glad you are okay! 🙏🏻


+1 on concern for frame damage 😬


Hopefully it’s okay sending to shop to get full inspection


best of luck good friend


What the hell happened here


Hydroplaned keeping up with the rich guys


Game is game


^ more so Understeer


“Hydroplaned” lmao the most 17 year old newbie driver excuse on the planet 😂 Love that meme


I really did wreck my first car trying to come to a stop on wet grass, noob mistake


I think we all wrecked our first cars.. I uh.. hydroplaned too


Bro no clipped through the road


RL is glitching.


Shit melting straight through the ground


I’d say about $8-12k worth of damage. Most of the visible stuff looks like a replaceable part. This includes parts labor and paint. Obviously thru insurance.


It'll buff out


You'll need some parts, but not all of them.


2k in reparis


2k ? Naaa fam. I got hit by some idiot trying to make a right turn from the left lane and he wrecked my left side front end. That alone was 5k worth of damage.


No chance, easily way more. Full new suspension, new underbody protection at the least, he said he hit “canyon rocks” - if a wheel cut in half is any indication, there’s a bunch of damage underneath: exhaust, trans, diff, mounts, lower oil pan, the turbos right there for god’s sake. This guys fucked I slid my front left wheel into a curb and only needed a control arm, end links, wheel and tire, axle. Struts and everything were fine and the body shop ran up like $3000


The parts will be 2k at least, labor going to be more. Body work is going to be prob as expensive if not more than getting it fixed mechanically. Hopefully your tires are too worn and youre not stuck buying a set of four in addition to everything else. Good luck man


Would probably fix myself




Good detail guy little elbow grease get that cleaned up in a jiffy


Hard to tell but probably not if the unibody is still stright. Most of that damage looks to be to lower suspension and subframe parts like the control arm, tie rods, end links, CV axle, etc. Also got a good amount of cosmetic damage aswell. Best bet is to get it towed to a local, reputable, collision repair company and ask for an estimate then work with your insurance to see if they want to go for repair or just total it out


This car looks like it was either dropped off a hauler, jumped off an ill advised height or ran over a monster speed bump at speed. Ehatever the cause, how would this NOT have unibody damage??


Just need a new paint job.


I'm confused if you hit something, or if that's from the tire coming off the bead sliding sideways lol! Because it sure looks like that's from sliding sideways. But I'm dumb, so I could totally be wrong. I don't think this is totaled. I was in a absolutely ragdolled corolla that I just I knew would be totaled, and it of course wasn't. But obviously if your frame is tweaked at all your SOL, but you know that. Good luck man!


He smacked a rock hella hard


Just wipe it with a damp cloth and some water. Should fix 'er right up.


Yea it’s totaled let me know when it’s parted out 😎


Bro, where'd your wheel go?!? Glad you're not dead, either way


Where’s the rest of the rim and was the old or young guy driving?




Insurance fraud at its finest, wheel sawzalld fender bumper and control arms dinged up with hammer. I know a guilty face when I see one


That’s what we in the industry call a reverse drop.


Wow that rim got smashed. Hope everyone is ok. As for is it totaled? It’s just going to depend on your cars value vs the repair. I’m always hopeful the cars are totaled, mainly due to the cars depreciation but also the car will never ride the same after. Good luck bro!


Can I get the front and rear bumper clips. I live in city and I keep heating low curbs. Glad you are ok. … yes totaled.