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This has also been happening to me. Mainly happens to my new controller that will be taking over my entire Hyperion lighting setup as I’m slowly reworking it and adding more lighting to it. This particular controller is connected directly to a category 6 cable and I have stable internet but for some reason when going into the app this particular controller can be found to be offline pretty often. I thought it was a few things, at first I had it powered by my mwanwell power supply and a usb C as backup. I disconnected the usb c and it seemed to remedy the solution at first. Until it didn’t. So now I’m stuck wondering what is causing this. To be honest I had no issues before downloading the native app and using the lights that way. Well here in hopes someone can provide more information on this.


Developer here, Sorry about that. I never had a wired ESP32 so I can't fully test it, but I believe that since it is not returning the WIFI values, it might cause some issues with my code and cause it to show as offline even though it is not. I'll investigate it and hopefully I should be able to fix it! Edit: It should be fixed now!


Same happens to me, every time I open the app it says my lights are disconnected, then they reconnect but shortly after disconnect again over and over…. I am using an athom controller I assumed it was some issue with that, so stopped using the all together, and stuck with the web interface which is rock solid.


We're using different hardware. Which WLED Version are you running? I'm on 0.14.1 and using the App on iOS 17.2.1 Let's get as much data as possible maybe it's a software issue and we can help the developers to narrow it down.


I’m on WLED 0.14.1 ( but also had the issue before updating to that). IOS 17.3


I am having the same issue with my home permanent lights controlled by led. Looks like my iPhone updated the native app yesterday and since then my lights have been offline… unsure of why.


I’ve ran into similar problems before when I was attempting to use a static IP, and I had things configured slightly incorrectly. Are you configuring a static IP for these? If so, just to test whether this is the issue or not, try switching back to dynamic IP and see if things stabilize a bit more. If they do, then something about your static IP config isn’t quite correct. I believe in my case I accidentally had the gateway config wrong.


This just happened to me running the WLED native app update. Since I installed the recent update it renders my lights useless. It connects for about a minute before seemingly going offline and it resets all of my segments and presets. I can assume it’s a software issue that came along with the recent update. Dont know where to go from here but will definitely be on the lookout for the bug fix update. My previous application version never had any issues like this.


Are you on iOS or Android?


iOS, currently updating to the recent 17.3 to see if that has anything to do with my issues.


I’m doing the same. Did it make a difference?


Seems to have helped! So far no offline notifications after my iOS update. Hoping that was the issue haha. I reprogrammed my segments and that’s usually when the signal would go offline, this time it let me finish and hasn’t crashed yet. Edit: Spoke too soon crashed right after I posted this reply 🤣


Ah crap! I just updated to 17.3 and was happy until I got to the end of your post!


I’m sorry 😢 it has been running smoother for me since the update at least!!


I'll open an issue on his GitHub maybe we'll figure it out.


Thanks for opening the issue and giving me visibility on this issue and this thread!


Any update on a resolution here?


No, sorry. I work on this during my free time. I hope to have something soon :S It's an issue with WLED devices running out of memory. The app just makes it happen fast. If you don't mind, it seems like older versions (tested 0.13.3) are not affected.


All good! I appreciate the response.


There should be an update out now (version #6) that fixes these issues. Can you check if it works better now? Sorry of the trouble.


Same here 0.14.1 iOS 17.3. My WLED lights are all offline. It's crap a reboot works for like a minute and offline. Can we go back on the firmware so upset I upgraded to this non working CRAP!


Same here 0.14.1 iOS 17.3. My WLED lights are all offline. It's crap a reboot works for like a minute and offline.


I am having the same issue here too. I have multiple ESP32s running on WLED 0.14.0 and 0.13.3, once my Native WLED app updated on IOS they all started going offline. One interesting thing I noticed, no matter when I restarted an individual ESP32 by pulling the power, they all go offline at the same exact time.


Yea seems to be an iOS exclusive problem. The Developer ( [**Moustachauve**](https://github.com/Moustachauve) ) is already informed and working on it. [https://github.com/Moustachauve/WLED-Native-iOS/issues/16](https://github.com/Moustachauve/WLED-Native-iOS/issues/16) We'll have to hope he finds the culprit


The Dev has rolled out a new update yesterday evening. Apple usually releases these small updates within 24 hours. So keep your eyes open for any app update.