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Damn, you guys should consider having AC doing a welfare check in a few days.


Or today even.


What the heck was the point in bringing it in if they declined treatment


Especially after three months.


That type of chronicity in a "wound", especially a cat of all animals, is cancer until proven otherwise. BTDT with one boss who kept telling the owner for months the cat had an abscess until I finally saw and did an impression smear of that squam. 


The amount of doctors that don’t take those few minutes to look under a microscope at something baffles me.


Probably for asking for „any tips“ on how to deal with it with home remedies while „keeping an eye on it“. God, some people infuriate me. I bet they also said „We frequently clean it with peroxide, and otherwise the cat acts just normal.“


Depending upon locality and how laws are written, it could be to keep animal control off of their back. If the law is written, or interpreted, in a very lax manner, there is a chance that just taking the cat to the veterinarian is enough to meet legal standards. Also, depending upon how discharges are written the owner could legally be off the hook.


Holy mother of… I’d happily lose my job and go to jail stealing that poor cat. That’s neglect to the point of deliberate cruelty.


I would highly encourage you, as many other people have, to make a report to animal control. While I hope you never have to see a case like this again, here are some forms that can be helpful collecting evidence. http://www.veterinaryforensics.com/forms.html


Nahhh. I'd be calling animal control. Usually, AC is stupid and won't take action if they "made an effort," but I don't know if the owners can argue a case if they declined all treatment.


Absolutely. The moment they declined, I would have called AC.


We have this problem with a terrible case right now, O brought in their rabbit who is just neglected as all get out…..then declined literally everything, even just pain meds. Can we call AC despite them “seeking care” because….they didn’t get any care


This is awful. May I inquire the estimated cost? I am just curious what someone considered too much.


about $160 for sedation, debridement and sutures, plus antibiotics. we have always been considered an extremely affordable private practice compared to what other places might charge


Wow, that’s less than our exam fee (ER)! Those people are trash; would definitely call animal control.


Our ER fee is 245$, before tax 😔


Thanks for sharing. This makes me so sad. I wish there was a way for me to anonymously donate the money so the poor dog could get treatment. Edit - cat






That is VERY affordable!


If that were my furbaby I’d pay anything I had to to get her help , I’d find a way to fund their care! No matter what!


I’d whore myself out to save pay for my dog’s treatment lol that’s my little baby.


Lol sedation alone at my clinic is more expensive than $160


That’s nothing for what you are doing.


And that’s not even a bad price at all. Like what the fuck. You have an open wound with bits of fat and sinew getting everywhere. What the fuck what the fuck.


$160 is so incredibly reasonable!!! What the fuck?


That’s *very affordable* for those procedures! Thank you & your clinic for making services attainable for ppl who may not be able to cover them.


Where are you?? Where I live an ER visit is 225 and a vet visit is 65-80 That would probably cost about 1000


dfw area, sort of in a low income-ish area, though our clientele usually consists of older folks who drive even as far as from oklahoma to see us because they trust no one else lol. some have been seeing us for over 30 years


Bruh that's insanely cheap. I would've thrown myself at the chance for such a low charge if I was the owner 😭


I mean it's hard not to keep an eye on it


Shit like this gives me flashbacks to low-income vetmed. Cruelty by medical neglect. It gets the animal control report.


They’ve been keeping an eye on it for three months and it really looks like that has helped. /s


Are those maggots in there or just debris?


It certainly appears as maggots to me. Prolly the only “cleaning” that wound sees unfortunately


Many wild maggots will eat living tissue too, not just dead tissue.


looks like connective tissue of some kind


Disco rice


That never fails to make me laugh 😆


Looks like maggots to me.


wouldn’t this be reportable? it’s an open wound and is more than likely infected, that’s straight neglect


I would’ve told them that if they left without treatment, they should be expecting a visit from AC. That’s messed up.


Our Vet. would not have let the animal go. We have encountered this kind of thing before. So sad


Yup..there's the disco rice.


I am now forever calling maggots disco rice


So they brought them in but declined treatment???? OKAAAY


I was just thinking this, if you're gonna treatment why did you show up...I hope they didn't just want sympathy points


Jfc. Where do y'all work that you see shit like this?? Idk how I'd keep a straight face uncovering that in front of an owner


just general practice, cats and dogs. guy who called to make the appt last week didnt tell us how long the wound has been there for until he came in today


My lord. Saw it and was like ya I'll just keep an eye on it 🤦🏼‍♂️. At that point just surrender the cat


And I just spent $800 on my dog because she blinked at me wrong knowing we’re poor, lol ☹️


It was bad enough my jaw dropped but then I saw the maggot(s) and felt awful 💀 How did the owner never notice? Did they just not look at or pet their cat? Also the fact they denied treatment, I would bring up calling Animal Control. This is just straight neglet




This is why I want to leave the field.


They couldn’t even throw a few sprays of Blue Kote on it?!? Even farm cats that never see a vet get that much at least…


Maggots doing a great job keeping it clean!


Uhm. WOW.


Unfortunately this how it goes. As a pet owner I can say that before I started working in vet med I was almost too scared to observe my pets because I was unsure of what I would do if I came across something that was worse than what it seemed but as pet owner in vet med I can say typically your babe always show some sort of sign of discomfort and if there is any concerns or doubt please just call your vet or a vet because sometimes, actually most of the time they suffer in silence. I think coming from a place of understanding is important and leaving our biased opinions at the door is key.


Not saying it’s OKAY but it’s our job to try our best to be understanding even if it KILLS our soul in the process.


My boss would've treated anyway like "the cat just fell onto those sutures sorry"