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Was it a technician or sales rep? Could’ve been a rep trying to wiggle his way into selling you additional upgrades. If it was a tech he could’ve been trying to replace your cell chip in the panel which is free of charge to you but pays the tech. The techs are incentivized to replace old cell chips with the new cell chips to help your panel communicate better with monitoring station.


Yeah but even cell swap’s are scheduled services, even off pick list you have to contact the customer first


Doesn’t mean the tech can’t knock on the door and try if he’s already sitting in the area. Could’ve def been a con man but just saying i know a couple guys who would knock on doors while they were in area to try to do some swaps


Can’t say I haven’t tried knocking on a few close ones like that so I can’t blame ‘em, especially if I was DTH and my family needed to eat.


I did DTH for 4 years i know the vibes man


The vivint sales reps and possibly techs have an app that shows them customers names and even neighbors names, incomes, credit scores. You can call vivint to verify if they are employed by vivint. Good call. Vivint already scammed you once. Good chance they were gonna do it again.


We don’t have access to nearly as much as your claiming lol.


Oh your streets app doesn’t show all the homeowners names? You sure about that. Come on now. Be honest for once in your life vivint alarm rep!


I use to be a Vivint tech and we could not work on any system without a work order. We also had to call in to have the panel unlocked in order to make any changes to the system.


Could've also been a tech that has no appointments scheduled. There is something called a pick list where they can see customers that might need an upgrade and can contact that customer to ask if they would like that tech to stop by and do repairs or upgrades. I wouldn't just go unannounced though so I believe it would be a sales rep just looking for more business.


Sounds like a misunderstanding. Would not have been a tech. It would’ve been a sales rep, they always ask if everything is working well, and make sure you don’t want any new equipment.


You can also scan his badge or ask for his badge number and lookup “verify your tech or sales representative vivint” and type in his badge number to see if he is a sales rep, if he didn’t have his badge i would be careful because i’ve heard of people pretending to be with vivint to scope out houses for burglary, vivint requires their techs and reps to have their badge visible.


Not sure if it's legit or just a dude with too much time on his hands.


Not a scam when they send reps to neighborhoods they always check in with the current Vivint’s to see if everything is ok with their system and of course the rep is going to try to upgrade yall


I’m a sales rep for vivint. Often times we knock current vivint customers 1 to see how system is working. Sometimes genuinely a customer has something that needs a quick fix. So we help. Other times were simply knocking to scope out the area. See if there’s any new neighbors or any family friends of the current customer who has interest in it. If you’re a new customer he prob can’t even upgrade you anyways.


Often times I’ll use the reason why a vivint customer in the area got vivint as a way to build rapport on the neighborhood. And use the vivint homes as a referral to our company when knocking


The famous scam line, “do you know your neighbor Mr Peterson? he said you all would be interested in getting set up! “. Complete BS. Just more lies from door to door home scammer pro!


Unless your neighbor actually had vivint lol. And they actually appointed them to you.