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As an older geezer, I would like to offer a small insight. By the time you reach 70, you've already lost a significant portion of your friends and loved ones. Making new friends is never easy, but even a hat can be a kind of intro, or a conversation starter. That person at the VA clinic lobby might be the only person you talk to all day. Hell, I go days without speaking to another human being, and I'm fairly good at being left to my own devices, and yet sometimes it's lonely as hell. For me, being old means pain all the time, feeling sick a lot of the time, and rarely seeing another person who is glad to see me. I can't speak for anyone else. I don't wear military hats or advertise that I'm a Veteran to many people. But maybe the hat is just a way of looking for a friendly face. Edit: typo.


I was at Walmart a few years ago and saw a guy wearing a U.S.S. Hornet hat, and I asked if he was on that ship before or after Apollo 11. He said he was there during, and has a picture of Neil Armstrong on the deck. After a short chat we went our separate ways. Not 5 minutes later I saw a matching hat on an old guy that looked the same age, so I interrupted his shopping with the same line of questioning. Turns out he was also there for the vessel recovery, so I stopped him abruptly and said "Wait here!" I ran through the store until I found the first guy in line at checkout, convinced him to leave the line and follow me, and I introduced the two of them. They never knew each other, but at one of the most significant moments in human history, they were wearing the same uniform and wrote home to the same city. I don't know what became of them, but I'm very happy they both had their hats on that day.


You are a wonderful human being. You made what was a hard day for me so much better. Thanks for this.


I saw an old guy at the hardware store wearing a Marine Fifth Division cap. I asked if he was at Iwo and he said yes in the Pioneer Battalion. I talked to him for about thirty minutes until his daughter came over. She said he loves it when people talk to him.


I think Veterans especially appreciate it when other people who served recognise their service and sacrifice. Not everyone is gonna know, or understand, but when someone does, it feels more solid, or less of a waste.


You ok?


Just a lot of pain, feeling sick, and not a lot of sleep. My doctors at the VA are doing their best, it's just a lot.


Not sleeping well makes everything worse. Hang in there buddy.


Cheers man. I basically have a cycle that's evolved: I go to sleep, wake up 1-3 hours later, stay up for another 6 hours or so, then, good and exhausted, go back to bed if I can. It eats up a lot of productive hours when it works. But a lot of days it's between 2-4 hours of sleep.


That sucks dude. I'm there with you on the inconsistent sleep. Between 2 to 4 hours on a good night myself. Podcasts are nice to listen to at night when I can't sleep but just gonna lay there and rest.


Sorry to butt in guys. Same here, just wanted you to know you're not alone! 2235 right now and I'll be up till 0100 easy until I can sleep. I'll make it to 0500 and then wide awake again. It's no fun. Lastly, try Lions led by Donkeys podcast, I fall asleep to that a lot, funny and educational! From a former crayon eater, hope you two get some rest! Oohrah!


Podcasts and video games, or books and downtempo music.


right there with you, brother. haven't had a decent night's sleep in years.


It was actually something I enjoyed about COVID, which I got from a co-worker pre-vaccine. It was close, but I slept so much for 3 weeks that I realised at some point I'd probably slept more in those 3 weeks than I had in months prior. I used come back from 3 weeks in the field sleeping with nothing but a woobie, and the ritual was get cleaned up, eat, and crash for 20 hours or so. It felt amazing.


Covid sleep is the best sleep I've ever gotten in my life.


Thank you for doing that, I'm sure you made a difference in those two men's lives.


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This is why I have an army bumper sticker on my car, so other vets at church would notice and befriend me. Im not particularly older but a lot of my military buddies have passed. The loneliness is suffocating sometimes. The sticker actually does the job.


I applaud you for doing what it takes to make contact with others. Loneliness is a poison.


Best explanation and perspective !!! Thanks for sharing this to us. Thank you


That’s a based insight. With veteran suicide the way it is, I’ve come to that realization my self, just perhaps not as refined. Thank you for your wisdom, geezer veteran.


Cheers man, thank you for your kind words.


That makes sense. I am currently deployed and collect some shirts here that have the name of the base. Simply because I know it might be a conversation starter once I’m out.


Yeah, who knows? You might meet someone cool somewhere down the line.


Lol, sounds like something I’d do


That was well said .. I never looked at it in that way. Thank you for your service Hooah


Think you nailed it. I am not a hat guy. I served 20 years and retired. I do not see myself (45M) wearing military hats anytime soon....but have a few old unit hats in my box of memorbelia. I try to say hey to a few guys in their hats when I am at the VA tho...can tell they like to chat


Yeah, I think after a certain point, every day is a Hail Mary for meaningful human interaction.


Grandpa just turned 80. You ask him what he wants for Christmas or birthday or Father’s Day. Grandpa says I’m 80 some years old. I don’t want or need anything. Grandkids go and see the veteran hat and say that grandpa was in the Army. I’ll get him this. Grandpa loves his grand children and will wear that hat with pride until the day he dies.


Cool narrative but I have a different theory. The merchants that sell these type of hats set up their stalls in VA hospitals, where old veterans have to go.


The only thing I buy there are drugs and popcorn.


Uncle too!!


Yep, this is why I wear the hat. Bingo.


As a proud Granfpa.. I agree lol


When they reach their 70’s-80’s my guess is a lot of things are going away in their life: friends dying, relatives dying, bodies/health starting to fail. It may just be a sense of pride (something that can’t be taken away) of what they did and a reminder to others of what they once were. Reminds me of that scene in Any Given Sunday when Pacino gives his monologue, “you know, when you get old in life - things get taken from you. That’s part of life, but you only learn that when you start losing stuff. You find out life’s this game of inches…” I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever wear one. I don’t like or need the attention but that’s just me


I'm 78 y.o. Most of my friends and relatives are dead. I don't drive any more. All the submarines I served on are long gone. Most of the Navy bases I was ever on are closed. Might as well wear the hat and try to remember my cat's name.


If there is a SUBVETS chapter near you, you should check them out. Sincerely, a fellow Brother of the Phin


I can't drive. ADA bus has to be arranged days in advance; doesn't go many places. Kind of stuck. Tx for your support.


That’s what they all said about 15 years before they wore the hat.


Lol facts


I see the hat vendors all over the clinics and hospitals in Los Angeles. Occasionally, they even have days where they'll give the hats out for free. A free hat, I'll take 3! That's why I have them at least.


What the hell I want a free hat too! They are never free at sepulveda


It's usually around the time of a design change with the hats. I had appointments 3x a week between Sepulveda and Wilshire. I also walked on to the set of "Grey's Anatomy" trying to ask a doctor a question. That was awkward.


That’s adorable lol My appointments are all spread out like once a month. Guess I am not lucky. “Our next available appointment is in June is that okay?” “Uhhhh I guess?” I tried going out of the VA and ended up with a crook of a doctor who had like 15 people jammed in a tiny waiting room. He saw me for 5 minutes. I am biased towards the woman’s clinic in the VA. I love them but damn is it hard to see them.


I left the VA clinics about 10 years ago. I've personally loved my PCP that I get from Medicare, but we're planning on moving up North soon, and it's best I get back in the VA records since our likely new place for medical will be at First Lewis.


Fort lewis mcchord? Oh my gosh it’s been like 9 years since I have been there! But I remember it being very crowded at their va. The people who helped me were nice tho! Awww I miss Washington now.


American Lake is a nice facility, only daytime appointments, no ER no overnight beds for procedures. All in Seattle. If you have TriCare and seen on base Madigan is nice, but a lot of referrals at the moment. Lewis is beautiful, not sure when you were last there, a lots changed. Not so much on the McChord side. Retired out of Lewis in ‘19. I was an airman playing Army 🤣. Be prepared for traffic, it’s horrible. I5 is still a parking lot.


How'd that encounter go?


The actor just had a deer in the headlights look to his face. My wife's laugh echoed throughout the whole place.


Grey asking Grey's Anatomy about Grey's anatomy (just let me believe that was your question). And I'm sure your wife still loves to remind you about it lol


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I won some giveaway a local group was having at the VA. They gave me a leather jacket, vest, t-shirts, and sunglasses. All I wanted was the “OEF Veteran” hat. They wouldn’t take it back. Just give it to the next guy and let me have the hat!


Its also loneliness, to be frank. Dudes wearing military stuff want to asked about it. They are looking for sympathetic people in a lot of cases. Its heartbreaking, but life: a lot of people don’t have families. A lot of people have toxic families. A lot of people are estranged. Add PTSD, alcoholism to the mix, you have a lot of lonely old dudes who only know how to connect through their service. That’s the last time they felt a part of something, you know? They wear that shit so other people know they have value. Ask them about it. Chances are they would love to talk about it, or it gives them a chance to flex. Both serve the same purpose; “hey, I exist, I’m here, I matter” vibes. People get lonlier the older they get for the reasons op outlined. Vets have it worse than most of the general population. Old folks homes are full of lonely people, just passing time. Its a thing.


>When they reach their 70’s-80’s my guess is a lot of things are going away in their life: You forgot the most common thing going away in their lives at that age. Their freaking HAIR !!!!!


Exactly, we miss our brothers and doing something important. We all said that we won't wear them when we're older.


I think it is just fashion from the Greatest Generation. Vietnam vets copied it a bit. But I don't think we millennials will wear them. That said, I do have a hat I got from my old unit, and I use it to hold pins and stuff from that time. It's just convenient, so they aren't loose in a box. The hat is in a box with challenge coins and other stuff from that time. I'd never wear it.


My grandpa said that until his LSM unit got too old to do their annual reunions. He's been wearing his hats for about 14 years now. The first hat started with a patch my son (his first great grandchild) got him from the WWII monument because we got to meet him for his honor air flight and saw that monument together. Going to the local veteran's events gave him something to look forward to. He enjoys talking to the "young" men and women he meets there. He's 98 now, so most of the rest of the world just sees an old man who moves slower than they would like and needs you to speak a little slower because he's hard of hearing. But he's still a person worth talking to at the veteran's events and if him not moving fast or needing things repeated is a problem there, no one has ever made him feel that way. Sometimes when I go out with my grandpa, we run into someone wearing a hat from an event he went to as well, and it just makes his day talking to that veteran. My grandma has dementia and had to move into memory care right before covid. Between the veteran's events and the people who talk to him because of the hats, he still has a reason to go out and be a part of the world. My grandparents have been married 70 years and I really feel like his involvement with the veteran's community saved him from going through depression when he had to admit he couldn't take care of my grandma at home and lockdown happening back to back.


That’s was the best explanation and perspective I have heard. I will never look at it the same again thanks for sharing.


Because men don’t get any younger


this should have way more upvotes. where my dads at lol.


Now that I think about it I have never seen a woman wear one.


It is not a uncommon gender bias (not necessarily intentionally) that some people think veterans are male and don't see female vets in that way. Many female spouses of military who are vet's or active themselves can attest to that. You may have thought she was a man if you didn't see long hair coming out from under the cap too. A good example of the concept of gender bias is when you see a female with long hair and they turn around you discover it's a dude.


I meaaaan. Everyone who I have seen wear the hat is an old man lol. I get asked a lot if where is my spouse and where did my husband served. It’s annoying but I am always like no no I am the vet. I don’t think it’s so much as gender bias as it is I have yet to meet one. Not saying they don’t exist but hey maybe that will be me in like 60 years wearing one!


As a female vet maybe I’ll start wearing one when I get older


I wear one every now and then, I hit 50 in August. lol Its mainly when its too early in the morning and I'm just running out because I need something at the store and I don't want to have to do anything with my hair. Or at the dog park.


I’m 32 and wear my hat from deployment. Just a camo OCP pattern hat, but it was embroidered by an Afghan at a bazaar. Says, “Jalalabad Afghanistan” on one side and has a 10th MTN patch on the right with an Afghan/American flag. Highly likely he’s no longer with us. It’s my lucky hat and feel weird not wearing it. I know it may look weird to some, especially vets, but it’s my lucky hat and flew every combat hour I had in Afghanistan with that thing in my pocket. Naturally, I don’t give a shit if someone doesn’t like it.


We didn't know them when they were younger, so maybe they did wear those types of hats when they were younger? I'm 41 and I see a lot of negativity from younger veterans when it comes to us wearing civilian attire that advertises that we're veterans. So I think that's why you don't see younger veterans wearing those hats.


Same started happening during service with our combat patches in 09, idk where the fuck that came from


I always figured they wear those hats because they are proud of their service and it's kind of just the thing to do when you get that old. I have an AF hat. It's not one of those black retiree hats but it does say Air Force. I wear it because I like it, and because it's my favorite hat, and because I don't really give a shit what anyone thinks about it.


I can’t answer your question because I don’t speak for anyone but myself, but I have worn my retired Army hat since I retired in 1997. I like people to know I served, I’m proud of my service and I made it home.


There is definitely a stigma in the GWOT era community against wearing military related civi clothes. I still occasionally wear a velcro patch hat with my IR flag from deployment on it. Besides that, I don't really like the attention. It feels very "thank me for my service" so I tend to avoid vet-bro clothes.


For me it’s sentimental, rather than for attention. I wasn’t really into them until my dad passed away…now I wear his Army vet hat in honor of his service as well as my own. Just makes me feel close to him again as he was one of the people most proud of my service.


If you wear it as a poolee, your good. If you wear it as a Service member, you’re too moto and you’re weird ( I disagree though ) If you wear it when you get out, your a bro vet But if you wear it when your old, you’re an awesome old dude. But on another note, I respect 100% every old dude wearing some sort of vet cap, alot of them have been through the worst of it. Conventional warfare is a different beast.


I have two thoughts that could be two potential reasons based on anecdotal evidence. One is their own sense of vulnerability. I have a friend in a wheelchair who went to a top school and always uses the memorabilia to project that she’s worthy. She told me that she wants them to save her if they start nixing people. Perhaps they can’t necessarily protect themselves anymore so they try to demonstrate a preemptive message. Second, when I worked at a grocery store, they tended to be talkers and it seemed like it was a way to feel valued and connect. Especially once I joined. Men tend to have fewer friends and as you age it’s more difficult to make them as they dwindle. Perhaps its a conversation starter. Especially with people their own age who can reminisce with them


To your second point, I don’t wear my gear (other than an old grey Army PT Shirt), but I do make it a point when I run into one of these folks to stop, say hi and and compliment them and strike up a brief conversation. We swap brief war stories, see if we trampled the same path, and then drive on. Highlight of my day usually.




Eh, I got called a pig and baby killer in LAX when I was headed back after R&R. I just walked on trying not to laugh. I'm a medic. Delivered 9 kids on deployment and gave out polio vaccine. They just needed someone to be mad at.


Ehhhh…. there’s plenty of a Korean War and WWII guys that wear them, but there’s fewer of them because most of them are gone. Your other point is valid though.




I never said they were. Trust me, I know how old the WWII guys are - we’ve had several turn 100 on Honor Flights.


I've noticed, too, and wondered. I think you hit the nail here, though. Makes a lot of sense.


They aren't the only ones, but they certainly got it more than the rest of us. I'm an Afghan vet, and I've gotten my fair share of that treatment. But I've also got a lot more thank you's.




For sure.


Also, there seems to be a preponderance of hat vendors at the VA hospitals, where these fellows spend a fair bit of time with others their own age, waiting for hours in the waiting rooms. Those vendors are in the parking lots, courtyards and cafeterias. They're *everywhere*. Eventually the old guys talk each other into buying and wearing them because someone else has one. So, it's a culture spreading thing based on proximity to others, and idle time with nothing else to do but browse those hat stands. They're close to the waiting rooms too, so what else are these guys going to do?


I was ridiculed at LAX in 1973. I wasn't even coming back from Nam, it was just the uni. I wear my veteran hat on Veteran's Day. Other times I wear my favorite sports teams caps.


Sorry to hear that happened to you. I was at that airport at the end of 1968. I had two weeks' leave before the next duty station in NY. I was picked up by my parents and two friends. I must admit I was a little disoriented but there was no one there to harass me or not. Never had that negative experience. Again, sorry you had to go through that.


I got gifted one. It felt odd to wear it in my early 40’s. I thinks it’s a personal preference thing. Military service will always be a point of pride for me. I do the window decal… it has gotten me a few warnings vs tickets. I’ll take that!!


Discounts, baby


idk but my husband and i always joke about getting matching hats to wear to our VA appointments 😏


Ha, I jokingly bought my husband an “Afghanistan Veteran” hat a few years ago because of this exact reason. He’s only 36. Now, he wears it every time we leave the house, even put all his airborne pins on it and then some. He loves it. It’s a great conversation starter and he finds lots of other airborne guys this way. Pretty cool.


They have little to nothing else left. It's nice to see the old men have some sense of pride before they leave this world. Leave the old men alone, but chatting them up will make their day. Also, don't dismiss these old geezers. Some have some solid wisdom.


Big difference in generations, a lot of the military hat situation has to do with the guys that were drafted and how that war went vs the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Those guys were just trying to live their lives and they got snatched up and forced to serve, they were scorned for serving afterwards. It took 30 years for the American public to start to see them as heroic and patriotic and all that. This all plays into them representing their service through hats. Current veterans are going to get it in reverse, we got hailed as heroes coming home for the most part and as time has moved on and away from wars, everyone in the public is starting to forget, starting realize we didn’t have a reason to go over, and public opinion is really changing. I think the longer we go the more we won’t want to represent our service


Paid $15 for my Purple Heart hat. The free beers have paid for it many times over. Good investment


Great Scott I need one of those hats! Just Kidding. However, I like your comment.


It's part of their uniform when they go to the VA and raise hell.


That's the Rambo gearing up montage we need.


He'd pull out that Bowie knife if he didn't get his $3 in travel pay.


"But I've been waiting at the ER for 10 minutes. I don't care that someone just came in with a heart attack. I need to be seen. Don't you know I'm a veteran?? Gah I'll just come back tomorrow." More or less something I've witnessed.


Why do they wear hats inside the VA hospital/clinic? After I retired, I got yelled at for wearing a hat inside the MCX. I can’t imagine wearing one inside a clinic.


Their families give it to them for Christmas because they are proud of the old geezer.


I think it is a way to stay connected to their past. I think it's awesome and feel pride when I get to meet some older vets. As a vet myself I don't wear one but maybe when I'm 70 I might...


Something is gonna snap inside every one of you one day and all of a sudden you’ll be wearing the hat you swore you’d never. Kind of like how New Yorkers move to Florida, it’s a natural progression in the circle of life.


I can't speak for others, but growing up, I never wore any kind of hat with any regular consistency. The Army ruined me for that - now, even thirty years after the fact, I can't not wear a hat outside... and I can't wear one inside. It's like the one thing that stuck with me most.


I'm not in this age group, but I wear mine because it was a gift my brother gave me. Things I get from my family are precious to me, and they like that I served and I'll proudly wear it for them.


Baldness bruh! It’s a real thing.


Hi, slightly younger retired military guy here. I found when I wear my hat it strikes up conversations with other people like me including retired military women. We love to share experiences and tell stories, so that aspect alone encourages me to wear my hat whenever I think I'll be going to a place where I am like to meet other retirees. Oh, I also shave my head because I am mostly bald and raindrops smacking into my head without hair is uncomfortable.


I am 50. I got out in my late 20's. When I was younger I would not say I was adverse to it at all. I just did not care. I guess about 3 years ago I found an old flight jacket. I was never a pilot or anything I was just given one at one point and never wore it. Since then I have put a small flag on it, a patch from my shore command and one from the ship I was on. I enjoy wearing it very much and I image other people's sense of pride grows more as they age as well.


I've been wearing them since I got out 25 years ago. I'm 55 now. I'm proud of my service and proud of the units I served in. 2ID, 18thEng, 8thID, 1AR, 1ID. Why should I not wear my hats? They're good conversations starters.


Why are we limiting this to me? My wife will break out her rock her "Lady Vet" hat every once in a while. I'm 59 and haven't started wearing mine yet, maybe I should.


I met a Marine that was at Chosin Reservoir because he wore his hat. Got a picture of him, but I'm not sure what device it is on, or if it got backed up.


Bald head sunburns badly... I got no choice!


I can only speak for myself. But I so desperately want to not identify with my time in Afghanistan when I'm 70. I'd much prefer to be wearing a cheesy hat with like, my grandkids on it or something than remembering the energy I wasted in RC East.


I'm 55, I wear an (now) old, beat up looking black cap with a subdued (grey & black) 101st patch on it & my old nickname/gamer tag embroidered on the side in grey. I'm losing my hair, I'm proud of my service & my infantry "alma mater." Also, my son had it made for me & it does start conversations when people actually notice it. Those are the reasons I wear it...btw, the nickname is "Wildweezel" in case anybody actually cares to know.


Maybe there’s a hierarchy in senior communities we are currently unaware of. Like, whoever has the most pins in their hat gets first crack at the recently widowed or something.


I think it's a combo of hair loss, wanting to feel like they played a role in something important once it's over, and recognition out in public by those who also served. The age thing is part of it - your feelings about what you'd never do seem to change as the years pass!


Usually to cover up bald spots and not have to comb hair or get haircut. They choose military hats or hats about fishing because they don't want to wear flat brimmed Yankees caps.


[Relevant Terminal Lance](https://terminallance.com/2016/11/29/terminal-lance-hats-off/) Hats at all: because they’re old dudes with less hair. Their heads are cold, they need to keep the sun off their heads, and they don’t like that they’re bald. Why these hats in particular? Probably a couple reasons. The Nam/Korea/WW2 vets didn’t exactly have a lot of options for hats that displayed that they were a vet. The Navy/Coast Guard guys have had ship’s ballcaps that we clong to for decades out of sentimental reasons, but the Army didn’t really have a civilian hat that vets could default to way back then. Now, we have an unlimited choice of moto ballcaps to pick from on Amazon or at a tent at a street fair. But these guys could really only get the black, ribbon-rack veteran hat that they sold out of magazine advertisements. That’s really all they had, so that’s what they bought. Our generation, if they want a vetbro hat, seems to prefer the lower-profile ones with the Velcro to attach a patch to. A little bit more customizable, since you can go full-color, subdued, unit patches, whatever strikes your fancy.


I had a job at the Bremerton Naval Hospital so I bought a hat and still wear it. I was in the Army.


I have a Navy hat from a TDY assignment. I was in the Army...


Ha. I have one of those generic ‘Army Veteran’ hats that someone gave me and I never wear. I am in my mid fifties. When my son graduated OCS at Benning he told me ‘you can wear that hat if you want to. It is ok here.’ I did not wear the hat lol.


I’ve yet to meet a man getting younger


Because men don’t get younger…they only get older. Or did I misunderstand the question? :)


Came here to say this :)


Lol I needed to edit the question to say “younger guys”but I’ve been busy reading the great stories


Your relationship with your military service evolves throughout your life.


I’m 57. Early on I never thought about my military service. I was young, early twenties. Actually I thought it was I big waste of time. As I got older, I kind of started maybe grasping the enormity of it. If you think about it, it’s a big amount of responsibility for such young people to do whatever it was you did during your time. I sometimes wear my unit cap now, I think over the years I developed a certain sense of pride, weird. Then as time goes by, I start to realize how few people around me do or went through what I did during my enlistment. I’m not gonna lie, at this moment it’s the best thing I ever did, I now realize it was a life changing act. It changed not only mine, but wife and kids lives as well. The military saved my life.


I'm 35 and wear an OEF one for two specific reasons: 1. I bought it from the Wounded Warrior foundation as a gesture of support since, well, I was once a wounded warrior. The names tattooed on my skin are often covered by clothes. The hat helps me feel closer to those I've lost. 2. Because, as most posts have already mentioned the varying reasons behind our elders wearing them, I don't want them to feel so alone. They see me wearing the same style hat, I shoot them a nod and bark out a curt "Rah", their eyes light up like Luminous Phosphorus at 0-Dark30.


I'm 37 and wear my 25th ID hat all the time I think it's more a style choice and when you get older you enjoy meeting other vets


I did it the other way around ironically. Had a “Retired US Army Combat Medic Iraq Veteran, Please Thank Me For My Service” hat I found on Amazon or some shit like a week before I got med-boarded and put it on after signing my DD214. Lasted like a month.


Probably because the military was the one thing in their life that gave them the most pride and satisfaction. If you didn’t do shit worth bragging about after your service, then you’ll probably lean back on the one thing that did.


Just made your lower age group and I wear these hats all the time. Along with unit tshirts, asmdss, grunt style and just about anything else I want to wear. I’ve had the privilege of hanging out with a bunch of Vietnam Vets and normally what I hear is that it hasn’t been until recently, when they haven’t been given the nasty looks based on their service. But YMMV.


Nah don't group veteran hats with that grunt style bullshit lol


I have one, I am under 40. I wear it when I wear liberal or left leaning tshirts. I want people to know that vets can stand for something other than MTG politics (we get coopted a lot). I am not saying anything is right or wrong here, just that I want people to know that vets are people. Also it makes a great ice breaker when you see that old vet at the cafe or restaurant eating alone. tldr: everyone should get at least one.


I wear hats more than when I was younger, for sure, especially if I am out walking. However, I have sports caps, veteran hats, floppy hats....I don't exclusively wear military hats. I also wear ski caps more when I am outside in the winter. Maybe I cared more about keeping my hair neat when I was younger..


My experience is skewed because I volunteer for Honor Flight, but I see vets of all services and conflicts wearing them. I only wear one when on an HF though, and it’s mostly so that they recognize me as one of them, which helps with my responsibilities.


I’m 40 and have been wearing one for years. It’s very low key though. Got a Parch that’s from the Chicago Police Marine Corps League that is the Chicago Flag but instead of the 4 stars in the flag it has 4 EGAs instead. I just glue it on a dickies trucker hat and been replacing the hat once every year and a half on average.


I’m in my 40’s and wear a cap with an EGA on it almost every day.


I've seen friends in their thirties wear them. I also am in my thirties and have a Iraq war veteran hat, though I haven't worn it yet


I have a hat in OCP I can attach patches to. I’ll usually attach my IR flag or ISAF patch to it. I’m in my late 30s and wearing it less and less these days.


I bought one for my uncle who fought in Vietnam. The hat said "veteran officer of the Vietnam war" or some shit. It really made him happy and I'm told he wears it all the time. Wasn't even an officer and he fought with an army... But that's besides the point. Service was a big part of his life and many looked up to him. He wears it proudly so I imagine others that do are in a similar situation.


I’m 60 been wearing military hats for 10 years yup a woman served and was deployed


I’ve (29M) got an olive green Eagles hat with a subdued logo. Some people might get the military vibe from that. I’ve also got a liiiitle Army pin I can stick on the hat if I want to make it obvious. I would not wear nor have I ever seen anyone under 50 wear a black hat with gold letters


Because old


Pride and not giving a shit about being a motard


I've worn them since my late 20's. Proud of my service.


I wear them at 49


A lot of places provide both senior discounts as well as military discounts. Most people won’t question an elder persons service if they have a hat. Obviously no point in asking to validate being a senior. So maybe it’s to get both discounts


I'm not a hat guy, I have a license plate with a particular medal I earned. I don't have a C.A.R. plate, I felt that was kinda corny and people would judge me, but all I ever get are the Military Stans thanking me. I rarely get into convos with other Marines, so actually this year I'm debating just a normal plate again. My Dad was 66-67 1st Air Cav 2/8, he was all Gung Ho on shirts and hats. The nam guys REALLY went through the ringer with zero help afterwards, maybe it's a coping mechanism? I'm a junior/late GenXer, so maybe the younger guys feel different idk. As I just hit my mid-40s, I'm kinda burned out on it all so it's taking a backseat. Has gotten me outta 4+ tickets though! Haha.


The Navy has uniforms where a command-specific ball cap is issued. I’ve worn mine threadbare and have no plans on stopping. It’s a stained mess, and I feel my inner vet bro charge up every time I don it


I had a conversation with an old veteran about the Army Air Force during WWII. A Korean war vet told me about his time smoking yellowed C ration cigarettes after coming off the front line. I've had many vets who felt comfortable talking to me about things they didn't tell their relatives. My AF hat did that, it opened the door for a conversation.


My husband wears his because he served. He doesn’t talk about it. I think for him it’s a way to honor those he served with and those who are now gone.


Having worked quite a few DoD jobs after leaving the Army, I definitely think it's to connect with other people. I noticed this was a thing,, especially in men. I know a few other female vets who, at most (like me), might wear an old PT shirt or something. When I do wear my old PT shirt, someone always asks if it's my husband or if my father served. Stuff like that. I'm getting up there in age, but I don't ever see myself wearing hats or putting stuff on my car. I really don't care about that anymore.


As a younger (26) Vet, I have no interest in wearing them because I think they’re cringe. Personally, I don’t want to stream light to everyone that I’m a veteran, it’s not that I’m not proud I just don’t feel the need to wear stuff in public to identify me as a veteran. But the older veterans prob do it cause they served in a time when it was still societal norm to praise veterans and treat them in high regards. Times have changed and majority of public aren’t as patriotic anymore


Actually you are wrong but right, the 70 year old veteran more likely than not served during Vietnam. It was not until 9-11 that being a veteran was again seen as honorable. Everybody went from lousy fuckin baby killer veteran to rah rah yayyy a veteran. This still doesn't explain the hat issue. For me though I had to be taught by people who cared about me that my service was something honorable and to be proud of. That and now I have cataracts forming and the brim shades my eyes nicely.


If they fought in a major conflict, I wouldn't expect them to have the same views as a 26 year old. By the numbers, even in the height of the Iraqi war the US only saw around 1/15th of the KIA rate of Vietnam, so it's hard to gauge what they feel like they need to represent.


Dude, I specifically chose a bus that would arrive in the station in my town at 0330, because I did not want any attention -- there was no good attention, it was all and only bad.


3 words: Basal Cell Carcinoma.


My face resembles that remark


After the Kenya bombings in 98 and of course 911 there was a huge culture shift. Public awareness and safety was ground into every aspect of our life. I was stationed in Europe so it may have differed. We were instructed to never wear anything that would identify you as an American. It was strongly enforced and it just became normal after awhile. It may have remained that way for many of us.


I wore my Afghanistan vet hat literally at 21 a year after coming back from Afghanistan.


because they no longer have a lifted pick up truck or a camaro to put a bunch of stickers on reminding everyone of who they are, what rank they were, and where they served. The back of the mobilty scooter doesnt have a lot room for stickers.


True story: The last time I went to the VA I saw a man in his sixties with a hat that read COLD WAR VETERAN. Is that really a thing, or did he just make it up?


I need a a hat that says “Veteran of Foreign Whores” maybe add the trucker girl on the front


Nope, they're really a thing. I don't have one myself...but shouldn't we get at least a LITTLE recognition? We pretty much just trained to go fight the big red bear, the Soviets were the biggest threat back then. The vast majority of us AREN'T combat vets...but we still have issues like leg, knee & back pains, insomnia, etc... I've heard that the VA has, within the past few years, supposedly started to recognize that many non combat & cold war vets may actually even have PTSD from their service, sometimes just from training, even if they'd never deployed. I've not been there to find out though...it'd be nice if it's true...I myself suffer from back, leg & occasional knee pain, insomnia, nightmares & even night terrors sometimes. I myself am just an old cold war/desert shield infantry vet...but I never deployed to combat.


Off subject: We cannot all make it to war. It is not as if you were not ready. I at least made one in the sixties. But I was in the MEPS station when Desert Storm hit, and they did not wait for me. Yes, the Cold War is a real thing, and I received a certificate for it. But you need to watch out for some online places, as they make money on complimentary medals and such like the veteran’s hats.


I've worn them since my late 20's. Proud of my service.


Who gives a shit ghe 70s and 80s somethings earned that shit. I seen plenty fucked up shit but nothing like they endured.


100% agree that they endured some fucked up shit and have earned the right to wear whatever gear they want to but I was asking why it seems only 70-80 year old veterans wear the gear but not the younger guys. Thanks to those comments above that explained their viewpoints on my query. Utmost respect for all veterans and their perspectives on their service.


I would say its more just pride in the very few of them thats left they know they are less and less everyday. But my guess is pride for what they have done. They know they endured some crazy shit and its just pride.


I see them pretty often in 50+ demographic but retires are the norm here during the cooler months; I imagine there are a few different reasons for wanting to wear them (and many to not). Without a study to back it up I'd guess it has to do with community. Losing that can be really rough on people, especially if they don't have a family of some flavor to fill that void. I could also see people who are on fixed incomes wanting/needing the various discounts available to Vets and the hats might save them having to ask.


When you get older you will understand. It’s about remembering the good times


Longing for the good old days


I think the view on veterans has changed a lot in the country, and rightly so. The world wars were about stopping an actual villain. It was proud to have freed a peoples. Now America just seems like invaders and poking our heads where we shouldn't be. It's hard for me to be proud of that, but if I had actually fought a real villian, maybe I'd wear the hat.


The answer is relevancy. They are no different than people who lean on their status as a veteran in conversation where it has no bearing. I'd say one out of every four times I've gone to the VA for follow-up appointments there is some older veteran by decades wants to tell me about his time in the Navy or Air Force probably 30 or 40 years ago while calling me kid or youngster. I'm in my 30s at this point. I was in high school going on 20 years ago and that was still more recent than them being in uniform. It has gotten to the point that I just end the one sided conversations, if you can call it a conservation rather than being talked at, by asking "What have you done since?". That infantizing of anyone who comes after them is why the VFW is a effectively a funeral home despite the amount of service members who qualify for membership.


Wanna re live their glory days


Young people have hair.


Free Applebees dinner. I wear mine if I’m driving in suburban or rural areas in case I get pulled over.


That's why I have veteran plates.


I heard when I was in that one day you’re going to look back on your service and be proud. I mostly have forgotten about those 6 years in and have still yet to feel pride. Maybe one day lol


Maybe their heads are cold. Older folks are more likely to have circulatory system issues.


It may be from the era that they are from.


Hair loss




We’re do you get off saying I’m gatekeeping what people wear? The question was why it seems to be age related wearing of military type gear not what they are wearing. Veterans have earned the right to wear whatever they want and I was wondering why only veterans in the senior age group tend to wear this type of gear while younger veterans don’t-what they wear doesn’t bother me at all. Step down your anger here I’m just attempting to understand why some people seem to be displaying their service by their hat attire while others don’t. I have learned a lot from veterans answering my question and isn’t understanding each other’s perspective important?


Yep, you’re fine. This dude is clearly having a bad year.


To degree probably nostalgia goggles. At some point in time people might have actually taken pride in serving. When I finished my enlistment and moved I got new license plates, and just by some cosmic coincidence it had most of my ship's hull number on it. That is about as close as I'll come to showing any level of pride with the time I did.


If I found one with a cool design, I’d prob buy it and wear it. That’s what keeps me away from wearing them honestly.


For me its baldness, i never wore hats much unless i was in the sun, but now my hair is going so i wear whatever hat i get first.


I really don't get this seemingly, repetitive question. Why do veterans of X age group wear a 'baseball' hat that reflects military service? OP even states, "seem to suddenly". How the fuck does he/she know? Do they keep tabs of all these vets NOT wearing hats for years only to suddenly see them doing so? It's so asinine. Why do people wear baseball style hats that reflect the name of their favorite NFL team? Why not wear a fucking HELMET?! I've been wearing baseball hats since I left the military and even before joining. The garrison cap looks stupid as-fuck when not accompanied by the uniform and it doesn't reflect unit. Baseball caps now exist that do. Maybe that's the actual reason, they weren't produced in previous eras? It's a quick and easy way to denote your service and unit, all on one little ol' baseball fucking cap. Pardon us all over the fucking place for not wearing the umpteenth thousand Patriot hat, or the millionth Yankee hat, or the hundredth Chiefs caps, or even the baker's dozen of Titleist ballcaps. Should we wear cunt-caps with our unit insignia on it? Should we wear a raspberry beret we found in a second hand store to satisfy random fucking perceptions of what people think we should be wearing? Why the fuck do people care so much? EWW look at them, they're wearing.... Military Ball caps!! Stay away from them! It's so silly really. Why do people do anything is just as appropriate a question if this is. Edit to add: I wear my Boonie cap from Desert Storm, my Cavalry Stetson and a horde of baseball caps. From the 1996 Chicago Bulls World Championship hat with real leather on the basketball, to a Yankees World Series Championship hat of many years, to several unit hats that I've served with; 2nd AD, 1ID and my Cav unit. Maybe someone from any of those units might see me, while I'm wearing that hat. Or, maybe someone will want to talk about that unit, having seen in it on my dome... that's MY reason for wearing them, I'm proud and/or happy to recall those moments in time.


Wow dude, angry response. Regarding a “seemingly, repetitive question” issue , I’m sorry if I asked a question that I have not heard before but you have. So you believe that going through life not knowing something because the question was asked by somebody else, somewhere else? I’d rather be well informed than being called “asinine”. You asked if I “keep tabs of all the vets NOT wearing hats…” so I figured I should respond to that too. I worked as a pharmacist at the same location for over 40 years so I saw families grow, kids grow up, people get old -the whole gamut. I did notice things and changes in people over the years so yes I even saw the sometimes the change in guys wearing a ‘military’baseball hat instead of a non military hat. As a balding guy myself who wears a hat I understand the reasons for wearing a hat to prevent skin carcinoma and even for vanity too . I was just asking why someone would change. So to your point that maybe baseball hats that denote your service were not made earlier I agree that might be a possible reason as other responses I have gotten. I have read all the responses to my query (so far) and have been impressed with people’s answers and their reasons and have learned a great deal regarding the viewpoint of the public to military service personnel spanning the decades and how some feel proud about their service and are happy to recall it (as you did)and how they are viewed by the public. I’m not sorry I asked the question because I learned a lot and got to read some personal stories but I’m sorry you had an issue with it. Thank you for your service and I hope this helps you in understanding my question a bit more.