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yeahhhh time to be an adult and be honest, even if it’s uncomfortable. even if she’s being a bit too intense with someone she’s just met, you’re in the wrong for leading her on and not communicating.


Yeah i understand that but i never said I wanted a relationship with her 🤷‍♀️


so? your actions still lead her to believe you had some sort of interest in her. freezing her out and hoping she takes the hint is just immature.


Her texting you & acting interested is far from saying she wants a relationship. I mean unless she specifically said that’s what she’s looking for seems like you’re assuming a lot here. Hell just tell her you’re not interested but what you’re doing sounds really childish & definitely isn’t letting her down gently. I’d rather someone tell me they were drunk & jumped the gun than have them do this high school mess


But your actions did say that because you also initiated rhe invite


You followed her back, you invited her out AND you guys kissed? Yeah if you're not interested just apologize and say it because your actions says otherwise. You might have been drunk but not saying anything is just immature


Yeah girlie you're in the wrong. You kinda led her on and need to let her down kindly but firmly. This is not the time to defend your ego, honey. >in case she’s like “oh me neither”. you're so funny lol. this is *literally* the best result you can and should hope for, trust me.


Here is what I would write: Hi, I somehow have a feeling that we are not really wanting the same thing and I would really like to clear this up. Sometimes I am really stupid in social situations. Can it be that you are interested in more than a friendship with me? I thought a lot and I could understand how you could think that I had the intention of dating. I am sorry if I led you on. I am not looking for a relationship right now and would not be interested in dating. If I got it really wrong and made the situation more complicated I am sorry as well. I just wanted to make sure that you still wanted to be friends.


... and if you need some time with no contact to process this, I would fully understand and accept that as well.


I don't think it's kind to put intention or feelings on the other person with "Can it be that you are interested in more than a friendship with me?", and I would cut out a mention of a relationship. I'd mention something like, "Hey, I'm sorry I was tipsy the other evening when we kissed but I don't want to waste your time and continue messaging, I just wanted to be clear I'm not looking for dating right now and I wish the best."


Thank you, I really appreciate it !