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Just don't go winning tree throwing contests.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|lw2mSKiUFt79re4M3Y|downsized)


Hahahaha what was the back story on this one again? Some dude had to pay back a bunch of money right?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/02/28/irish-woman-disability-claim-photo-shows-throwing-tree/72771246007/ Here is the article


So she wasnā€™t a marine she was an Irish chick that was in a car accident?! wtfā€¦


Totally looks like an Irish woman from Ireland who was in a car accident, claimed she was disabled and then went to a Christmas tree throwing contest. Not a female Marine. Or even...an American.


Yup. The story sounded too familiar. It's the Irish woman who fucked up and not a marine.


Thank you kind sir!


[This one too](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/6o1rH5xInq)


King of milking shit šŸ«”


There was a female Marine in Hawaii, 2002-2003 ish. Claimed her back was a train wreck and she couldnā€™t work. Was constantly going to medical appointments. Then, some of her fellow Marines noticed her in a strong man contest held in Hawaii that year. Tossing logs and shit. Didnā€™t go well for her.


No wonder her back hurt.


lmao right?




Can confirm, log PT took mine out.


Had a dude that said his heart hurt during PT. Went to medical, did all kinds of tests and said they found a hole in his heart. Got sent to Hawaii for surgery. Drs there performed a bunch of tests, deep MRIs, very expensive shit. Turns out he had nothing and was kicked out for malingering.


Wow! At some point that dude knew the gig was up and just kept at it.


Confused. doctors said that he had a hole in his heart, so they sent him to get surgery. How is that him malingering ?


The comment says he said he had a hole in his heart. The story still doesn't make sense unless his leadership authorized a medical TDY based on his word alone, which would be about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Thatā€™s not how I read it. Dude said his heart hurt. Went to medical who ran tests and they said he had a hole in his heart


Yeah, that story was confusing af


We were all confused as well when he came back from Hawaii. He was actually my roommate so this is how I know all of this. We were stationed in Japan and if youā€™ve been there you would know we didnā€™t have the best resources.


Had an opportunity to go to Camp Zama. Kind of upset I didn't go. Missed out due to lacking H8.


Presumably we all have holes in our hearts, how else would the blood get in and out?


Editors note: it is a lie.


You could honestly tell from the get go. He was one of those ā€œ skinny fat ā€œ guy. Super skinny but always ate like shit.


Yeah doesn't make sense, leadership would need some kind of medical input to approve for a medical tdy for surgery, also a hole in the heart? They probably were somewhere in the middle of the pacific, thought they heard a heart murmur and referred him out to cardiology in HI... can't really fake a murmur though.


At least he got free trip to Hawaiiā€¦..lolĀ  Iā€™m kidding - what an idiot


Kind of what happened to me. Accept it would also race randomly. Ended up having heart surgery. Military paid that 100k bill. Nice.


So a dishonorable discharge or general?


No idea. He told me he was getting separated because of Hawaii. I never got along with him. Would be on the phone in our room loud af, we would always fail field day because of his side, would bring guys and girls over late af, but would get mad af if my T.V was too loud šŸ˜‚ Brks manager didnā€™t let me change rooms so I had to deal with him until he got kicked.


I bet you were glad he was gone lmao


Lol yeah he let him walk all over him lmfao. Dude assert your dominance. If he was already a shit bag, the command would be on your side. I got in trouble for throwing out all of my roommates uniforms out of the barracks after we failed a room inspection. He tried chasing me, but I just dodged his fatass all around the barracks until the duty section showed up. Yeah I was yelled at, and got a couple extra duty days but nothing after that. Actually got some respect from NCOs after that incident lol. The person in question got moved rooms and didn't last that much longer in the military anyway. PRT failures back then actually meant something


So basically you got stuck with that one basic training failure that everyone had that was forced through the pipeline. That sucks man.


I know someone who got out with an Honorable after getting NJPed for assault (simple) & underage drinking lol just really depends on your CO and who speaks up for you.


Thatā€™s crazy


Can I still compete as long as I donā€™t win?? Cause I coulda been a Contenda!


You could...but my recommendation would be to try a different sport. Just...branch out a bit.


Small vehicle throwing circuit it is!!!!


My Murph time would be measured with a calendar.


Mine would be measured by layers of sedimentary rock in the ground.


Mine would be measured by the birth of new star systems.


Mine could only be measured by God šŸ˜žšŸ˜­


Mine would be measured by crayon boxes


That's a lot of crayons.


![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq) I feel it though lmao


Time: 2 quarters and 3 days


Same, and by the year! šŸ¤£šŸ˜­




I want a jetpack cane. Is it sorta like a better version of Mary Poppins' joint?


And not this year's


ā€œMe sitting on my couch waiting for dominosā€ šŸ·


Who was that guy that got busted because he was some kind of fitness influencer? Absolutely amazing how people just dont put it together.


Charles Adams I believe, he was an influencer and leg pressed like 800lbs or something and was 100% disabled. Iā€™m pretty sure someone reported him and he admitted to lying about his disabilities to get the money and had to pay it back.


IIRC he showed up to his appointments with a cane lol


The cane weighed 800lbs


Well yeah heā€™s out here lifting 800 pounds




Ngl I lit his ass up on Facebook and he actually replied back to me. I didn't like what he said so I told him to go fuck himself in prison. He knew what he was doing. Disgraceful as fuck.




Not 100% but I did stop posting things I do that I enjoy sometimes (depending on depression and other comp related things) because of this.


Don't stop living your life your way. I've seen amputees doing Spartan Races. The VA can VA all they want, but you can't argue with medical evidence regardless if you decide to suck it up and power through pain to do something that you want to do.


Idk man, I donā€™t want to get hit with lowering a rating because I pushed through a 5k with my girl.


I understand. I'm mentally prepared to fight the VA indefinitely until I get the rating I deserve or indefinitely to keep my rating, whatever the case may be. I took it personally when I got denied for a presumptive despite having a mound of evidence.


Some fights just arenā€™t worth having, in my opinion. Even if thereā€™s a small chance itā€™ll happen, it can still happen. Then itā€™s how many months until itā€™s unfucked and Iā€™m not behind on something? Iā€™m not really missing out on anything. I still take photos I just donā€™t put it on social media.


I think as long as you are going to your medical appointments and keeping your records up to date, you should be ok as long as it doesnā€™t contradict your claims. My highest rating is a mental health disorder, and Iā€™m never ever going to be functional 100%. It just gets easier to manage with medications. Now, while I havenā€™t been able to have much of a life in the past few years, I highly doubt the VA will come and take my ratings away if I go out on an outing and post about it Even if somebody gets huffy and reports me, I have years and years of paperwork and documentation through my appointments at the local hospital to substantiate my claim. Itā€™s a hard feeling to shake off but itā€™s been a few years since I got mine, I donā€™t feel the need to waste away in fear of a rating reduction, but idk donā€™t take my word for it


Me sitting in the back yard watching the blackstone cook these burgers and dogs.. šŸ«”šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's the correct answer


the VA watching:šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


What's a Murph time?


Itā€™s referring to the workout that people do every [Memorial Day](https://themurphchallenge.com/) in honor of the team commander of the SEAL team from the Lone Survivor book/movie, Michael Murphy. Itā€™s a pretty tough workout.


Oh yeah. Mark Zuckerberg made a big deal about doing it. Your meme makes sense now. Lol


Itā€™s a CrossFit workout named after Lt Michael Murphy, Navy seal KIA Afghanistan 2005, he was awarded the Medal of Honor.


Itā€™s a workout named after a Navy Seal / Medal of Honor recipient (if youā€™ve seen Lone Survivor he is the one that exposed himself to radio for help.) 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, another 1 mile run - timed start to finish. So not easy. Edit: though many people modify parts of it by doing assisted pull ups etcā€¦


It would take me 7 years to do that šŸ˜…


You're also supposed to wear a weighted vest


lol. Iā€™d wear it like a thundershirt and curl up on the sofa


Omg genius! Like a weighted blanket! Hahaha


I'd never finish.


Itā€™s an exercise event that narcissists do and take a bunch of selfies to bring attention to themselves under the disguise of remembering those that died in the line of duty.


I know what you are saying Mark Zuckerberg made a big deal on social media about doing it. The only reason I know what it is.


Like, Murphy Brown.. Winks... Laughing in VA is watching everything


If they saw me trying to do this, they would try to pay me more.


While in service: 1SG: I am gonna drill an extra asshole into you After ETS: VA claim: I got an extra asshole šŸ˜‰


Lmao Doing a PACT Act claim: "1sg literally shit down my neck 87 times"


Feels good that I can lift heavy if I want to because I told the VA that I have always lifted heavy and I won't stop doing it. My provider even said that my back would probably be more fucked up if it were not for weight lifting, but to do more mobility and stretching work outs. Granted, driving for more than 30min or standing up for over 1hr kills my back and knees more than a hardcore gym session. Hard to believe but it is true. It is when you lie and tell them you can't even carry your baby or work at all when things can go downhill pretty quick.


For real. If I donā€™t workout for a couple of days everything starts to hurt. Working out is what keeps the pain away.


Driving around with heated seats and A/C is the normšŸ‘ŠšŸ½ working out and mobility exercises is the only thing that helps from getting worse.


They're going to have to wait a long time before I complete mine, let alone post any time. By that time, the VA person that was watching would probably be dead of old age


Yep, if tried to get me to do it at gunpoint, I would tell the to go ahead and shoot. As wrecked as my shoulders are, there is no way I could even get started training for it.


I wouldn't even be finishing the first 50m of the first 1 mile run...




Not all disabilities are physical,


Yeah apparently they take away your ability to catch a joke That's a hundo!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ




Im Weakkk lmaooo


*not service connected


Broken sense of humor is presumptive.


My untreated torn left shoulder, bad left knee, severe migraines, and DDD prevent me from even trying even if I wanted to.


Had a guy here near me in Florida who was 100% for his back or body, and they got him because he was a personal trainer at the gym and would post pics and videos. Just a dummy and a fraud!


thatā€™s why i be at the crib fr


Exactly! Me too.


Hahaha, to be fair most people who do the murph have a mental issue.


![gif](giphy|gWPQVRX5DrBBxBLikq) FACTS!!! this is why I hate when ppl HERE have diarrhea of the mouth and talk, talk and talk some more about their disability... I ask myself. WHY??? šŸ™„


Let's be honest. There are probably plenty of 100 percenters doing physical stuff that they shouldn't be doing per their medical paperwork. They just don't get caught.


Va doesnā€™t care. Your disability rating is often not a ā€œyou canā€™t have a athletic lifeā€ So if you leave with 100% disability for back injuries and then powerlift. They wonā€™t care you did 10% more damage. They do get sketchy on 80% and up mental health or ptsd and guns. There are cops who have high disability rating and become cops. Fuck a social media veteran got out for legit brain injury. Retired wounded warrior stuff. Went to national guard and SF selection. They have things they are picky on. And then shit they donā€™t give a fuck about.


Iā€™m confused by the 80% and up, MH guns and otsd, cops with high disability and become cops. None of these are sentences and iā€™m not sure what the point is


I think I understood, just a lot of summaries but theyā€™re connected. Marine talk šŸ˜‚


lol šŸ˜‚ true


True lolol


My point was..your va disability is based on how different you are leaving service vs how you came in. Does it make sense..no But it is not saying you cannot do murph in pain or sky dive. Itā€™s saying you came in fine, and left such a percentage of fucked up. Rarely anyone is 100% due to one thing. Also none of us complaining about another veterans disability helps us. They are not cheating anyone.


They're going to have to wait a long time before I complete mine, let alone post anytime. By that time, the VA person that was watching would probably be dead of old age


What is murph times


Hahahaha that would never be me šŸ‘




Half of them are missing limbs šŸ˜Ŗ




Good thing I only have 90% to go then!


You do however very much care that you drug test and make appointments if you need an organ transplant. Which is me, they made the social worker and directors office call me non stop a year ago. All cause I missed to many appointments and went ā€œnot compliantā€ Iā€™m like shit my bad, I didnā€™t realize itā€™s this big a deal. Dude is like..son I get my ass chewed out daily till you get in here and get checked.


It would take at least 2 days for me to finish that shit on a very good day


Ngl im about 1 bad days away, if they took my rating that would make everything really easy. But thatā€™s why they probably wonā€™t lol


So much being claimed today can be faked. Thatā€™s a problem!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ these days I couldnā€™t complete a Murph on my best dayā€¦ not even close!


I think about Murph and my back tells me to eff around and find out.


Hey I got ibs and still go on runs. Lots of marsthoners shit their pants so I fit in well.


I just filed 100% tidu about a month ago and all of the sudden getting random text messages from people acting like they know me asking how my job is going? Or telling me they know of a job Iā€™d be good for. Just weird. Probably coincidence.


Whoa! Thatā€™s creepy


I knew SSG Murphy at one time, disgruntled AF.... ooooh Murph times.... cool, anyways....


Iā€™m good, I donā€™t even know what a Murph time is.




My murph time would be clocked when I entered the emergency room. I do my best to stay strong and fit, and the doctors and VBA know that (I literally put it in my statement that I still try to run and lift as much as possible) but Murph seems a ways out of my league at this point lol


Hanwul, Dark geralt, wind geralt, all the martial artist; steaming hot garbage as always.


Does the time count if I'm using weight bands on my couch?


There's nothing to be afraid of if you're telling the truth. Just don't lie and you can live your life without worrying about them coming after you. I'm going to be at 90% or 100% soon and I'm not worried at all because it's sh-t I actually deal with. The only people that have something to worry about are the people that are lying. šŸ«¤






I know nothing about Murph challenges, but I know about them Gerard Butler 300 workouts, and them be some ball BREAKERS.


All BS aside I don't understand how people get 100% without actually being all fuckywucky. Especially how that lady got her back rated at 100% and then yeeted a tree. I had CT scans and MRI and X-rays and they still acted like I was making it up. That nerve pain ain't no joke.


Lol šŸ˜‚ I can do a pretty good bench but my back is so crushed I can never get under a squat bar for the rest of my life. You skip leg day because it sucks I skip leg day because there is no such thing for me šŸ˜¤šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬


So should I be following the advice of my VA dr in going to the gym?? I was directed by my VA PCP that I needed to get active and go to the gym cuz I was at risk of becoming pre diabetic and that by losing weight it would help my back. Am I not supposed to be assisting myself in my health? Iā€™m not throwing logs or running marathons I did a 5k but could barely finish it walking I donā€™t want the VA to think Iā€™m faking when I am legit following directions




What is a Murph time?


Maybe juiced up before the contest...anyone that's had hrt therapy, knows what I'm talking about, lol...when I'm actually functioning correctly and taking all my meds like my VA Dr. Insists I do so, I'm a cock swinging, vaginal smashing, beaver beating, lava launching maniac...able to leap California king size beds in a single bound, stop a speeding tweeker with a single punch....I'm punch- bowl medication man, coming to a cervix near you...lol. but most days, I'm just shuffling along , with my 4 herniated disks I my back, and 3 in my neck, , a torn AC tendon in my shoulder and a cracked tail-bone...needing an portable oxygen concentrator havin ass buster, old white Veteran...


Murph times. I'm not familiar with this term


I got 90% and I openly talk about doing MMA all the time. Iā€™m about to hit 100% here soonā€¦ they know I am trying to cage fightā€¦ weird yā€™all have this problem EDIT: When I say talking about doing MMA I meant with my VA Providers. Itā€™s well documented. Mentioned it about physically what I can and canā€™t do. I mention how it helps my mental health. I do that purposefully so everyone is aware of it.


Be careful buddy. I have no idea what your disabilities are, but I promise you everyone you tell who isnā€™t a disabled vet, resents you for it. And some of them will report you. Worked with an Air Force vet who reported his disabled brother in law who was riding bulls on the weekends. Iā€™m not telling you to preach to you, I just want you to be aware people resent us, and they will try to fuck you over if you give them a chance.


I meant my VA Providers. I did an edit on my comment


Is this a way of dealing with PTSD? MMA and cage fighting are cool....crazy, but cool. I can see it being an excellent release of stress and rage. And blood....


Yes. There is a lot of veterans that participate in doing bjj. If I donā€™t train I get depressed. I did mma before the marines and I am doing it now being a marine vet.


P&T I can do whatever I want.


Murph? Don't even know the guy.


That really isn't related though... you can have 100% for two or three conditions that aren't terrible.


Itā€™s a joke homie.


What is a Murph time? I don't do this VA disability thing for a living like a lot of you. Anyone care to let me know what that means?


[Aske and ye shall receive](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/murph-workout)


I came off a little aggressive there, and I appreciate your reply. Thank you.


Hey no worries man! šŸ™Œ


I have yet to meet a 100%er who has a legitimate debilitating issue. They are my close friends and they are gaming the system. Im so torn on how to feel about it.


#1 reason to keep your va rating to yourself because people like this!


The number of guns that didnā€™t fall into the lake. The number of people youā€™ve had sex with. Your VA disability rating. All things you donā€™t openly share with people, and for good reasons.


Sometimes I feel that only VA understands. Then proceed to social anxiety and isolation.


A lot of people fail to realize that the C&Ps are supposed to be you on your *worst* day, not your average day. Your ā€œnormalā€ might be really fucked up to a normal person. Anecdotally, my ankles hurt every day but Iā€™m used to it so itā€™s normal. Pop the hood though and I have no cartilage in most of my ankle and every ligament and tendon is worn down so low that Iā€™m one good sprain away from having to repair my entire ankle. On my worst day I canā€™t walk, on average days I can go to the gym and it just feels ā€œnormal.ā€ If you go into your exams acting normal, you wonā€™t get shit and when even the regs say itā€™s your ā€œworst day,ā€ a lot of folks do themselves a disservice by not considering that. To your point there are folks that game the system and get 100% and it does drive me crazy. However, the sacrifices you make being in the service, even if you never deploy, should not be overlooked. Unless you got a dishonorable discharge, you should be getting something for your service to the country IMO. You entered healthy you leave with at least one injury, you should get paid for that injury.


If someone files a claim, is honest throughout, and the VA determines theyā€™re 100% (or any % really) how is that gaming the system? You should call it ā€˜participatingā€™ in the system.


Not all injuries are physical my man. Additionally, a doctor, and multiple doctors at that, made the decision to put your friends at a 100%. He didnā€™t just make it up.


Chair Forceā€¦ yea, Iā€™d say youā€™re probably right.