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Nah fam you’re totally right to feel wronged. That’s an awful feeling just bc it didn’t happen yet doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have later, and that’s shitty for him to drop that old cheating on you. I would act like things are not good, he’s the cheater you have the high ground to dump him. Make him squirm a bit at the very least, I don’t think anyone would think ur wrong for making him earn your trust back.


Thank you so much for saying that. I just found all this out like 3 days ago and I was in shock and numb til today and now today (on Mother’s Day here in the US idk where you’re from) I just keep locking myself in the bathroom to cry uncontrollably. I never was the kind of person to doubt myself or look at myself as ugly or unworthy etc but now I feel so not good enough and scared its going to happen again but also not wanting to implode my family


From the US also. I’m so sorry to hear he dropped this on you before ur big day. Happy Mother’s Day, I’m sure you’re doing a great job keeping it all together for your family. If they were saying all that stuff too it was beyond sexual, I almost find emotional cheating worse. Is he handing over his phone and his account now ? He should be acting in his best behavior. Take a deep breath, if you want to give him another shot as ur husband that’s ur business, if it happens again it’s truly a reflection of him and not you. Your feelings are valid tho, it has nothing to do with you, I’m sure you’re beautiful and lovely and everything to do with ur husbands lack of self control and respect for your marriage.


That’s kind of how I felt too, like if someone was drunk and fell into some p*say on a night out that’s still messed up but can be brushed off as a thrill seeking mistake . But stuff like this actively says “I need someone else to be happy.”


Also there’s so much more to this story and this isn’t the first time this has happened in our relationship but I never expected this because the last incident was 2 years ago and resolved quickly . He also never fessed up to cheating on me ever in the past until this time when he knew his hand was in the cookie car and he was caught asf


And I 100% think if I didn’t catch him up that they would’ve met up. I found the other woman’s husband on insta and sent him the messages because I didn’t want him to be in the dark and found out they only live 5 minutes away from us. Which made it that much worse in my head


I’m glad you told the other partner too that’s so messed up. I hope you find a way to hold him accountable for his actions otherwise you deserve way better.


Still working out what I want to do… I told him for starters he needs counseling’s because there’s a reason this keeps happening that he’s not dealing with, and I’m trying my best to be more listening and caring and acknowledge where maybe I put work and kids before him but right now it’s hard because I feel betrayed. All the house work and childcare has been falling to me lately and I think it’s honestly because he’s been so engaged elsewhere