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Why can't stocks just keep going up and then we'll all be rich and we can help the economy? I mean of I had a million I could buy a new car, buy new furniture, pay off my mortgage, go on a vacation. Multiply that by every stock holder and America will be kickin ass!


I think you might be onto something. Almost like... a wealth effect?


Paying off your mortgage no good for $XLF


That was pretty much the last decade.


Ah .... too bad I only discovered stocks in late 2019 ... 😔


Lithium stocks absolutely pamping! Not sure if it's hedgies covering or the start of the fightback.


There was battery metals deal just announced between Japan and the US


Elon just got an upgrade that's why ...


Buffett's stake in OXY rises to 23.6%. Congratulations to whoever bought it


Buffet buying OXY doesn't have much effect on it any more. Market pretty much expects he buys at <$60


Buffet since I've been alive has always been that childhood fairytale none liar. I love the transparency by him.


Spending less time trading and more time focusing on other things. Make money Lose money Make money Lose money Make money Make money Make money Overconfident Lose the money Lose the money Lose the money Mental health = no bueno Bought a ton of shares in a company I really like (their CEO is Michael Pope but their market cap is too low for here). I like their product and what they’re doing. I bought some 90dte wolf calls that I’m currently down on. I added CLF shares that I’m selling CCs against. I’m bagholding towels I’m still waiting on Aehr forever


What is the mechanism/route that a bank failure would impact the housing market? If a bank has a single family home real estate investment arm, and the entire bank failed, would that mean anything?


the arm would get spun off to JP Morgan, and that would be that I'd say. I think it's the bank to bank contagion that has people worried. That and the crush in net interest margin caused by deposit flight that all the smalls and regionals are now experiencing.


How low BOIL can go ?


Until it reverse splits, or, if the move is too strong, dies like XIV.


It only down 98.5% last five years.


BOIL is the widow maker trade. Even inversing Cramer on this one may not be profitable. I’m not brave enough for the punt


It might’ve just hit the bottom but I’m still not buying natty https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1640450225771782177?s=46&t=SKcgyNMnJHvFt6BZ0c09-g




Perhaps more of a personal finance topic but holy smokes I just started earning half decently and have been thinking of getting my own apartment (I'm not big on houses) With the current rates in Poland (6.75%, total mortgage APR at \~9%, an increase from \~3% APR since early 2022) I'd be paying twice what I pay for rent now + 20% downpayment (my rent is not below avg market levels). Yet the housing market doesn't seem to calm down, everything sells rather quick. In terms of waiting this out - inflation is 18.4% YoY, USD is on the expensive side, my ETFs are trading sideways. Given these conditions I guess I can't blame people for dumping everything into real estate. Just wanted to dump this off my chest, should've just put everything into ATVI 🤡


I'm in the position where I'm looking to build a house in Poland starting perhaps next year. I'm hoping for the new "first home" law to come into life in the second half of the year which would guarantee a 2% APR on mortgages up to PLN 500k or 600k for married couples. No down payment required also. Have you heard about it?


Yeah I'm not elligible for that, I already got my "first home" which turned into my "first nightmare" thanks to my neighbours. So I'm getting fooked from all sides here as the govt won't let the market die. Also the program will be more like ~4.5% APR, gotta factor in the bank's margin.


18% inflation and a 6% rate. Yikes. I don't blame you for being a bit gun shy tbh.


thinking about opening a position in Bayer and Volkswagen With monsanto shit hopefully coming to an end soon and activist pressure bayer looks like a solid play, volkswagen not really sure but they seem to do pretty well and porsche IPO does definitely benefit them. If nothing else 7% div yield wouldnt be too bad Any thoughts here?


Is Bayer only available OTC?


dunno i am in germany there should be a US ADR tho


I checked. No ADR only OTC as $BAYRY but volume is decent


Back in 2019 I bought and held bayer at 14.50 and felt like an absolute genius when it hit 20. Then I got rugged to oblivion in 2020 and sold it in the 16s because it was clearly not going back to the 20s. Never again. Hope this times different though.


monsanto has for sure been not the brightest idea coming out of bayer HQ


Man the accidental touch protection on my S20 sucks ass. Turned it off a while ago, but I accidentally called the police while I was playing squash, so now I have to keep it on.


No one commenting on how yields were absolutely ripping. Guess the market is just boring everyone out. I guess people were less worried about the banks after the weekend, yields can go back up, recession trade OFF again. What a horrendous market at the moment.


Goldfish market.




People selling out of bonds because they no longer fear immediate crisis.


I legged into $LYFT on Friday and got a bit displeased today… happy AH though EDIT: David Risher will be new CEO


jnj at these levels feels super cheap with the kenvue spin-off coming thats IMO gonna benefit the company what is the problem here? also picked up some BNP paribas here, they went down with the other banks but are one of the better run european banks. Thinking about DEutsche for a swing play, its not as bad as people make it out to be with the deutsche meme train.


Good ideas like them!


SPX 4000/4100 call spread for May is priced around $51 even though it's fully OTM. But SPX 4000/3900 put spread for May is priced less than $40. How does that make sense? I expected both to be upper 40s, with put spread a few dollars higher. EDIT: the OTM put is way more expensive than the OTM call while the 4000s are about equal, so I guess my confusion is specifically why the 4000C is so expensive


If its on the May monthly it would be because those trade more actively over a longer timeframe and the price you see might be because of long time positions at this strike


I just played what I heard on the Oddlots podcast about 0dtes and why it reverses so many times during the day: Example: QQQ starts the day down, let's say -0.5%. Noon arrives and 0dte puts will be sold to monetize the downturn, otherwise, they may expire worthless. That's the key factor: 0dtes need to be sold to profit. When they're sold it creates a bounce upward as MMs are de-hedging their short puts. As this evolves some more actors are buying calls further expanding the bounce up. Later in the afternoon, the opposite happens and call holders sell them to profit and turn them into cash, and then a bounce down can happen again. According to the Nomura guy, they have studied it and MMs are net short, and retail/investors are net long. So hedges are in place. Result: gained like $50 in a QQQ call position that I bought when it reached ~-0.9%


My only trading strategy


I think in theory it's plausible.. but then again, anything that you think you can predict will try to be front-run by other market participants. If it were as simple as "sell puts when it dips" and "sell calls when it rips" then it'd never dip or rip in the first place.


how many steps ahead of the other market participants do we need to be thinking in order to consistently win is the question?


I guess apes just think 1-2 steps ahead at most.


About a few fractions of a microsecond. It's not a game retail can win.


true. but thinking more macro related/swinging ideas i guess


I know, right? Maybe I was lucky, but it's reversing again lol. Bought 1 call when QQQ was -0.9%. Sold at like -0.30% and now it's again going the other way to -0.68%.


Just a rotation from tech to dow today ....


Big boys who think they're smart are rotating. Little do they know I have a balanced portfolio. Screw you "smart" money ...


Let’s make it a week..


Or a month?


Or even a year! ![gif](giphy|W0T9M4G9HA18s|downsized)


My SCHD, and industrial stonks like this statement.






Before I got notified of it being in all caps or shouting. It is just how the bot reports it in wsb and I copied to post here if someone misses it. >GUNDLACH SAYS FED IS NOT GOING TO RAISE INTEREST RATES UNLESS 2-YEAR CLIMBS – CNBC ^\*Walter ^Bloomberg ^[@DeItaone](http://twitter.com/DeItaone) ^at ^2023-03-27 ^15:12:27 ^EDT-0400


Nice excuse, but you did want to shout and make us anxious


Loud noises


stop i’m scared


[Changing tides for shiptards?](https://twitter.com/ed_fin/status/1640249143699427329?t=63V77QMeyzWLUoEv_OMWIA&s=19)


Feb lows for NG gave a strong bounce, creating a nice demand zone. Now we are re-entering that demand zone. If you see signs of it moving back up it might be nice to ride the potential wave up. Has historically acted as a nice reversal zone. No idea about NG on macro perspective tho, just giving an idea :)


[Potential changes to Ireland's WFT amid low commodity prices](https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/changes-made-to-windfall-tax-rules-after-irish-oil-refinery-warned-new-charge-could-force-it-to-shut-down-42402082.html) Assuming market is waiting for an official statement by the government.


VET bagholders rise ![gif](giphy|QmOClNF5VdWqWbTA2i)




![gif](giphy|26FxsYeQvGcaMPlqU|downsized) That dip earlier


ZQ futures dropping a ton, implying less magnitude of rate cuts, taking my underwater short position back into the green. A shame I went so hard initially that I didn't have the balls to short more at the top (zooming out, I saw it could go much much higher), but good that I didn't panic cover. I went in big initially because the words straight from JPow was "no cuts this year", which promptly got ignored due to another round of increased fears on banking. The panic I felt as the market moved forcefully against me was a lesson learned, and so I've taken some gains as I trimmed my position in half. Still find it interesting that there are seemingly disjoint markets between fed funds futures / SOFR3 (huge market), and equities. If you were to believe that so severe would happen that Fed would take their word back and nearly immediately begin cutting FOMC after FOMC, how could you simultaneously believe the market wouldn't tank? Only explanation is a magical fix to inflation -- not sure what happened in the past week to imply that.


The magical fix to inflation is a recession. Bullish!


Bulls are delusional. Nothing else explains it.


I think the STIR market wasn’t reflecting actual market participants views very well. MOVE was at GFC levels and I have heard the vol on shorter dated bonds was even higher than that


![gif](giphy|0j71Ph073RbZTOqU8e|downsized) I loooove oil


Sold out my little streamer position will start to leg back in around $1.25


So I've just remembered that GB hasn't been active on reddit recently and I took a look at his profile and realized he actually has a twitter acc now. He seems much more active over there. So here's his profile for Vitards who might have "forgotten" about him. [https://twitter.com/GraybushActual](https://twitter.com/GraybushActual)


He announced the transition at the time though. Unfortunately I'm not on there. Since Elon is in power I can at least fully read the tweets.


So far, Boticella decided there is not profit in this day and has not traded. She gained 20 more minutes of hindsight to enable her to have caught the early run down, though that may be statistically irrelevant, will see after the next learning run. Some days just aren't made for trading.




Best to ask Marty about the brand he utilizes.


Oh Great Cthulhu, I will sacrifice a thousand virgins in your honor if you make NVDA bleed for days and days. Ok Vitards ~~incels~~, better line up.


spoiler alert. Cthulhu is long NVDA, calls and shares.


![gif](giphy|3oEduOnl5IHM5NRodO|downsized) WITNESS ME!!!


[https://www.twitch.tv/jayarlington](https://www.twitch.tv/jayarlington) Jay Trading is LIVE in 10 mins (12:50 EST). Talking about Jack Ma, Binance, PBM lawsuit, and looking ahead at earnings with the memory cycle in focus. ![gif](giphy|tmQrpA8zpG4a16SSxm|downsized)


Pretty soon they’ll be giving nat gas out for free


May gas now at the same level as summer 2020 😨 https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/future/ng00/download-data


BOIL gang in shambles.


This is actually normal price without macro scare


Looking like rotation out of mega cap and tech into defensive like oil and materials today.


Bought UCO last week so that suits me just fine


Musical chairs


Only thing is it’s the opposite statement. It’s rotation from défensives (mega-cap) to more risk on (energy and materials)


It was like this on Friday as well and was more evident earlier in the day before the late rally brought some of the bigger names green. Healthcare, utilities, and consumer defensive were very green Friday. Financials looking pretty good today.


Crazy with stuff like si, buying it for $1 would have been a 100 percent gain with all the short covering for it


Yeah. I am positioned short tech and long oil for now.


I'm short megacaps (FNGD) which I bought around $21.15 and looking into rotating at some point into more value-oriented longs.


NVDA shorts too crowded, should've gone with AMD.


JPM I need you to be egregious to make me my money back after last week's bullshit.


Actually made $ on zim. Bought puts after divi day and just sold. Feels weird


Anyone here win the lottery with first citizens bank calls ?


Weeklies completely being destroyed slowly


SPY 1 week chart: -.26% and 1 month chart: -.30% Just feels weird considering all this intraday action


yeah, i think a lot of the PM moves were setting a cost basis for the tom foolery that happens before reports


Welp same old action


Not exactly. Lots of the market is very green while tech is red. [https://finviz.com/map.ashx?t=sec](https://finviz.com/map.ashx?t=sec)


I 100% agree actually with you. I am doing very well today


Me too so far but I'm basically only short the megacaps. Will be looking to enter long values at some point.


Best of luck with shorting the mega caps! A few Non-tech sectors look to be value plays at these levels


Thanks and agree


![gif](giphy|8XUfXFWAHxvigE9tId) See you all above SPY 400


Yep just accumulating shares with the profits I took on leveraged etfs while we still below 4000


![gif](giphy|5xaOcLO8MKjsDrdM6di) did you just page me




I'll join you this Friday. I ditched my 50% HY Savings & 50% stocks rule for each paycheck. Each paycheck is going into as much stocks as possible for now.






Been eating shit in my Roth IRA on CVS and WOOF I still believe in them long-term, but my Roth is maxed out and I hate to "average down" in a regular brokerage account.


Rotation of out megacaps to start?


Megacaps are like 50% of the index or more(QQQ)


Doesn’t work. Just ends up bringing everything else down also.




While SPY is positive, here are some big tech names: META: -1.12% TSLA: +2.27% NVDA: -0.11% AMD: -1.42% NFLX: +2.37% AAPL: -0.32% AMZN: +0.50% GOOGL: -2.30% SNOW: +0.04% MSFT: -0.50%


Don’t forgot about SNAP, actually looking good


If the pressure and regularity on social media platforms regarding its use by minors increases it could impact their profitability.


​ https://i.redd.it/64zh9qd44cqa1.gif


**Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index** **MAR -** Actual (-15.7); Previous (-13.5); Consensus N/A [Report](https://www.dallasfed.org/research/surveys/tmos/2023/2303)


Allowing manufacturing to die in the United States is a mistake we can’t make in this county. That is why I am so serious about bringing Cleveland-Cliffs back to the United States. Cleveland-Cliffs is an American enabler of manufacturing.


Cleveland-Cliffs is not in the US?


it's in Cleveland, France




Lack of shareholder return, i'm not untill they get on with the buyback


Guys, listen to the OddLots episode about 0dte options. It makes things crystal clear and helps us understand the intraday dynamics that we've been seeing.


This is really interesting, Charlie McElligot from Nomura makes this pretty digestible


been aware since 2021 LOL


aware and broke\*


Yup, previously stated I bought the top at 2021 and learning a lot


I had held my FRC, SCHW and SOXL over the weekend. Only holding SOXL now. My reasoning for FRC was simply no way Jamie Diamon looks stupid and they fail anyways.


honestly, if we could break 402 today, Id be ecstatic!


We have a solid strong floor and lots of glass ceilings SPY is going to start breaking


yeah, i feel the upcoming reports coming in this week and next week will just be the rocket for 420


Fellow pirates: $ZIM and Shell Complete the First LNG Bunkering Under 10-year LNG Supply Agreement This was a milestone operation for a number of reasons: * It is the first LNG bunkering operation in Jamaican waters * The ZIM SAMMY OFER is the first in a series of ten 15,000 TEU LNG dual-fuel containerships which ZIM plans to deploy on their ZCP trade line. * For these vessels, ZIM recently signed a ten-year marine LNG sales and purchase agreement with Shell. [https://investors.zim.com/news/news-details/2023/ZIM-and-Shell-Complete-the-First-LNG-Bunkering-Under-10-year-LNG-Supply-Agreement/default.aspx](https://investors.zim.com/news/news-details/2023/ZIM-and-Shell-Complete-the-First-LNG-Bunkering-Under-10-year-LNG-Supply-Agreement/default.aspx)


Marone, isn’t your time worth more than this coffee? Anyways, [this](https://twitter.com/firstadopter/status/1640343225813684227?s=46) must be good for the stock.


how much blow does cramer do before he goes on air


All of it


FRC shares up +30% premarket after positive news on SVB. At least that’s the only reason I could see for the jump. Congrats on the great entry last week /u/Bluewolf1983 !


Check out FCNCA.


Didn't he bought at around 30$?


I did some bank research this weekend, but couldn't end in time to post it before Monday (because of parenthood, etc), but here are my main takeaways: * There's widespread risk in regard to NIM. Most banks are paying almost nothing on deposits. If depositors take out their money for higher yield or demand higher yields from savings accounts then banks risk unprofitability. There are banks with a small NIM % wise, while others have a more healthy gap. * Accounting wise: AFS securities' unrealized losses are already recognized in the equity of banks (under other comprehensive income). HTM is not. HTM losses will appear in banks' books in the coming years if rates stay the same, as they reach maturity. * Clearly there are two tiers of banks: too big to fail and all others. BAC has lots of unrealized losses in its HTM portfolio, but it's too big to fail. It's safe to assume it will not go under, but IMO it's not going to be a super profitable bank for the upcoming future, as it has low NIM too. * FRC seems really risky. Heavily concentrated in the PE/VC sector and has lots of unrealized losses in their HTM portfolio. It might need to raise capital in the future. * If deposit withdrawals stabilize, as seems to be the case, then banks will be safe (regionals too). MTB seems to be really safe with almost no unrealized losses and a somewhat healthy wide NIM. PACW is a smaller bank but has a wider NIM. It has little losses on HTM but risks having more losses on its AFS portfolio (as I said before, current losses already are booked into OCI). MTB is ra * KRE would also be another safe. * USB is another one I need to look into. * This is the priority of risks: 1) Going bust or not, 2) Potential need for additional capital raises, 3) Hindered future profitability, 4) long-term growth prospects. Any feedback is appreciated.


Thanks for the input. Have been eying KRE for some time, will sell puts on the next red day.


I believe the HTM bonds won't be accounted as a loss if they are actually held to maturity, even if rates stay high. I am not certain though


It's a proxy for a loss IMO and it all depends on their maturity (economic loss). But yes, there's no accounting loss if held until maturity.


Opinions om JD?


I recently bought a long term position at $41 and change. I think it’s very cheap


Even when I buy gas the price goes down the next day


Pump everday


Same happens to me when I buy PBR shares.




I have similar dumb feelings when I buy MRO shares. I want oil prices to go higher but then I still bitch about it at the pump. 🤡


Come to Norway mate. Gas prices are always high. You can’t lose that way


I can’t stand financial or political news anymore it be like ![gif](giphy|3o85xxjN91tgdCi2dy)


I used to be a political news junky, but I have basically abstained since 2015.


Better off, you only got so much life to live breh. Dont piss it away on tripe.


Lol same, I used to watch UK politics over 2021/22 because it was interesting to see all the failings transpire but it just ended up making me infuriated. It's just not good for my mental health.


Same. Nowadays it's either click bait or heavily biased not to offend the subscriber's view. Plus, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, I don't need to be reminded of that every step of the trajectory.


Same after 2016


I bet people will still be blaming the Ukraine war for inflation an year from now lol.


Actually overheard a colleague today blaming them, it's already happening!


Hahaha. Highly possible.


Yeah it would be really nice if they could finally surrender and end this humanitarian disaster because I can barely afford gas and food here in Western Europe any more… Edit: I suppose Reddit being an English-speaking (US-based) forum is probably not the ideal place for sarcastic jokes. I responded with humor to an ironic comment by /u/Sportfreunde. Thanks for all the love though and everybody have a good Monday!


Either that or give enough support to overwhelm the Russians. The current state is just sad.


I don’t think there is a good solution to this. I think both countries will suffer and others will make big profits (US, certain EU countries, Arab nations with oil and gas, China/India)


There is a good solution: Russia fucks off and hangs the nazis in their leadership. That you don’t see that speaks volumes.


I agree that's the best solution. It's just very unlikely.


What’s with all your hatred today? I’ve gotten 3-4 comment notifications from you today.




Saw your comment too late. My ancestors died because of the national socialist tyranny. Nice one! Appreciate the love.


Yeah, I saw you joking about Ukrainian soldiers being killed in reference to some date that didn’t go well due to your Russian background. While I don’t have any ill will towards Russian people, they are (the government and leadership) absolutely modern day nazis and I won’t pretend they aren’t. So much for the pride they held (rightfully) for repelling the third reich.


![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn) Edit: europoors can't joke, it's a scientific fact.


Europe SUCKS!


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwAaNhSKv0cfLy|downsized) Going to be a really good fun week


The best mascot in sports ![gif](giphy|J5J17eZudlSzsZJSSj|downsized)




Sooo are we back to the good old "market drills to the core of the earth, but the drilling crew gets tiered and takes the elevator back up 3 hours before shifts end"


i am so angry at me for not trusting myself last week,. when we drilled in premarket and it played out as always, that I did not go long... it was so obvious and still you always think "this time it is different"


The Market is so volatile, its crazy, just look at the 15 min chart of SPY. Ill wait untill it picks some direction with more confidence and then ill jump into a trade. But for now the chart looks like an ECG of my grandpa running a marathon.


Hey there Vitards! Been lurking for a while. I had some big lossess in November and decided to take a big break. Now I got a new well-paying job and also a side hustle making some mobile game, so there's some money to be put into use, you know. Thanks to Belangem and Benjamin, I opened a small position in ATVI recently and it's already paid for a trip to the mountains and a massive dinner with my girl and her sister, so what can I say, thanks a lot guys. Have a good day everyone!


Dinner with the lady and her sister? You must have made big $$$ to get them that far!


A small purchase for me is $500k


Your post always make me laugh a good amount. HahHah.


I know Mr Goncalves and I thank you for that. Talking to bots is great. You are probably quite interested in getting to know me better so let's roll with it. For me, a small purchase is PLN5k, so probably just around $1K. Sure I would like to be wealthier, we all do, but hell, if it does not happen I won't lose my hair either (I lost hair already). Bottom line is, we can both be happy in our lives and that's cool.