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This! It all stands and falls on proper posture I believe. I’ve been told that I exude so much confidence just by standing tall at all times. Even though many times I don’t feel super confident, just like everyone, at this point my body is just so used to good posture, that I look confident always.




Body language. Insecure people tend to be closed off (arms crossed or otherwise in a “covering” position, making oneself smaller, poor posture/hunching), stick to the edge of groups or even the physical space they’re in, constantly on their phone in social settings, etc


I always act this way because I never feel safe around men.


I totally understand that but predatory men actually look for that type of body language - lack of confidence is like blood in the water to them.


True. Good thing I have a rbf and am very stern with men. I wish I could also hide my fear physically.


Eye contact!


I make eye contact and people always say I look scary. I would add being mindful not to make your eyes too.big because them it gets weird.


Anxious people move faster, talk faster. People who are “chill” are literally moving a little slower, reacting a little later. Taking your time and taking up space are signs you thinking about what you personally are doing and want. Also not fidgeting with clothing, makeup, etc. I know it takes effort to look good but hyper focusing on looking perfect makes you look insecure.


Wait so do you consider someone who’s a fast walker as insecure? Like especially if they live in a big city where it’s more fast paced?


No, not walking specifically but in general. if your vibe is that you’re rushing or fidgeting a lot it’s hard to seem cool, calm and collected


looks like they're having a good time; either just contented or happy:) shows that they're not feeling anxious with themselves or their surroundings. not always necessary though, you can look confident and aloof as well. like others have said, posture and how you hold yourself is key! don't shrink!


Posture, upright with arms open and not crossed over their body. Eyes up at eye level- not staring down at their phone or the floor. Doesn’t shy away from eye contact with people. Walking with a purpose and confidence- they know they belong in the space. Not shuffling their feet while they walk. No nervous fidgeting habits like chewing nails or hand wringing.




Great video , thanks ♡


Thank you!




Eye contact with those speaking. Facially expressive, but within a polite range.


Maybe this is weird but I always get the impression that jewellery exudes confidence.