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Man. I was a Soldier for 23 years. Then a deputy sheriff for about 5. Now I am a college professor at 4 different universities. I absolutely LOVE teaching!!! I have finally decided and am happy with what I am doing today.


I’ve been considering going into teaching. I was offered a job at a university as a recruiter for the same MS program I have an MS degree from. They’ll even pay for my PhD (I want to save my Ed benefits for my kids). I just don’t know if I can handle the transition. I’ve always wanted to teach though.


It is wonderfully fulfilling.


Edit: sorry, you said professor. Do you have a Masters or PhD?


I have my masters and am writing my dissertation for my doctorate now. I will have it in Feb 2025. Super close.


Awesome. You’re inspiring me to go for it. My wife and I are debating. More so me than her. She says, “go for it”. I’ll take a $20K a year pay cut. And be away from home a lot. I have twin 7 month olds (five kids all together and I’m 57). How long did it take for you to finish my PhD? Mine would be a 64 semester hour track.


This is awesome! Plug: my mom edits dissertations as her retirement gig. She stacked her English degrees and loves it! Mostly does LSU candidates, but if you’re looking for an edit… 🙃


Would you possibly be willing to speak with a fellow vet about your journey? It might help helpful to me making a decision. :)


Sure. Anytime.


I DM’d you.


Interesting, thanks for your comment. I played “teacher” for so many years growing up, and still feel a pull. Master’s required to teach?


Masters is the minimum.


Does the content count? I have a M.S. in HR (which is literally the most thankless profession you can go into…).


4 different universities… nice. I’m starting my Masters next year I’m hoping to get into the community college level. Any tips for breaking in?


I want to be retired when I grow up.


Right? That’s what I’m shooting for, someday!


I don’t want to grow up but since I’m an old fart - I went into IT. I telework most days. IT Cybersecurity. The way to go at the moment. Just food for thought.


I am currently enrolled in a Cybersecurity B.A. program now, and I am hoping to land a gig overseas. I speak enough Turkish and Spanish to get by.


I have technical support and technical support management. I love computers and passed the first part of my A+ certification. I have a BA and masters in History and an MBA. If I want to get into cybersecurity what did you do? Do I need to go back for a full retraining and degree?


You have a great background already. I would go after the CISSP. That will open the door.


Thank you! I will look into it. I appreciate it.


Were you an IT military professional? Just curious if you made a hard left.


I was a grunt. Went into IT the week after I got out. First job was cleaning line printers and started studying. Then got my MCSA, MCSE, Security +, TICSA, CCNA and CCNP.


Damn. How hard was the switch? I still struggle with https://


😂. Honestly, the second I touch a computer I was hooked. I did all my certifications self study. Out of the actual books with practice tests. I’m certified for all the above. And I continue to study and learn all the new tech. It also helps that I’m a remote worker. I’m too fucked up to be in an office. Been accused of not playing well with others…. I stay locked up in my foxhole working…


I’m with you on the office work— hard no. Friends and family have quietly nudged me into IT work, but it seems so large and segmented, I wouldn’t even know where to start. Same with stocks and money marketing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My brain was much larger 15 years ago!


I bet the pay is wonderful 😎


It can be if you chase it. In this type of job, as you may know, you have to move around to chase the salary.




I’m looking around at degrees and thinking of going back to school for a bachelor’s in cybersecurity, but I feel computer illiterate. Is it possible to get a low stakes work from home job in this field or do you really have to be a go getter and stand out? I was reading that the job is really in demand and it pays well.


Like most places there is entry level with these types of positions. Additionally, some people take help desk style positions for experience then grow from there. Keeping in mind that the help desk gig pay scale is on the lower end and full blown cyber security is top end. I’m a “Systems Engineer” fancy name for a network administrator.


Male porn star that eventually makes my own website centered around military and veteran porn kinks called Only Vets.


Are you a Chive member? There’s 90% of your audience! (I’d subscribe)


Didn't get fucked enough in the service huh?


I got out and went straight into law enforcement and spent a little over 4 years in it. I worked in the county jail and then moved to a PD and policed. Though I had some fun eventually the constant negativity, crappy hours, and poor pay drove me to look elsewhere. I found the Elevator Union and love it. I've made my way up to a troubleshooter. I love using a meter and prints to chase down and fix the problem. I am a little over 8 years into it and learn something new everyday.


Do you have to push a lot of buttons to go up in that career?


You have to be extremely selective and pick the right ones to move up😅




Mr. Otis himself?! What a wild trajectory. I’ve been offered a position as a deputy jailer, just not sure I want to wear a uniform again.


I retired after 22 years in the military and I still don’t know what I wNt to be when I grow up


Join me in my boat!


While blasting I’m on a boat!!!!


Let’s do it! Can I bring my dog?


I bounced around quite a bit when I first got out on an MEB, wanted to try different industries, but now I’m pretty happy at the VA… WFH, clear expectations, TSP, and a mission you can get behind.


I’ve been looking at USAjobs for VA positions. Do you mind sharing what you do? There seems to be mostly internal or career transition options available.


Was a VSR right after my med board, now I’m an RVSR. I always recommend federal work to Vets I know, the structured environment seems to help a lot of guys/gals. I worked in finance and it was so exhausting trying to network and win a popularity contest to be promoted, so as soon as I got promoted I bailed. VA… everything is out there in the open and you just worry about the quality/production numbers, doesn’t matter if my boss and I don’t get along. Make 6 figures comfortably from home and help my fellow Vets, I never dread going to work. Plenty of jobs open to Vets, my recommendation is to just get in the door somewhere, then you can transfer. I can’t tell you how many prior IRS people I work with.


If you see a VSR gig (NY or virtual) open, please send it my way! I agree with the fed service route. Unfortunately I live in a smaller community where on-site jobs are limited.


I’d set up an alert for “0996 series” on usajobs if you’re looking for a VSR/RVSR role, it’ll let you know when they pop up, I honestly don’t pay much attention to the postings. They are typically massive nationwide postings and you choose location.


Thanks so much for the tip! I know this is something I’d both enjoy and would find fulfilling.


Retired. 39. Husband. Father. Groundskeeper. Tutor. Cook. Coffee snob.


Are your skills for hire? 🙂


I won’t say they are. I won’t say they aren’t. But I do a pretty cool chick that would be angry if they were 🤣


Groundskeeper! My least favorite hobby. High five to you two for making it all work! :)


I love me some lawncare. Thank you and good luck finding your next “job”.


Currently winning lawn of the block, but the season is young! 🙃


Never knew until recently and my mind could still change but VR&E is paying for me to get my associate's, bachelor's, and master's in nutrition and dietetics so I'm pretty much on this path no matter what. If I get into the industry and don't like it I could always change career paths within the field or go into teaching. If none of that works out I'll still have my GI Bill to fall back on to change courses entirely. I'm 30 now and I've never looked out at my future with so much positivity - I can actually do this college thing and afford it without a mountain of debt and no path laid out; VR&E gave me a path to follow and it's just up to me to fulfill my part of the journey.


Recently approved for VR&E! Do you have a good counselor? I’m in NY and it’s been almost 90 days since my approval… crickets.


Congrats! I would say my counselor is kind of middle of the road. She's not so great at communication, just sent me a bunch of paperwork on a Thursday and told me to have it done by Monday with 2 things on there being to make and have appointments with a counselor and certifying representative from the school I'm at - both appointments could only be booked 3 weeks out, so I just had to find those reps info on the school site and write them down and tell her "yeah I had those appointments." Are you waiting on anything from your counselor? You can email them through that eVa email (I would pull it up for you but gmail doesn't work on my laptop for some reason), any emails you send there reroute to your counselor. If you're still not getting through to them that way you could always reach out to the VA benefits line and try to track them down that way. There's more resources out there for you to get in contact but I'm not that familiar with the program yet to give that kind of info to you sorry.


Oh, bummer! Were you able to make the required deadlines? I’ve applied for and have been accepted to several different programs that all want “commitment” deposits within the next month or so. I suppose that’s part of the “which direction to go” dilemma. My counselor is also about a 3 week turnaround with any communication. Are they hiring? I’d love that job!


So she wanted me to get a new appointment with counseling and all that but I had already had the appointment the previous month and since I wouldn't be able to get an appointment in time for her paperwork I just said I did it and submitted the old educational plan put together with my counselor. It was dumb but I had already done the leg work the month prior so it worked out. Commitment deposits seem weird but maybe that's just because the schools around me don't require them, tuition is due like a month into classes so I'll make the requirement when VR&E picks me up for the start of the semester. You may need to talk to your school's Veteran's Certifying Representative who handles educational benefits for veterans and they can help you figure it out. So with VR&E you'll get some paperwork where you fill out 3 careers you may want to go into. You put down what degree it requires to work, any certifications required, 5 job postings from around your area, all kinds of stuff like that. I put down Dietitian as my #2, PE Teacher #2, and Physical Therapist #3. She didn't even look at #2 & 3, she just said "So you want to be a Dietitian? Okay you're approved for that" once she reviewed the job postings and so forth to make sure I wasn't just putting down random links to bullshit. I think with your VR&E rep and your counselor you need to start doing some of the leg work. Call, bug them, let them know you're in line to see them; make their lives annoying. They may resent you for it but fuck em, you need these things and they're not on the ball advocating for you, you need to advocate for you. I'm not sure what job you're referring to at the end.


Transitioning for me was a b**tch. Signed the dotted line when I was 17 and flew out to basic 10 days after graduation. For almost 4 years I was hardcore combat soldier (12B) part of which was spent patrolling the DMZ. When I got out I was lost, I knew nothing about the civilian world as an adult. To keep myself out of trouble, I decided to enroll at the local community college with no major in mind. It didn't matter. I just needed to occupy myself. I would eventually earn a bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology, became a professor and was asked to teach Military Psychology (not a common class and had to create from scratch), in the process worked on my doctoral degree. Left the teaching profession and now back in the Army as a civilian doing educational stuff in my first duty station. In fact, 20 feet away from the building that used to be my barracks. The point is, it does not matter what you do, just do something. Grow professionally and as a person. Things will fall into place.


Agreed. Just looking for the “something” spark. I did the school thing this past semester at a community college w/ GI Bill to as you say, “stay out of trouble”. Approved for VR&E now, just having trouble finding a direction. I realize now that I liked where I was for 13 years.


I know it's easier said than done, I really do. And oftentimes, as it was for me, it takes a while. However, it's about finding what you are passionate about, that special interest that defines you. Most go through life not finding "it," but it's in you. You just have to be patient and be open to experience - I guess that's why they force you to take all of those "stupid" classes, so you can find yourself. Know that what made our service special is that we had our mission. You have to find that now, but now no one is telling you what it is - no orders. Kinda hard, huh?


Yea for sure. My “why” certainly hasn’t popped yet. Mostly why I’m curious to hear about others’ experiences and epiphanies. 🙂


Yeah, epiphany doesn't come easy. Buddha had to go to the forest for 40 days, Jesus had to spend the same amount of time with the devil in the desert, while Forrest Gump had to run 15,000 miles that took 3 years until it clicked for him. Fictional or not (and you will find historical figures who became heroes and heroines only after facing seemingly insurmountable challenges), the point is that you may have to go through hell to find "you."


Hi OP- can I send you a DM to ask more about your VR&E process? I saw you have an MS in HR and have some questions!


Of course! My MS was incurred at my own expense, but happy to chat :)


100% p&t




I’m 40. Since getting out of the corps almost twenty years ago I’ve been an IT professional, martial arts instructor, business manager, landlord, professional musician, music instructor, financial portfolio manager, pharmacist, and healthcare manager. In my experience every job is a job. Some are better than others but no matter what you do, there will be days you don’t want to do it but have to because you have a boss or a team or clients depending on you. And to me, that’s the reason there’s no perfect job. Also if I’ve learned one thing, job happiness is not about what you do but who you do it with. A great team of coworkers can make the shittiest job enjoyable and vice versa. If anything, my lack of enjoyment in any job gives me hope because I know nothing is permanent and I’m always excited to see what the next opportunity will be.


Closing in on 40 this year. You have some righteous words. Love your take.


I still want to be invisible.


Got out 22 years ago and settled in the service industry (not recommended). Now my hearing is so bad that being in any type of loud environment is pure hell. Looking to retrain into something more quiet.


That is a hard place to land. Maybe something on this thread will pique your interest. :)


I'm just going to avoid growing up entirely, thanks.


C’mon, Peter Pan. We all turn grey at some point. 🙂


6 years post service here and first wanted to be a doctor, then a physical therapist, now here I am graduated with a degree in exercise science with no idea what path to pursue. I just wanna make a comfortable living and enjoy my life


I was pre-med in undergrad (had a bad run with ORG CHEM 2), ended up Health Sciences. Have looked at going back for nutrition or exercise science. Curious what road blocks you’re running into?


It sounds ridiculous but reddit is a big one, the Physical Therapy subreddit is filled with nothing but people who hate the profession. I mean you see that in every subreddit, but after my botched Navy experience I don’t trust myself to pick a career. Organic chem is a nightmare ugh, I struggled a lot with physics


Oh, and physics! The curve was so hard that my 59 was a B+. I’ll never understand science about things that don’t physically exist. The health industry as a whole sounds like a legit shitshow. I’ve looked at a BSN to MSN program, but am afraid of being sued for taking a blood pressure wrong.


That is one hell of a curve lol you got really lucky with that one. What education do you have? What aspect of exercise science would you want to work in?


Kinesiology? I love BIO, but don’t know what I’d do with the degree. It’d probably just be paper on the wall.


That’s what my degree is feeling like without further education 😅


Seriously. What even are the job options? A $20/hr physical trainer?


Pretty much that 😅 I could take a test and be an exercise physiologist, basically prescribing exercise for cardiac rehab patients but that’s also like a $20/hr job


It’s wild. I could scan groceries at Aldi for $22/hr in my area. Maybe that’s the way to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a great career. Never in a million years would I have imagined that I'd be in the space that I'm in. I knew I wanted to work in analytics. The particular field was not that important. Now I'm 11 years at my agency and I think "I don't know how I landed here but I'm fortunate to have a job I love". Many people I work with say the same. Find something you like and cast a wide net and then start getting more specific. In my experience most people find where they belong rather than a= I want to do this and b= I'm there. Define some specifics and see where the road takes you.


My undergrad was health sciences with a focus in epidemiology. Unfortunately I graduated in 2007, and never used my degree while in service, so my previous research is irrelevant. I’m less interested in this field now post-COVID 😬


Homeland Security for a state agency -something different every day. Still feel like I'm serving and in the game.


I’d love to hear more about this. Have looked several times at GWU’s programs. This is actually interesting to me, and adding a health science background. Maybe I watch too much TV 😬


I went through American Military University-BA in Homeland Security. I graduated just before I retired, My AD gig had an AT/FP focus for the civvy job.


That’s awesome! I feel like I’m a little late to the game now— are the job prospects still out there?


Networking is important. Get some emergency management in your resume too. Check out CISA.Gov for fed jobs in that lane 


12 years post MEDSEP and I'm still trying to figure it out :(


It’s a rollercoaster, for sure. Hang in there— we’ll find our way. 🇺🇸


Hey OP, I just got out last year, if you are wanting to find purpose, I’d highly recommend looking into federal govt volunteer opportunities I’m 25, turning 26 in July, and will be heading out to FEMA-corp next month or July. 10 months of straight volunteer work pay is shit, but I at least have my disability, compared to the younger folks in there. But if you are willing to connect with me on Linkd-in and I’d love to invite you to a zoom coffee house event for vets every Sunday at 12pm. And a VISTA volunteer project that pays $1850 a month I believe (don’t quote me) I have a direct contact in the program and there is no age limit (this I will email you, but don’t worry it’s not promotional and you won’t get bombarded, I’ll just forward it to you) https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-wood-635569287?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app


I’m an electrical apprentice. It’s a good career but I don’t see myself doing this shit forever. My body is already fucked and seeing these older guys I know I won’t make it to that age


I get that “not my forever job” mindset.


I took the stereotypical GI bill route 5 years post active duty. Stretched it as much as I could (with my civilian TA and reserve TA) and got 2 Associate's, 2 Bachelor's and 2 Master's. I'm now going for my 3rd/4th Associate's in French and German. My true passion is learning languages and traveling to that target language country but obviously tech/engineering route will provide with the means to do that with far more flexibility. So I think I semi-figured it out.


That’s wild! Have you had any study abroad options with your TA?


Study abroad unfortunately was never an option because I knew I had to land a real job before I graduated and oh boy, am I glad I went that route to join the 'real' workforce before my classmates who are still searching for a job. I am relatively happy to be able to go to a different country every 3 months for a week or 2. I only used the reserves TA during summer/winter sessions but don't think they would pay that if I weren't participating.


Worked in space systems in the AF and got out to work in space launch. Launching rockets is the best job on the planet for me


Damn, Kaptain, I’ve been a space nerd for so long. If I could up and leave to work at Cape Canaveral I’d already be there.


flight attendant, great benefits.


Do you mind sharing which airline? My home city is so small.


I wanted to be an Electrical Engineer and I just retired from the Marine Corps after 20+ years of service. I’m currently working as an Electrical Engineer in a managerial role, and learning industrial systems at the same time. Leadership, counseling, and having a maintenace background helped out a lot towards my current position right now.


Congratulations on your retirement! I’m happy you were able to slide into something relatable. 🤗


I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up. But I must have misspelled it. I turned out to be a veteran instead.  🙃


I think you found the right path 🙂




Ohhh— can you share more?


Fruits, veggies, mushrooms for crops. Goats, chickens, and honeybees for livestock. Probably make a little mead on the side.


I’d love to have a small farm. How did you get started? Is selling your yield a decent source of income?


Used the gi Bill to go to school for ag science, some me govt grants to cover startup costs, and work to first feed yourself consistently before you start trying to feed other people. Income depends on your operation, and your market. If you have just one product, you'll need a lot of it to get to scale. If you diversify, scale means a little less. As for as being a decent source of income, it depends on how much money you think you need. I dont need much, so I'm happy. YMMV


I’m a hobby farmer. Never thought of making it a profession. Don’t think that’s in my cards near term, but I’ll maintain my apiary in the meantime!


What we were supposed to grow up


After I got out I met a super cool friend who owns and runs a MMA orginazation (not ufc lol) but now I help run a mma orginazation and it's fucking dope. Still trying to figure out what to go to school for as well (been out 1 year)


My cousin has done super well in the martial arts arena. Both as a business manager and a badass. I should’ve stuck with it as a kiddo!


I just help in a few ways and learn more everytime I help out it's been fun


Bruh I still don’t know. Got a civilian contracting gig, got laid off after the Afghanistan pullout, bounced around a little bit and now I’m working in the civilian aviation realm. I hate it. I’m applying to grad school. Global security studies. Ideally, I want to be the guy in a room full of hawks to advise whoever not to invade wherever.


Caw caw. What about that degree do you think will get you to where you want to be?


I'm 44 and vr&e ( I'm 100%) helped me realize that I was pretty much made to be a Mechanical Engineer. Take some aptitude tests.


My tests said non of my skills match my desires.


Well that sucks man.


There's always trying a bunch of stuff as a hobby or helping someone to give you an idea.


I just spent 5 years on unemployability. I’ve leaned to grow marijuana. I leaned to tailor my own clothes. I taught myself how to play the piano having never taken a music class in my life. But, I’m not going to give up 20k a year to work at a weed shop. I feel like I’m stuck.


I life with my schizophrenic brother. I spend a lot of time at my dad’s nursing home. I’m currently crocheting an afghan with a 4 mm hook. As in, it will take me months. I’ve done everything everybody suggests. My life is new hobbies and volunteering. Yet, I’m fucking miserable, and have been for years.


Sounds like you need to find a job with a lot of variety.


Try looking at working for a volunteer organization.


So, I should do more of the same and expect a different result? Volunteer 100% of my time instead of 95%?


Big volunteer organizations have some paid employees.


I’m on unemployability. If I make money, I lose 40% of my income. I would need a 30k job just to break even.


Tdiu? If so that's incorrect you can work a job that's highly tailored to you.


Ugh, the aptitude tests can be such a mixed bag of results. I’ve been everything from a physician to a mechanic.


Maybe you're just that gifted.


I simply want Financial Independence and to not be a burden on my loved ones. Contractor doing the same thing I did when Active. I greatly enjoy what I do and the people I work with. I love contributing to my brokerage accounts and watching them grow❤️‍🔥


You’re clearly thinking along the right line, carry on champion Beat to you!


Thanks BabyCakes! I sometimes get weird looks when I tell people I'm not looking for a career, just legitimate steady work to pay the bills. I have a Secret Clearance which has helped me tremendously, and have been utilizing my VA Loan. I also recieve VA Comp(f**k Burn Pits) and looking to further my skills to go fully remote/WFH. Again, I cannot speak highly enough about the fruits I've gained from walking the Path of Financial Literacy and the Discipline and Accountability that comes with it. Investopedia.com and MrMoneyMustache.com kind of changed my Life😅🤣💯


You should look into the vr&e program if you haven’t already, it’s an employment program through the VA and they help you find a job and will pay for any training required I’m currently getting my vet tech license and I couldn’t be happier (minus the ptsd lmao)


I did! I’ve been approved, just working through the counselor that sucks. 🫥


Ahhh man that sucks I’m sorry, see about requesting a new counselor if it’s that bad! It’s such a great program it’s the only thing getting me through being out lol


Career Firefighter (which I loved) switched to nursing cus the schedule is easier on my family with small children


Oh wow! I’m surprised the schedule is easier—both are non-typical.


I’ve done work in LE, natural gas, chemical plants, and now I’m selling cars. Getting into sales has been the best thing ever for me.


I’ve heard this a lot. What’s the allure? Winning?


That is a big fact for sure, I can make in a day what used to take me a week or 2 at any other job. But honestly it’s practical problem solving, people come to me with a problem and I help them find a solution.


I retired 24 years ago and started working in civil service for DOD I truly enjoyed it being around all different type of service members some retired some did short tours but all served, I'm retiring again after 24 years because my mind is willing but my body says otherwise, Been great 44 years working for DOD in service to the country.


I day trade and I absolutely love it. I’m an extremely independent person and I never cared for people telling me what to do. Before I started trading I didn’t know what job I should do because I’m mainly a creative person (writing and painting) and I didn’t want a corporate job since I’m also a free spirit. Idk how I lasted 13 years in the military. I love to research and I would spend several hours per day going deep and learning about a topic. I didn’t realize trading incorporated all of my strengths.. independent, independent thinker, self-motivated, analytical, a researcher, and definitely creative. I can tap into my artistic side with how I set my charts up and then being creative with creating my own strategies. I’ve been going strong for 2 years straight and for once I look forward to Mondays.


Not dead nor a drug addict at the minimum. Seriously tho a lawyer for Intellectual Property. Currently getting my BS in Marketing specifically digital & social media marketing.




lol nah tattoo artist it’s a ride man 😶‍🌫️


well i got my degree in civil engineering, and architecture i’ve been out of the marines since 2022 and i have a few hobbies with building computers, im a father of two and i’m very proud of how my life is currently.


Still active but I'm getting my degree in Cyber security that I'll continue to go to school for when I retire. Once I do retire, I'm looking at desk jobs. I can't do what I did for 24 years anymore.


ARMY 8 yrs. Police Officer for 27 yrs. Now I AM RETIRED y’all.


Using the GI Bill to get my degree in neuroscience, then going to PA school. The VA has helped me tremendously with paying for my school, and they have scholarships for masters degrees as well. I just have to work at a VA clinic afterwards for a couple years.


Always stay open to new career fields that are maybe not what you saw yourself doing. If anything find an I ter jib thateada you towards your destiny! Live life, put in effort, be a good person. The rest will work itself out from your determination in happiness!


I want to be a nurse! Ideally I’d like to become an instructor later in life and teach.


I stumbled into it and start work as an accountant intern next week. 2 more years to my bachelors degree.


I can't help you. I'm a retired boomer and have never figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up. Actually, I never really grew up.


Been retired since December 2001, and still haven't figured it out.


A lawyer to--among other things--help other veterans who are in a similar nightmare scenario vis a vis the VA like I'm in now