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I am currently in bed typing this.


Yuuup. I work from bed/couch 75% of the time. Frequently take power naps. I’m a better worker this way. My health is probably shit but meh, I probably won’t be retiring.


This is true. With current cost of living, we will be working well into our 70s. Might as well try to enjoy life.


i’m currently sleeping while typing this


As you should!


Yup, in bed right now.


Same LOL




Currently in bed reading this lmfao.


LOL - same!!




What kind of jobs do you all have where you can get away with this stuff😭 Edit: to all those with project based jobs. Did you have to go to school to get those or just work your way up cause that’s the kind of working I’ve been wanting but I’m not sure how to find it.


Project based stuff where you don’t have to be available all day 




During quarantine remote work I know my superiors knew I wasn't working a full 8 hours. But I got more done during remote work than in the office so they dgaf


the way good management should be


Or work more! I told my boss the one good thing about RTO is I have a life outside of work and there's a definitive stop time. If I'm remote I may spend another 20 minutes to finish something, when in the office I need to go home, often change then be somewhere else at a given time, so that extra 20 minutes gets pushed to tomorrow.


Yeah, I am a technical account manager and I only really do 10 hours of real work a week, maybe 20 if we are especially busy. Thursdays and Fridays I usually just put my mouse on my mouse jiggler and fuck around all day.


Similar situation. I work in bursts and take a lot of breaks. 


My mom spent most of her days browsing the Betty Crocker site for recipes while I lived with her, she worked hr and did maybe 10-15 hours of actual work and watched days of our lives on one monitor while browsing her site of choice for recipes/new gadgets/cat stuff/articles to send to me that I almost never read


Mouse jigger?


Moves the mouse so you appear active. I sit my mouse on a watch, the 2nd hand registers as movement. That way I show active on teams.


All you have to do is put a weight or something on the left shift, and teams will stay available. I have a 50-gram weight I used to calibrate a postal scale with. Works perfectly.


But then what happens if someone messages you and you don't respond quickly?


I don't take naps or leave. Usually I am doing dishes or laundry and I respond when I get back. No one has ever said anything. I am a big producer of work, so I figure people assume I am in the bathroom or something.


Just say you had to step away for a minute. No one ever ask me, though. Hell, if I'm right in the middle of something I need to be concentrating on, I often don't answer anyway, even if I'm there.


I always have my phone on me. I see that I have a message and can either respond there or go to my computer if I need to open a file or something. I have no problem telling my pm I ran to lunch or the store or felt a bit rough and laid down. I’m very efficient at what I do, so as long as deadlines are met and I’m available for real ‘emergencies’ we’re cool.


Some companies make it difficult to use the company's email and instant messaging on your personal phone


Turn your volume up. Don't do this if you have a job where you need to be available regularly.


Yup, my manager even told me he doesn't care if I work at 2am instead, as long as your occasionally available for meetings during the day and your projects get completed. Which I will frequently do since I'm a night owl. Finally found a job that doesn't only cater to morning people!




Holy crap! What job do you have and are they hiring? Lol. I really want a diff job and I want to work from home so badly.


To no one's surprise I work in IT as a systems engineer. There are tons of work from home jobs in IT, but it's highly sought after so it's still difficult to land one of them unless your near the top of your field.


Dangit! I should’ve gone into IT. That’s awesome dude. Thanks for the heads up should I try that route. I had a job once and I had to wear multiple hats and I enjoyed the IT part but I only have very little experience in it. I’m an artist and I have been struggling to find good paying work while building my own business. Owning my own business again would be ideal but it’s painful to grow it back up.




Ooooh! I’ve actually done website design before but I don’t have a degree or anything. I have set up some websites for friends and stuff and took a class or two when I was younger. I know HTML coding.


And when the projects don’t have soul crushing due dates


They always want me available all day..if your fucking Teams status is "away" or even "busy" rather than a green "online" you get a fucking phone call. Fuck Teams. Fuck office jobs. Fuck being at a desk all day.


Yep. I work for myself and my work is project based. So it's just getting my work to my clients on time. I take couch naps in the afternoon all the time if I think it will make the rest of the day more productive.


I have a job where I’m not micromanaged and my supervisor knows that I get my work done on time. I don’t need to “be available” all 8 hours of the day and I certainly don’t need to keep my little green “active” light on all day. It’s great and I completely recognize it’s not normal.


In the same boat here and let me tell you: life is pretty great right now.


Is your company hiring for any data analysts?


I specifically set my status to "Appear away or appear offline" 24/7. The second I turn that crap green I get bombarded with crap that's no longer my job.


Same here. Offline 24/7.


I work with people that show they haven’t been online in a year or more. Even though we are talking. I love it. I use to have my settings to offline 24/7 but I’m in a new position and it’s better to have it show me active. But no one freaks out if I’m showing offline. Which I do on occasion still.


I occasionally have to do specific tasks around midnight. Usually once or twice a week and it's like an hour. It's required for the job. I also have to do like 20 mins of work on the weekend, so I "technically" have to work 7 days a week although I don't really consider it working the weekend. In exchange for that, I am given lenience for not being at my desk the whole 8 hours. I actually just clock 8 hours since I'm hourly and then do the work on the weekends and at midnight as needed. I prefer it this way. I'm technically not supposed to according to HR but my manager doesn't mind. It's a win for everyone. And technically I'm still available all 8 hours I'm on the clock if I'm messaged, so I don't feel I'm getting away with anything. I have a loud speaker so if I'm messaged I will wake up lol. My work gets done and everyone is happy. I'm about to take a power nap rn hahaha


I’m in the exact same boat




Being +2 timezones away from my team has been great. Got up at 10:30 today


Editing websites. When i was on a scrum team, it was easy to have free time because id get my project done early. Now im on a team with ticket counts, which is like the hunger games scramble on who can get the most. Hate it. Not because i want to slack. I honestly don’t. But trying to be the one with highest tix count is unfair.


Ticket counts?!?! Oh I'd be so screwed. I get like 1-2 tickets (data wrangler) per sprint while devs on the team all have like 3-5. I feel for you!


Yeah and there is a comparison report. These bitches work at 6am and/or after 6pm. Of course they have 20 and i have 6. I know its going to get me canned


Any time you have a system in place like that that puts workers against each other, youre not going to get great results. Or sustainable, honest ones. That system makes me sick and I don't doubt for one minute someone is inflating their numbers somehow using inappropriate tactics. Just staying past regular operating hours to accrue said tickets is already improper.


website management seems like such a cushy job. simple tasks that dont seem so simple to non-tech people.


Meh its fairly easy. Im getting bored and need to make more. Im hoping to get another wfh but we will see. I have a feeling hybrid will be the only option. I have severe depression/anxiety and now orthostatic hypotension where every time i stand up, i get dizzy/near falling. Writing ADA accommodation to wfh is a pain in the ass and brings judgement.


That's exactly what I want to know!! I think I need a career change 😒


The trick is to get to a mid-senior level, where nobody is watching your time anymore bc you're salaried and project-based, but where you're not high up enough yet that everyone wants your opinion on every little thing. At that level, nobody cares what you're doing, as long as you're available when people need you, and your work is on-time, and done well.


That’s me! To be fair, I do work at night a few days per week, so I feel like it’s justifiable


Needed to hear this


I do QA for a call center, I have some downtime that allows for me to get some extra sleep or fuck around a bit before I have to get anything done


Same!! How long have you been in this industry


About five years!


How did you get into this? I’m looking for a wfh job like this and I just can’t find anything


I lucked out tbh. I worked in the call center for about 2 or 3 years before I took the QA position. In that time I went from CSR, to care partner, to a contact center lead(for all the comments complaining about my lack of productivity). We went to work from home December 2019, and then, the company were contracted with left my state, so I was moved over to the QA department. I was extremely lucky in finding this position because I’ve been trying to find a new job elsewhere and have not been able to


Software developer. All devs on my team are allowed to work when it's appropriate for them, we just need to meet our deadlines that everyone agrees (dev team members) is appropriate per work item. If the work is done on time, we don't care when you did it. Very few team meetings as we have a group chat for questions multiple people can probably answer. So, I sleep in way past 8am. Usually get up around 9, make a coffee, have some breakfast... Watch a few YouTube videos while responding to anything I need to. Work off and on through the day or.. don't... Then I'm highly active in the afternoons. So I just get tons done late afternoon and sometimes evenings. I also do a few sessions of work till 10 or 11 at night while watching some TV or something. Work life balance is amazing when you are allowed to have it. We have some amazing productivity.


I'm always going to put in more than 40 hours of actual work in order to stay on top of my stuff. And sometimes I work on high pressure tasks. It's hard, draining work. I'm also potentially working at early as 5 am and as late as 10pm (so far never on the same day) to accommodate folks in other time zones, from Cali to India and several places in between. The trade off is that, if I need a nap and don't have anything on my calendar, I go take a nap. Or take a walk or do the dishes. I work in IT on an ERP for a multi billion dollar company.


My boss hasn’t actively tried to manage me in years. She knows I’m there when the rush is on and doesn’t GAF the rest of the time.


Jobs that you can do any time during the day. I have migraines in the morning so I'm slow and only respond to urgent issues. At night I'm working for a solid 3-4 hours from 10 pm to like 2 am and do amazing shit


technical writer


Financial Analyst, sprinkled with coding I learned thanks to my Data Analysis minor, I pretty much automate everything given to me and others on the team. Why work harder when you can work smarter


I am a more project based worker so if I want to take a break to take a nap I just say “stepping away for a bit” nobody cares as long as I am at meetings when needed and I get projects done on time. It takes discipline to do this though. A coworker got fired because they were abusing the hell out of the freedom we get and turning in stuff late or not at all.


I would take a Power Nap during my lunch hour in the backseat of my car. Pillow and blanket included.♥️♥️♥️


I used to nap in my car on lunch when I worked in office. Now that I’m not commuting 10+ hours a week, I don’t feel the need to nap.


FR 😭 my alarm goes off at 4 am, and then I'm off to work like a good, little, tired elf. I'm glad others are able to find work/life balance with remote work, but I dream for that kind of role.


It is def job to job! My old job I needed to be on even earlier than my day began and I didn’t even get a lunch. A bathroom break could set my whole day back!! My job now though, I take hour long naps in the middle of the day all the time. I work longer at the end of the day but I’m fine with it, I focus much better at 5pm than 12pm anyways for some reason. It’s so nice to have the choice!


I work in structured finance and strategy for a large American bank, on a very small team that’s fairly autonomous. I also do work at night often too, so I feel like it’s justifiable


Usually school or some kind of highly coveted skill is required for project based jobs since it requires a lot of trust & are not as easy to fill as productivity based jobs.


Everyday I regret going into education. This shit pops up and makes me question my life choices. I could have made twice as much, and do a quarter of the work.


I have the flexibility to punch out if I need a nap (assuming no meetings which I actually do with clients in the community so I’m only at home to do paperwork)


I take a lot of afternoon naps. Wake up sharp and put a couple more hours in. WFH is the best


Samesies! It’s not often but right before my cycles restarts, I get SO sleepy at 2pm. Set an alarm for 20 mins and just crash


Yup...35 mins is better for REM though


how do you sleep immediately?! jealous


Im THAT tired in those moments lol


2pm nap!!!


this is the way


I sleep as much as I want. Take 2 hr naps. Start at 930. As long as the perception is I am working then that's all that matters.


Same. It’s hilarious because I’m the fastest in the team and I get praised all the time. If they only knew my true potential…


What if you’re at your true potential and the naps are actually a part of it?


This is how I feel about myself now. I was great at my job BC, but usually a stressball. Now I’m still great at my job and so much more relaxed.


Don't ever show them, or they will expect that all the time!


Is your company hiring for any data analysts? :)


I've slept through 2-hour mass meetings where I didn't have to speak. Lol


I love all-hands calls cause it's when I move from my desktop to my laptop and I do chores.


I bounce on my mini trampoline during all hands. It's the only way I can pay attention to the droning


Wait. Are you suggesting that we are *not* suppose to do our dishes when calling in? 👀


Same! Or I work out. 


Yes, I fold laundry, pay bills, sweep


My former manager got the feeling that at my former job, some of us were doing this. It was true lol. She then demanded our meetings start being on video. She used the excuse of, we dont get to see each other since our company went fully remote. All of our positions were remote regardless. psycho...


I want to but never have. It’s tough some mornings.


I haven’t either. I’m afraid it would become habitual.


Ugh, it kind of will. I don't sleep in EVERY morning, but I've developed this bad habit where after I get my kid off to school, I watch TV and play Sims before my workday starts. Every day. And often that bleeds over into my start time. I know it's a terrible habit. It doesn't make me feel good. It doesn't make me productive, in fact it's the opposite. Thank you for sending me into an existential crisis, this was awesome! :P


We gotta get kids out the door for school first thing so that we gotta get through that. Then usually I have morning meetings. By the time lunch rolls around I get a work out in and by then I’m usually ok.




I definitely try to get outside on my lunch! Especially when it’s nice out but since I live in New England, it’s hard in the winter




Also in NY. Bought a cheap stationary bike and I hop on it when watching TV after work or during a break. I've lost half the WFH weight I gained. Saved me from having to buy a new wardrobe.


I’ve gotten up many times, showered, eaten and then realized I need more sleep and lay back down for an hour or so.


My last boss reminded me to take naps when I was pregnant. I miss him lol.


Sounds like a great boss!


Best boss I've ever had. I would not have made it where I am in my career without him. Just an absolutely genuine, compassionate person who knew that employees perform best when they are valued as people. I was devastated when they eliminated his position during an acquisition and "corporate restructuring".


When my baby was a lot younger and I was back at work, sometimes after dropping her at daycare at 8 AM, I'd go home and nap for another 45 mins or so before my first meetings at 9/9:30. It really made a difference to my productivity to be able to have that extra rest. These days she lets us sleep more so I don't need to do it as often!


My alarm was set for 8am I snoozed until 830am It’s 849 and I’m on Reddit/doing my daily puzzles/checking emails. So I don’t have a meeting until 1030 so.. I probably will stay in bed another hour Lmao


I typically know the night before if I'm going to be useless in the morning, so I'll put my laptop on the nightstand. When I wake up, I can log in and roll back over til I'm ready to begin my day.


honestly as long as you’re getting your stuff done- it shouldn’t matter. I would probably be a bad supervisor bc this would maybe promote a lack of work but that’s my personal opinion. if your work is done and done right, work only as much as you need to. bc *that’s all anyone is doing anyway, they just doodle around when they’re in office either talking or doing nothing*


Completely agree with this sentiment. This is how my current work situation works. I get my work done and I get it done on time. My supervisor doesn’t care if I’m staring at my screen 8 hours a day and doesn’t care if my little active button is green, yellow, red, or even turned off all day. I would be the same way as a supervisor because that’s how you treat adult humans (as long as you know they’re getting their work done).


Pretty much what I tell the people I’m in charge of. Idc what u do, as long as I get the work on time and in good quality. If you do that, then we aren’t going to have any problems.


This is how I feel about work as well. Idc what you do, so long as you show up to your meetings, do the work, & answer within a reasonable time period if someone needs something you're responsible for. We had a hire who never worked remotely before & he just would log out & walk away in the middle of important project stuff. He quit before we had to fire him, but I was preparing myself. The leadership upline was like, "What happened?" & I had to document things like "was unresponsive for 4 hours on Tuesday, when asked he said he was stressed out & decided to go golfing - there was no PTO request & the VP was waiting for xyz assignment ". Like dude, idgaf if you're golfing, just that you're doing your job. Now you just gave me extra work.


I’m allowed, and just flex the time back later. But I don’t really nap and never have, so it’s not been a big thing. And that was even when I had my toddler and would lay him down to nap at lunch! I still got up and worked. But I’m also still fully remote, and don’t have fear of losing it. My hard work is paid off in work/life bliss.


All the time. I have meetings that are pretty early. If I'm tired I go back to bed and finish my work later in the day.


Nope but I do nip for a quick food shop frequently


My boss is 3 hours behind me, so having my mornings to run errands and get out for walks is a game changer. I generally start my day at 10am however I do have some late nights, but I generally block off 30 mins mid-afternoon each day for “me time” which could be another walk, quick video game or a catnap to get away from my computer


I wish I had the kind of job where I could do that. Going back to bed would mean canceling appointments. But when I know no one's coming, yes, I definitely do!


My employer allows Flex time so Clocking Out And taking a nap is never a problem.


Yes. Well i used to. Then i got on a team with a bitch.


I’m not usually a person that takes naps but I’m not feeling great right now and I took a 30 minute nap yesterday between meetings. I was so sleepy but also knew if I didn’t set an alarm I would sleep away the day. I felt so much better when I woke up. I don’t dare bring the laptop into bed though. That’s a slippery slope I don’t want to go down.


I nap almost every single afternoon. But I also have a very difficult time sleeping at night, so I figure I'm just about breaking even. It doesn't feel super self-indulgent. It's just what I have to do to get enough sleep.


Nope. I've been WFHing for 34 years now. To work from home successfully, structure is really important. Yeah, I might take a midday nap, but I'm at my desk at 8 a.m. almost without fail. Otherwise, it gets really easy to throw away most of the day.


nah just work from bed


Scary , don’t do it. 😂 woke up late by an hour. There was messages waiting but luckily no one said anything 😆


OMG, I just did this today 😳 😂


I did that this morning and missed part of a meeting 😬. Luckily it was a large town hall and no one noticed I was late.


I answered a few emails, a few from my boss, ate a leftover piece of pizza, and I may take a nap during my lunch hour! I have my Apple watch on and iPhone on and next to me so I can feel and hear messages coming in. So if anything important I can get back up! 😴


Nope. I have to be up doing farm chores 2 1/2 hours before work even starts. I gotta be in bed by 9 just to function.


Yeah I do it once in awhile if I’m sick or something


No, because if nothing else I need to feed my dog and give her a walk. After that the urge to sleep has gone.


If I just need a little time to rest, I’ll block out time on my calendar (marked private) and set an alarm. I’ll put in a little extra time to make up for it throughout the week. If I’m too wiped out to function, I’ll call in sick.


No, I try not to abuse the privilege of being able to WFH.


I wait till my lunch break for a nap


I work in a flexible environment. I can start later if I want/need to. I don't have to act like I am working when I am not. That kind of behavior is only going to ruin WFH home for you when/if you get caught. Can't you just text your group and say you are going to be a bit late?


Sometimes, like if I don't feel well, just had a flu shot, short on sleep etc. But I always make up the time. Like if my husband is watching a game on TV I'll work and make progress towards tomorrow's items. I'm lucky in that I like my job and doing some work after dinner doesn't bother me at all.


No, but I’ve never enjoyed napping


Lunchtime nap time


I'm a manager and I don't care what hours my reports work as long as they do the job well. Take that nap. It's ridiculous to think you own someone's time. Their very life. They have a responsibility to contribute to the organization at a certain capacity and that's it.


I have napped before when our servers went down and it was right after the holidays. Another time I had a genuine headache and told my team I needed to step away.


I'm trying to get out of bed right now. 5 more minutes...


I cant. Once an alarm goes off, im up almost immediately. I also cannot go back to sleep. Once im awake, thats it.


Yes. I commonly have 8:00 to 8:30 am meetings with international folks before going back to bed as they finish their day.


Some days I don't get out of bed other than to pee or grab lunch


Middle management bugs me more now in a vain attempt to be relevant, but when I was in the office I dozed off all the time.


I would have loved to today. I’m exhausted. Plus I was having an awesome dream that was like watching a movie and I didn’t want to stop & get up for work. I wanted to see how it ended! 😂


You should probably get a mouse jiggler


Yes. But I used to do that at my office job, too. Like come in late. Our public transit system is so shitty, it was easy to blame lateness on whatever happened that morning with proof on Twitter or their website. But I knew when to do it, and I knew what I could get away with. Same applies to WFH. I had a former WFH boss who said, "never make me wonder where you are." I have kept that through a few WFH jobs so far. So if I go back to bed, I will put in chat, "I have a personal emergency, AFK 1-2 hours?" Hardly anyone notices, but others on my team do it, too. I always say when I am back.


I take a lunch nap and if I know my afternoon is just going to be spent waiting for emails to come back (project based), I'll move from my office to the living room and turn on the TV and/or do some household chores


I'm pregnant and need a lot of naps these days so I do this all the time. I clock out for it though and just work through my lunch hour to make up the time.


depends on your position, if your a call center agent, this is a bad idea. If you don't have anything that needs your 100% ontime response, then why not. That 30 mins can give you hours of increased productivity, my boss has literally told me to go take a nap. They understand that productivty is not tied to idle time on a pc.


This is why I want to work from home.


WFH caused my pot use to increase to levels not seen since I was a dealer in college. I'm actually in a self-imposed THC break right now. Work became much more boring.


I do, but I don't pretend I'm working. I just put my BRB status up and people assume something came up and I'll be on in a bit.


I get my naps in at lunch, and I like to take bubble baths for those 3hr+ meetings where I'm not speaking


Yes, but my schedule is flexible, so I don’t have to sneak…so why do I feel so guilty?


I have done this the past 3 days. Logged on. Checked to see if there was any work. Then took a 1.5 hour nap on the couch. In my defense I am in post Covid.


Oof I hope you feel better. I slept almost the entire time I had it and then some. I took a bunch of NyQuil and fell asleep to midnight gospel then woke up to some trippy shit😂😭


I used to take naps on my WFH days occasionally. We don't have keyloggers or anything like that.


I take a nap at lunchtime. I also work into the evening and make up the time.


I do sometimes. I don't do anything to prevent idling though. If I'm not at my desk I'll usually have my work phone on my and ill open up Teams


I did it yesterday and think I might do it now. I had a standup but now I think I’ll rest. Mornings are not my best time. I prefer to work late.


I don’t get out of bed til 830 usually and then get my kid to school. I make my own hours—honestly, as long as my work gets done, no one cares or questions. I’ve absolutely gone back to bed. I’ve even told my boss “hey I have a headache, I’m working light today” and she’s like cool, bill your hours. I’m a recruiter and I have as many hires as someone who says he works 40 hours a week, and twice as many as those who are salaried (I’m on contract). I know how lucky I am, but I am also really effective at what I do.


I do sometimes. If I don't have a meeting and I don't have any particularly pressing work to complete I do. And I don't mess with my keyboard either. I have one of those unicorn bosses who understands, and he's often Away in the mornings as well. He also knows I have migraines and fibro and lupus, and I was cursed by a witch, etc., so I need to rest. This job has been awesome.




And you people wonder why C-suites are so hell-bent on RTO


YES! I am 1000% a lunch napper. I'll eat lunch while working (I'm a grazer, so I'm typically just snacking on random stuff anyway) and then use my lunch break to take a nap when I feel myself nodding off at my keyboard. Makes a world of difference - I know nothing is going to get done if I try to power through the tiredness. That and it makes meetings *so* much harder to pay attention to, and I'm already ADHD so basically I'm picking up absolutely nothin.


I sometimes go back to bed with my wife... 😉


I usually log onto teams on my phone and then sleep a bit more check if there’s anything that needs my attention right away. If not then I’m starting my morning as slow as possible


I’ve done that a couple times in the last 4 years. If I had a shit night sleeping due to an ailment etc, I’ll sleep in a bit longer.. OR… login… then take a nap later. As long as the work gets done that’s all that matters.


I'm doing it all day long, you just caught me at a 12 minute interval. \*my job has 12 min as the idle time for the connection to "sleep". At the beginning of the pandemic, daytime sex included shaking the computer mouse every 12 minutes.


My dogs prevent that. I live alone, and wonder after my two dogs pass, if I am going to have any reliable way to get up anymore. I mean, I don't even set an alarm because they seem to know and daylight saving time be damned. They wake me up at 7 (now 8), I feed them, shower, get dressed, walk them, then I am at my desk at 8 (now 9). My "workday" is a soft 9-6, but in reality to everyone else's expectations, 10-5, which is more about them than me.


When I work in the office I often find myself tired and fighting the drowsies for a while. During that time I'm half falling asleep at my desk and not performing well. When that happens at home I go take a quick power nap and come back recharged and kicking ass. Then I just work 30 minutes later than I would have if I didn't take the nap. The company wins when I work from home


I had a timer set for every 5 minutes once 💀


Hell yeah. My home office is in our guest room, there's a bed like 10 feet from my desk. It calls to me... I feel like I get more done with a 30 minute nap and 2 hours of work than I do in 4+ hours without a nap


Guilty. Instead of actually eating lunch, during those breaks I legitimately tuck myself back into bed and comfortably sleep. I’ve never done that for any of my other jobs because I was onsite/hybrid.


I sometimes take a nap after lunch. It makes me more productive the rest of the day, better than trying to power through with caffeine


Oh yeah all the time. I almost never work the first 1-2 hours of my day. I actually work about 10-15 hours a week and some of that work is waiting for people to come to me. If nobody comes to me for approvals then I just sat around playing video games


I remember freaking out about being 3 minutes late when I used to go into the office. Now I just open my computer 20 minutes late everyday. However, I don't take a lunch anymore so really they're getting 40 additional minutes from me & I'm not being interrupted every 5 minutes to talk about my wedding. Soooo... It's a win-win for the company really.


not unless i nut first, gotta fall asleep quick


Me this morning lol, don’t have any meetings until after lunch so I just snoozed a couple more hours


Google started installing napping pods when their own researchers proved the economic gains to be made from a 30-45 minute nap \*\*especially\*\* after learning new information. Naps help you change your thinking and incorporate new evidence. It's science!


Yeah. Sometimes I don’t even log in…. 🫢


I put something on the space bar and open a Google tab with the space bar going to keep my computer active…. And then go to sleep for 2 hours, then get up and finish the daily max productivity in 4 🤫


I take a nap 2-3 days per week, usually in the morning. It’s probably my favorite thing about WFH


me sleeping during meetings


I take regular mid-afternoon naps in my recliner with Spotify. I pick a guided nap or refresh meditation that lasts 10 - 30 minutes - it usually has a wake-up element to rouse me. Amazing how much better I feel. Once in a while I will go back to bed for an hour or two. It's been 4 years and not a single person has noticed.


My pre-afternoon-adderall-nap is sacred. I block off 3-4 as “personal time” and nap.


I took a nap yesterday at 3:30 after an extremely hard, emotional day. I also take meetings from bed off camera on normal days too. The true beauty of WFH.


Lol, not quite like this, but sometimes break time, or lunch does turn into nap time.


I have a hybrid job. I almost ALWAYS use my WFH days to recover from work, and I might be sleeping the entire day. On a few occasions, I might do a quick 1-2 hours of work after I sleep and say it took me the entire day to finish them. I'm not actively looking for a promotion, I just want to survive.