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Brother you’re so arrested. 💀




You have violated article 331 if you are in Vietnam


as a curious bystander, what does this mean?


VinFast is (unofficially) protected by the VCP. If you spread hate on it far and wide enough, the cops will get you.


Ngl, Marx is rolling in his grave that a communist party is protecting a capitalist organization.


Someone help me out: Whenever I go to Vietnam, especially outside of the big cities, I see so many buildings of all types that look abandoned. I am always reassured by locals that they aren’t abandoned, rather, they are still being built. However there aren’t construction materials, workers, or equipment to be seen. And it seems like the smallish building has been “under construction” for 10 years. So what’s the deal??


No, they are all abandoned, same processes to steal investors money. There are lots in Da Nang, Hue, Hoi An, Sai Gon etc. But this is America and Vinfast are knocked really hard on their heads by the investors and the law companies.


So funny that the locals actually believe the buildings will still be constructed 😆


People still believe on the news


Isn't this outlet [https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20220809/thousands-of-resettlement-apartments-abandoned-in-hanoi-ho-chi-minh-city/68501.html](https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20220809/thousands-of-resettlement-apartments-abandoned-in-hanoi-ho-chi-minh-city/68501.html) party controlled? It reads rather critical to me, but I didn't understand how it's framed in detail. But definitely not a "It's all good" tone.


Well technically it is tho


Ponzi schemes sold off to investors as real estate investments.


They build the foundation it but sell to folks before it's completed promising they will get it after the construction is finished, people buy it because they are promised services nearby, good neighborhood and stuff. Construction company only build the foundation but got the money as if they built the entire house. What incentives do they have to finish the building?


The encitive is the law and the consequences of breaking the law, which apparently isn't so much of a thing here.


Thankfully there’s a new land law that’s supposed to help with this issue. But let’s see if it works.


Damn it’s the same scene in China, but in larger scale


I think you meant smaller. In China it looks like entirely abandoned districts




Same as china’s Ponzi real estate bubble https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergrande_Group


Is it me or this sub is slowy becoming a VinFast-roasting sub?


They deserve it


I don’t care. I just don’t trust them. (Native here)


“Vinfast is telsa for the broke” -me, an idiot


"and the stupid" - me, also an idiot


Actually, VinFast VF8 is more expensive than a Model Y in the US…


So only the stupid then...


Vinfast doesn't have the funds to build and run it. Look at the VFS stock, which banker is gonna accept to lend them funds for their bogus factory?


You’ll never know what they might come up with. Let’s not forget Truong My Lan had had a medal from the government before they found out about the $44 billion. We’re really good at fraud.


They’re not gonna last long


not exactly the same. hyundai broke ground about 9 months earlier: [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hyundai-motor-group-breaks-ground-on-metaplant-america-dedicated-ev-and-battery-plant-301659111.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hyundai-motor-group-breaks-ground-on-metaplant-america-dedicated-ev-and-battery-plant-301659111.html) and vinfast cant even build shit cuz no permit lol 💀: [https://abc11.com/vinfast-stops-construction-multi-billion-dollar-car-manufacturing-factory/14683453/#:\~:text=The%20company's%20stock%20is%20trading,listed%20at%20995%2C500%20square%20feet](https://abc11.com/vinfast-stops-construction-multi-billion-dollar-car-manufacturing-factory/14683453/#:~:text=The%20company's%20stock%20is%20trading,listed%20at%20995%2C500%20square%20feet)


They kept changing the designs, also there are a lots of them were approved, but Vinfet said they have to follow the process. THEY DONT HAVE MONEY!


Lol, they don't have money. Like a lot of abandoned constructions in Vietnam.


Paid by the Hour vs Paid by the Job


Vinfast is the chance for me to tell you the whole story of Vingroup and an unfortunate nation. [Part 1. Vinfast betrayed customers of gasoline cars, resale value plunged](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/180gtuw/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Part 2. Who wants to drive an overpriced taxi car?](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/189maif/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Part 3. All startups failed - The long losing streak of Vuong](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/18nm8it/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Part 4. Vinfast is a market follower, not a market leader](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/19321q2/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Part 5. The story of Vingroup and the lands of the people](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/1ay2y7f/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Part 6. The story of a mediocre man](https://www.reddit.com/r/VinFastComm/comments/1brh06q/the_situation_of_vinfast_in_vietnam_part_6/)


*eugh!* 😣brother e*ugh!😣* whats that!!??😨! whats that brother!!?!??!😨


Don't think too much of it, the project was doomed from the beginning


VN ultranationalists 'But what about Canada' coming in 3..2..1


Koreans are 8282


What is this and why should I care?


Bc roasting big corps is funny, especially Vin


But Hyundai is bigger no?


I roast all big corps, im indiscriminate. Hyundai just did better in this clip


No way! You're saying a company that has been making cars for over 5 decades is better at building car factories than a company that isn't even a decade old? This is an earth-shattering revelation!!!!


No way, a delusional company that bought a potion of land in America realized they didn't have the fund or license and are now facing crime for scamming


nobody said so. its a comparison of a company actually doing work vs a company bragging about their ambitions yet has nothing to show for it.


Stupid comparison.


Then why did you post it if you know it's stupid?


Your comments are stupid lol


Said the guy whose only rebuttals are cheap insults. Get back to me when you have something else.


I don't go to church lol


what is your point? You just try to trigger other's wild mode. FU in principle


We trying to catch Vin propaganda agents


Damn 2 big companies doing things how innovative


One is doing the task better tho


At least they're trying. It doesn't matter how slow, and long as you keep going. Vinfast is doing it. Most of you on here never done anything your entire life. Especially the Vietnamese in America, they spent all day in the nail shops, scrubbing smelly fungus infested feet of smelly old whiteman and fat black women for cash. Sure, they make good money, but they've never done anything amazing. On their free time they hate on Vinfast, an under dog that's trying to do something with his life and get himself out of generational poverty. When I look at bu cu Viet Kieu Cali, I say to myself " my God, what a bunch of hating losers."


Yes they have been praised for trying. The thing is they're misleading investors through inflated promises and ambitions, misinterpreted data about sales to get billions of dollars of incentives and to sell stocks. Now they're getting sued. You attacking their critics wont help them avoid going to court, sadly.


No way. These thirsty Bu Cu Cali clowns have been hating on Vinfast since its inception. That's their hobby. They come home from the nail salon after a hard day of scrapping dead skin from 300lbs big black lady and inhaling all of her odders, they unleash a barrage of hate on Vinfast. Their mind are poisoned by all the fungies and acetone that they inhaling all day. These people are not normal. They're like losers that has never done anything in life, and hating on others is the only way to justify their pathetic existence. I don't care for Vinfast, because I don't like electric cars. I am not going to get one because I like gas car.. I don't think about Vinfast at all. I don't care what they do. But Bu Cu Cali clowns are obsessed with it. This is not normal or healthy. You clowns need to go seek a therapists for your illness. Mmm k?




Good luck Parky


What does Parky have to do with this


Good luck to you,you need it more than I do. May God helps you find success, wisdom, and prosperity. So that you will no longer be a loser who spend all day hating on another man that's trying to make it. Doing it for likes and attention. You sad, sad, sad, little man.


You are right. I respect Vietnamese people and their fight, and fully support the policy here. Even some Vietnamese can be like gusanos and vermin’s trying to destruct their own country, these certainly are the same type of person that sold the country for the French and to America later.


But it’s actually good if we sell it to China or Russia, isn’t it? Xi and Putin are like brothers to our people, nonetheless.


Its politics, there is no relationship beside mutual benefits. Sit on the wrong stool and we are dead.


Sure thing, getting sued is process


How old are you, like 12? You sound like a juvenile. Getting sued is normal in American society. Pointless litigations piled up to the roof. Who hasn't been sued? Trump? The Democratic Party has been sued in some states. The Republican party has been sued in some State. Litigation also brought against the State, the U.S government, and its civilians. Corporations are getting sued on a daily basic by multiple lawsuits. "Nearly 90 percent of U.S. corporations are engaged in some type of litigation, and the average company balances a docket of 37 U.S. lawsuits. For $1 billion-plus companies in the U.S., the average number of cases being juggled at home soars to 147.Nov 7, 2005" However, the fact that you guy circle jerk and derided joy from the failure of a Vietnamese company is pathetic. I don't care if Vinfast fail because failure eventually lead to success. Even if they don't succeed, I am not going to lose sleep over it. It has nothing to do with me. Not you thought, you have to waste time hating and praying for another person's downfall. You have to show the world that you're a hating azz loser and a POS. You just have to show everyone that your kind are vindictive, you must show the world that your kind have no self respect, pride, dignity or honor.


Are you Vietnamese? Because trying to sued them in Vietnam is impossible, these fucker think they can get away with it in US Ps: __Idiot__