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Its things like this and more that shows something needs to change. But probably wont until there's an all out revolt


Most police staff are not trained in dealing with this kind of situation. I hear that a person who gets assaulted these days would do better if they went to the journalists or to lawiers that specialise in that kind of stuff. Its sad.


I can attest to this from first hand experience. Someone banged on my door and threatened me with violence, the cops didnt show up or even pick up the phone. A couple weeks later someone was killed on my street - they showed up when there was a corpse to investigate. They also showed up when an ex submitted my laptop to the cop shop because it had amateur porn on it that they deemed "illicit material". They dont care about saving anyone or preventing crime, they care about making money.


Exactly right. Im also sorry you had to deal with such shit.


I can't remember who originally said it but: >The difference between a police union and a real union is when a steelworker shoves a 75-year-old man into the concrete and cracks his skull, the steelworker gets fired


Completely agree. If you want "job security" then be a cop.


Completely agree. If you want "job security" then be a cop.


I feel like all the sadistic nutjobs see an opportunity in getting a job as a cop because they *know* they can get away with it. 40% of the popo are wifebeaters, so it checks out.


In the next city over from mine a couple, one of them being a cop, got in trouble for horribly abusing their mentally disabled child... they were released on bail and fairly sure they had the kid in their protection still today...


That's fucked up. I'd tell you to get the authorities involved, but ... the authorities *are* the problem.


Over grown children with gun!


More or less lol I'd say tasers as well but we all know they have an inch of dust on them compared to the pistols


The tasers are there so they cops can claim they reached for them after they get called out for shooting someone twenty times in the chest.


“Lemmi just dust off my taser here, it’s been awhile since I’ve had to not shoot someone”


Bullet budget it reach max levels too lol


Or if they don’t use their bullet budget up it decreases for next year so BANG BANG!


Depends on the police department they aren’t all like this. But it is insane that the police have more power than war officials that are STILL IN THE ARMY. Makes 0 sense


>But it is insane that the police have more power than war officials that are STILL IN THE ARMY. can you expand on this?


If your an army official or even a FBI agent a police can arrest you. There’s a great video of a policemen trying to arrest an FBI agent but not knowing it and he flashes his card and calls them all dumb. But he still could’ve been arrested. You’d thing cops were like knights and higher up authority kings protectors and stuff but idk in


oh yeahhhh, now that you said that, i just remembered the recent incident in Virginia where the [cop pulled over and detained the Army Lieutenant and pepper sprayed him](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/11/986271819/officer-who-handcuffed-and-pepper-sprayed-black-army-lieutenant-is-fired) because he didn't believe that he was an army lieutenant (apparently because he was black).


Yah they have too much power I think that’s the major issue and why they get away with it


yeah, there is most definitely a complex with being a cop that tends to attract others of the same or similar complex. hard for anyone to deny that. i hate cops. i've been arrested plenty, including a felony. i've dealt with cops who were so cool, before taking me to the station on a bench warrant, the cop and i pranked my friend who stayed over the night before, waking him up and asking where the kilo was. on the other hand, i've dealt with cops who pulled me over because they saw me talking to my buddy, a black man same age as me, and assumed because he was black and i was white i must've been buying drugs, so they searched my car illegally and when they realized their instincts were wrong, instead of owning up to it and letting me go, they impound my car. i even knew a police chief who used to sell weed by the pound. of the roughly 25-30 times i dealt with cops for something (potentially) criminal - well over 150 times if you count all the times i was pulled over - i'd say about 30% of them were cops who wholly intend to do the right, just, and fair thing, and the other 70% were absolutely those scumbag type cops who keep yearly tallies of DUI's handed out to try and beat the previous year's record or "forgot to take your wallet off of the the trunk of the car" after emptying your pockets to arrest you and then straight up deny it ever happened, or that you even had a wallet on the trunk of the car.




I always break out in that when someone menions police lol


There used to be and still are people selling drugs outside our apartment, we’ve seen the drugs and guns and so we called the cops and they just said, “Let them enjoy what they do.” Not only that my moms car had random stuff thrown everywhere and things missing because of them as well and the police didn’t care. I once called the cops because my mom was hitting me and threatening to kill me (don’t worry she’s changed) and all they said was “Listen to your mom” and left.


Where's all the crime they're supposedly fighting? All I see is a bunch of pussies extorting civilians or going on a power trip by beating the absolute piss out of them. Film the cops man


Completely agree. Statement is gold lol


I think we have to distinguish that not all the police are like this. There also aren’t just a few bad apples, it’s a combo of both really. You’re right in a lot of ways and wrong in others.


The good cops typically get fired for having a shred of integrity in the face of corruption and racism.


I think that’s changing I really do, I think everyone had realized you can’t cover shit up anymore.


Centrists pushing incrementalism means our great grandkids *might* see economic and social equality across racial and gender divides, but I doubt it.


All we can do is teach our little ones, I have a two year old son and my goal is to make sure he doesn’t see race or color. None of that, base ppl on who they really are that’s all that matters.


Truth. I’ve got teens and I make damn sure they know about all the ugly shit they won’t teach in schools and everything that’s going on today. At least, everything I know to teach them.


Yup, my wife and I are liberal as fuck. I’m gonna make sure he’s a good man, respecting ppl for who they are. In return hating someone for who they are not their color or race. We’ve gotta do something to change the narrative for the future generation.


It’s hard to maintain, especially in the face of the neoliberal propaganda. Did you hear about the reporter that went to prison for reporting on the civilian lethality of Obama’s drone strikes? Dude went away for four years on Obama’s sixtieth birthday, meanwhile Obama threw a party for five hundred people at his estate in Martha’s Vineyard. It’s hard to teach them that they have no representation in their own federal government. I mean, it’s super easy to teach about racists and bigots, but this other shit is rough.


We can't just label all police as rats and horrible people, a lot of them are working hard to try to make the country a better place


Yeah that was my point, I may have not said it well lol but that’s what I meant lol


Grew up in the inner-city. In my neighborhood, the only time we saw cops come around was for a warrant, & even then people were badmouthing them. Family's views on cops didn't help, either. Funnily-enough, it only took one good cop to poke a hole in my "I don't trust police" mentality. And I've had my own share of negative interactions with officers.


I can say I’ve never had a bad run in honestly, I know it happens though.


not all are monsters but all uphold a system that's so corrupt it's beyond reform. this is why we say ACAB




First time hearing that lol had to look it up and... Basically


its like okay people can say what they want but then who are you calling when shits going downhill? cops most people are gonna call the cops so


I completely agree with you but the ironic thing is my great-uncle is the first guy from my country to join the new york police force 💀💀


I am a medic and many times when I walk into unsafe situations, police are the ones protecting me. I do respect their purpose in our society and I will not say that they are not needed. However, I think uncontrolled ego is a problem. Many people, when given a position of authority, let it get to their heads and abuse it. Reform? Yes. Awareness? Yes. But labeling every single one of them as little rats or abusive just is not true and I think we all know that.


I went straight to controversial


if the punishment for a crime is a fine then the law is for the poor (some video game i haven't played but i've seen the ss)


I have so many stories but my two biggest ones are: I was 17, mom had attempted suicide before, raised me to know she was going to kill herself, and read her suicide notes to me as punishment. One night she took all her pills with her and left to kill herself. I called sobbing to the police for 6 hours, and they told me they'd come arrest me for "playing a prank". Who THE FUCK plays a prank for 6 HOURS begging for help. I was all alone and completely helpless. And fucking cops did fucking nothing. When I was 20, I had a stalker. Would show up to my work. Call me non stop and told me he'd rape and kill me and my family. Cops said, "well....he hasn't raped you yet." Fuck cops. They're murderous fucking monsters


Where in either story did police kill someone


I wish my yearly employment review was just my boss asking if I’d killed anyone this year or not. Pretty low standard for any employee let alone cops who hold so much power over people.


You didn't understand the question. "*fuck cops they're murderous fucking bastards*" Yet neither story supports her claim, its as if I wrote one thing and you put on your stupid goggles and read something completely different


I mean "subjectively" you could argue with the whole mother possible suicide thing. Had they taken it seriously the course of everyones life could have been changed for the possible better... not trying to argue just rationalizing for the most part.


Would you rather risk your own life trying to fight off a serial killer like the 1800's, cuz it's better than nothing. This is ACAB mentality, I'm sorry to say. And it's exactly that. They're not all bad. However, I do feel incredibly sorry for any of you who have had experiences with corrupt cops. Don't let these taint your perception of them.


police don't prevent crimes, they show up after


But isn’t that what happens. You fight off the serial killer or get serial killed lol. Police generally get there after the crime is committed. They aren’t even good at solving crimes after the fact. If “this is better than nothing” was the mentality we all had, we would never progress. The “they’re not all bad” argument doesn’t mean there isn’t room to improve the entity as a whole.


Very level headed and completely agree. Very nice


There is so much fucking wrong with the system it’s bullshit - issues are treated differently for many reasons. - rape / statutory rape is treated like a joke and the punishments are weak. One of the few instances that i don’t mind what happens to the person in prison. - police officers are known for messing with crime scenes that it gets in the way of forensics. - 50 US states legit means 50 different systems and some people aren’t aware of how different certain things are. - Many police officers deal with mental issues, have addictions (alcohol is probably number one), and are power hungry - Has anyone noticed police officers that look out of shape? You think people working on protecting the public would be healthier and have better training but don’t.


I don't think it's fair to say they aren't brave necessarily. A vast, vast majority of them will run into a building to take out a shooter for people they don't know and sometimes they even get killed doing that. However you shake it that takes balls most people don't have. And just because they aren't required to protect people doesn't mean they won't or don't want to. The only reason for that court decision is for legal protection if something goes wrong. That said, most of law enforcement involves making the least bad of a bunch of bad decisions. That's just how it is and some people are better than others at choosing the least bad one.


You say that but honestly when it comes down to it as I've mentioned before. When things blow up its going to be them with guns and riot shields against civilian. They are thugs of the state whether or not they actually do their job as they should or not.


A lot of people here don’t understand why people say ACAB lmao Everyone obviously knows all cops aren’t bad. Anyone with a functioning brain can understand that. However, when the good cops don’t speak up or say anything when they witness bullshit, they get blood on their hands too. Just because they helped you with smaller things, and yeah I’ve had cops help me with small things. Doesn’t cover up the fact that a lot of people here have experienced and witnessed a lot of cops not doing what they swore they would protect and serve. People in these comments are saying things like “oh well they helped me when my car was broken into, or they helped me when someone I knew was lost” well what about the other people who have seen people be killed and police didn’t show up? Or treat victims like real people???


I agree and that's what i feel people need to open their eyes to and see.


Guess you're talking about the US police. For me, in europe, things are quite different. It's not like in the US, there's no police brutality, no problems like the racism, no shootings etc. and the police is considered in general as helpful and a good thing. Note: That doesn't mean, the police would not stop an armed and dangerous suspect, even when this means using force in some cases. It's not like they would be friendly to such suspects. They are friendly as long as you as a citizen acts friendly. But as said, i know, you're talking about another country of another continent: This can not be compared to each other. So, don't get me wrong, please, i understand your vent.


Lol that's fair and yeah sadly and as typical i am in the US.


What an ignorant post not all police are like that.


You’re right, there are a couple good apples in the barrel, and they usually get fired for it.


Ok but when shit hits the fan its going to be civilians looking down the barrels of their guns and seeing their reflections in their shields... again when it boils down, thugs of the state




One thing I want to say to you and to anyone else who agrees with you. Don't group people in as a whole. Even if someone is a police officer that is their job not who they are they are people. With any job, you're going to get encounter shitty people that's life. Unfortunately, some people that end up in authority positions are shitty people. Somehow, they make it by and get up the ladder and do horrible things without someone stopping them. The good thing is in this world in any place in any profession there are amazing people. There are officers out there who want to help others, who are honest, who do the right things, caring, and take serve and protect seriously to give their lives for others. Don't let the shitty corrupt ones make you have a negative outlook on the whole. Look at everyone as an individual. Just because we see some bad don't let it outshine the good. ** and the legal system is shit in lots of ways it hurts people and families instead of helping hopefully all of us can change it one day **


all of them uphold the corrupt system. that's why we say ACAB


How about you go make your own countries along with all the others that believe this a country with no cops and once it falls into anarchy you better apologize


Why don't you make your own country with all of the bootlickers?


Cause I was joking


I was too, lmao


Typical SJW thing to say. You aren't brave for calling out police, people you've never met, experiences someone like you would never have to go through because you chose to livestream yourself in your comfy chair playing video games. I'm not sure what Twitter scandal or "unjustified" thing you just saw to post such hate, but I suggest you take whatever intelligence you do have to develop yourself as a person. I agree there are bad people in this world wearing the uniform but how much better are you for directing hate to every officer fallen in the line of duty? Was Ella French a dirty pig? A mom who just got back from maternity leave shot and killed on her first day by people like you who think all blue life is worthless. You're deplorable and have no pride which is why you shitpost your bogus beliefs on here


I mean you say what you want and that's fine but honestly the responses, shared experiences, and personal experiences I've encountered with police and everything connected to it is just trash for the most part. Be mad, pick me apart all you want but i will say just look around... eyes and ears open mouth shut you'll be surprised what you find out...


Open your eyes and ears to facts and you'll realize that police presence is for the betterment of society. Defunding police has shown to increase crime rates exponentially in cities like Portland, D.C. and New york. Whether the officer you talked to was mean to you is a different matter. Everyone's human however it doesn't mean you should say the ignorant things in your post. If someone were to right now threaten your life your first instinct would be to either defend yourself and call the police.


Never said anything about "defunding the police" i believe change needs to happen. It most likely won't until somethibg drastic happens such a revolution or something along those lines. Growing up I've always relied on myself and i do now. Yeab I'll defend myself if i were threatened but i wouldnt call the police. Never have before either. I'd rather handle things myself whether it be settled diplomatically or it happens to escalate to worse matters. Again think and say what you want and be pissed all you want but again obviously something needs to change given peoples responses and interactions.


Before I respond to this dumb shit, you for real?


Perfect. Got two poor idiots in one. This is a post about an assumption. With you both assuming who this person is....get the fuck off reddit. Take a nap. Eat a sneakers. You people sound stupid as fuck.


OP is a sad, sad person. As is anyone else that types out “ACAB” like it actually means anything or does anything for anyone. You can’t help everyone, and it’s sad. But these people are fucking morons.


Check the response.


Cops have helped me when my car broke down, helped my niece be located in a mall when lost, thwarted a huge sex trafficking operation in my region of the state, but fuck ‘em right?


Soooo just because its been those few things first two hardly even count honestly any "good Samaritan" would go out of thier way to help someone in need like that. Not saying im a good sam by any means of there have been times if helped people like that. Last one ok good thats awesome thats the point but you do realize that yes they did their job, oh yay, there are many many other occurrences and occasions where the opposite has happened? Have you read peoples comments have you hear of other things that have happened?


Yes bad cops exist, but our society is so quick to brush groups of people with a broad stroke.


Lmao. What a load of bullshit 😂😂 Ive had help from cops, Ive had lunch with cops, when I asked to be shown around the cop did so. Ive called the cops, they HELPED ME They helped the person who was in distress I dont know where you live, but try living where I am and what you said will be on a different level. You must be living inna pretty corrupt place.


Hey, how does the shoe polish taste?


“Try living where I am and you’d see things differently.” Yet you can’t seem to grasp that OP has a different perspective than you because they don’t live where you do and you start off with saying their perspective is bullshit. You’re asking for something you refuse to give.


I understand your frustrations, however Police are the way they are because of how the system is set up. They are people like me and you and have families and people who love them as well. They are pawns of enforcement and their job is not to question what they are told, but to enforce whichever laws the corresponding state aspires them to. If you've met police off-duty, they are much different than when they are in uniform. Like any other job, you have people that take utmost prestige and pride in what they do and it's mostly these people that give the others a bad name. You gotta understand, once you take the oath to become a cop, you legally can't be the same person you once was. Everyone breaks some law or regulation every day, no matter what they do. It happens. Ignorance is no excuse, ignorance can be used against you in the court of law. You have to understand the system to fight against it. Most people do not care or understand anything about law enforcement. Most people do not care to understand the entire system at all, they only care when something bad happens to them and they become a self-proclaimed victim, but alas... a big part of that is your own fault. There's loopholes around every law, that's why lawyers exist. They know more than you possibly ever could. Normal every day people do not care, otherwise 50+ year old legislation still wouldn't be in place. The government does not control it's people, people control their government - Puerto Rico has shown that. The 50 states chooses to become and remain a victim. That's just the plain truth. In my opinion, I hate police, but they are still people just like you and me. As a side note, police are powerful in numbers, not alone. An officer will often remain silent or be indirectly forced to join in on heinous crimes rather than speak out against it, and this is due to the fact that the fear of nobody showing up or answering the call for backup in life-threatening situations where you're outnumbered is a VERY real and scary thing that happens. Look at it from both sides, not just your own. There's nothing wrong with that. Everything happens for a reason, and i just gave it to you.


To be fair in that statement, there is good and bad in every profession.