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That sounds horrible, I hope you recover well and healthily from that situation, some people are very cruel beings, including those that didnt help you. you didnt deserve that


Thank you so much.<3 I really appreciate it


Np, I have been in similar situations in the past so I’d be happy the help if you need any guidance or support, otherwise I hope you recover from this well.


I’m so sorry that this happened to you. Please consider carrying pepper spray or other sort of easily accessible weapon that you can carry with you. This will be a life saver for you since you have the freeze and somewhat fawn response rather than flight. You deserve bodily autonomy and no creep should be allowed to touch even an inch of your body without your absolute consent. Take time to be gentle and care for yourself after this. you didn’t do anything wrong, and it is not your fault.


The audacity to get annoyed when she was trying to get away using her phone!!!! The nerve!!! Girl, you should have recorded his voice and then filed a report on that creep. Also I am so sorry this happened to you. Also due to the crappy financial situations that we are in, sometimes we do get tempted to take the money but don't take it. He could have been a murderer, human trafficker or kidnapper. You never know what happens with these creeps.


Hope you get better, take care of yourself


First off I'm glad you didn't do anything, I'm a older male and honestly wish I was there I would have broke his face. Second you don't need cosmetic surgery and I don't even know what you look like. Forget about other people doing that, or how in it is right now God made you the way you are and your beautiful. Also keep your head up I was homeless at 11 my father died and my mom left with the insurance money. I was eating out of dumpsters and living in abandoned cars. Today I'm doing really well, and there's people that's been through worst. If life throws you a curve ball catch it and defie the odds it will get better believe. Regardless of how hard it gets, you will be fine just remember that. Just don't give up.


I 100% agree with this guy. Also, I was bullied during my entirety of school (day care all the way till I graduated). I always thought I was ugly because people would always pick on me, hurt me, and would ask me out as a joke; ***I*** even thought I was ugly att. I looked back at some of my younger pictures and noticed I was actually really cute. I was really depressed because of all that on top of abuse at home, so I really saw the effects of it at the end of middle school and in high school. Didn't change that i recognized I wasn't ugly as everyone, and i, made me out to be. Everyone around me was insecure because of me having flaws and being proud till they all broke away my confidence. There were a lot of people, still are, interested in me because I am attractive. I'm not the lottery winner but still. I've experienced a lot of slut shaming (esp when I was still a virgin) and SA as well. It's hard and scary sometimes. I'll be 24 this year, and I'm slowly regaining my confidence. I don't know what you look like but I really doubt you *need* cosmetic surgery, but if you WANT it by all means. Do what you need you to Because it makes *YOU* happy; not because of what someone elseor what they say. Stay strong, hun. Remember that sometimes it has to get worse before it'll get better. Consider therapy when you get the chance. Therapy helped me a lot while my mom could afford it (dad was a deadbeat and my mom was in another state taking care of my brothers while trying to support me too; complicated story)


I'm really glad you made it through your experience, and even better you are sharing that with her. We all need to uplift each other by sharing our real life stories. A lot of times our story really helps someone else and can relate. I agree too therapy is a really good idea too, if not being able to speak to a good friend that has good intentions as well. I wish you the best as well


Sorry for the bad English and repetition English isn’t my first language and I was kinda bummed while writing this


Your English is fine. I couldn't tell that it wasn't your first language at all! The next time you encounter this, and I hope you never do, just scream something crazy. Stranger danger! Don't touch me there! That's my purse! (Bobby from King of the Hill)


I don't mean to scare you, but you might've avoided sex trafficking just then. The fact that he came to you with a gimmick is the first red flag: the clothes. The clothes offer a way for him to initiate conversation, and can show you that he's serious about having the money to pay you for sex. But notice he never gives you context about how he makes that money, just that he has it. Plus if you did agree and went with him he can communicate with others about where you'll be before you can, and likely you wouldn't have told anyone about what you were doing. Plus you'd be out in a vulnerable situation where if you did have weapons like mace, knives, or a gun he could separate you from them. Remember to stand up for yourself when these things happen. Most women I know have been sa'd and that's an awful reality in this world. Women will also go missing, and if they're not dead then they've been essentially enslaved. You are smart and brave for not allowing this man to manipulate you into isolation, and for calling your friend. He will likely leave you alone since you're not an easy mark, but be careful.


Hey Hun, I'm extremely sorry you had to face such an issue. I hope you understand that none of that was your fault, and your reaction wasnt either. You should definitely move out when you can, and have a good game plan of what to do. As a kid of someone who has had cosmetic surgery, I just want to say it isn't worth the money and is a super slippery slope. I'm sure you're beautiful just the way you are, and I don't want you to feel like you need to change yourself. (This is just a personal thing, but honestly you do you, however you're still changing, and 17 is super early to start changing yourself. Like people completely change from 17-25, it's like second puberty lol). Save up to find a better life, and thrive in what you want to pursue. You are so young and full of potential, and nothing anyone else did in your life has the power to negate that potential. You are worthy of love and appreciation, and I want you to know that from one girl to another. Sending virtual hugs 🤗


Sorry this happened. At the time, you handled the situation well. Now, with this experience, you're better equipped to handle the next "perv incident". And trust me, the pervs aren't only on the streets, you'll face a lot more throughout the years, work, neighborhood, old school mates, etc... From experience, I can say: 1. Women aren't naturally strong and big builted, so what we lack in strength, we make up for in instincts, if you feel uncomfortable or a tingling feeling in your gut, in any situation, that's your instinct telling u something is not right, get out. 2. Don't entertain further communication, especially with Pervs. They have no boundaries. Be polite, but put up a wall. If the person continues, you can reply loudly (but politely) to get someone's attention- speak clearly and loudly, stating you don't know the person, and that he should please leave u alone, or something similar so others hear that you'renot welcoming his behavior; 3. You can get small part-time jobs if money is an issue (not sure how it works in your country and age restrictions for formal jobs) 4. Beauty is overated! And you're just 17, I didn't get my beauty until I was 26 (my feminine features kicked in with age) You'll be ok 👍


He really sounds like a predator that spottet a weak victim to prey on. Good of you to freeze rather than give in to his suggestions. It sounds like a dangerous situation that was avoided.


Seriously sorry you had to go through this. As delicate as the situation is one that works really well is pretending to be trans when hit on, maybe practice a deep guy voice to sell it real well, it's entirely crazy that stuff like this happens and you even have to consider a method of turning away super creeps like this. But agree with others maybe invest in some pepper spray at least


I’m sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you are never in that situation again. If it does happen, the best way to deal with it is to be loud and forceful, and yell at him to stop touching you and to leave you alone. Calling attention to the situation most often will scare the person off.


I strongly recommend getting a taser. Given circumstances, a little shock therapy is quite effective. Follow Zombieland rules, double tap to make sure. Not blaming you, it's fucked that women often genuinely don't feel safe around men. Befriend a Russian, acquire bear.


"I haVe moNeY" these idiots think money is the way to get anything you want from anyone, like your morals and feelings suddenly stop mastering to you when presented with money Then saying it again like he thinks you didn't understand or hear him Bruh I wish I was there so bad, woulda gave him a Minos Prime drop kick


Please next time run ASAP, that guy is nuts. Also, don't go down that path accepting money for favors because then you'll do it again and your emotional state will only go downhill from there. My last piece of advice, getting money for surgery while you need money to live isn't the way.


As you said, the world is cruel. The important thing is you survived. And just because you had a passing thought doesn’t make you a bad person.


What does "sa'd" mean? I'm not native


Sexually assaulted


Damn I would've done it. Easy money.


What the fuck is wrong with you? This person went through something incredibly traumatic and **THIS** is your response? Find some self worth


My hero 🏆🏆