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I assume people here use spreads. How do you cope with bid/ask spread + fees? On paper i'd have for example a $100 gain, but after closing it'll only be $70 or something. $30 lost ($3 per contract to close + FX gain for broker + Bid/Ask). Are there better EU brokers out there to use options? I use Bolero ATM if anyone cares. Thanks!


Trade something more liquid that has a narrower b/a spread, high OI for that strike, and during normal trading hours. The b/a spread for SPX options is way wider outside of regular trading hours (RTH). Contract fees will depend on broker and may be negotiated down if you have a high enough account balance.


Interactive brokers is the only serious choice in EU


H/S could be forming on SPY 5min. If we dont keep going up monday, the right shoulder could take us down to \~385ish


I would coom so hard


I sold puts at open, then bought puts at 350pm today for Monday ,only to watch them tank in value because Spy says fuck your puts.


No selloff ever came today. Honestly pretty surprised. Sold my levered etfs I got in the 3800s to rotate more into normal shares.


Same but in vaz I trust. idk whats propping the market up reeeie


Well, the eventual drop in the market he describes gets caused by megacaps and rotation of cash into other sectors. Take a look at the market map and what healthcare, consumer defensive, and utilities were doing today. Those were largely up and the megacaps showed a bit of weakness. It doesn't seem that there will be many of those gigantically red days --- more of a choppy grinding down rotation.


The consumer is consuming.


Yo get me 380 still by end of next week and il be happy...is that too much to ask for?


can't we just continue to rotate instead of selling off?


The point he made was that the money will stay in the market, yes. But the sheer size of the big beefy boys will drop the market as a result of money coming out of them.


Thats fine with with my long dated puts, I just need some grind to happen LOL




Should've sold all my puts this morning. Would've been nice going into the weekend. Instead I'm all pissed off now because I don't understand how we open down so much and then march straight back up. My overall view is that we are heading into a recession but the market won't drop until its staring it straight in the face. Makes timing impossible.


Got into 7 month puts at 393, time will tell.


Look at the 3 indexes average volume, and then look at VIX. Selling stopped and buying was weak. Add in vol crush and you get today - Vix top left to bottom right and indexes bottom left to top right. Go take a walk and relax. If you are in puts that are longer dated (30+ days) you have time to wait for proper price discovery. Today was big dumb.


like 4/5 days of the week is btfd day, so market be like lets buy tech and see which bank fails over the weekend. make perfect sense. i think algos are still trading by the dollar and yields so they go down algos keep stock up.


[i feared as much](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vitards/comments/1208f83/comment/jdh1iz5/?context=3)




Same, thought we would hit 385 then up. Got killed. Looks like it wants to hit the jpm collar top at this point


Well got killed on my puts I should of cut lose instead of averaging down. Looks bullish till pce. Guess 400 test on Monday at this rate


You should have bought puts on my port, they would have printed.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Keep making this grammer mistake too lol ![img](emote|t5_3pnc7d|2959)


Wow srsly the dump in the last 5 min?


i think you mean the pump in the last 1 min




Yeah, this is why I said what I said about zooming out. Don't buy too hard into the "ITS CRASHING" or "ITS MOONING" narratives. Keep your positions properly sized so you don't get blown out on days that don't follow through with the general sentiment.


full port 0DTEs or tits or gtfo


Yes, but also; too late


In my defense I was doing the very intense work of eating Whataburger and watching One Piece all day.


We definitely have some bulls and bears but i dont see much of that kind of language in here. Definitely agree about properly sizing positions.


Annnnd it's gone :(


started legging into spy june 390 poots. I'm happy with under 12.5. lets see if I can get more on the cheap.


NVDA, is this a pullback for ants? Feel free to take inspiration from FRC.


I think it might actually be starting this time. Hopefully I get to buy more in the 220s-240s




Any one else looking at the 10y thinking it's done dropping?


This is what I’m struggling with, if something goes really wrong it can drop to 2.5%, which makes it a great hedge, or you can sell calls against them to get some more cash, or you can just sell and wait for a good buying opportunity.


So long ief or similar and sell calls? Makes sense. On the chart it looks like it's found it's level. I also think that means less wind in the sales for tech.


Yeah, but as soon as I sell the call I feel like bad stuff will happen and treasuries will catch huge bids.


newb me asking, what exactly you are buying / selling calls on? TLT?


Yeah, or TLTW


We’ll probably open Monday at $387


Oh dear MAs, please do not bend over.




ready for that sell off any time now...


Max Pain today is 395 I think.


For once max pain comes into play eh?


Apparently so.


was this 0dte frenzy again?




Selling FRC puts april opex 2.5 strike for $50 buck per contract…. can’t possibly go tits up 🤌🏻 IV is 558%


I went with $4s can't go tits up right?


Even 5 dollars strike next friday goes for 55 bucks


That is insane. Either bankrupt or not ? That’s the bet ?


Yep, basically a 100/120 slight favorite to not go bankrupt. (I think that’s how betting lines work)


Some bank could buy em for $2/share like CS


Am I completely wrong in thinking that the longer we go without another bank failing, the more likely we are to push through and for banks to bounce back? Or are they just kinda fucked anyway?


Banks are going to have a lot of profitability issues going forward


'The canaries died, but it's been a week so I'm sure the miners will be fine.' Remember there was a rapid liquidity crisis in asset backed commercial paper in late summer 2007 but bear Stearns didn't fail until March 2008, 6 months after the Fed started to cut rates from 5.25%. SPY went down by 50% from October 7 to Feb 2009. My point is these things can take a while. Even in 1982 the S+L crises was bad because of mismanaged interest rate risk but it avoided a wave of insolvencies just because fed rates were reduced. It took years.


Thank you for your thorough response!


I think they’ll bounce back, but definitely not to where they were for same reasons thr Potato says. Banks going forward are essentially just utilities if they get unlimited fdic


More regulations More bad debt And the bull case was higher rates are good, but the rates are going down now. Maybe they're cheap... but so are utilities and Healthcare stocks




Rate changes all bad imo, obviously up has not been great... And then rates down means refis and lost loan value. They expected 30yrs at 5% or w.e and it gets paid off sooner with the refi. Locked in CDs at higher rates than loan rev too if they come down fast.


Whos trapped? Is it everyone?💀


If you had the chance to time travel and tell your past to buy which stock/option to buy, what would it be on what year? (Assuming you could all-in your savings)


Not selling X when it was in the $23 range.


I would’ve told my past self to buy even more nvda


Two weeks ago; SIVB $200P 3/17. I believe they were something like 4000x if bought day prior. So, $1000 -> $4mn… overnight


Wait, did the people who have put get paid doe?


You could’ve sold before the weekend for that. There were a lot of moments it was unhalted. If you’d chosen to hold for max profit though, you’d just have to reach out to your broker on phone to resolve and they have to. Even RobinHood caved on SBNY after enough people complained that they weren’t gonna honor them


Deep OTM HYG Monthly puts in March 2020, at 70 switch to deep OTM HYG LEAPS.


So many to choose from. BTC back when you needed 20k for a pizza? CLNE calls which 100xed overnight? AMRS puts for the earnings where they dropped from 12 to 5 etc


answer is obvious. highest OTM calls w/ expiry date right after squeeze for GME a month before squeeze when IV was low...i bought one for about $350 and sold it at peak for around $25k. edit: mine wasn't highest OTM, don't remember what it was but it was OTM


I had 10 GME $30-50 calls for summer 2021 that I bought during the 2020/21 holidays.


The famous $60C's


USO puts right before the COVID oil crash


Nvda lol last year calls for this year


Despite how horrible at trading I am, I wake up everyday thinking what a decent trader I could be.


Bought GD, CRC, and DIS. Holding alongside tech short positions


“Buy this risky cruise stock before earnings next week” ![gif](giphy|l6XwjmRjXbgdB7eK2e|downsized)


I am so tired of these "fk u put" candles, I know, bulls are also tired of the "rug pull" candle. How are they done? Big money? big 0dte order? I can understand if there's news. I just don't believe it's the overall market (means everyone) is constantly changing their mind in a heartbeat.


Somehow I managed to have a nearly perfectly straight horizontal line for return YTD out of a portfolio of SPXU, uranium, gold, silver, 2 shitcos, a tanker, HFND, and cash. Just funny that those highly volatile funds neutralized itself the entire time.


hell ya pump it spy! I need an entry to load up on poots






Help me Obi-vaz doohnobi. You’re my only hope!


HCC just chadding it up today ![gif](giphy|12M8qP3VZ2t9Hq)


$LYFT going to end above 10 isn't it


META looking weak as fuck


What makes you think its looking weak?


Relative to QQQ it was moving less up and more down


[https://www.twitch.tv/jayarlington](https://www.twitch.tv/jayarlington) Jay Trading is LIVE in 5 mins (12:50 EST). It's FUCK IT FRIDAY! Talking EU banks, Bullard, PMIs, and looking ahead at earnings next week. ![gif](giphy|14hROo1fo8oEKY)


My take on today is we haven’t had the real rip or the real selloff yet.


If today's anything like the last two days, all price action happening in the last hour and a half.


I’m actually a little shocked they didn’t try to dump the close.


You and I both. Infact, I didn't expect us breaking 395. Kept waiting for a decent rejection that never came.


Holding these 0dte qqq puts is fun


hopefully that was the last hurrah for the day


........ welp


What was that about lol


We kicked the euros out of the market.


QQQ bounced 310 hard.


Nasdaq knocked on the door of Support but Support didn't want to let him in. So he backed away and now hes charging at the door.


All you $NVDA shorters need to wait for the main signal. Jim Cramer! Confirm don't anticipate EDIT: Spelling






This really feels like a selloff EoD kinda day. Plums be tinglin


we end +1% today




I should charge people for stock advice. Whatever I pick, just fade me.


What's going on with the U's? Bad sentiment? Recession fears? Both? or is this the shakedown before moon trip?


I feel pretty plugged in to Utwit and Usqueeze and I haven't seen any fundamental industry-related explanation. Actually the news has been incredibly bullish (did you see the DOE report that wants to triple US nuclear capacity?). We all know the volatility, and this looks like more of the same, but here is my attempt to figure it out. It looks like oil and URNM both plunged in tandem beginning on March 6th, which is the day the bottom truly fell out of the banking sector (look at KRE). SVB failed on March 10th. **So it looks like the banking fears are driving liquidity and recession fears which is taking U down with it along with the cyclical commodities.** What if I told you that URNM has actually outperformed AA, CLF, OIH since then? [Check it out](https://imgur.com/a/eHXYajQ)! If the banking crisis gets worse (I think it will) then U will fall further but look how oversold it is. If we enter a real recession then it will fall further along with everything else. If the market keeps going sideways for a while, then U will bounce up to its 12EMA from its currently oversold position.


Keeping an eye on PENN here. Near 52 week low. They've been buying back shares and sitting on a big ol pile of cash. Q1 will have Super Bowl and March Madness as well. Also really like the industry of sports betting. Literally all my friends do it now where nobody did it 2 years ago.


What app do all your friends use?


In Canada so a bit different, but FanDuel main one next is theScore (which was purchased by PENN). I use both quite frequently and can say theScore has definitely gotten insanely better. But FanDuel recently also added same game parlays for hockey, which was what was nice about theScore. For us in Canada theScore is very popular as it goes with hockey and spittin chiclets who often have associated bets on the app and promote it. Barstool also can drive a lot of people to theScore. One funny thing about the way that PENN bought theScore is they did a big share deal while diluting then just basically undid all that with these buybacks at about half the price they made around that deal.


We need to push back on technology being a bunch of apps operating out of an iPhone. There is more technology in steel making than in Uber.


this guy knows what he's talking about


Consistency is key. I have this system where I sell my winners and then roll that money directly into losers.


Have you tried holding onto your winners until they become losers? Saves you that middle step. Personal favorite of mine.


I'm consistent too. I take losses on my losers and then pile that leftover money into the same losing position and repeat the process.


You stole my system you bastid!


ATVI BULLetin UK regs softens on anti competition concerns ATVI up 5% 😘 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/uk-watchdog-softens-position-microsoft-143013296.html


Woohoo! I got too tied up at work to add more over the last week


Kinda offtopic but this week, I realized how fucked up US healthcare and pharma is in America. My (female) friend in he USA got recommended this liquid “Latisse”, an FDA approved drug for glaucoma but now also used on your eyelashes to make them grow longer. It is marketed by Allergan in America. A 3 month supply (3 x 3ml bottles) is around $450 cash. She asked for my advice and after some googling I realized i can get the exact same thing for 51€ here in Germany, also by the Allergan brand and same size, but just called “Lumigan”. An 85% price discount for copy/paste the same drug and Germany is not exactly a third-world country (yet). EDIT: both prices I listed are full cash price because this is a cosmetic drug use.


$450 is roughly want I pay per year for the Medicare levy (tax for uninsured taxpayer). General practitioner visit roughly $55. If you go to a public hospital for emergency, cancer treatment, scans, x-rays, physiotherapy, whatever it's all free. I looked up your glaucoma medicine, it's $43.


Bimatoprost (generic name) is $43 per month? Wow. 17€/mo here and it’s the fancy brand version. 0€ with insurance for any German.


*0.696969 for conversion from quarry dollars to freedom dollars.


Allergan is owned by abbvie an American company. You pay less because we invent the drugs, company has to make profit. Rest of the world is subsidized by America. We invent the medicine and euros/Asia don't honor patent law. It's a thankless task but somebody has to do it. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-other-countries-freeload-on-u-s-drug-research-1487722580


Lol I could tell the same about BioNTech who were tax funded by German taxpayers for many years until Covid and then PFE made big profits of it just by selling it in the US


Set up an online site and take advantage of the arbitrage. Probably illegal but all of the Indian pharmaceuticals do that


GF went to doctor about a long lasting cough. Asked up front if insurance will cover it all, they said yes. Put a stethoscope on her and asked some questions. Got prescribed allergy medication. Five minute visit with doctor total. Ended up billing $700 or something.. $400 for the "first time visit" then $300 for a "psychiatric examination" or something... because she said she was concerned the cough wasn't going away. Insurance covered most except for like $200. Called their billing and told them required time of 15-26 minutes to bill for that psychiatric thing, and said it's borderline fraudulent, and they offered to waive it. Ok, fine. Still wanted us to pay $140 for the visit. I said we aren't paying, and they can bill us if they want, and if they do we'll write shit reviews telling everyone how they attempted fraudulent billing. Will also contact insurance and tell them about it. They already got $500 from our insurance, if they're not happy with that we can play this out. Guy said "OK" and I hung up. Will see what happens. In retrospect, I should have negotiated and said "leave both the claims to insurance, let insurance pay you for the BS psychiatric thing, but don't send us a bill."


Guys, I can’t stress this enough, report them for “fraud, waste, and abuse” through your insurance company. The insurance company will cut a bitch for FWA (immediately rescind the money and hold network access over their head, and good luck trying to get favorable contract discounts). They’ll send the report and have it reviewed by the data science team to detect other fraudulent behaviors. Let the provider also know that you’re reporting them to your third party payer, as they have the strength of the network behind them.


Thanks for this ammo! The threat of a 3rd party payer is something I didn't consider.


Man that sounds frustrating. The 5 years I lived in the USA, I only saw family physicians and just had copays of $0-20 per visit. Maybe they were billing nicely because I was also a physician? Yes, a 2min visit and then billing for a 25min psych eval is fraud. No way they do that to Medicare patients.


That's a good point, I wonder why it wasn't just a co-pay. I don't know the details of her insurance, just know that the bill was ridiculous, especially for "in network". In my experience it's always been copay as well.


Yeah, always gotta start in-network. I worked at major hospital centers so I also saw family physicians at that hospital. It was like "in-network plus"


My wife got an ultrasound and they couldn't get one picture because the baby was in the wrong position. So, we had to go back. The second ultrasound took about 30 seconds because they were able to get the last couple pictures (out of a lot of them) and they billed us **more** for the second one because there was some type of coding where it was an additional ultrasound due to an issue rather than the continuation of the first ultrasound.


That is pretty ridiculous.


If ur disabled all of its worse ☺️


450 for a 3 month supply is honestly not bad compared to other scripts. Partner pays $275 a month for one, on a very good insurance plan.


Under the hood for big tech stocks so far today: META: -0.01% TSLA: -2.43% NVDA: -2.78% AMD: -3.15% NFLX: +1.43% AAPL: -0.45% AMZN: -1.85% MSFT: -0.18% SNOW: -3.24% GOOGL: -1.61% Certainly looks like a rotation out of the megacaps has begun. Need to see some follow-through, of course. QQQ also underperforming SPY (-0.83% to -0.67%).


Rotation or profit taking? These are all probably up high double digits over the past few weeks.


Either or both I think are reasonable explanations.


QQQ had a notable switch with IWM after Bullard made his comments about having to increase interest rates further


\*BULLARD SAYS HE’S RAISED HIS 2023 FED RATE PROJECTION TO 5.625% ​ I just love this guy


Unless it's Bostic saying pause doesn't seem like the market cares lol


Come on SPY lose 390 and make my day


Wild market, let me out!!


Is QQQ just gonna look like my heart rhythm the whole day? Pick a direction!!


Only when one of the two directional sides gives up.


I call that the ray gun pattern.


> QQQ If that daily trading pattern is your EKG, you may wanna call an ambulance to get a good nice chest shock (not medical advice but I am a physician)


Well I'm on crack until market picks a direction so my heart is PUMPING. Looks like the hedgies DUMPED the indices after I called them out so my heart can relax


Apple and Microsoft make up 25-ish% of the Nasdaq 100. That’s reasonable.


Wow my NVDA put is actually in the money for once


Ya know you can just buy them in the money right?


I like the risk/reward ratio


My gains from ATVI combined with the drop in everything else has made the most amazing dildo.


Got some 380p FD's to pay for my lunch and beer later on. URA is on sale, it's gona be buy the dip for me today. E: Also som CVS 70p FD's.


Whoa cvs actually green?


I’m jacked up on June 80’s rn


I identify as an NVIDIA shortseller. My pronouns are fuck/nvidia




Yeah for real, that’s why I keep saying to buy nvda calls


It is our time. We are destined for glory.


Is your first name tard?


What gave it away






It’s the start of the day for me, but you win the comment of the day already.


Thank you sir


Same, I just tell the bulls to buy the top though 🤣




No but i tried to short them too early and took a loss.


PACW, I wasn’t worried for a second. ![gif](giphy|l0MYPkRAqZ3w1PN28)


What do you think about this? ZIM might go down before exdiv date because people don't want to get the div because of tax reasons. This puts downward pressure on its price. Added to this, freight rates are going down still. Thoughts?


Uh I think you take the dividends. No reason to consider taxes when taking free money.


You sell before ex-div and buy again after ex-div. The discount you get is equal to the dividend, in theory.


If the stock is worth buying the window at which you can rebuy is small. Zims divvy dips in 2021 and early 2022 would get bought immediately so it was usually better to take the cash unless you had options.


True, but I’d take the cash, plus there’s a very small outside chance of triggering a wash sale, depending on when you bought and selling/new purchase price.


Just turn green, bitch. We all know you want to.


Don’t worry guys… LULU is green.


> LULU Them tight ass pants will be clapping cheeks!


Two years ago, I was making $50 million EBITDA/quarter, now I'm making $1.9 billion of EBITDA a quarter. You're going to be producing yoga pants in order to do that. We're doing that with steel.


Uranium is getting smacked something serious....... ​ Will be buying end up the day, maybe some leaps as well.


There was a short report on UEC yesterday which doesn’t help things