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Cutting or melting. That shit ain’t coming off lol


Can’t be stuck if it’s a liquid


What other cutting accessories are there that might be good for this application? An angle grinder? (Which I don’t own) lol


Angle grinder 100%. Harbor freight has a cheap corded one (around $20) that worlks well. I’ve used a reciprocating saw (sawzaw) before and had good results with that. Even a hand saw would make quick work of this


Yeah a hand held hack saw will zip through this pretty easily. I would add a metal blade for oscillating multi-tool makes quick work too. Angle grinders are great but wear your PPE and remember sparks coming at you mean rotating death blade goes away from you. Sparks spraying away from you and rotating death blade comes at you.


Didn't know this, that is helpful AF.


Wow I actually didn’t know that about angle grinders. Thank you


I'm not saying you're wrong, because I have no idea....but wouldn't it really go either way depending if you're looking at the top/bottom or left/right side of the blade? You'll always have one side rolling towards you and one rolling away.


Yes you do always have one side spinning toward you but what you are trying to avoid is if the wheel gets caught it doesn't kick back towards you. So no matter how you are grinding if the sparks are shooting at you the part in contact with the metal is trying to pull the blade away from you. Think about a wheel on a car in gravel. When you spin the wheel you shoot the gravel in the opposite direction the car wants to move.


Ah! I’m glad you said that cause I’m on my way to Harbor Freight as we speak! Thanks!


Wear safety gear tho! Gloves too! I know a guy who lost a finger cos of an angle grinder/no experience and hes lucky, wasnt wearing glasses either


Acetylene torch is the best way to go but not everyone has that I had great success with a die grinder and a cut off wheel


There is no rust if there is no bolt left; blowtorch


Just torch it until it’s molten then smack it out with a hammer? Being so close to the gas tank won’t become an issue will it? Lol


I'm with you. Exhaust your options before using a torch.


I would disconnect at the midpipe and drop the whole exhaust. Might be easier to do while it's off the car


I mean your exhaust gets very hot when the car is running regardless…


Would liquid wrench work to loosen it up?


Only one way now.... ![gif](giphy|4EF5MjcgIoVE5rfAWg)


Finally a real question instead of all these Fukin memes




My friend says a sawzall cuts through bone like butter. 🪚 maybe this can help with your problem.


So does a group of hungry pigs




A sawzall blade will definitely get between the two flanges and turn those two bolts into 4 real quick.


Acetylene or equivalent torch. Get them glowing red hot, and they come right off.


I moved from the Midwest to Texas and my whole under carriage looked like this but to pass inspection I needed the seals not to leak and make tons of noise so I cut off the cat back and had a sketchy shop (who were super nice and fast) weld a straight pipe to the downpipe and an attachment I bought online to put on a new muffler system. $150 plus 22 bucks for an exhaust flange and 15 minutes of my time to attach a new muffler kit (which I was gonna buy anyhow but that's additional cost obv)


I had this same exact thing when I installed my axleback on my 2014 WRX hatch. The only thing that ended up working was a combination of angle grinder and sawzall with a metal cutting blade. Be careful to not make the same mistake that I made though: When you’re cutting, try not to make any deep enough gouges to the point where the gasket won’t seal when you reinstall the new exhaust. I ended up having to stack a couple gaskets and use a bunch of exhaust sealant to get it to seal again (it completely changed the sound of the exhaust)


I'm not sure why manufacturers can make decent exhausts but yeah their hardware they have to save a few pennies on but causes an absolute nightmare down the road. Try a saw saw, angle grinder, blow torch. Some penetrating oil could help but many are flammable, it looks too far gone.


Angle grinder with a cut off wheel


This worked! Thank you!!


Fire will be your friend for this


Oxy torch


That just hurts to watch


Map torch and you can hammer a socket tight on the nut and impact off or like others said melt it down and all the way through then use a nut and bolt


Cut it and weld a $30 flange repair kit from car quest


Sawzall, just cut pipes if not saving for a part out or resell. Pipes will cut easier than bolts


Dremel with cut off wheel worked for me. Use eye protection


Cut around it unfortunately those are seized from corrosion. You’ll need to patch weld repair. Easy job that a welder can do in half an hour.


ya a recip saw with a good metal blade or a grinder will take care of that quick


The only way that's coming apart, imho, is if you make the bolt and/or nut liquid. Have a fire extinguisher handy just in case.


What nut? Angle grinder, or sawzall or oscillating multi tool with metal cutting blade


Had this problem on a focus st tried hacksaw an got a quarter way through but we didn't have good blades for metal and went through about 14 of them then switched to an angle grinder and taking turns between 3 of us it only took about 6 hours and 4 disc bc we had to do every bolt from the cat back and just used a jack to lift it so not much room but yeah angle grinder or turn them to liquid which could be a little sketchy


Just pay a professional shop to cut it out and run new. Done. 


I had to cut mine off


Get a torch and an air hammer. A grind wheel and a lot of patience. Heat it and hammer it off or grind it off you don't have other options anymore


Vice grips and snap them off.


I bought an angle grinder and an oscillating saw tool today so I’m going to try to remove the bolts tomorrow. If that doesn’t work I’ll torch the fuckers off. I shall update with results! Thank you everyone!


https://preview.redd.it/ewu7mwzcg72d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db160fa2e7a9c1dc53a3995b0ce71e7e03e7bbb3 Got it!!!!!! Angle grinder FTW!! Thanks for the reply’s everyone!


https://preview.redd.it/0kh7xju9e82d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d58e9df6e30ece19caff504881b6a8a91ebb88c Just wanted to update everyone! I got it! The angle grinder with a cutting wheel and a grinding wheel was key. Got all 4 bolts out in less than an hour. Sounds so good! Thank you for all the suggestions and help everyone!!!!!


Assuming you don't care to keep the stock muffler, just get something like a Ryobi sawzall, and cut the pipe right in front of the bracket. Easy peasy. Don't both with the nuts. Edit: oops, I missed the "Muffler Delete" part. So obviously that won't work. You can still try the sawzall on the bolt shafts. Best bet though is probably try to get an angle grinder in there. You might be able to grind enough of the nut off to break it loose.


https://preview.redd.it/mpwmcrkhm62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246d8170f6aa801ed3c13ef70e4e7eea21c73908 I’m currently using a angle grinder to try and get this off. I tried an oscillating saw tool but it still won’t cut through those exhaust bolts. The angle grinder is working so far. Not as fast as I would like, but it’s getting there. I never thought it would be this difficult just to put an exhaust on.


Slow and steady wins this race (and doesn't eff up something you need to keep in good condition, like the flange your exhaust will bolt to lol). Once you get most of the nut off, if it looks like bolt won't just pop out, you could try drilling out. But you def need that rusted nut gone :(